A shareware program by George Trepal copyright 1987
It's OK to give this program free or for computer clubs or public domain collections to charge a small duplication and distribution fee. However this text and the program are copyrighted material and are not to be sold or altered.
Ever wonder what Freudian analysis is like? How would a Freudian psychiatrist see you? This program will give you a Freudian evaluation of yourself and will save you about twelve years of psychotherapy and $50,000. Only an utter toad would be ungrateful for this valuable service. This IS a shareware program so you can show your thanks by sending me a contribution. George Trepal 2650 Alturas Road Bartow Florida 33830 USA.
This test produces a Freudian analysis for men. After twenty years of doing psychotherapy Sigmund Freud candidly admitted that he simply didn't understand women and I can't say I really do either. Of course women can take this test but they will be evaluated as men.
You might be able to get a personality profile of friends by answering the questions as you think they would answer them. Such scores should not be taken too seriously since how you think they would answer and how they actually would answer may be wildly different.
Come to think of it don't take any scores, yours or friends, very seriously. Unlike tests you've taken in school to see how well you've mastered a subject psychological tests point rather than measure. Psychological professionals use tests to find areas that MIGHT be good places to start counseling (or therapy.)
The test is made of multiple choice questions. Try to answer all the questions. The more questions you answer the better your personality can be evaluated.
Be honest since dishonest answers will give you a dishonest result.
It is important that you copy the numbers of the final result since they are the key to scoring your psychological profile.
Freud said that we are all mixtures of three personality types. An ideal person would have an equal portion of each type making up his personality. This person would have the greatest chance of getting along well and finding happiness. Psychologists estimate that only one or two people per hundred are actually like this.
So what about the rest of us? Life is one challenge after another and the better we can handle the challenges the better we can get through life. Each personality type has a fairly rigid way of taking on challenges. If their way doesn't match the challenge then the challenge overcomes them. Having a balanced personality means being flexible enough to meet challenges.
The sections following this introduction describe the personality types. I'll generally call them the f1, f3 and f5 types since those were the keys you used to answer the questions. To get an idea of how to evaluate your psychological profile let's look at an example of Joe's scores.
Imagine scores scores of 15 for f1, 24 for f3, and 9 for f5. An ideal score would be 16 for each. Since the f1 score is almost perfect Joe has little to worry about there. If a situation came up requiring an f1 type solution he could handle it.
F3 and f5 are pretty far off. From reading the explanations Joe sees that an f3 personality is very dependent and has low self esteem. An f5 is very rigid but has the self confidence to stick by decisions no matter what. Joe interprets the test results as meaning that he is
more capable than he gives himself credit for (but because of the high f3 component doesn't believe it.) The low f5 score shows that he sometimes gets so caught up in the small parts of issues that he never decides if they are right or wrong.
That's certainly not a very complimentary view is it? It's not supposed to be. If Joe wants to improve my life he wants to change the negative parts rather than the positive ones.
This brings up the hardest part of the test: HONESTY. If a statement turns you off or actually offends you is it because it doesn't apply to you or because it applies exactly and truth hurts?
This type of man is least likely to believe this test and will actually be insulted by it.
Freudians call him a "phallic narcissist" or Don Juan. Early in life he was trained to receive inordinate amounts of praise. The need for praise and acceptance is still the driving force in his life.
This man is a make-out artist and is very charming. He is so because he has devoted so much time to becoming that way. Sex instruction books are probably his favorite reading. Chances are that he has a large collection of pornography.
He sees himself as being a god and other people as things to be used. Behind the charm he projects is a core of solid self-centeredness. He has a basic insecurity that craves attention and acceptance by others. If this need can't be met he may retreat to fantasies and daydreams. The fantasy world may be more important to him than the real world.
This man is a natural leader and, under the right conditions, can become a hero. Under the wrong conditions he is a minor tyrant who will find admiration through ANY means available. If this man can't be head of things he tends to sulk and act like a spoiled child. He needs immediate reward and can't abide postponed gratification.
He is excited by new sex partners and the idea of getting a new partner is more exciting than sex itself. Sexual relations tend to fall apart since his joy is in the chase rather than the victory. If he is heterosexual he will seek multiorgasmic woman since they help him project his manly image. If he is homosexual then he is the swishiest type. In either case the drive is for exhibitionism and he loves to talk about his sexual exploits.
