home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * MAIN.C
- *
- * (C)Copyright 1987 by Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved.
- *
- */
- #include "defs.h"
- extern WIN *OpenWindow();
- extern char *menu_cmd();
- NW Nw = {
- 0, 1, 0 , 0 , -1, -1, /* width, height filled in by program */
- NULL, NULL, (ubyte *)" WAIT ",
- 32, 32, -1, -1,
- };
- short Sharedrefs;
- short Oldtlen = 999; /* Old Title Length */
- struct MsgPort *Sharedport;
- WBS *Wbs;
- WIN *Win;
- RP *Rp;
- short Xsize, Ysize; /* font character sizes */
- short Rows, Columns; /* character rows/cols available */
- short Xbase, Ybase; /* offset pixel base for display */
- short XTbase,YTbase; /* used for text display */
- short Xpixs, Ypixs; /* actual # X/Y pixels available */
- short Mx, My;
- ubyte *av[8];
- char Quitflag;
- char Overide;
- char SizeOveride;
- char Wdisable = 1; /* Disable icon save */
- char MShowTitle, MForceTitle;
- short Nwwidth, Nwheight, Nwtopedge, Nwleftedge, Nwtmpwidth, Nwtmpheight;
- int Enable_Abort;
- extern WIN *opensharedwindow();
- extern IMESS *GetMsg();
- static char *Ffile;
- main(mac, mav)
- char *mav[];
- {
- register IMESS *im; /* intuition message */
- char nf, ni; /* # files on command line */
- char notdone; /* for endless loop */
- char iawm = 0; /* overide mouse buttons */
- char dontwait = 0; /* don't wait for a message */
- short i;
- short Code;
- exiterr("cannot open intuition or graphics library");
- {
- SCR scr;
- GetScreenData(&scr, sizeof(scr), WBENCHSCREEN, NULL);
- Nw.Width = (scr.ViewPort.DWidth > 640) ? 640 : scr.ViewPort.DWidth;
- Nw.Height= scr.ViewPort.DHeight - ((scr.ViewPort.DHeight > 200) ? 40 : 1);
- /*
- Nw.LeftEdge += scr.ViewPort.RasInfo->RxOffset;
- Nw.TopEdge += scr.ViewPort.RasInfo->RyOffset;
- if (Nw.LeftEdge + Nw.Width > scr.Width)
- Nw.LeftEdge = 0;
- if (Nw.TopEdge + Nw.Height > scr.Height)
- Nw.TopEdge = 0;
- */
- }
- init_command();
- Nwwidth = Nw.Width; /* Parameters for new windows */
- Nwheight = Nw.Height;
- Nwtopedge = Nw.TopEdge;
- Nwleftedge = Nw.LeftEdge;
- Enable_Abort= 0; /* disable break */
- String = (char *)malloc(1); /* initialize scanf variable */
- *String = 0;
- if (mac == 0) { /* WORKBENCH STARTUP */
- long oldlock;
- Wdisable = 0; /* allow icon save */
- Wbs = (WBS *)mav;
- if (!openlibs(ICON_LIB))
- exiterr("unable to open icon library");
- oldlock = CurrentDir(Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Lock); /* Tool */
- Do = GetDiskObject(Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Name);
- CurrentDir(oldlock);
- if (Do == NULL)
- exiterr("unable to get disk object");
- mac = 99;
- }
- #if AREXX
- mountrequest(0);
- openrexx(); /* do this after the last possible call to exiterr() */
- mountrequest(1);
- #endif
- resethash();
- if (Do) {
- ops(Do->do_ToolTypes, 1);
- nf = Wbs->sm_NumArgs - 1;
- Dirlock = Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Lock;
- } else {
- nf = ops(mav+1, 0);
- }
- for (ni = 0, i = 1; i < mac; ++i) {
- register char *str;
- register DISKOBJ *dso;
- long oldlock;
- if (Wbs) {
- if (i > nf)
- break;
- str = Wbs->sm_ArgList[i].wa_Name;
- oldlock = CurrentDir(Wbs->sm_ArgList[i].wa_Lock);
- if (dso = GetDiskObject(Wbs->sm_ArgList[i].wa_Name)) {
- ops(dso->do_ToolTypes, 1);
- FreeDiskObject(dso);
- }
- Dirlock = CurrentDir(oldlock);
- } else {
- str = mav[i];
- if (*str == '-')
- continue;
