Gold Fish 1
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Text File
409 lines
Version 1.2
The system may be run either from the Workbench (by double-clicking
its icon) or from the CLI (by issuing its name from the command line).
The system requires approximately 285k bytes to start, of which there must
be two contiguous blocks of 64k each. Heap memory can be dynamically
resized after startup; the total memory usage can be reduced to a minimum
of approximately 185k. The system's stacks (there are two in this
implementation) are allocated internally, so the task may be started with
AmigaDOS' default 4k stack.
Below, it is assumed that the Scheme system program is named "Scheme" and
resides in some directory accessible in your CLI Path.
Here is a quick example of running the system, starting from the CLI:
1> Scheme is fun!
Version 1.2 19-March-1988
Implemented by Ed Puckett
MIT Branch PO
PO Box 61
Cambridge, MA 02139
:=> command-name
:=> command-line
is fun!
:=> (write command-line)
"is fun!\
The ":=> " prompt is issued by the system read-eval-print-loop. This loop
is interface with the Scheme system, and it does just what its name
implies: it reads an expression, evaluates it, prints the result and loops
back to read another expression. (Some people colorfully refer to the
read-eval-print-loop as a "Listener".)
Two variables (among others) are introduced in the above example:
command-name and command-line. These can be used by your programs to
determine if the system was started from the Workbench or from the CLI,
and to determine what arguments may have been issued on the CLI command line.
If run from the Workbench, the symbols command-name and command-line
will both be bound to empty strings. From the CLI, they are bound to
repectively, the name of the executable file (usually "Scheme", unless
you rename it) and the remainder of the command line.
Notice that applying write to command-line's value showed us that it
includes a newline character. The string representation of a newline is
the string escape character \ followed by a newline. This is why the rest
of the string is on the next line. The #u which appears after the closing
double quote is the return value from write.
We can also see the individual characters that comprise this string:
:=> (write (string->list command-line))
(#\i #\s #\space #\f #\u #\n #\! #\lf)#u
To leave the system, simply cause an end-of-file (by pressing CTRL-\) or
else call the procedure abort-system:
:=> (abort-system)
See the section MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SCHEME for references to other
literature on Scheme. Extensions particular to this implementation are
described in the file "ext.doc".
Just prior to entering the read-eval-print-loop for the first time, the
system attempts to open the file "S:Scheme-init.scm". If this file exists,
it is loaded before the first read-eval-print-loop prompt is issued. You
may put any valid Scheme expressions into this file.
Some uses for the initialization file:
* Load your own frequently-used procedures.
* Parse the command line, and take action on it. For example,
you could evaluate each file specified on the command line and
then exit. If no files were given, then you could do the normal
read-eval-print-loop. This would be something like Unix's /bin/sh.
* Start your own custom read-eval-print-loop. See repl.scm for a
crude example.
The garbage collector combines both mark/sweep and copying methods.
Storage for strings and ports is allocated outside the heap memory (via
AllocMem) and is collected in a mark/sweep fashion. All other memory (such
as that for pairs and vectors) is allocated from the heap, and is collected
by the copying method.
The copying method is reasonably fast (this system collects about 13500
pairs/second), and takes time proportional to the current amount of storage
used (i.e., storage which is not currently garbage).
It has two major drawbacks. One is that it destroys objects' locality of
reference. The other is that only half of the allocated memory is ever
available for use. This is because it maintains two equal-sized blocks
of memory, a working block and a free block.
The locality issue does not really affect the Amiga since no virtual
addressing is employed. As for the amount of memory required, what the
heck, we can always add more memory (!).
Seriously though, the copying method's speed was its major attraction.
Typically, I see 1/4 second delays (for instance, in the middle of
printing) if I see them at all. Only when a lot of internal structures are
allocated do the delays become very noticable.
Strings contain no references to other objects on the heap, and it seemed a
shame to clog up the heap with them; each collection would move each string.
Ports, too, contain no heap references, but there was another reason for
collecting them with mark/sweep. Since the mark/sweep scans unused as well
as used objects, unused ports are merely closed by the garbage collector
during the sweep phase. (It is by no means impossible to detect unused
open ports in the heap, but the mark/sweep method seemed easier.)
Incidentally, the default error handler calls the garbage collector. This
aids in the following circumstance. Suppose you are loading a file (with
the primitive procedure "load"), and an error is detected in the file. If
the port associated with the file from which you were reading were left
open, you would not be able to modify the file because it would be locked.
So the error handler cleans out the registers, removing load's reference to
the port, and calls the garbage collector which in turn closes the port,
thereby unlocking the file.
Changing Memory Size
Several procedures are provided by which you can dynamically change the
size of the heap: extend-size, shrink-size, change-size and minimize-size.
(See "ext.doc" for detailed descriptions of these.)
These procedures start by garbage collecting into the free block
(extend-size skips this step). Because the copying method compacts
storage, it is then possible to determine the minimum amount of memory that
the system must have. Two new blocks of the requested size are now
allocated, and another collection is performed into one of the new blocks.