He will rise fast in a corporate structure -- provided his boss praises him adequately and his subordinates show that they realize how brilliant he is. He can't tolerate criticism at all. Interestingly enough he will not be aware of this. This man can lead a company to riches or just as easily destroy it. It is almost impossible to get him to pass on bad news if it reflects on his previous decisions. Rather than accept bad news he may sulk or go into a fantasy world, either of which can destroy a company.
He will NEVER admit to being neurotic or having any psychological problems. If he sees a psychotherapist it will probably be when he is in his midforties. He will go because of psychosomatic medical problems (migraine headaches are the most common problem) which doctors can't treat. Usually any type of psychotherapy will be ineffective since this type of person, rather than gain insight, will simply decide that psychotherapists are stupid. This is the general defense against anyone who tries to make him take an honest look at himself.
Exhibitionism is important to him and he will always be in the latest style. There is not much chance that he will become a drug addict or alcoholic. However he may drink to excess at times to show he can hold as much alcohol as anyone. He will be the first to want to try a new drug.
He prefers sex with the lights on. Due to his active fantasy life he will probably continue masturbation after adolescence even though he has a reliable lover. His fantasies will possibly include mild sadism and having a harem. He loves oral sex.
He may feel that, in the words of David Merrick, "It is not enough for me to succeed, it is also necessary for others to fail." His ultimate goal is praise and his ultimate fear is of not being the best. At his worst he will screw over anybody to get what he wants. At his best he is a model citizen, faithful husband, good father, and excellent leader.
Even though this man is a sexual athlete he will probably marry eventually. This is because marriage is in style, especially corporate style, and he feels he should. If his wife and children can give him the praise and attention he needs the marriage will go well.
In a good marriage he may feel secure since his needs for attention are being met. If he achieves this feeling he may be able to take a hard look at himself and start to grow. True growth is achieved only when he becomes a mature adult rather than plastic god.
He seeks people-oriented jobs and positions that let him be a leader.
This type of man is most likely to believe this test, especially the negative parts.
Freudians say he has an "oral personality". His life is dedicated to finding love and proving himself inferior.
He always seems to have something in his mouth: food, cigarettes, his own fingernails, pencils, etc. His personality formed in early childhood either from a mother who was neurotic and overindulged him or a mother who rejected his normal dependency needs. It seems he spends his life looking for a mother.
He is a good partner for a Don Juan (type f1) since he is sincere in his flattery. If such a relationship breaks down, the Don Juan claims he is fed up with having to solve all of our man's problems. The oral personality then feels betrayed and the relationship ends. If the relationship is homosexual the trust-betrayal game is played to the hilt.
If the man is heterosexual he will tend to treat a woman as a goddess. He usually doesn't have potency problems though he tends to worry about potency a lot. During sex the fact that his partner cares for him is more important than anything else.
He will never really believe he is good at sex. If a lover tells him he was good he feels she says it to avoid hurting him with the truth. If she says he was bad it simply confirms his self doubts. Due to his self doubts he feels any fault is his rather than his partner's. This is the opposite of the Don Juan. The oral personality has strong masochistic elements.
He feels inferior to everyone and tells the world he is inferior. He broadcasts the message that he is below everyone's league so he should be treated with special care and consideration. Interestingly enough most of the world believes him and acts accordingly. He actually gets along quite well. His major strength is his weakness.
In a difficult situation a Don Juan (type f1) will quickly convince himself he is in control even if he isn't. The oral man will simply expect to lose and promptly admit defeat. Since he doesn't like difficult situations anyhow the instant defeat keeps him out of them. This is a major psychological victory.
This man is easily cheated and will generally not react to the situation. If circumstances are such that subconsciously he realizes that the cheater cheated unintentionally (innocent broken promises, etc.) then he will probably throw a temper tantrum.
Friends are very important to him and he tends to form very deep warm friendships. He has a huge need for support and love. No matter how well loved he is he will always feel undeserving of the love. He lives in constant fear that the love may be withdrawn. He is good at giving unselfishly.
He has little inclination towards using any kind of drug but if he should be talked into trying something he may well become addicted to it.