- }
- do_newwindow(nf > 1, ni * 10);
- ++ni;
- av[0] = (ubyte *)"newfile";
- av[1] = (ubyte *)str;
- do_edit();
- MForceTitle = 1;
- window_title();
- }
- if (nf == 0) /* no files to edit */
- do_newwindow(nf > 1, ni * 10);
- mountrequest(0);
- av[0] = NULL;
- av[1] = (ubyte *)"s:.edrc";
- do_source();
- av[0] = NULL;
- av[1] = (ubyte *)((Ffile) ? Ffile : ".edrc");
- do_source();
- mountrequest(1);
- { /* 1.29c */
- register ED *ep;
- register ED *eb = Ep;
- if (eb) {
- for (ep = eb->next; ep; ep = ep->next) {
- ep->Tabstop = eb->Tabstop;
- ep->Margin = eb->Margin;
- ep->Insertmode = eb->Insertmode;
- ep->IgnoreCase = eb->IgnoreCase;
- ep->Wordwrap = eb->Wordwrap;
- if (eb->Font) {
- ep->Font = eb->Font;
- ++eb->Font->tf_Accessors;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- title("DME V1.30 \251Copyright 1988 Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved ");
- loop:
- if (!Ep->iconmode)
- text_cursor(1);
- for (notdone = 1; !Quitflag && notdone;) {
- char mmove = 0;
- short mqual;
- if (!Ep->iconmode)
- window_title();
- if (dontwait)
- --dontwait;
- else
- WaitPort(Win->UserPort);
- /*
- * NOTE: due to operation of breakcheck(), the userport signal
- * may not be set even if there are messages pending.
- */
- while (im = (IMESS *)GetMsg(Win->UserPort)) {
- Msgchk = 1;
- Abortcommand = 0;
- Code = im->Code;
- if (im->IDCMPWindow != Win) {
- Overide = 0;
- if (Comlinemode)
- escapecomlinemode();
- text_sync();
- MShowTitle = 0;
- if (!Ep->iconmode)
- window_title();
- if (text_switch(im->IDCMPWindow) == 0) {
- ReplyMsg(im);
- continue;
- }
- }
- Mx = im->MouseX;
- My = im->MouseY;
- switch(im->Class) {
- case NEWSIZE:
- if (!Ep->iconmode) {
- if (Comlinemode)
- escapecomlinemode();
- set_window_params();
- if (!text_sync())
- text_redisplay();
- text_cursor(1);
- }
- break;
- switch(Code) {
- case MENUDOWN:
- if (Ep->iconmode || iawm) {
- uniconify();
- break;
- }
- ReportMouse(-1, Win);
- uniconify();
- text_cursor(0);
- keyctl(NULL, im->Code|0x80, im->Qualifier);
- text_cursor(1);
- break;
- case SELECTUP:
- case MENUUP:
- ReportMouse(0, Win);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case RAWKEY:
- if ((im->Code & 0x80) == 0) {
- /* Handled in command interpreter.
- if (Ep->iconmode) {
- uniconify();
- break;
- }
- */
- text_cursor(0);
- keyctl(im, im->Code, im->Qualifier);
- text_cursor(1);
- }
- break;
- case MENUPICK:
- {
- register char *str = menu_cmd(im);
- if (str) {
- str = strcpy(malloc(strlen(str)+1), str);
- text_cursor(0);
- do_command(str);
- free(str);
- text_cursor(1);
- }
- }
- break;
- if (Comlinemode)
- escapecomlinemode();
- text_sync();
- notdone = 0;
- break;
- if (!Ep->iconmode)
- iawm = 1;
- break;
- mmove = 1;
- mqual = im->Qualifier;
- break;
- }
- if (im)
- ReplyMsg(im);
- if (notdone == 0 || Quitflag) {
- dontwait = 2;
- goto boom;
- }
- }
- iawm = 0;
- if (mmove) {
- uniconify();
- mmove = 0;
- text_cursor(0);
- keyctl(NULL, QMOVE, mqual);
- text_cursor(1);
- }
- closesharedwindow(NULL);
- }
- boom:
- text_sync();
- if (Ep->Modified && !Overide) {
- uniconify();
- Overide = 1;
- title("*** File has been modified ***");
- Quitflag = 0;
- goto loop;
- }
- SetWindowTitles(Win, "", -1);
- text_uninit(); /* uninitialize text portion */
- closesharedwindow(Win);
- if (Base) {
- Quitflag = 0;
- Win = Ep->Win; /* make arbitrary other window act. */
- Rp = Win->RPort;
