Game Audio Programming
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Copyright (C) James Boer, 2002.
All rights reserved worldwide.
This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
below is included in the resulting source code, for example:
"Portions Copyright (C) James Boer, 2002"
#ifndef __AUDIOMGR_H
#define __AUDIOMGR_H
#include "Audio.h"
#include "BufferCache.h"
struct IDirectMusicLoader8;
struct IDirectMusicPerformance8;
struct IDirectSound8;
struct IDirectSoundBuffer;
struct IDirectMusicAudioPath;
namespace Audio
class Sound;
class Sound3D;
class Segment;
class AudioScript;
class Listener;
Thanks to:
StΘphane PETIT (S.Petit@cryo-interactive.com)
Technical Direction - Programming Department Manager
Cryo Interactive Entertainment - 24, rue Marc Seguin - 75018 Paris - France
static int LinearToLogVol(double fLevel)
// Clamp the value
if(fLevel <= 0.0f)
else if(fLevel >= 1.0f)
return 0;
return (long) (-2000.0 * log10(1.0f / fLevel));
static float LogToLinearVol(int iLevel)
// Clamp the value
if(iLevel <= -9600)
return 0.0f;
else if(iLevel >= 0)
return 1.0f;
return pow(10, double(iLevel + 2000) / 2000.0f) / 10.0f;
// Unknown contributor (thanks):
// use a linear scale from 0.0 (silence) to 1.0 (full volume)
static int VolumeToDecibels(float vol)
if (vol>=1.0F)
return 0;
if (vol<=0.0F)
static const float adj=3321.928094887F; // 1000/log10(2)
return int(float(log10(vol)) * adj);
typedef std::vector<Sound*> SoundVector;
typedef std::vector<Sound3D*> Sound3DVector;
typedef std::vector<Segment*> SegmentVector;
typedef std::queue<Sound*> SoundQueue;
typedef std::queue<Sound3D*> Sound3DQueue;
typedef std::queue<Segment*> SegmentQueue;
typedef std::list<Sound*> SoundList;
typedef std::list<Sound3D*> Sound3DList;
typedef std::list<Segment*> SegmentList;
class AudioManager : public IAudioManager
// Interface functions
bool Init(const AudioMgrInit& init);
void Term();
bool IsInitialized() const;
bool GetStats(AudioMgrStats& stats) const;
// Object create and destroy functions
bool CreateSound(ISound*& pSound);
bool CreateSound3D(ISound3D*& pSound3D);
bool CreateSegment(ISegment*& pSegment);
bool CreateDLS(IDLS*& pDLS);
bool CreateAudioScript(IAudioScript*& pScript);
// This interface is unique in that it will return a single object created internally
bool GetListener(IListener*& pListener);
bool SetSoundVolume(float fVolume);
bool GetSoundVolume(float& fVolume) const;
bool SetMusicVolume(float fVolume);
bool GetMusicVolume(float& fVolume) const;
bool StopAll();
bool PauseAll();
bool ResumeAll();
bool GetCurrentSegment(ISegment*& pSegment) const;
bool GetNextSegment(ISegment*& pSegment) const;
bool CreateAudioStream(IAudioStream*& pStream);
// Concrete functions
virtual ~AudioManager();
void Clear();
// DX object accessors
IDirectMusicLoader8* Loader() { return m_pLoader; }
IDirectSound8* DirectSound() { return m_pDirectSound; }
IDirectSoundBuffer* PrimaryBuffer() { return m_pPrimaryBuffer; }
IDirectMusicPerformance8* Performance(bool bMusic)
{ return (bMusic) ? m_pMusicPerformance : m_pSoundPerformance; }
DSCAPS& GetCaps() { return m_DSCaps; }
// Hardware management functions
bool ForceSoftware(bool b3D) const { return (b3D) ? m_Stats.m_bForce3DSoftware : m_Stats.m_bForce2DSoftware; }
uint32 GetNumBuffers(bool b3D) const { return (b3D) ? m_Stats.m_n3DSoundsLoaded : m_Stats.m_n2DSoundsLoaded; }
const AudioMgrInit* GetInit() const { return &m_Init; }
bool CanAddSound() const;
bool CanAddSound3D() const;
bool CanAddSegment() const;
bool RemoveSound(Sound* pSound);
bool RemoveSound3D(Sound3D* pSound3D);
bool RemoveSegment(Segment* pSegment);
void ResetSoundLimit();
void ResetSound3DLimit();
// Stream insertion and removal
void InsertStream(Sound* pStream);
void RemoveStream(Sound* pStream);
// Segment access functions
ISegment* GetCurrentSegment() const { return m_pCurrentSegment; }
void SetCurrentSegment(ISegment* pSeg) { m_pCurrentSegment = pSeg; }
ISegment* GetNextSegment() const { return m_pNextSegment; }
void SetNextSegment(ISegment* pSeg) { m_pNextSegment = pSeg; }
// Loaded list functions
void OnLoadSound(Sound* pSound);
void OnUnloadSound(Sound* pSound);
void OnLoadSound3D(Sound3D* pSound3D);
void OnUnloadSound3D(Sound3D* pSound3D);
void OnLoadSegment(Segment* pSegment);
void OnUnloadSegment(Segment* pSegment);
// Insert the audio element into the pending load lists
void ScheduleLoad(Sound* pSound);
void ScheduleLoad(Sound3D* pSound3D);
void ScheduleLoad(Segment* pSegment);
// Are we loading asynchronously?
