Atlas of the Solar System
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89 lines
AA Craters
AB Underwater features
AF Atmospheric features
AL Albedo Features
AN Administrative areas
AP Airports
AR Archipelagoes
AT Atolls and Reefs
AV Active volcanoes
BA Basins
CA Chain of craters
CB Hollows
CH Broken terrain
CM Chasms
CN Countries
CO Hills
CP Capes & headlands
CR Corona
CS Coastal sea feature
CT Countries
CY Canyons
DE Deserts
DN Dependencies
DO Ridges
DP Deeps and troughs
DS Deserts
EQ Earthquakes
ER Active volcanoes
ES Escarpments
FA Bright spots
FE Curved ridges
FL Flow terrain
FO Narrow depressions
FR Pancake-like structures
GF Gulfs
HR Highlands
IC Impact craters
IG Island groups
IL Towns & cities
IS Islands
LA Landslides
LB Intersecting valleys
LC Small plains
LE Small dark spots on Europa
LF Lunar features at or near Apollo landing sites
LG Ringed features
LI Elongated markings
LK Lakes
LS Landing sites
MA Dark spots
ME 'Seas'
MN Cliffs
MO Mountains
MR Mountain ranges
OA Oases
OC Oceans
PA Small plains
PE Irregular craters
PF Geographical features
PL Plains
PM High plains
PN Plains
PO Poles
PR Promontories
PT Plateaux
PU Plumes
PX Peninsulars
RE Regions
RI Fissures
RT Net-like pattern on Venus
RU Scarps
RV Rivers
SC Irregular scarps
SE Seas
SET Regions
SI Small plains
SM Seamounts
ST Straits
SU Furrows
TA Land masses
TC Tectonic plates
TE Tiled terrain
TH Small mountains
UF Undersea features
UN Dunes
VA Valleys
VO Volcanoes
VS Large plains
XX No labelled features