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- MicroSPELL 1.0 Release Notes July 22, 1987
- **********************************************************************
- (C)opyright 1987 by Daniel M. Lawrence
- MicroSPELL 1.0 can be copied and distributed freely for any
- non-commercial purposes. MicroSPELL 1.0 can only be incorporated
- into commercial software with the permission of the current author.
- **********************************************************************
- MicroSPELL is a stand alone spell checker which scans text files
- and reports on misspelled words. It has a 1000 word common word list
- and a 43,000 word main dictionary. Multiple user dictionaries can also
- be used during a spell check.
- MicroSPELL will run on any MSDOS machine, on AMIGA 1000s, Atari
- STs, several different flavors of UNIX and on the IBM 370 series
- mainframe under CMS.
- This can also be used in conjunction with a MicroEMACS 3.9 macro
- (scan.cmd) which steps through the source file, stopping at each suspect
- word and allowing the user to dispose of it in different ways. (An
- XEDIT script on the IBM 370 will be availible in September 87 to do this
- as well).
- There are two stand alone utilities that are used to maintaine
- the dictionary. DMERGE will merge a text file of words and the main
- compressed dictionary into a new text dictionary. CDICT will take a
- text dectionary and create a new compressed dictionary.
- There is not much right now. There will be more later. Check
- the spell.txt file for a quick summary of how to use SPELL.
- The various files need to be somewhere in the executable path on
- machines that have paths. On machines which don't, the files need to be
- placed in a directory listed in the DPATH.H file. Once all the files
- are there, they should work without other problems.
- On the ATARI ST, make sure to install spell.prg as a TOS TAKES
- PARAMETERS application via the install application menu entery from the
- GEM desktop. On the AMIGA, spell is best invoked from the CLI command
- line.
- MicroSPELL 1.0 is availible in a couple of different ways.
- First, it is availible via my bulletin board system.....
- The Programmer's Room
- FIDO 201/2
- (317) 742-5533
- 24 hours 300/1200 baud
- Also it should be online on the following BBS's:
- The Starship Trooper Fido 201/1 (317) 423-2281 2400
- Duncan Communications (317) 567-2143 2400
- There it is arranged as a number of .ARC files, SPELLDOC.ARC
- which contains the documentation and dictionary files, SPELLSRC.ARC
- which has all the sources and SMSDOS.ARC, SATARI.ARC and SAMIGA.ARC
- which contains the executables for various machines. Also all the
- various executables are available individually.
- SPELLDOC.ARC includes the files:
- README This file
- DICT.DCT Compressed Main dictionary (apx 43,000 words)
- COMMON.TXT Common word list (apx 1000 words)
- SCAN.CMD MicroEMACS 3.9 command file used to scan
- spelled document files
- SPELL.MSS Preliminary document in MicroSCRIBE form
- SPELL.TXT Preliminary document in text form
- SPELLSRC.ARC includes the files:
- DDEF.H Global variable definitions
- DOPT.H Compile OPTIONS file
- DPATH.H Path list to find dictionary files
- DSFX.H Suffix list
- DSTRUCT.H Structure declarations
- CDICT.C Compress dictionary main program
- CHECK.C Check source words vs main dictionary
- COMMON.C Common word list routines
- DMERGE.C Dictionary merge main program
- FILE.C File I/O
- IBMPC.C Prototype (NOT USED) screen driver for later
- MAIN.C SPELL main program
- MDICT.C Main dictionary functions
- QUICK.C Quicksort functions
- SOURCE.C Source file parsing routines
- USER.C User word list file functions
- Each executable archive includes the files:
- SPELL.EXE Spell checker
- DMERGE.EXE Dictionary merge program
- CDICT.EXE Dictionary compress program
- and these executable archives are availible:
- SMSDOS.ARC All MSDOS machines
- SATARI.ARC Atari 520/1040ST
- SAMIGA.ARC Commodore Amiga 1000
- I will support these programs, and encourage everyone to spread
- them around as much as they can. If you make what you think are changes
- that are useful to many, send me the updates, and as time permits, I
- will incorporate the ones I understand, and agree with into the master
- sources. Being overwhelmed with mailers, I have discontinued my mailing
- offer, but if you have a special problem getting hold of MicroSPELL,
- contact me and we can work something out for you.
- USmail: Daniel Lawrence
- 617 New York St
- Lafayette, IN 47901
- UUCP: ihnp4!pur-ee!pur-phy!duncan!lawrence
- or ihnp4!itivax!duncan!lawrence
- ARPA: nwd@j.cc.purdue.edu
- FIDO: The Programmer's Room 201/2
- (317) 742-5533
- ATT: (317) 742-5153
- While I am not soliciting them, I will not turn down donations
- of machinery and or funds to help sponsor development on these programs.