Labels:chat room | crt screen | earth | hakham | monitor | paper | reckoner | road | screen | sidewalk | sky | stairs OCR: Insidt the Suitcuse The Suircase i: accessible in various quises thro ughe ut the praduct It appears ir.the COTTH th bedreon, buuo the navigaticn bar and SD ; mall icen in the ir.divicua and tivities The uitust con uins u: Frir Cop funcrinns, Oprions, and five how me demenstratien; acce;;ed via the rec text labels on the train -rringes. To stop "Shen pxinway throogh, thr Suitca;e Iabel cr en the area ourside the Suitc ase Print Items for prir:ting need tc be in iew ou the scrn when the Frint buttan accessec threoggh h asr npplicobl. printed 1 with cr without. the p.mDroq and text and imge: can prir ual srporutely If you eec to adjust yc ur printer setup aicrq prir tlirg use the Printer Stup command SSon Moruon the Windows versior the disc a the File Mer.u or the Ma intost. version Copy wor ...