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- ================================================================================
- Airfoil generator utilizing the Joukowski transformation
- Written by: Russell Leighton
- 762 1/2 W. Newgrove
- Lancaster, CA 93534
- 22 March 1987
- Addendum by: David Foster
- 1060 Hemlock Drive
- Rochester, MI 48063
- 19 June 1988
- ================================================================================
- The following paper is a condensed version of the paper I
- originally wrote describing the Joukowski tranformation. It was
- submitted to the Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering
- Department, School of Engineering and Technology of the
- California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA
- June 1984.
- ================================================================================
- A Computational Flow Visualization Technique Utilizing the
- Joukowski Transformation
- Written by: Russell A. Leighton
- u - Real component in w-plane
- v - Imaginary component in w-plane
- w - Complex resultant plane
- x - Real component in z-plane
- y - Imaginary component in z-plane
- z - Complex source plane
- i - Imaginary unit (square root of -1)
- ***
- U - Free stream velocity
- r - Circle radius
- alpha - angle of incidence
- ***
- Conformal mapping is a very useful mathematical tool and has
- applications in the engineering field. One particular application
- utilizes conformal mapping to simplify the visualization of fluid
- flow about airfoil sections. By simplfing the mathematics this
- technique allows for faster computation and therefore could be used
- for real time computational flow visualization. The potential uses
- for a computational flow visualization technique range from an
- educational tool, illustrating the behavior of fluid flow about
- airfoils, to an advanced modeling tool. Since the actual flow is
- computed about a simple shape, the circle, development of the flow
- visualization equations is straight forward.
- The following sections will discuss the development of the mapping
- equations, the streamline and pressure distribution equations, and
- reverse mapping equations necessary for the calculation of the
- circle parameters given airfoil data.
- Conformal Mapping
- -----------------
- Conformal mapping is a mathematical tool that can be used to
- visualize the nature of complex functions. A definition of
- conformal mapping can be understood by picturing two distinct
- planes, the source plane (z-plane) and the resultant plane
- (w-plane). Given a domain D of the z-plane and a complex function,
- w = f(z) relating the z-plane to the w-plane, for each point in
- domain D there exists a corresponding point in the w-plane. If the
- function, f(z) is an analytic function then the mapping given by
- f(z) is said to be conformal, or angle-preserving, except at points
- where the derivative, f'(z) is zero.
- The general form of the complex function relating the z-plane to
- the w-plane is:
- (1) w = f(z) = u(x,y) + (i)v(x,y)
- where: z = x + (i)y
- The point wo = f(zo) corresponding to a point zo is called the
- "image" of the point zo with respect to the mapping defined by
- f(z). A set of points representing a function in the z-plane will
- have a corresponding set of points, or "image" in the w-plane.
- Points located in the z-plane, such that the derivative of the
- mapping function goes to zero, are called critical points. At
- these points the mapping is said to be non-conformal (i.e. the
- angles are not preserved). As will be shown, these points are
- important for the following mapping.
- The Joukowski Transformation
- ----------------------------
- The following mapping function is important in the field of
- aerodynamics because of the nature of its' transformation. With
- this mapping function if a circle is plotted in the z-plane, such
- that its' center is near the origin and it passes through one
- critical point, it will be transformed into an airfoil shape. The
- form of this function is:
- (2) w = z + 1/z
- Its' derivative is:
- (3) w' = 1 - 1/z = (z + 1)(z - 1)/z
- Therefore, the mapping will be conformal except at points z = 1
- and z = -1, where w' goes to zero. If plotted it would be evident
- that passing through one of these points will produce a sharp edge
- resembling the trailing edge of an airfoil. If the geometry of a
- circle is such that one of the critical points is intersected
- while the other is bypassed, an airfoil shape will result from the
- transformation. This transformation is commonly known as the
- Joukowski transformation which was named for the Russian
- mathematician, Nikolai Jegorovich Joukowski for his initial use
- of this mapping function.
- ***
- See below for second critical point location
- ***
- Computer Implementation
- -----------------------
- The derivation of the equations suitable for computer implementation
- is as follows. Given the complex function:
- (4) w = u + (i)v = z + 1/z
- where u is the horizontal component in the w-plane and v is the
- vertical component. If
- (5) z = x + (i)y
- then
- (6) 1/z = [1/(x + (i)y)][(x - (i)y)/(x - (i)y)]
- Separate the real and imaginary parts to obtain
- (7) 1/z = (x/s) - (i)(y/s)
- where: s = x^2 + y^2
- therefore, from equation (4)
- (8) u = x + x/s
- (9) v = y - y/s
- where: s = x^2 + y^2
- These equations define the mapping process and can be easily
- implemented into computer software (see C source listing).
- To define the circle in the z-plane the radius and the location
- of its' center are necessary. Since the circle must pass through
- one of the two critical points and bypass the other it is
- necessary that the radius be greater than one. This is actually
- more information than is required to define the circle. For
- example, one component of the circle center location could be
- calculated from the other component, the radius, and the known
- critical point (e.g. -1,0). Likewise, any of the other parameters
- may be calculated if the remaining parameters are known.
- The Inverse Mapping
- -------------------
- It has been shown that airfoil shapes may be easily obtained from
- the Joukowski transformation of the relativily simple shape, the
- circle. However, it is not convenient to define these airfoil
- shapes in terms of their corresponding circle parameters (the radius
- and center location). To determine the necessary circle parameters,
- an inverse mapping (or a mapping from the w-plane to the z-plane)
- may be performed.
