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- NOVIRUS V1.56 Dated 19th January 1989
- 1. SYNTAX...This has changed, since version 1.30 & earlier.
- All you who are using NoVirus in a batch file (eg startup-
- sequence) must change this to the new syntax as shown below.
- Make sure you read the new syntax.
- NEW SYNTAX. NoVirus <switch> <drive>
- Where <switch> N or n is an optional switch that makes the program
- operate in Non-Recursive mode (eg. Startup-sequences,
- or to check a single disk only).
- or I or i is an optional switch that will iconify the
- program immediately after loading. It will open a
- small window on the dragbar. The program will then
- sleep until selected or closed. See ICONIFY below on
- how to Un-iconify the program. At the present time
- if using this switch, you must execute the program with
- RunBack (eg. RunBack -0 NoVirus i ). This must be done
- as the program will not allow the CLI window to close.
- RunBack overcomes this problem. RunBack can be found
- on Fish Disk #65, or on the Toowoomba Amiga User Group
- Newsletter Disk #3. I hope in the future to change this
- so that RunBack is not required.
- If you really cannot find a copy of RUNBACK then
- use the following command instead. It is rather cumbersome
- but will work.
- Run >nil: <nil: NoVirus >nil: <nil: i
- NOTE:- Only one switch is allowed, either n or i but not both.
- <drive> is only valid if you have the above n or N switch. It allows
- you to choose a drive to check in non-recursive mode.
- Drive choice in recursive mode is done inside the program.
- It must be a valid Amiga device. (eg. DF0: - DF3:).
- NO SWITCHES.. If no switches are given the program will load, open a
- custom screen & window and default to recursive mode. Drive
- choice is made within the program, so you do not need to
- supply the drive from the command line.
- NoVirus can also be started from WorkBench simply by
- double clicking its icon.
- 2. VIRUSES... The program now recognises a few new viruses:- SCA,
- REVENGE1.2, LSD, AEK , HCS. See the end of this file for a
- update on virus additions to the programs.
- NoVirus analyses the disk, scanning for new viruses, YES,
- NEW VIRUSES and reports anything that it finds.
- This routine does work as Revenge, lsd and aek were all found
- by this routine and passed on to me by various users.
- 3. MEMORY... NoVirus now removes all the above, and other new viruses
- from memory and tells you which one was in memory. This is
- done as soon as it is loaded, before any other operations.
- 4. MENUS... NoVirus has menus available from the second mouse button.
- These menus allow various functions, explained elsewhere in
- this document.
- 5. GADGETS... Drives are chosen from within the program. All drives
- that are not available will be ghosted, and cannot be selected.
- You can change drives at any time, simply by clicking on the
- drive gadget. The selected drive show an alternate gadget
- image with a disk in and the drive LED on. Clicking the same
- drive again will re-log the disk in that drive.
- 6. INSTALL.. You can install disks by clicking the install gadget.
- The disk in the current logged drive will be installed.
- The code written out is a standard boot block as the DOS
- INSTALL command would write.
- 7. NOTSYS... Modifies a bootblock to remove FastRam. It wedges code into
- the boot block. It WILL WORK ON SPECIAL BOOT BLOCKS!!!. So
- programs like Archon, ArchonII, Skyfox, Obliterator etc
- can all be NOTSYSed without worry of destroying them. I do
- suggest though that the original boot block be saved first.
- This can be saved with the gadget GRAB explained elsewhere in
- this document.