- if (!Ep->iconmode)
- set_window_params();
- text_load();
- MShowTitle = 0;
- goto loop;
- }
- closesharedwindow(NULL);
- if (Do)
- FreeDiskObject(Do);
- #if AREXX
- closerexx();
- #endif
- closelibs(-1);
- dealloc_hash();
- }
- do_iconify()
- {
- text_sync();
- if (!Comlinemode)
- iconify();
- }
- do_tomouse()
- {
- text_position((Mx-Xbase)/Xsize, (My-Ybase)/Ysize);
- }
- iconify()
- {
- if (!Ep->iconmode) {
- Ep->Winx = Win->LeftEdge;
- Ep->Winy = Win->TopEdge;
- Ep->Winwidth = Win->Width;
- Ep->Winheight = Win->Height;
- Nw.Height = 10;
- Nw.Width = 20 + 5*8 + strlen(Ep->Name)*8;
- Nw.LeftEdge= Ep->IWinx;
- Nw.TopEdge = Ep->IWiny;
- if (Nw.LeftEdge + Nw.Width > Win->WScreen->Width)
- Nw.LeftEdge = Win->WScreen->Width - Nw.Width;
- if (Nw.TopEdge + Nw.Height > Win->WScreen->Height)
- Nw.TopEdge = Win->WScreen->Height - Nw.Height;
- Nw.Title = Ep->Wtitle;
- Nw.Flags |= BORDERLESS;
- Nw.BlockPen = (Ep->Modified) ? 3 : -1;
- sprintf(Ep->Wtitle, "%s ", Ep->Name);
- if (Win->Flags & WINDOWACTIVE) /* KTS */
- Nw.Flags |= ACTIVATE;
- closesharedwindow(Win);
- Win = Ep->Win = opensharedwindow(&Nw);
- Nw.BlockPen = -1;
- Nw.Flags &= ~BORDERLESS;
- Rp = Win->RPort;
- }
- Ep->iconmode = 1;
- }
- uniconify()
- {
- if (Ep->iconmode) {
- Ep->IWinx = Win->LeftEdge;
- Ep->IWiny = Win->TopEdge;
- closesharedwindow(Win);
- Nw.LeftEdge = Ep->Winx;
- Nw.TopEdge = Ep->Winy;
- Nw.Width = Ep->Winwidth;
- Nw.Height = Ep->Winheight;
- Nw.Title = Ep->Wtitle;
- Win = Ep->Win = opensharedwindow(&Nw);
- menu_strip(Win);
- Rp = Win->RPort;
- if (Ep->Font)
- SetFont(Rp, Ep->Font);
- set_window_params();
- if (!text_sync())
- text_redisplay();
- text_cursor(1);
- MShowTitle = 0;
- window_title();
- }
- Ep->iconmode = 0;
- }
- do_newwindow(makesmall, deltaheight)
- {
- WIN *win;
- int msadj = makesmall;
- if (SizeOveride)
- msadj = 0;
- if (Ep)
- text_sync();
- Nw.Title = (ubyte *)" OK ";
- Nw.Width = (Nwtmpwidth) ? Nwtmpwidth : Nwwidth;
- Nw.Height= (Nwtmpheight)? Nwtmpheight: Nwheight;
- Nwtmpwidth = Nwtmpheight = 0;
- Nw.LeftEdge = Nwleftedge;
- Nw.TopEdge = Nwtopedge;
- if (msadj > 0) { /* deltaheight must be valid */
- Nw.TopEdge = deltaheight + 16;
- Nw.LeftEdge= 10*8;
- Nw.Flags &= ~ACTIVATE;
- Nw.Width = 40*8;
- Nw.Height= 10*8;
- if (Nw.TopEdge + Nw.Height > 200)
- Nw.TopEdge = deltaheight = 200 - Nw.Height;
- }
- win = opensharedwindow(&Nw);
- menu_strip(win);
- Nw.Flags |= ACTIVATE;
- if (win) {
- Win = win; /* set new window */
- Rp = Win->RPort;
- set_window_params();
- text_init(); /* initialize */
- text_load();
- if (makesmall != -1) /* if deltaheight valid */
- Ep->IWiny = deltaheight + 16;
- }
- }
- WIN *
- TOpenWindow(nw)
- NW *nw;
- {
- WIN *win;
- while ((win = OpenWindow(nw)) == NULL) {
- if (nw->Width < 50 || nw->Height < 50)
- break;
- nw->Width -= 10;
- nw->Height-= 10;
- }
- return(win);
- }
- WIN *
- opensharedwindow(nw)
- NW *nw;
- {
- WIN *win;
- if (Sharedport)
- nw->IDCMPFlags = NULL;
- else
- win = TOpenWindow(nw);
- if (win) {
- if (Sharedport) {
- win->UserPort = Sharedport;
- } else {
- Sharedport = win->UserPort;
- }
- ++Sharedrefs;
- }
- return(win);
- }
- closesharedwindow(win)
- WIN *win;
- {
- static WIN *wunlink;
- register IMESS *im;
- char notoktoclosenow = 0;
- if (win) {
- SetWindowTitles(win, "", -1);
- ClearMenuStrip(win);
- Forbid();
- win->UserPort = NULL;
- ModifyIDCMP(win, GADGETUP); /* NEVER occurs */
