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/ Eyewitness Virtual Reality: Earth Quest / DKEARTH.iso / mac / EER / sl1m / SL1M5L.dib (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1997-01-28  |  548KB  |  305x1862  |  8-bit (157 colors)
Labels: earth | hakham | land | reckoner | river | road | rock | sea | shelf | sidewalk | sky | surfboard | water
OCR: Jurtlng Torunat sand shiltla sanc dupcs arccommcn fcatures ofth Aeocrr deapeihal ce iftht Krth' landarma Theserts con istm inbol ock ane scant vegetation With little t proreet the crposer deser roct uncrabl cai sinr .uter WINI ION Flant roors clpto hold dorn oll osh ph aTxis desar Ual whed can froc The wind grit into staudine rock: sandbla.ing thon cau slng pdcccs of rock te chip away als propeliuck fuen 1alli FELLE pushiar theu. rocklormation l0r ical 0 mor reslsearr cuntant boabare diurot giil divs mivny alep av thir sillar This explains wh uany Toor feruado nthe deert arc unusnal shapcs.If wugh plarTh shax nd inilel TM Ilowever the windis ofte less retponsibl than wacr for csrt lanapes WATER ACTION Atthough itmiy not ain ins desert for long perioda, tose tsh docsfall the aparcy exual la ...