If he has artistic talent he is fortunate since he can then use it to live in a fantasy world of his own creation. Knowing that his art, like anything he produces, is inferior he won't show it to the public. If friends take it from him and display it to the public he will remember only the bad reviews (often for years.)
In a typical marriage his wife will be the one to make all the decisions both in and out of bed. His best marriage bet is with an oral personality woman. The partners then take turns playing either Mother or Inferior Person. The personality is such that playing Mother is easy. Things will be fine unless both decide to play the inferior role at the same time.
Cunnilingus is absolutely his favorite form of sex.
This type of person is capable of flashes of astounding psychological insight. Usually he keeps insights to himself but once in a while they slip out. Perhaps he's a bit drunk at a party and his guard drops. The insights into other's personalities hit like a nuclear missile and the victim may feel the man is telepathic.
This man lives in psychological hiding afraid to face the world. He does a great deal of nonproductive self-analysis and is a sucker for the latest pop psychology fads. He is a very good follower, especially of someone who claims to be godlike (Hitler for example.)
Of course this review of his personality is harsh. However in his infinite capacity to think badly of himself an oral man would happily accept it and memorize the worst parts for future use.
This man will probably believe all the other parts of this test but only the sections of this part that deal with strength of character.
This is the most inflexible of the personality types and the most authoritarian. His main drive is making sure that he is moral. He believes that his way of life is absolutely right and that everyone should live by his moral standards. He is most comfortable in situations that require clear cut choices that are either plainly right or wrong.
In a corporation this man will probably be either in the financial or science department. In education he is the teacher who flunks the most students. He can happily be a policeman, clergyman, or social activist.
Since he feels he can make judgments that are absolutely right (ie moral) he tends to make harsh, unpopular decisions. He can be a nuisance especially as a religious or political fanatic (Lenin is a good example.) On the other hand since he can stick to decisions against all odds he can do a great deal of public good.
He is carrying on the tradition of his parents who were probably both as authoritarian as he is. As a child he always seemed older than his peers simply because he was more reserved and less spontaneous. If he rebelled against his parents and their morals he simply adopted a different set of morals and now adheres to them as strongly and inflexibly as his parents did to theirs.
He feels it is his duty to run other's lives his way. Interestingly enough he can be very immoral in the way he seeks to make other's follow his morals. The immorality he sees in others is simply a subconscious projection of his own unwanted sex drive. To him the world is populated with scapegoats.
This man is good researcher, especially when producing lists, but is not very creative. In an argument he tends to flatten the opposition by listing the points in favor of his view. Usually these points are counted off one at a time on the fingers. He does not understand any of the other psychological types. He feels Don Juans (type f1) are too impulsive and lack control. Oral personalities (type f3) are seen as being too shy. He may tend to punish either type because he doesn't agree with them. In a corporation he tends to hold back those who make impulsive decisions and sees that weak and unproductive people are fired. He can't work in any position that requires creativity or vision.
This man can't reconcile pleasure so he must rationalize it. For instance he couldn't swim for fun. He would have to rationalize it to Keeping-In-Shape before he could do it. Sex also has to be rationalized. Since he can't ever really relax he tends to ejaculate prematurely or simply be impotent.
Some women shy away from his authoritarianism while others, oral types, see a strong father image and are attracted. Since oral types are dependent and anal types want others to be Adults, an oral-anal relationship probably won't last. Having a frigid wife probably wouldn't bother him. If he is homosexual he will be in a monogamous relationship and probably quietly contribute money to gay activist groups.
Probably he would show little interest in sex that was the least bit kinky. He tends not to drink or use drugs.
As he reaches middle age he may realize that he has lived his life in a prison he has built around himself. He may be able to kill this realization and continue life as before or he may enter psychoanalysis. Or he may decide he has missed life and that he needs to make up for lost time. If this happens he will start to live out everything he has repressed. This can destroy his marriage and lifestyle.
While Don Juans (type f1) deny all weaknesses, and oral personalities (type f3) feel weaknesses are permanent, the anal personality both sees and fights weaknesses. Unfortunately the weaknesses in himself that he fights or either minor or simply nonexistent. He spends a great deal of time fighting. His major weakness is that he, like everyone else, is simply human. He denies this and constantly reaches for some ill defined and unachievable moral goal.