- notoktoclosenow = 1;
- Permit();
- if (notoktoclosenow) {
- win->UserData = (char *)wunlink;
- wunlink = win;
- } else {
- CloseWindow(win);
- }
- --Sharedrefs;
- } else {
- if (Sharedrefs == 0 && Sharedport) {
- DeletePort(Sharedport);
- Sharedport = NULL;
- }
- for (win = wunlink; win; win = wunlink) {
- wunlink = (WIN *)win->UserData;
- CloseWindow(win);
- }
- wunlink = NULL;
- }
- }
- getyn(text)
- char *text;
- {
- int result;
- ITEXT *body, *pos, *neg;
- body = (ITEXT *)AllocMem(sizeof(ITEXT), 0);
- pos = (ITEXT *)AllocMem(sizeof(ITEXT), 0);
- neg = (ITEXT *)AllocMem(sizeof(ITEXT), 0);
- bzero(body, sizeof(ITEXT));
- bzero(pos , sizeof(ITEXT));
- bzero(neg , sizeof(ITEXT));
- body->BackPen = pos->BackPen = neg->BackPen = 1;
- body->DrawMode= pos->DrawMode= neg->DrawMode= AUTODRAWMODE;
- body->LeftEdge = 10;
- body->TopEdge = 12;
- body->IText = (ubyte *)text;
- pos->LeftEdge = AUTOLEFTEDGE;
- pos->TopEdge = AUTOTOPEDGE;
- pos->IText = (ubyte *)"OK";
- neg->LeftEdge = AUTOLEFTEDGE;
- neg->TopEdge = AUTOTOPEDGE;
- neg->IText = (ubyte *)"CANCEL";
- result = AutoRequest(Win,body,pos,neg,0,0,320,58);
- FreeMem(body, sizeof(ITEXT));
- FreeMem(pos , sizeof(ITEXT));
- FreeMem(neg , sizeof(ITEXT));
- return(result);
- }
- title(buf)
- char *buf;
- {
- SetWindowTitles(Win, buf, -1);
- Oldtlen = 999;
- MShowTitle = 3;
- }
- window_title()
- {
- register int len, maxlen;
- if (memoryfail) {
- title(" -- NO MEMORY -- ");
- memoryfail = 0;
- text_redisplay();
- }
- if (MForceTitle) {
- MShowTitle = 0;
- MForceTitle = 0;
- }
- if (MShowTitle) {
- --MShowTitle;
- return(0);
- }
- {
- register char *mod;
- FONT *oldfont;
- mod = (Ep->Modified) ? " (modified)" : " ";
- sprintf(Ep->Wtitle, "%3ld/%-3ld %3ld %s%s ", text_lineno(), text_lines(), text_colno()+1, text_name(), mod);
- if (!text_imode())
- strcat(Ep->Wtitle, "Ovr ");
- len = strlen(Ep->Wtitle);
- if (len < Columns && Columns < 128) {
- bset(Ep->Wtitle+len, Columns - len + 1, ' ');
- Ep->Wtitle[Columns + 1] = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Update title
- */
- oldfont = Win->RPort->Font;
- SetFont(Win->RPort, Win->WScreen->RastPort.Font);
- Win->Title = Ep->Wtitle;
- SetAPen(Rp, 0);
- SetBPen(Rp, 1);
- Move(Rp, 30, Win->RPort->Font->tf_Baseline+1);
- maxlen = (Win->Width-96)/Win->RPort->Font->tf_XSize;
- if (maxlen < 0)
- maxlen = 0;
- if (len > maxlen)
- len = Oldtlen = maxlen;
- if (Oldtlen > maxlen)
- Oldtlen = maxlen;
- Text(Rp, Ep->Wtitle, len); /* No flash */
- while (Oldtlen - len >= (int)sizeof(Space)) {
- Text(Rp, Space, sizeof(Space));
- Oldtlen -= sizeof(Space);
- }
- if (Oldtlen - len > 0)
- Text(Rp, Space, Oldtlen - len);
- Oldtlen = len; /* Oldtlen might have been < */
- SetAPen(Rp, 1);
- SetBPen(Rp, 0);
- SetFont(Win->RPort, oldfont);
- }
- }
- set_window_params()
- {
- Xsize = Rp->Font->tf_XSize;
- Ysize = Rp->Font->tf_YSize;
- Xbase = Win->BorderLeft;
- Ybase = Win->BorderTop;
- Xpixs = Win->Width - Win->BorderRight - Xbase;
- Ypixs = Win->Height- Win->BorderBottom- Ybase;
- Columns = Xpixs / Xsize;
- Rows = Ypixs / Ysize;
- XTbase = Xbase;
- YTbase = Ybase + Rp->Font->tf_Baseline;
- }
- exiterr(str)
- char *str;
- {
- if (Output()) {
- Write(Output(),str,strlen(str));
- Write(Output(),"\n",1);
- }
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Check break by scanning pending messages in the I stream for a ^C.
