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- /*
- * REXX.C
- *
- * (c) Copyright 1987 by Kim DeVaughn, All Rights Reserved
- *
- * ARexx interface code, etc.
- *
- */
- #include "defs.h"
- #include "rexx.h"
- #if AREXX
- int foundcmd; /* control for implicit ARexx macro invocation */
- int cmderr; /* global command error flag for do_rexx()'s use */
- APTR OpenLibrary();
- APTR FindPort();
- APTR GetMsg();
- APTR CreateRexxMsg();
- APTR CreateArgstring();
- struct RxsLib *RexxSysBase;
- /*
- * initialization for ARexx ... just open rexsyslib.library
- */
- void
- openrexx()
- {
- RexxSysBase = (struct RxsLib *)OpenLibrary("rexxsyslib.library", (ULONG)RXSVERS);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * cleanup any open ARexx stuff ... just close rexsyslib.library for now
- */
- void
- closerexx()
- {
- if (RexxSysBase) {
- CloseLibrary(RexxSysBase);
- }
- return();
- }
- /*
- * explicit invocation interface between do_command() and do_rexx
- * for ARexx macros having NO arguments (i.e., for the "rx" command)
- */
- do_rx()
- {
- do_rexx(av[1]);
- return();
- }
- /*
- * explicit invocation interface between do_command() and do_rexx
- * for ARexx macros having ONE argument (i.e., for the "rx1" command)
- */
- do_rx1()
- {
- char macbuf[256];
- strcpy(macbuf, av[1]);
- strcat(macbuf, " ");
- strcat(macbuf, av[2]);
- do_rexx(macbuf);
- return();
- }
- /*
- * explicit invocation interface between do_command() and do_rexx
- * for ARexx macros having TWO arguments (i.e., for the "rx2" command)
- */
- do_rx2()
- {
- char macbuf[256];
- strcpy(macbuf, av[1]);
- strcat(macbuf, " ");
- strcat(macbuf, av[2]);
- strcat(macbuf, " ");
- strcat(macbuf, av[3]);
- do_rexx(macbuf);
- return();
- }
- /*
- * implicit invocation interface between do_command() and do_rexx
- * for ARexx macros implicitly called; arbitrary number of arguments
- */
- do_rxImplied(cmd, args)
- char *cmd;
- char *args;
- {
- char macbuf[256];
- strcpy(macbuf, cmd);
- strcat(macbuf, " ");
- strcat(macbuf, args);
- do_rexx(macbuf);
- return();
- }
- /*
- * issue a command to ARexx ...
- */
- do_rexx(macstr)
- char *macstr;
- {
- struct RexxArg *macarg;
- struct MsgPort RexxPort;
- struct MsgPort *ARexxPort;
- struct RexxMsg *macptr;
- struct RexxMsg *cmdptr;
- char host[16];
- char hexbuf[12]; /* should only need 9 bytes */
- char errmsg[80]; /* don't build a larger error message */
- int ret;
- int err;
- if (RexxSysBase == 0) {
- title("Unknown Command - No Macros: ARexx Not Installed "); /* no rexxsyslib */
- return(0);
- }
- ClearMem(&RexxPort, sizeof(struct MsgPort));
- strcpy(host, "DME");
- sprintf(hexbuf, "%08x", &RexxPort);
- strcat(host, hexbuf);
- InitPort(&RexxPort, host); /* need to error check this */
- AddPort(&RexxPort);
- /* return here if InitPort failed */
- if (macarg = (struct RexxArg *)CreateArgstring(macstr, strlen(macstr))) {
- if (macptr = (struct RexxMsg *)CreateRexxMsg(&RexxPort, "dme", host)) {
- ACTION(macptr) = RXCOMM;
- ARG0(macptr) = (STRPTR)macarg;
- Forbid();
- if (ARexxPort = (struct MsgPort *)FindPort("REXX")) {
- PutMsg(ARexxPort, macptr);
- Permit();
- title("Calling ARexx Macro ... ");
- for (;;) {
- WaitPort(&RexxPort);
- cmdptr = (struct RexxMsg *)GetMsg(&RexxPort);
- if (IsRexxMsg(cmdptr)) {
- foundcmd = 0;
- cmderr = CMD_INITIAL;
- ret = do_command(ARG0(cmdptr));
- err = cmderr;
- if (foundcmd) {
- ret = (ret == 1) ? 0 : 5; /* cmd error: RC = 5 */
- } else {
- ret = do_rexx(ARG0(cmdptr)); /* another macro? */
- }
- RESULT1(cmdptr) = ret;
- RESULT2(cmdptr) = 0;
- ReplyMsg(cmdptr);
- }
- do_command("null"); /* a kludge to set "foundcmd" */
- if (macptr == cmdptr) break;
- }
- if (ret = RESULT1(cmdptr)) {
- if (RESULT2(cmdptr)) {
- if (RESULT2(cmdptr) == 1) {
- title("Unknown Command ");
- } else {
- sprintf(errmsg, "ARexx Macro Error: Code = %d Severity = %d ", RESULT2(cmdptr), ret);
- title(errmsg);
- }
- } else {
- sprintf(errmsg, "User Specified Macro Error: RC = %d ", ret);
- title(errmsg);
- }
- } else {
- if (err <= TITLE_THRESHHOLD) {
- title("OK ");
- }
- }
- ret = ret + err;
- } else {
- Permit();
- title("Unknown Command - No Macros: ARexx Not Active "); /* no REXX port */
- ret = -1;
- }
- DeleteRexxMsg(macptr);
- } else {
- title("CreateRexxMsg() Failed "); /* may be overkill, and not need to ckeck this */
- ret = -1;
- }
- DeleteArgstring(macarg);
- } else {
- title("CreateArgstring() Failed "); /* may be overkill, and not need to check this */
- ret = -1;
- }
- RemPort(&RexxPort);
- FreePort(&RexxPort);
- return(ret);
- }
- #endif