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PCBTool v2.6
Copyright 1987-1988 George Vokalek
South Australia
The public domain version of PCBTool will always be called PCBToolPD and
may be distributed by anyone to anyone. I will make sure that all PD stuff
to do with PCBTool is always available on the ADAM LINK BBS here in
Adelaide, phone 618-270-2713 (08-270-2713 for ockers).
The non-PD version of PCBTool may be used by the registered buyer on one
Amiga only. I will be encoding the names of registered users into their
files before they are sent out, to discourage mass distribution.
No retailers or software houses may distribute PCBTool without prior
arrangement with the author, above.
After seeing the programs available on the Amiga for circuit board design,
I became very annoyed. Dynamic CAD (from MicroIllusions) is a reasonable
CAD program but is not what I consider suitable for the rapid cut and paste
type work involved in PCB design, especially when you start getting a
complex layout (at which time DCAD becomes intolerably slow). PCLO by
SoftCircuits is a SmartWorks type program which looks almost good enough to
be public domain, but reputedly sells for $2000.
PCBTool was written primarily for my own needs ( I am an Elec. Engineering
Postgraduate Student), but has become so large a project that I have
decided to make it available to others - for a fee! It is going to go
along the same lines as UEDIT and AMIC PD TERM have, ie user supported
shareware. Both of these programs I consider to be the top of the range in
their fields, and you can test drive them before you (if you decide to )
pay for them.
I will therefore be releasing PD versions of PCBTool, which I want
distributed as widely as possible. They will be cut down versions of the
real thing. When you decide you want to pay, I will send you the real
thing. When you register, you can keep up to date by sending me two blank
disks. I will send one back with the latest version of PCBTool, and keep
one to cover the postage cost (what better international currency is there
than a floppy disk?).
The cost of PCBTool? I think A$50 is not unreasonable for a package that
will create designs which could earn you thousands. Send me $50 and I will
send you a disk with the latest PCBTool and its docs, and as a registered
user you will then be able to use the update policy stated above.
Since this is the first release version of PCBTool, I suggest you wait at
least until I release v2.7 before you make your decisions. By that time itshould be much more stable, and have many more useful features.
Note that v2.6 does not support printer dumps which will reduce its
usefullness to those without access to a plotter. This will be hopefully
remedied in v2.7.
PCBTool - I need your information.
If you are a registered user and find that PCBTool is not compatible with
your printer/plotter/whatever, then send me a copy of the manual for your
printer/plotter/whatever and I will try to make it compatible. I will then
send you a free upgrade when it is ready.
I am especially interested in being able to import files from other object
oriented PCB design tools, such as PC-CARDs, OrCad, etc (not SmartWorks),
which would open up immense libraries to PCBTool. If you ever find
definitions of their file structures, please let me know.
I will not be supporting Preferences Printer drivers because these are too
slow. I will be writing my own printer drivers to get extra speed, which
will start with an MX-80 type driver.
PCBTool - What it does and what it doesn't do
Version 2.6 of PCBTool allows you to do the following:
- add pads of any size with any size hole.
- add traces of any thickness.
- add text of any size and Manhattan orientation.
- create a HPGL file of the design, in file 'plotfile'.
- zoom up and down onto the board.
- select any point as the new screen centre.
- works on a virtual grid of any step size, but currently
fixed to 0.05".
- selectable grid snap, no restriction made.
- not restricted to Manhattan geometry (except for text).
- add a grid of spacing in any multiple of 0.05".
- move, kill, edit parameters of features.
- full file requester for easy disk io.
- supports up to 32 layers, thought only 8 are currently
- generates HPGL file (tested on Roland DXY-880 only so far).
- compatible with multitasking operating system.
Version 2.6 does NOT let you:
- print to a printer.
- make parts libraries.
Version 2.7 will feature the following additions:
- new types of tools, including Areas.
- the ability to handle libraries of parts.
- the ability to draw a box around any part of the board
and define that area as a part, with all lines clipped
at the box boundaries.
- text file format for all files, making it easy to change
things with just a text editor.
- improved speed and user interface.
- the ability to use multiple text fonts on one board.
- display only selected layers.
- support printer dumps.
Notes about using PCBToolPD.
1) put it into the destination directory, and make sure the file
'EuroStyle' goes into the same directory. This file contains the default
stick font used. Simply type 'PCBToolPD' from the cli.
2) I cannot guarantee the stability of the program at the moment. Due to
possible memory list mismanagement, I suggest you reboot after quitting
PCBTool before you try to do anything else on the Amiga.
3) I have supplied a couple of simple designs with the program, called PGA
and BOARD. Just click the DISK gadget, select the appropriate path, and
hit the LOAD gadget.
4) To enter pads, select PAD, then just click around the place. To enter
traces, select TRACE, hit the place where the trace is to start, then keep
clicking (left button) on the vertices of the line. Double clicking on the
same point will cause trace entry to finish. To enter text, select TEXT.
5) To change text orientation, select EDIT then TxtOr from the next list.
Play around with the flags to see what they do.
6) To edit the attributes of a feature (eg pad size, trace thickness or
whatever) select EDIT from main gadget list, then EDIT form the secondary
gadget list. Now click (left button) near the feature you want to edit.
If the feature you want is highlighted in white, click the Left button to
change its attributes. When you change some field in the record editor's
window, you must hit return in the string gadget you have changed for that
change to be recognised. Select Done when finished. If your desired
feature was not highlighted, keep clicking the Right button until it is.
Note that for traces you must initially click near their start points.
7) To kill a feature select EDIT then KILL. Click near the feature to
delete. If the correct feature is highlighted, click with the Left Button,
otherwise click with the Right button until the correct feature is
8) All dimensions unless otherwise stated are in inches.
9) To plot, just hit PLOT and the HPGL will be written out to a file in
your current directory called 'plotfile'.
Lastly, send any (bug reports)/criticisms/flames/cocaine/(millions of
dollars) to
George Vokalek
Adelaide 5000
South Australia
George Vokalek
on ADAM LINK, (618)-270-2713