- 8. SYSNOT... This function is similar to install in that it makes a disk
- bootable. It has one big difference though, it removes FastRam
- and all external drives at boot time. So you no longer have
- to remove or turn your drives off, simply SYSNOT them.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9. GRAB... This function only applies to versions 1.42 and later. It
- allows you to save a boot block from any disk to a file, for
- later restoration incase of destruction by viruses etc. To
- use, first choose a drive by clicking its gadget in the normal
- way. This is the drive that the boot block will be loaded
- from, so be sure that the disk you wish to GRAB the boot block
- from is in that drive. Then click the GRAB gadget. A window
- will open prompting you for a filename. This filename can
- be anything of your choice, I normally use the diskname, so
- it is easy to remember. This filename must be a full path
- name of where you would like the file stored. Any standard
- device can be chosen with only two exceptions, one, you may not
- choose the same drive that you will be loading the boot block
- from. Any attempt to do so will result in an error message.
- Two, you may not use volume names in place of floppy drives,
- volume names are only allowed for non floppy drives, eg hard
- disks, ramdisks etc.
- Single drive users can use ramdisk. The program will default
- to this if only one drive is detected. When the string gadget
- window opens, 'ram:' will have been inserted for you. If this
- is not satisfactory (eg. single drive but a hard disk) you can
- delete 'ram:' with the backspace key. (The ram: default will
- only occur in versions 1.45 and later).
- Keep a disk aside to save all of your GRABbed boot blocks on
- to and use that disk only. Example filenames are shown below
- EXAMPLE:- df1:bootblocks/mydisk.block
- dh0:mydisk.block
- ram:mydisk.block
- mydisk:mydisk.block (mydisk: cannot be a floppy)
- NOTE:- If you are using a directory name as in the first
- example, that directory must already exist, else an
- error message will result.
- 10. RESTORE. This function only applies to versions 1.42 and later. It is
- the reverse of GRAB, in that it loads a given filename and
- restores it on the disk as a boot block. Use of this function
- is very similar to GRAB. Choose a drive first by clicking on
- its gadget. This drive will be used to restore the boot block
- A window will open prompting you for a file.
- This file must be given a full path. (See GRAB.). The
- filename is the name of the file you wish to restore on the
- disk. It must be a valid boot block saved by GRAB or another
- similar program. The RESTORE routine does not check or repair
- the checksum, so if the disk was not bootable when GRABbed it
- still will be non-bootable when RESTOREd. For an example of
- the filename see GRAB.
- -----------------
- -----------------
- NoVirus will recognise THE GUARDIAN in memory. However it does
- not remove it. It only notifies you of its presence.
- The Boot Block Analyse routine does not take for granted that a disk
- is bootable. It checksums the boot block and if invalid reports
- that the disk is not bootable. There is one exception to this rule. If
- a virus is on the boot block it reports the virus whether the checksum is
- correct or not. This was done as invalid checksums can be corrected.
- ---------
- ---------
- HELP - Brief help on most of the functions and gadgets.
- ABOUT - Info about the program and our phone number, etc.
- DOSENABLE - The program now inhibits DOS for all drives available.
- This overcomes the problem where, if a new drive is selected,
- and the previous drive still has a non-dos disk in it,
- older versions allowed DOS to see the disk, forcing a
- system requester telling you it isn't a dos disk. With DOS
- inhibited for all drives, this does not happen, but another
- problem eveloves, Inhibiting stops any other tasks from
- being able to use the drives. This has been overcome by adding
- a DosEnable menu function. This menu allows you to Enable DOS
- for one or more drives by clicking on the sub-menu for the
- drive. Each drive that you select will have a "tick" mark
- appear beside the name, reminding you that it is enabled for
- DOS. You can singly select a drive or multiple select by
- holding the right mouse button down and clicking on each
- sub-menu you require with the left button. The drives will
- stay DosEnabled until you click on the sub-menu in the menu
- again. Once this is done the "tick" will disappear showing
- you it is once again DosInhibited.
- NOTE that any drives that are not available will be ghosted
- in the sub-menu and cannot be selected.
- ICONIFY - You no longer have to keep loading the program when you
- want to use it. You can ICONIFY it by selecting this menu
- option. Once selected the Custom Screen & Window will be
- closed and all excess memory freed. The program will open a
- very small window on the title bar & will de-select itself.