- Two airfoil parameters, the camber and thickness, are useful for
- defining the airfoil. A very simple inverse mapping, requiring
- only three points to be mapped, can be found by specifing the
- camber and thickness at the mid-chord location. The derivation
- of this inverse mapping is rather involved, therefore, it is
- left to the reader to determine, if so interested (or just take a
- look at the C source listing and try to figure it out).
- Flow About Cylinders and Airfoils
- ---------------------------------
- The usefulness of the Joukowski transformation is derived mostly
- from the fact that a circle is a much simpler shape than the
- airfoil section. This property of this particular mapping can be
- further exploited by recognizing that not only is the airfoil
- exactly represented by the circle (or a unit depth cylinder), but
- the region about the airfoil is also represented by the region
- surrounding the cylinder. This means that any curves plotted about
- the cylinder, in the z-plane, have corresponding curves located
- about the airfoil, in the w-plane. Specifically, streamline and
- pressure distribution plots may be computed for the cylinder and
- then mapped onto the w-plane in order to obtain the corresponding
- streamline and pressure distribution plots about the airfoil.
- Again the equations for the streamline and pressure distribution
- plots can be derived by the reader if so interested (the theory
- can be found in most aeronautical engineering references).
- ***
- * Also Advanced Engineering Mathematics,C.R.Wylie, pp 416-428
- * McGraw Hill
- ***
- Angle of Attack and Rotation Tranformation
- ------------------------------------------
- The angle of attack may be included in the equations describing
- the flow about the cylinder. It is interesting to note that any
- changes in angle of attack will not result in any change in the
- flow about the cylinder except that the angle at which the flow
- enters the region about the cylinder should be equal to the
- negative value of the angle of attack. A simple rotation
- transformation would bring the flow direction back to the
- horizontal, resulting in no apparent change from a zero angle of
- attack. It should be noted, however, that the local coordinate
- axis is no longer coincident with the global coordinate axis.
- Because of this difference the Joukowski transformation will
- result in an airfoil at an angle of attack with the flow direction
- coming into and leaving the region of the airfoil, parallel to
- the horizontal global coordinate axis.
- ***
- * Addendum
- * It will be apparent, looking at the original version of the program that
- * the streamlines obtained are not realistic at the trailing edge when
- * the airfoil is at other than zero incidence. Also, the pressure plot
- * reveals that no lift is generated, because the pressure is equal
- * above and below the airfoil.
- * This deficiency has long been recognized, and the standard correction
- * is to add the complex potential for a point vortex to the original
- * flow.
- * The added term is
- * -K.i.log(z)/2.PI
- * which results in an addition to the stream function of
- * K.log(rs/r)/2.PI
- * but does not change the value of zero for the circle and 'dividing'
- * streamline, since at rs = r, log(rs/r) = log (1) = 0
- * The Joukowski hypothesis is that the circulation K is such that the
- * second stagnation point is at the point on the circle which will map
- * into the trailing edge of the airfoil.In terms of the incidence, it
- * results that
- * K = 4.PI.U.r.sin(alpha)
- ***
- The same is also true for the pressure distribution. At any given
- angle of attack, the pressure distribution will remain the same
- for the cylinder.
- ***
- * When the circulation is added, the pressure distribution for both the
- * circle and the airfoil are now non-symmetric. This is a central
- * feature of the transformation, and can be shown to result in the
- * Lift = Density.U.K.
- ***
- However, once transformed to the w-plane, the
- resulting pressure distribution will be about an airfoil at the
- given angle of attack.
- ***
- * In the code airfoil.c
- *
- * the log(rs/r) term has been approximated by its first order expansion
- * derived from log(R) = 2.{ (R-1)/(R+1) + ... <[(R-1)/(R+1)]^n>/n ... }
- * This has enabled the elegant plotting scheme devised by the original
- * author to be retained, while including the essential features of the
- * circulation in correcting the streamlines and pressure distribution
- ***
- Possible Additions to the Model
- -------------------------------
- The equations for the streamline plot and the pressure distribution
- are easily derived for flow about a simple cylinder. The equations,
- or model used in the program assume invisid, irrotational flow and
- were therefore the simplest to derive. A possible addition to this
- model would be to incorporate boundary layer effects into the
- equations describing the flow about the cylinder.
- Another addition, that is important if precise airfoil geometry is
- required, is the incorporation of a complete inverse mapping
- capability. A complete inverse mapping would allow for a point by
- point description of the airfoil as input to the model. This
- airfoil geometry would, in turn, be mapped from the w-plane onto
- the z-plane resulting in an approximate cylindrical shape. The flow
- model may then be developed for this approximate cylinder and the
- corresponding flow model, describing the flow about the airfoil,
- may then be obtained by the forward mapping process. Although
- complex this addition would increase the accuracy of this modeling
- technique giving results suitable for comparison to experimental
- results.
- By simplifing the modeling process, conformal mapping and in
- particular, the Joukowski transformation, offers a simple and
- fast method for computational flow visualization of fluid flow
- about arbitrary airfoil sections. The equations necessary for the
- mapping process are readily incorporated into a computer program
- which aids in the production of a graphical output of the
- transformation.
- The potential use of the Joukowski transformation is only limited
- by the fluid model developed to describe the flow about the
- cylinder. Since the modeling process is simplified, complex
- fluid models can be more easily incorporated.