Now the old pair of blocks can be discarded, and the new ones installed in
their place.
These routines will fail if there is not enough memory available for both
the old and new pairs of blocks simultaneously. Though a very conservative
measure, it seems too risky to trust that a freed block can be reallocated
if the new blocks can not be.
Finally, the heap management system will attempt to increase the size of
the heap if heap storage is requested and none is available. It currently
adds increments of #x800 bytes (i.e. 256 pairs). If the reallocation is
unsuccessful, the system will abort. (This needs to be changed so that
you can at least decide!!!)
This naive strategy should instead attempt reallocation based on the amount
ultimately needed. Each heap reallocation is time-consuming, and may
fragment the Amiga system memory so that further reallocations are
impossible. However, out-of-memory is currently detected at a quite low
level, and it is tough to determine the ultimate need.
You may enjoy watching the memory on a graphically-displayed memory monitor
as the system is trying to allocate a lot of memory. You can cause this
by calling minimize-size and then appending a long list to another list.
Though it's probably not something you want to happen when you're doing
real work, it's fun to watch this memory "shell game".
This file contains useful higher-order procedures which I load into my
system during initialization. For example, repeat is useful for testing
something repeatedly:
:=> (repeat
(lambda ()
(do-test) ; some time-consuming test
(display ".")) ; progress indicator
The procedure "filter" allows you to select elements from a list for which
a predicate returns true:
:=> (filter even? '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(0 2 4 6 8)
The procedure "repeated" forms the n-fold composition of a function.
Here it is used to define multiplication in terms of addition:
:=> (define (mult m n)
((repeated (lambda (x) (+ n x)) m) 0))
:=> (mult 200 340)
This file has many procedures and definitions pertinent to the system
internals. Careless use of these functions will probably cause a crash!
That's why they're so fun!
The representation of many objects is noted in this file, and procedures
for dumping things like environments are defined.
This file shows examples of how you may modify existing procedures.
Its main functions are "cd" and "load".
Use "cd" to change the current directory. Then, "load" will prepend this
name when relative pathnames are given to it:
:=> (cd "Scheme:tests")
:=> (cd)
Scheme:tests/ ; with no arguments, returns current directory
:=> (load "xxx")
*** ERROR: could-not-open-port
:=> (load "test-cwcc.scm")
:=> (load "test-tests.scm" "test-dwind.scm")
#u ; more than one file can be specified; loaded in order
:=> (load)
#u ; reloads last specified list of files
This file defines a custom read-eval-print-loop. To start it, apply the
function repl to a read function, an eval function and a print function.
Typical choices for these are read, eval and display:
:=> (repl read eval display)
1=> (repl read eval display)
2=> <eof>
Each time it is invoked, it increases the level number displayed in the
prompt. Each time you exit a level, the number is decremented.
These repl's execute in their own environments. When you leave
one, all of its definitions are lost.
Commands can be easily passed to AmigaDOS. Simply enter the command
prefixed with the character ~. It is not necessary to separate the ~ and
the rest of the command, and you needn't enter parentheses. Everything up
to the end of the line will be sent to AmigaDOS.
1=> ~dir S:
.edrc Scheme-init.scm
These read-eval-print-loops install their own error handler:
1=> )
Yeeow! #u
Illegal right parenthesis
Interrupt flags/mask: #x0/#x2
If you install your own error handler, you don't fall out of your subsystem
just because you get an error.
All in all, the code in repl.scm is a hack-job. It represents a lot of
experimentation (actually playing) with the system. For example, it would
be much better to dynamically-wind the level number rather than using a
global variable. But it provides a decent example of fun things that you
can do.
This file gives an example of how to add new special forms to the system
via the primitive procedure add-syntax!. The special forms "let*" and
"case" are defined. Other special-forms manipulation procedures are
delete-syntax! and get-syntax-definitions.
Streams are essentially lists whose "cdr" is delayed, i.e., it is not
evaluated until its value is required, and then that value is stored for
future accesses.
This file shows example streams functions. After loading it, try the
(display-stream ones)
(display-stream natural-numbers)
(display-stream fibonacci-numbers)
(display-stream prime-numbers)
These all generate infinite streams. You can stop these by pressing CTRL-C.
If you display the prime numbers twice, you will observe memoization in
action -- the previously computed part of the stream come back quite
These functions use LOTS of memory if you display long portions of the
streams. The system will abort if it runs out of memory.
Two wonderful sources of information on Scheme are:
The book "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman.
Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussets.
The "Revised^3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme"
Editors: Jonathan Rees and William Clinger.
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Memo 848a.
The bibliographies of these will direct you to a wealth of information.
If you find bugs, please let me know. If possible, send code which will
reproduce the bug, or at least a description of how the bug might be
reproduced. If the system crashes, it would help to know the GURU
MEDITATION NUMBER and information about your system configuration.
Crashes are most likely the result of the garbage collector getting hold of
some untagged datum.
Suggestions and/or comments are welcome.
Have fun!
Ed Puckett
MIT Branch PO
PO Box 61
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 536-8876