- It will remain asleep in the background until needed. To
- re-enable it simply select the small window by clicking on
- it with the left mouse then click on it again with the right
- mouse button. Once re-enabled it will re-open the screen
- and windows. When ICONIFIED the small window can be
- dragged around and placed anywhere you wish as it will not
- re-enable till it receives the right mouse click. The small
- window also has a CloseGadget on it so you can completely
- shut the program down without having to go back inside it.
- In ICONIFY mode it is only using about 36k of memory so it
- should not interfere with other uses of the machine. You can
- also iconify the program on loading also, see SYNTAX above
- on how to do this.
- ANALYSE - This menu option displays info about certain boot blocks.
- It analyses the boot block of the currently selected drive,
- looking for certain codes that are peculiar to viruses. If
- any are found they will be displayed on the screen as their
- actual function. This allows you to check that, if the
- program states it has found a SCA virus, you can check to
- see if it is doing anything different to a Standard SCA
- virus. This allows you to identify hacked versions of known
- viruses. In order to do this, you must elect to leave the
- virus alone in the GURU box, then select ANALYSE. When you
- are satisfied, click the drive gadget again to go back to the
- GURU box to kill it, or select INSTALL or SYSNOT to destroy it.
- not destroy any boot block, It patches itself in and allows
- the boot block to operate normally. If ANALYSE decides the
- boot block is O.K., then nothing is displayed and the program
- waits for the next disk. This function was mainly added for
- my own use, and is not normally used or required.
- I have noticed that a few disks, mainly those with hack
- screens in the boot block, seem to pass parameters in the
- Capture Vectors for their own protection schemes. NoVirus
- will report them as a suspected new virus. If you are
- unsure about any disk then contact me at the address or
- phone below or send me a copy of the disk or boot block.
- REPAIR This function only applies to versions 1.45 and later.
- How often have you had an annoying NOT A DOS DISK error.
- These errors are sometimes quite frequent and can be difficult
- for the inexperienced user to overcome. To use this function
- click a drive gadget in the normal way. Then place the disk
- to be repaired in that drive, NoVirus will respond by checking
- the disk, and then may supply one two errors, NOT A DOS DISK
- or Error Reading Disk and will prompt you to select REPAIR.
- This function will check the disk and either repair it fully
- or recover it so it is a valid DOS DISK, This will allow
- you to recover the files. The error status will tell you
- wether it was successfully repaired or only recovered. The
- success of the function depends on wether only the bootblock
- is damaged or the whole of track zero is damaged. If it is
- only the bootblock that is damaged this function replaces it.
- If the whole track is corrupt, the track is formatted then a
- bootblock written. Any file on the disk that used these blocks
- will now be unrecoverable. When reading these files DOS will
- report that the disk has a READ/WRITE error. If this happens
- delete that file and copy all other files to a freshly
- formatted disk.
- This function does not prompt you before writing to the disk,
- so do not select this function unless NoVirus reports one of
- the above error messages.
- VIEWBOOT This function allows you to view the ascii of any boot block.
- To use it, select the drive gadget in the normal way, if you
- are given messages about new viruses etc. click through them
- until the program is asking you to insert the next disk. At
- this time select viewboot from the menus. A 'GURU' box will
- open displaying the bootblock in an ascii form. From this
- window you are able the leave it as is by clicking the left
- mouse button or elect to install the disk by clicking the
- right mouse button. If you elect to install you will be
- prompted a second time to make sure.
- QUIT - Another way out of the program.
- ------------------------------------------
- R E C E N T B U G S & U P D A T E S
- ------------------------------------------
- -------------------------
- Version numbers are only incremented when a copy of the program has been
- given to someone. This way I can keep a track of who has which version.
- This list shows all additions and modifications to NoVirus in order of
- version number. If you find a bug please let me know!!!
