Labels:audio cd | door | earth | sky | table | tree OCR: online Powered WorldNet AT&T Scrvice Please Read! Microsoft Internet View the Electronic Guide Explorer 4.01/ (Eguide) before installina Setup Version 2.5 this software by double- Please read through terms clicking the icon in and conditions online while the Eguide folder or you register: directory on this CD. CIEHYB 000 Installation for Windows" 95 and tater and Windows" 3.X Close all applications including Microsoft Officenr and insert CD- ROM into your drive programi doesn't auto -start, choose Start/Run (Windows 95 and iater) from Program Manager choose File/Run (Windows 3.x) and type dasetup for eAsetup depending on your CD ROM diive) and choose OK Pollow instructions on sereen to install Restart Windows OS vour computer configured properk to run the software Installation for Mactu os ...