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- ECPM - a CP/M emulator for the Amiga
- Version 2.01 - June 29, 1988
- by Willi Kusche
- An enhancement of:
- SIMCPM - a CP/M simulator for the Amiga
- by Jim Cathey and Charlie Gibbs
- Version 1.00 - September 15, 1987
- This is a FREELY-DISTRIBUTABLE program. Spread it around all you like,
- just don't sell it, and please keep the entire package (including this file)
- intact. If you find any bugs or make any changes, please let me know - I'd
- like to keep my copy up to date.
- This program is based on an article by Jim Cathey which ran in Dr. Dobb's
- Journal from January to March 1986. The original program emulated an 8080,
- including CP/M BIOS and BDOS calls, on a CP/M-68K system. I have modified the
- operating system interface to run under AmigaDOS (from the CLI only).
- Note that the simulation is of an 8080, not a Z80. However, the Z80
- instructions LDIR, LDDR, and CPIR have been supported. This is because the
- setting of the carry flag is more like the Z80 than the 8080, and might fool
- such packages as BDS C, which would then try to use these instructions. If
- there is enough interest, I could be persuaded to add full Z80 support.
- The IN, OUT, EI, and DI instructions are currently ignored.
- The following BDOS calls are not supported:
- 3 - reader input
- 4 - punch output
- 17 - search for first file
- 18 - search for next file
- 24 - get active drive map
- 28 - protect drive
- 29 - get read-only map
- 30 - set file attributes
- 32 - get/set user code
- The only BIOS calls supported are those for program termination and
- console and list I/O. (Low-level disk access could get scary.) If a
- program attempts to use an unsupported BIOS or BDOS call, an appropriate
- error message will be displayed, along with a register dump, and the program
- will be terminated.
- Basic H19 terminal emulation (similar to a VT52) has been provided.
- Escape sequences for cursor positioning, cursor to home, screen clearing,
- and insert and delete modes are translated to the corresponding Amiga
- sequences. Any escape sequences that ECPM can't recognize are passed
- through unchanged. You can disable all escape sequence translation by
- changing the equated value "h19" (in ECPM1.ASM) to from 1 to 0.
- To speed up console output for programs which write one character at a
- time, I have included a buffered output option. If you include the -b switch
- as the first command-line parameter, all console output will be held until one
- of the following events occurs:
- - a carriage return, line feed, or bell character is written
- - the buffer (currently 2K) becomes full
- - a BIOS or BDOS call other than console output is made.
- It should be possible to use buffered output in just about any program.
- Note that if a program uses the "console output string" function (BDOS
- call 9), the entire string is written in a single operation even when
- buffering is not requested.
- List output is sent to PRT:RAW. This ensures that no newline translation
- will take place. The printer is not opened until the first attempt is made to
- access it. If the printer cannot be opened for any reason, the program will be
- terminated. At program termination the printer will be closed if it was used.
- If ECPM is brought up with no command-line parameters, it will present
- the standard CP/M A> prompt. At this point you can run CP/M .COM files just
- like on a normal CP/M system. The command line will be scanned for up to two
- FCBs and the tail will be passed to the program. When the program terminates,
- the A> prompt will be re-displayed. To return to AmigaDOS, enter a control-C
- (CP/M warm boot) at the A> prompt.
- If command-line parameters are given, they will be passed to ECPM as if
- they had been entered at the A> prompt. When the program terminates, ECPM
- will automatically return to AmigaDOS. This allows you to run CP/M programs
- from an execute file.
- Here are some sample invocations of ECPM:
- ecpm
- Loads the simulator, which presents the A> prompt and waits
- for CP/M commands. Type control-C at the prompt to exit.
- ecpm -b
- Same as above, except console output buffering is used.
- ecpm myprog
- Loads the simulator, which loads and runs the CP/M program
- MYPROG.COM. When MYPROG terminates, ECPM returns to AmigaDOS.
- ecpm mbasic basprog
- Loads the simulator, which loads Microsoft BASIC-80 (if you
- have it), which in turn loads and runs BASPROG.BAS. When
- BASPROG issues a SYSTEM command, ECPM returns to AmigaDOS.
- ecpm -b mbasic basprog
- Same as above, but with console output buffering. Since
- MBASIC does all console I/O one character at a time, the
- buffered option can speed it up considerably.
- A trace version of the simulator, ECPMT, is included. This program
- works like ECPM, but it provides optional instruction and BIOS/BDOS tracing.
- This is provided as a separate program because it must test whether to trace
- each instruction. As a result, it runs slightly slower than ECPM, even when
- tracing is not active.
- Before running each program, ECPMT will prompt you for starting and
- ending addresses for tracing, and whether you want BIOS/BDOS calls traced.
- Simulation starts with tracing disabled. When ECPM executes an instruction
- at the starting address, tracing is turned on. All 8080 registers and the
- top four stack entries, as well as the current instruction, are displayed
- for each instruction until the ending address is reached. Tracing is then
- disabled until the start address is again encountered. After displaying
- 8 instructions, execution is suspended; enter G to go ahead with tracing
- disabled, Q to quit the program, or any other key to trace the next 8
- instructions.
- If you have requested BIOS/BDOS call tracing, the message
- BIOS CALL nn AT aaaa
- or
- BDOS CALL nn AT aaaa
- will be displayed each time a BIOS or BDOS call is made. The BDOS call
- number (contents of register C in hex) will replace "nn" for BDOS calls,
- while BIOS calls will set "nn" to a sequential number starting at 01 for
- program termination, 02 for console status, etc. The address where the
- call is made will be taken from the top of the stack and displayed in
- place of "aaaa".
- ECPM consists of two source modules, ECPM1.ASM and ECPM2.ASM.
- The trace version, ECPMT, is made by re-assembling ECPM2 and including
- the header file ECPMT.HDR. This file includes a definition of the label
- "tracehd"; ECPM2.ASM checks for this label using an IFD directive, and if
- it finds it the trace code is included.The assembler must support an
- optional header file and the IFD directive. No include files are needed,
- although SMALL.LIB is required for linking.
- Please address any kudos, flames, etc. to
- Charlie Gibbs
- #21 - 21555 Dewdney Trunk Road
- Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 3G6
- or to Larry Phillips or Jeff Lydiatt on CompuServe or Usenet. (I don't have
- the time or money to live there myself.)
- ********** NOTE **************************************
- The documentation above is basically the same as what was released on
- Fred Fish disk number 109. However, where the documentation conflicted with
- the enhanced version, it was altered.
- Additional documentation is in the file named 'update.doc'.
- This file created by:
- Willi Kusche
- KMMM Pascal BBS
- July 2, 1988