This is the Smiley Font License. It was created using Macromedia's Fontographer. It is Freeware, you may use, copy, and distribute the Smiley Font. All files must be intact (Smilf___.pfb, Smilf___pfm, Smilf___.ttf, samplern.ttf, and Smiley.txt).
Installing the fonts: Win95 - copy the font to the fonts folder in Windows.
Win 3.1 - Use the font installation program from the control panel.
If there are any question or problems with the fonts, please notify me immediately. I will do what I can to fix the problem.
If you wish to register the Smiley Font, for $12.50 US Dollars (plus $2.50, for shipping and handling), you will recieve 4 additional fonts. Twisted, Marble Ari, Pin Striped, and Outline Font with Flowers.