bool LoadAsync() { return m_Init.m_bLoadAsyncronously; }
void AdjustVolume(Sound* pSound);
void AdjustVolume(Segment* pSound);
uint32 GetOptimalSampleBits() { return m_Init.m_nOptimalSampleBits; }
uint32 GetOptimalSampleRate() { return m_Init.m_nOptimalSampleRate; }
char* GetAudioSystemPath() { return m_pszAudioSystemPath; }
char* GetCurrentWorkingPath() { return m_pszCurrentWorkingPath; }
CRITICAL_SECTION& GetUpdateCS() { return m_csAudioUpdate; }
BufferCache* GetBufferCache() { return &m_BufferCache; }
// Separate thread for timed events
static void TimeEvent(LPVOID lpv);
// Service all currently playing streaming buffers
void ServiceStreamingBuffers();
// Separate thread used to update the music system
static void MusicEventThread(LPVOID lpv);
void UpdateMusic();
// Thread used for loading audio elements asyncronously
static void LoadingThread(LPVOID lpv);
void ServiceLoading();
// DirectMusic interfaces
IDirectMusicLoader8* m_pLoader;
IDirectMusicPerformance8* m_pSoundPerformance;
IDirectMusicPerformance8* m_pMusicPerformance;
// DirectSound interfaces and structures
IDirectSound8* m_pDirectSound;
IDirectSoundBuffer* m_pPrimaryBuffer;
// Verification that the system has been initialized;
bool m_bInitialized;
// Stored path information for the audio system
char m_pszAudioSystemPath[MAX_PATH];
char m_pszCurrentWorkingPath[MAX_PATH];
// Initialization structure
AudioMgrInit m_Init;
// Buffer and segment usage members
AudioMgrStats m_Stats;
// Ordered sets of all currently loaded objects by type
SoundVector m_LoadedSound;
Sound3DVector m_LoadedSound3D;
SegmentVector m_LoadedSegment;
// Caching system for equal sized buffers
BufferCache m_BufferCache;
// Asynchronous load pending lists for sounds and segments
SoundQueue m_SoundLoadPending;
SoundQueue m_SoundLoadTemp;
Sound3DQueue m_Sound3DLoadPending;
Sound3DQueue m_Sound3DLoadTemp;
SegmentQueue m_SegmentLoadPending;
SegmentQueue m_SegmentLoadTemp;
HANDLE m_hLoadNotify;
// Sound and music volume level variable and structures
float m_fSoundVolume;
float m_fMusicVolume;
// Streaming members
SoundList m_SoundStreamProcess;
SoundList m_SoundStreamRemoval;
// The listener object - used for 3d audio positioning
Listener* m_pListener;
// Current and next music segments
ISegment* m_pCurrentSegment;
ISegment* m_pNextSegment;
// Music update thread handle
HANDLE m_hMusicNotify;
// Used to properly synchronize and shut down the manager's multiple threads
HANDLE m_hTerm[2];
// Critical sections ensuring threads are properly syncronized with
// other thread's functions
CRITICAL_SECTION m_csLoadScheduling;
// Audio file factory information
IAudioStreamFactory* m_pStreamFactory;
static AudioManager* DXAudioMgr()
{ return static_cast<AudioManager*>(AudioMgr()); }
}; // namespace Audio
#endif // __AUDIOMGR_H