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- /*
- * CLOCK.C simple clock program
- */
- #include <local/typedefs.h>
- short Params[] = {
- 'ST','RT', 0, 0,
- 'NW',' ', 0, 8, -1, 10, 40, 20,
- 'TE','XT', 0,16, 'HI','\0T','ES','T.', 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 'EN','D ', 0, 0
- };
- #define WPOSX 8
- #define WPOSY 9
- #define WWIDTH 10
- #define WHEIGHT 11
- APTR IntuitionBase;
- APTR GfxBase;
- NW Nw = {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NULL, NULL, (ubyte *)"", NULL, NULL, 4, 4, -1, -1, WBENCHSCREEN
- };
- short Sin[60+15] = {
- 0, 27, 53, 79, 104, 128, 150, 171, 190, 207, 222, 234, 243, 250, 255,
- 256, 255, 250, 243, 234, 222, 207, 190, 171, 150, 128, 104, 79, 53, 27,
- 0, -27, -53, -79,-104,-128,-150,-171,-190,-207,-222,-234,-243,-250,-255,
- -256,-255,-250,-243,-234,-222,-207,-190,-171,-150,-128,-104, -79, -53, -27,
- 0, 27, 53, 79, 104, 128, 150, 171, 190, 207, 222, 234, 243, 250, 255
- };
- #define Cos (Sin+15)
- _main(ac, av)
- char *av[];
- {
- IOT Iot; /* timer request, 1 second internals */
- SCR Scr;
- WIN *Win;
- PORT TPort; /* port for timer request */
- long TMask;
- long WMask;
- long error = 20;
- char notdone = 1;
- bzero(&Iot, sizeof(Iot));
- bzero(&TPort, sizeof(TPort));
- if (!(IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 0)))
- goto dieilib;
- if (!(GfxBase = OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 0)))
- goto dieglib;
- if (OpenDevice("timer.device", UNIT_VBLANK, &Iot, 0))
- goto diedev;
- if (!GetScreenData(&Scr, sizeof(Scr), WBENCHSCREEN, NULL))
- goto diewin;
- Nw.Width = Params[WWIDTH];
- Nw.Height = Params[WHEIGHT];
- Nw.LeftEdge = Params[WPOSX];
- Nw.TopEdge = Params[WPOSY];
- if (Nw.Width <= 0)
- Nw.Width += Scr.Width;
- if (Nw.Height <= 0)
- Nw.Height += Scr.Height;
- if (Nw.LeftEdge < 0)
- Nw.LeftEdge += Scr.Width - Nw.Width;
- if (Nw.TopEdge < 0)
- Nw.TopEdge += Scr.Height- Nw.Height;
- if (Nw.LeftEdge < 0 || Nw.TopEdge < 0 || Nw.LeftEdge + Nw.Width > Scr.Width || Nw.TopEdge + Nw.Height > Scr.Height) {
- Nw.LeftEdge = Nw.TopEdge = 0;
- Nw.Width = 64;
- Nw.Height= 32;
- }
- if (!(Win = OpenWindow(&Nw)))
- goto diewin;
- ShowTitle(Win->WScreen, 0);
- TPort.mp_Node.ln_Type = NT_MSGPORT;
- TPort.mp_SigTask = FindTask(NULL);
- TPort.mp_SigBit = AllocSignal(-1);
- TPort.mp_Flags = PA_SIGNAL;
- NewList(&TPort.mp_MsgList);
- Iot.tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = &TPort;
- Iot.tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- Iot.tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- Iot.tr_time.tv_secs = 1;
- Iot.tr_time.tv_micro= 0;
- SendIO(&Iot);
- TMask = 1 << TPort.mp_SigBit;
- WMask = 1 << Win->UserPort->mp_SigBit;
- error = 0;
- while (notdone) {
- register long mask = Wait(TMask|WMask);
- if (mask & TMask) {
- register short secs;
- WaitIO(&Iot);
- secs = UpdateWindow(Win);
- Iot.tr_time.tv_secs = 65 - secs;
- Iot.tr_time.tv_micro= 0;
- Iot.tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- SendIO(&Iot);
- }
- if (mask & WMask) {
- register IMESS *im;
- while (im = GetMsg(Win->UserPort)) {
- switch(im->Class) {
- notdone = 0;
- break;
- BeginRefresh(Win);
- EndRefresh(Win);
- UpdateWindow(Win);
- break;
- }
- ReplyMsg(im);
- }
- }
- }
- AbortIO(&Iot);
- WaitIO(&Iot);
- FreeSignal(TPort.mp_SigBit);
- CloseWindow(Win);
- diewin:
- CloseDevice(&Iot);
- diedev:
- CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- dieglib:
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- dieilib:
- _exit(error);
- }
- /*
- * Update the window
- *
- * (1) RectFill
- * (2) minute and hour hands
- */
- UpdateWindow(win)
- register WIN *win;
- {
- register RP *rp = win->RPort;
- short minutes;
- short hours;
- short radiusx, radiusy;
- short centerx, centery;
- DateStamp(&DS);
- minutes = DS.ds_Minute % 60;
- hours = (DS.ds_Minute / 12) % 60; /* 0 to 59 (partial hours indicator) */
- radiusx = (win->Width - 2) >> 1;
- radiusy = (win->Height- 2) >> 1;
- centerx = 1 + radiusx;
- centery = 1 + radiusy;
- SetAPen(rp, 0);
- RectFill(rp, 0, 0, win->Width - 1, win->Height - 1);
- SetAPen(rp, 1);
- {
- register short i;
- for (i = 0; i < 60; i += 5) {
- Move(rp, centerx + ((radiusx * Sin[i]) >> 8), centery + ((radiusy * -Cos[i]) >> 8));
- Draw(rp, centerx + ((radiusx * Sin[i]) >> 8), centery + ((radiusy * -Cos[i]) >> 8));
- }
- }
- radiusx -= 2;
- radiusy -= 2;
- SetAPen(rp, 3); /* minutes */
- Move(rp, centerx, centery);
- Draw(rp, centerx + ((radiusx * Sin[minutes]) >> 8), centery + ((radiusy * -Cos[minutes]) >> 8));
- SetAPen(rp, 2); /* hours */
- Move(rp, centerx, centery);
- Draw(rp, centerx + ((radiusx * Sin[hours]) / 384), centery + ((radiusy * -Cos[hours]) / 384));
- return(DS.ds_Tick / 50 % 60); /* seconds */
- }
- #asm
- ; bzero(buf, bytes)
- ; 4sp 8sp
- ;
- ; SIMPLE STUPID BZERO .. I don't even use DBF (don't want to
- ; have to think at this time of night)
- _bzero:
- moveq.l #0,D1
- move.l 4(sp),A0
- move.l 8(sp),D0
- beq bze
- bz1 move.b D1,(A0)+
- subq.l #1,D0
- bne bz1
- bze rts
- #endasm