- * Msgchk forces a check, else the check is only made if the signal is
- * set in the I stream (the signal is reset).
- */
- breakcheck()
- {
- IMESS *im;
- register struct List *list = &Win->UserPort->mp_MsgList;
- if (Msgchk || (SetSignal(0,0) & (1<<Win->UserPort->mp_SigBit))) {
- Msgchk = 0;
- SetSignal(0,1<<Win->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- im = (IMESS *)list->lh_Head;
- Forbid();
- for (; im != &list->lh_Tail; im = (IMESS *)im->ExecMessage.mn_Node.ln_Succ) {
- if (im->Class == RAWKEY && (im->Qualifier & 0xFB) == 0x08 &&
- im->Code == CtlC) {
- Permit();
- return(1);
- }
- }
- Permit();
- }
- return(0);
- }
- breakreset()
- {
- SetSignal(0, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- }
- /*
- * leftedge n
- * topedge n
- * width n
- * height n
- * tmpwidth n
- * tmpheight n
- */
- void
- do_windowparm()
- {
- int val = atoi(av[1]);
- if (av[0][0] == 't' && av[0][1] == 'm') { /* tmpwidth/tmpheight */
- if (av[0][3] == 'w')
- Nwtmpwidth = val;
- if (av[0][3] == 'h')
- Nwtmpheight= val;
- return;
- }
- switch(av[0][0]) {
- case 'l':
- Nwleftedge = val;
- break;
- case 't':
- Nwtopedge = val;
- break;
- case 'w':
- Nwwidth = val;
- break;
- case 'h':
- Nwheight = val;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * resize cols rows
- */
- do_resize()
- {
- int cols = atoi(av[1]);
- int rows = atoi(av[2]);
- short width = (cols*Win->RPort->Font->tf_XSize) + Win->BorderLeft + Win->BorderRight;
- short height= (rows*Win->RPort->Font->tf_YSize) + Win->BorderTop + Win->BorderBottom;
- if (width < 16 || height < 16 ||
- width > Win->WScreen->Width - Win->LeftEdge ||
- height > Win->WScreen->Height - Win->TopEdge) {
- title ("window too big (try moving to upper left corner and retrying)");
- return(0);
- }
- SizeWindow(Win, width - Win->Width, height - Win->Height);
- Delay(50*2); /* wait 2 seconds */
- }
- ops(av, iswb)
- register char *av[];
- {
- register short nonops;
- register short i;
- register long val;
- register char *str;
- for (i = nonops = 0; str = av[i]; ++i) {
- if (iswb) {
- if (strncmp(str, "ARG", 3) == 0) {
- while (*str && *str != '-')
- ++str;
- }
- }
- if (*str == '-') {
- val = atoi(str+2);
- switch(str[1]) {
- case 'f':
- Ffile = str+2;
- break;
- case 'b':
- SizeOveride = 1;
- break;
- case 't':
- Nwtopedge = val;
- break;
- case 'l':
- Nwleftedge= val;
- break;
- case 'w':
- SizeOveride = 1;
- Nwwidth = val;
- break;
- case 'h':
- SizeOveride = 1;
- Nwheight = val;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- ++nonops;
- }
- }
- return(nonops);
- }