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- INTRODUCTION October 7, 1987
- _T_h_e__P_r_o_b_l_e_m
- Take an exciting new computer, with state of the art
- graphics and sound hardware and software, add a multi-
- tasking kernal, and then add a DOS that doesn't work well
- with the rest of the system. This makes software less
- reliable, harder to develop, and results in more headaches
- and more expense for programmers and users alike.
- _T_h_e__S_o_l_u_t_i_o_n
- The solution is ARP, which stands for "AmigaDOS
- Replacement Project". ARP is an effort led by Charlie
- Heath of Microsmiths, Inc. to replace the current DOS in a
- compatible fashion, so that current programs will continue
- to work, but making whatever improvements are possible, so
- that current and future programs will work better.
- _W_h_y__i_s__A_R_P__b_e_t_t_e_r_?
- Well, that is what this entire little manual is
- about, but in brief, ARP replacement programs are
- typically much smaller and much faster than their AmigaDOS
- equivalents. It is not unusual to find ARP programs which
- are less than half the size of the program they are
- intended to replace. This translates immediately into disk
- space and memory savings for you, both precious
- commodities on the Amiga. In addition, ARP programs often
- have enhanced features, and can do things the original DOS
- programs simply can't. Finally, and perhaps most
- importantly, they conform to clearly defined Amiga system
- standards for Amiga software, so developers don't have to
- handle a lot of special cases, which will help all Amiga
- software.
- _I__n_e_v_e_r__u_s_e__t_h_e__C_L_I_,__w_h_y__s_h_o_u_l_d__I__c_a_r_e__a_b_o_u_t__A_R_P_?
- If you truly never use the CLI, then the impact of
- ARP will be less apparent to you. But you will realize
- big savings in memory and disk space. In addition, with a
- more standard software environment for developers,
- software reliabilty will increase, and as software becomes
- easier to write for the Amiga, prices of important
- (*) Though I may be more visible than Scott Ballantyne, who
- wrote this manual and much of the ARP library and programs,
- he has certainly been as important as I have in developing
- ARP.
- ...cheath
- - 2 -
- software will be less than they would be in a difficult
- development environment.
- _H_o_w__m_u_c_h__i_s__i_t__g_o_i_n_g__t_o__c_o_s_t__m_e_?
- It will cost you the duplication cost of a disk, or a
- connect fee to a network to download it. Many busy
- programmers worked hard on ARP, donating large amounts of
- their time in an effort to make the Amiga a better place
- to work and play. The emphasis here is on improving the
- Amiga environment, so that future software will work
- better, not on separating you from your money. (That
- comes later, when you buy all that neat software that ARP
- made so much easier to develop.)
- _C_a_n__I__g_i_v_e__i_t__a_w_a_y_?
- You sure can, and we encourage you to distribute it
- as widely as possible.
- _I__a_m__a__d_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_r_,__c_a_n__I__i_n_c_l_u_d_e__i_t__o_n__m_y__c_o_m_m_e_r_c_i_a_l__d_i_s_k_s_?
- Yes, you can and should. All we ask of commercial
- users of ARP is that if you use any portion of the
- arp.library in your software (and we hope you will),
- please include the rest of the ARP replacement programs as
- well.