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/ My First Amazing World Explorer 2.0 / DKMMWX2.iso / pc / options / scnpge1d.dib (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1998-05-13  |  139KB  |  286x1253  |  8-bit (36 colors)
Labels: crt screen | earth | hakham | monitor | plant | reckoner | road | sky | stairs
OCR: Getting Around and Finding Out My First Amazing Expiorer 2.01 pecked with informat ion about people, ploces and wil dlife from all over th D[JOM AS children explore they will discover more and more maps features come ta life, and hurdreds of information screens covering everything from the Eiffel Tower to the penguins of An:arctica. Because of ths the disc has been designed to be easily navigable, so that children can find their way around without difficulty search for information quickly, or simply "travel' around the wor'd at theit leisure Moving around the PlITM Map Your childcun 'seroll uround the World Mup by simply clic king on any sde of the screen Depending on the chosen direct ion, the north, south "cast, or west' wil. narratc as the map scrolls. These narrotions can switched off ...