- ------
- 1.50
- ------
- 1. Mutual Exclusion added to the drive gadgets. You may have noticed that
- in earlier versions, when a drive gadget was selected a momentary second
- image was displayed. This second image displayed a disk in the drive and
- the drive light aglow. The original meaning for this, was that I meant
- for the gadgets to be TOGGLESELECT and Mutually Exclude each other. Then
- I found out that the current versions of Intuition (including 1.3) don't
- support Mutual Exclusion for gadgets, it is only supported in Menus.
- We have now written our own Mutual Exclusion routine and it has now been
- added to NoVirus. For the inexperienced this means that when a gadget
- is selected other drive gadgets will be automatically de-selected. This
- gives you a visual indication of the current drive in use. This new
- function was added in version 1.50
- ------
- 1.51
- ------
- 1. Major change to the Assembly of the program. I am no longer using ASM68k
- public domain assembler. I am no using Devpac Amiga V2.08. This
- assembler is much better, it is around 10-15 times faster to assemble and
- has some functions that ASM68k lacked. It is now much easier to debug as
- symbol info is included in the executable. NoVirus source code has been
- modified to suit this assembler and V1.51 has been assembled with it.
- 2. A bug in the RESTORE function has been fixed. If the source device was
- a hard drive etc. (not a floppy) then the block would not be written to
- the disk. Also if the source device was a floppy and the block written
- then when the close gadget was clicked to exit the program, the program
- would hang up. Both these bugs have been fixed in V1.51
- ------
- 1.52
- ------
- 1. A new virus has surfaced under the disguise of an antivirus. It is
- known as HCS virus. This version has been updated to include all
- necessary checks and cures.
- 2. A bug in the Non-Recursive mode has been fixed. If a virus was found
- you would receive a visit from the GURU after the first alert window.
- This was due to NoVirus trying to activate a non-existent window. This
- would have crept in a few versions ago. This bug was fixed in V1.52
- 3. A bug in the iconify routine has been fixed. If the program was
- launched from workbench and then iconified, if from this point the
- close gadget was clicked you would have recieved a visit from the GURU.
- This has been fixed in V1.52
- ------
- 1.53
- ------
- 1. An addition has been made to the virus checking routine. P. Tritscher
- sent me a disk that NoVirus saw as a possible virus. It turned out to
- be a safe intro bootblock. NoVirus now sees this bootblock as O.K. and
- a message to that effect is displayed if this bootblock is read.
- This was added in V1.53. THANX PETER!!!
- 2. A bug crept into the help routine. Since I converted NoVirus to
- assemble under Devpac the help routine chopped three characters off
- every line. This has been fixed in V1.53
- 3. In Versions 1.51 & 1.52 I found that after NOTSYS was used, the
- bootblock caused the Amiga to crash, this was because DevPac was
- not assembling the NOTSYS code properly. I changed the code to
- satisfy DevPac so it now works fine. This mod was done in V1.53
- ------
- 1.54
- -----
- 1. I also found that Devpac was not assembling SYSNOT properly, so it
- has been totally rewritten and its version number incremented to
- V1.3. From time to time as you find older versions on your disks,
- update them with this version.
- ------
- 1.55
- ------
- 1. Viewboot added to the menus. This was added to the large number of
- letters and phone calls I have received requesting it. To use it see
- the explanation in MENUS above.
- 2. The analyse routine has had improvements made to speed it up.
- ------
- 1.56
- ------
- 1. A new virus has been added. It is known as the VKILL 1.0 virus.
- It operates via the COOL CAPTURE and patches itself into the PUTMSG
- function in ExecBase by calling SetFunction. NoVirus recognises it
- and removes it from memory and from disk. The virus pretends to be
- an anti-virus but it is definately much more than that!!!
- 2. Additions to the Analyse New Virus Code routine. The older code
- could under some circumstances, not find some viruses. The routine
- is now much more thorough.
- PHONE (076) 359221
- (076) 358539
- (076) 358522
- HAVE FUN!!!!!!!