home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * DEFS.H
- *
- * (C)Copyright 1987 by Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved
- *
- * ARexx support added 03/19/88 - Kim DeVaughn
- *
- */
- #define AREXX 1
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #include <devices/keymap.h>
- #include <devices/console.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <workbench/icon.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <workbench/workbench.h>
- #include <local/typedefs.h>
- #include <local/xmisc.h>
- #if AREXX
- #include "rexx/storage.h"
- #include "rexx/rxslib.h"
- #include "rexx/rexxio.h"
- #include "rexx/errors.h"
- #endif
- #define MAXTOGGLE 256
- #define QMOVE (0x6B|0x80)
- #define COLT(n) (XTbase + (n) * Xsize)
- #define ROWT(n) (YTbase + (n) * Ysize)
- #define COL(n) (Xbase + (n) * Xsize)
- #define ROW(n) (Ybase + (n) * Ysize)
- typedef unsigned char ubyte;
- typedef unsigned short uword;
- typedef unsigned long ulong;
- typedef struct WBStartup WBS;
- typedef struct DiskObject DISKOBJ;
- extern WBS *Wbs;
- extern DISKOBJ *Do;
- extern short Xsize, Ysize;
- extern short XTbase, YTbase;
- extern short Rows, Columns;
- extern short Xbase, Ybase;
- extern short Xpixs, Ypixs;
- extern ubyte *av[];
- extern char Wdisable;
- typedef struct _ED {
- struct _ED *next, **prev;
- WIN *Win;
- FONT *Font; /* da font, da font! */
- long Topline, Topcolumn;
- long Line, Column;
- long Lines, Maxlines;
- ubyte **List;
- ubyte Name[64];
- ubyte Wtitle[130];
- char Modified;
- ubyte Tabstop;
- ubyte Margin;
- char Insertmode;
- char IgnoreCase;
- char Wordwrap;
- char iconmode; /* window in icon mode */
- short Winx; /* save state of non-icon window */
- short Winy;
- short Winwidth;
- short Winheight;
- short IWinx, IWiny; /* save state of icon window */
- long dirlock; /* directory lock */
- } ED;
- extern long BSline, BEline;
- extern short BSchar, BEchar;
- extern ED *BEp;
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0
- #endif
- #ifdef E
- #undef E
- #endif
- extern ED *Ep, *Base;
- extern char Overide;
- extern char Savetabs;
- extern char memoryfail, Nsu, Msgchk;
- extern ubyte CtlC;
- extern ubyte Current[256];
- extern ubyte Space[32];
- extern short Clen;
- extern char Abortcommand, MShowTitle;
- extern char Comlinemode;
- extern RP *Rp;
- extern WIN *Win;
- extern char *Partial;
- extern char *String;
- extern ubyte *allocl(), *allocb();
- extern char *keyspectomacro();
- extern char *menutomacro();
- extern void search_operation();
- extern void *malloc(), *AllocMem(), *strcpy();
- extern long Dirlock;