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/ Galaxy of Home Office Help - Fonts / font.bin / b / budhand2.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1996-09-14  |  30KB
Labels: bulletin board | earth | grass | person | sky
OCR: abcdefah k/mnopgrsturwxye ABCDEFGHIJKL MWOPQRSTUVWXYZ 01Z3456789 !0**% +*0 The quick braun TO jumps over the lozy dop The quick brawn fox jumps over the bop The quick brown fox sdwm? over the lazy lop The yJmb brown x05 jumps over the l0zy The quick brown Fox sdwm! over the l0zy dog quick brown FoX jumps 0Ver the l0zy quick brown FoX jumps oVer Fh abcdefshi mnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 102y sdum