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/* SetColorTable - CLI invoked ColorTable fiddler.
Copyright 1988 aklevin. All rights reserved.
Manx: cc +L, ln -lc32
#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define INTUITION_REV 33
#define GRAPHICS_REV 33
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
/* Error severity values: */
#define EXIT_LOW 0
#define EXIT_MED 10
#define EXIT_HIGH 20
/* L E A V E - Prints the error message (if any),
closes any open libraries, and exits.
leave(string, command_name, exit_val)
char *string, *command_name;
int exit_val;
if (strlen(string)) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", command_name, string);
if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
} /* end leave() */
/* U S A G E - Gives the program parameter sumary. */
usage(command_name, exit_val)
char *command_name;
int exit_val;
fprintf(stderr, "SetColorTable - Copyright 1988 aklevin. All rights reserved.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s [-t \"Screen Title\"] Xrgb Xrgb Xrgb...\n", command_name);
fprintf(stderr, " Displays the current ColorTable settings for the Workbench Screen,\n");
fprintf(stderr, " (or the screen whose title is \"Screen Title\" if `-t' option is used)\n");
fprintf(stderr, " then sets the ColorTable to the values given by Xrgb Xrgb Xrgb... .\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s <colorfile [-t \"Screen Title\"]\n", command_name);
fprintf(stderr, " As above, but RGB values are in file 'colorfile'.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n Use \" >NIL:\" to prevent color values from being displayed.\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Use \" >file\" to save color values for later restoration.\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Any redirection ( <file >file or >NIL:) MUST follow command name.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\nX r g b <- Amount of Blue in this color (0 to f).\n");
fprintf(stderr, "| | +----- Amount of Green in this color (0 to f).\n");
fprintf(stderr, "| +------- Amount of Red in this color (0 to f).\n");
fprintf(stderr, "+--------- 0=Use value, 1=Skip value, 2=Skip this and all further values.\n\n");
leave("", "", exit_val);
} /* end usage() */
/* S E T C O L O R T A B L E - Accepts RGB values from either stdin
or the command line, and uses those
values to alter the ColorTable for
the named screen.
/* The largest ColorTable size. */
#define TABLE_SIZE 32
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
Variables you should know:
from_cli- 0 if RGB values will come from stdin, 1 if from command line.
max_colors- Maximum number of colors for this screen.
num_colors- Counter for current number of colors.
title- Screen Title.
int argp=1, i, from_cli, max_colors=2, num_colors=0, scan_ok;
char title[81];
UWORD table[TABLE_SIZE], *tmp;
struct Screen *screen;
struct ViewPort *viewport=NULL;
/* Set the default window title. */
strcpy (title, "Workbench Screen");
/* Argument parsing. */
if (argc > 1) {
/* Give usage if first argument is a '?'. */
if (argv[argp][0] == '?') usage(argv[0], EXIT_LOW);
if (argv[argp][0] == '-') {
/* Found an option. Is it valid ('t' or 'T')? */
if (tolower(argv[argp][1]) == 't') {
/* Valid option, title is part of this argument. */
if (strlen(argv[argp]) > 2) strcpy(title, &argv[argp++][2]);
else {
/* Valid option, title is next argument. */
if (argc > ++argp) strcpy(title, argv[argp++]);
/* No title given. */
else usage(argv[0], EXIT_MED);
} /* end else */
} /* end if (tolower */
else usage(argv[0], EXIT_MED); /* Wasn't a valid option. */
} /* end if (argv */
} /* end if (argc */
/* If there are still command line arguments
to be parsed, then they must be RGB values.
from_cli = (argp < argc) ? 1 : 0;
/* Open intuition and graphics libraries. */
IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase *)
OpenLibrary("intuition.library", INTUITION_REV);
if (IntuitionBase==NULL )
leave("Couldn't open intuition.library.", argv[0], EXIT_HIGH);
GfxBase=(struct GfxBase *)
OpenLibrary("graphics.library", GRAPHICS_REV);
if (GfxBase==NULL)
leave("Couldn't open graphics.library.", argv[0], EXIT_HIGH);
/* Find the screen with the desired title. */
for (screen=IntuitionBase->FirstScreen; screen; screen=screen->NextScreen)
if (strcmp(screen->Title, title)==0) {
viewport = &(screen->ViewPort);
/* Quit if the screen couldn't be found. */
if (viewport==NULL) leave("Couldn't find that screen.", argv[0], EXIT_MED);
/* Find out the maximum number of colors available. Many thanks to
Bryce Nesbitt and Eugene Mortimore for opening my eyes to this. */
for (i=(int)screen->BitMap.Depth; i>1 ; i--) max_colors*=2;
/* Print the current values, before they get changed. */
for (i=0; i<max_colors; i++)
printf("%04x%c", GetRGB4(viewport->ColorMap, i),
((i<max_colors-1) ? ' ' : '\n'));
/* Scanf the RGB values into the array 'table'.
There are four conditions which break out of this loop:
1) Current entry to be altered >= max_colors.
2) EOF reached on stdin or illegal value entered.
3) RGB values were being read from argv, and there are no more.
4) RGB value >= 0x2000, meaning "no more entries should be altered".
while ((num_colors < max_colors) && ( ! from_cli || (argp < argc))) {
if (from_cli) scan_ok = sscanf(argv[argp++], "%04x", &tmp);
else scan_ok = scanf("%04x", &tmp);
/* If EOF was reached or input wasn't legal,
don't alter this entry, or following ones. */
if (scan_ok == EOF || scan_ok == NULL) break;
/* If first digit is >= 2, don't alter this entry, or following ones. */
if (tmp >= 0x2000) break;
/* If first digit is >= 1, don't alter this entry. */
if (tmp >= 0x1000) tmp = GetRGB4(viewport->ColorMap, num_colors);
table[num_colors++] = tmp;
} /* end while */
/* Alter the ColorTable. */
LoadRGB4(viewport, &table[0], num_colors);
/* All done. */
leave("", "", EXIT_LOW);
} /* end main() */