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- /* === rexx/rexxio.h ====================================================
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by William S. Hawes (All Rights Reserved)
- *
- * ======================================================================
- * Header file for ARexx Input/Output related structures
- */
- #ifndef REXX_REXXIO_H
- #define REXX_REXXIO_H
- #ifndef REXX_STORAGE_H
- #include "rexx/storage.h"
- #endif
- #define RXBUFFSZ 204 /* buffer length */
- /* The IoBuff is a resource node used to maintain the File List. Nodes are
- * allocated and linked into the list whenever a file is opened.
- */
- struct IoBuff {
- struct RexxRsrc iobNode; /* structure for files/strings */
- APTR iobRpt; /* read/write pointer */
- LONG iobRct; /* character count */
- LONG iobDFH; /* DOS filehandle */
- APTR iobLock; /* DOS lock */
- LONG iobBct; /* buffer length */
- BYTE iobArea[RXBUFFSZ]; /* buffer area */
- }; /* size: 256 bytes */
- /* Access mode definitions */
- #define RXIO_EXIST -1 /* an external filehandle */
- #define RXIO_STRF 0 /* a "string file" */
- #define RXIO_READ 1 /* read-only access */
- #define RXIO_WRITE 2 /* write mode */
- #define RXIO_APPEND 3 /* append mode (existing file) */
- /* Offset anchors for SeekF() */
- #define RXIO_BEGIN -1 /* relative to start */
- #define RXIO_CURR 0 /* relative to current position */
- #define RXIO_END 1 /* relative to end */
- /* The Library List contains just plain resource nodes. */
- #define LLOFFSET(rrp) (rrp->rr_Arg1) /* "Query" offset */
- #define LLVERS(rrp) (rrp->rr_Arg2) /* library version */
- /* The RexxClipNode structure is used to maintain the Clip List. The
- * value string is stored as an argstring in the rr_Arg1 field.
- */
- #define CLVALUE(rrp) ((STRPTR) rrp->rr_Arg1)
- /* A message port structure, maintained as a resource node.
- * The ReplyList holds packets that have been received but haven't been
- * replied.
- */
- struct RexxMsgPort {
- struct RexxRsrc rmp_Node; /* linkage node */
- struct MsgPort rmp_Port; /* the message port */
- struct List rmp_ReplyList; /* messages awaiting reply */
- };
- /* DOS Device types */
- #define DT_DEV 0 /* a device */
- #define DT_DIR 1 /* an ASSIGNed directory */
- #define DT_VOL 2 /* a volume */
- /* Private DOS packet types */
- #define ACTION_STACK 2002 /* stack a line */
- #define ACTION_QUEUE 2003 /* queue a line */
- #endif