Offensive:Racy: Very Likely | Adult: Possible Labels:baby | book | bulletin board | cell | person OCR: BIRTH IRTH the its process in which uterus tc baby BABY AT NINE MONTHS moves from mother the the three baby outside stages W to ready the to baby After be s born. nine birth: There the months and are baby length At nine amniotic is W ays ready fluid months. to the be 0ra1 intact uterus. born full and The around term sacof the lying the opening of the cervix; the birth baby who is breathing in the liquid. the delivery of the afterbirth Umbilical cord Uterus Suppl lies the baby with nutrients from the placenta Amniotic fluid Placenta Mother's spine Vagina Canal through which the baby born Cervix Neck of the uterus 9MNTHS STAGE1 STOGE2 STAGE 3 Imoves 1010 Supplies MNTHS