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/* THIS IS A SHAREWARE PROGRAM (read below) */
/* ----- PRELUDE ----- 870618 */
/* 'IconAssembler' was written sometime in early spring '87 and 'finished' */
/* (made ready for shipping to Fred Fish) in June. IconAssembler is */
/* probably the worst name you've ever heard in your life, but with the */
/* sometimes restricted 'word-supply' ( <<- see what I mean?) of a young */
/* Swede it's a pretty good description of what the program does. */
/* It actually 'assembles' IFF-brush image(s) to an existing Workbench Icon*/
/* (come to think of it -it maybe ought to be called 'IconImageAssembler'?)*/
/* Yes, big ones too. I myself find it as an extremly helpful tool - OK not*/
/* extremly, but it's fun. AND it's much easier to define an IconImage in */
/* a paintprog than in IconEd. */
/* The program lets you load an Icon (an .info-file) and retrieve new */
/* image(s) and then save the Icon again. */
/* That is, a Disk-Icon can only be saved as a Disk-Icon later, & NOT as a */
/* Drawer-Icon nor anything else. The workbench only uses 2 bitplanes so */
/* any extra bitplanes will be stripped off. Furthermore does AmigaDOS not */
/* save the images in an encoded format thus making big images take up a */
/* lot of diskspace. */
/* The prog doesn't let you take one iconimage and put it in another (Icon)*/
/* or let you merge iconimages from different icons. (IconEd can do that.) */
/* */
/* I've heard that there are some similar programs out there, but I haven't*/
/* seen any of 'em myself - maybe they're better maybe not. Or maybe they */
/* are EXPENSIVE! Yap, this is SHAREWARE - read copyright notice below and */
/* send me $5 - 10 or equevalent in your land's currency (as long as it */
/* isn't something unexchangeable (nice word) like 1-kilo copperplates from*/
/* central Africa). It's cheap and would keep a poor guy like me going for */
/* a while longer. */
/* Well, anyway this is Stefan signing off. */
/* BYE, BYE! */
/* By the way... the word above should be 'vocabulary'. (I looked it up) */
/* +++++ COPYRIGHT NOTICE +++++ */
/* Copyright 1987 By Stefan Lindahl (HASTEF Software). All rights reserved.*/
/* */
/* This program is NOT in the public domain. */
/* */
/* This program may NOT be distributed by any commercial software or */
/* hardware vendor nor under any guise. */
/* This program may ONLY be distributed by networks, bbs's, */
/* (NON-PROFIT) user groups and of course by Fred Fish. */
/* */
/* The Author cannot be liable for the use or misuse of this program. */
/* */
/* This Copyright notice must be distributed with the program. */
/* */
/* If you find this program useful please */
/* send $5 - $10 (or equivalent in other currency) to: */
/* */
/* Stefan Lindahl (HASTEF Software) */
/* Drevkarlsgr. 8 */
/* S-222 52 LUND */
/* SWEDEN */
/* */
/* To this address you also send Notes & LetterBombs. No Bug Reports - I */
/* couldn't possibly handle so many letters..... */
/* */
* BUGS: It has happened that the first byte on the brush/icon image *
* vanishes. (Should it happen- just leave a blank row at the top)*
* Perhaps a cleanup problem (Lack of planning, as always) *
* Others, just crawling all over the place *
/* I included a simple little program which extracts the colordata from an */
/* IFF-file. You can then use the colors in the Workbench, for example. */
/* Start from CLI only I'm afraid. */