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- /*****************************************************************************
- * Modul : main.c *
- * Zweck : Simplexalgorithmus *
- * Autor : Stefan Förster *
- * *
- * Datum | Version | Bemerkung *
- * -----------|---------|--------------------------------------------------- *
- * 14.03.1989 | 1.0 | *
- * 15.03.1989 | | Zeitmessung mittels CurrentTime() *
- * 17.03.1989 | 1.1 | SetTaskPri() jetzt korrekt *
- * | | min cTx zugelassen *
- * 18.03.1989 | 1.2 | Optional Ausgabe an ein File möglich (-f) *
- *****************************************************************************/
- IMPORT USHORT PhaseI(), PhaseII();
- IMPORT BOOL MPSX(), SearchExpr();
- IMPORT INT GetInput();
- IMPORT VOID GiveMemBack(), GetRidOfLists(), PrintError(), Cap();
- IMPORT VOID CurrentTime(), *OpenLibrary(), SetTaskPri(), fclose();
- IMPORT struct Task *FindTask();
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- DOUBLE INFINITE = 1.0/0.0; /* IEEE: NAN (Not A Number) */
- FILE *file[2] = { NULL };
- BOOL minimize = _FALSE; /* _TRUE, falls Zielfunktion minimiert wird */
- TEXT args[BUFFER], line[BUFFER];
- SHORT m, n, *B = NULL, *Nq = NULL, *Nminus = NULL;
- DOUBLE c0, c0start;
- DOUBLE *A = NULL, *AB1 = NULL, *b = NULL, *b2q = NULL;
- DOUBLE *c = NULL, *c2 = NULL, *upper = NULL, *lower = NULL;
- DOUBLE *x = NULL, *cq = NULL, *pi = NULL, *dq = NULL, *help = NULL;
- STRPTR errors[] = {
- (STRPTR)"Invalid arguments for \"load\"",
- (STRPTR)"Identifier too long",
- (STRPTR)"Identifier declared twice",
- (STRPTR)"Unknown Identifier",
- (STRPTR)"Sections have to start in column 1",
- (STRPTR)"Section defined twice",
- (STRPTR)"Unknown section",
- (STRPTR)"Illegal order of sections",
- (STRPTR)"Missing NAME-section (1st section) or NAME-section empty",
- (STRPTR)"Missing ROWS-section (2nd section) or ROWS-section empty",
- (STRPTR)"Missing goal or goal not found",
- (STRPTR)"Missing COLUMNS-section (3rd section) or COLUMNS-section empty",
- (STRPTR)"Missing RHS-section (4th section)",
- (STRPTR)"Missing ENDATA-section (last section)",
- (STRPTR)"Constraint must be of type N, E, L or G",
- (STRPTR)"Bound must be of type UP or LO",
- (STRPTR)"Lower bound > upper bound",
- (STRPTR)"Expression in RANGES belongs to a \"E\"-constraint",
- (STRPTR)"Can\'t find necessary expression in this line",
- (STRPTR)"File-name too long",
- (STRPTR)"Can\'t open file for read access",
- (STRPTR)"Can\'t open file for write access",
- (STRPTR)"End-of-file reached",
- (STRPTR)"Not enough memory",
- (STRPTR)"FATAL ERROR (This error should not occur, reboot system!)"
- };
- main()
- {
- INT error;
- SHORT start, stop, length, i;
- BOOL end = _FALSE;
- USHORT verbose = 0, result;
- TEXT ch;
- STRPTR sptr;
- ULONG iter1, iter2, sec1, sec2, micro1, micro2;
- LONG h, min, sec, sec100, pri = 0L;
- SHORT atoi();
- VOID PrintSolution(), Leave();
- /* Zuerst Intuition-Bibliothek öffnen */
- if(!(IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library",LIBRARY_VERSION))) {
- Leave("Can't find \"intuition.library\"!");
- return;
- }
- puts("\f\033[1mASimplex Version 1.2");
- puts("THE Amiga Simplex Program");
- puts("(c) 18.03.1989 Stefan Förster\033[0m\n\n");
- printf(">> ");
- if(error = GetInput(args)) {
- PrintError(error,NULL);
- Leave("");
- }
- Cap(args,0,BUFFER);
- if(SearchExpr(args,&start,&stop)) {
- length = GetExpr(line,args,start,stop);
- if(strcmp(line,"HELP") == 0) {
- puts(" HELP");
- puts(" LOAD <file> [-cGOAL] [-bRHS] [-rRANGE] [-uBOUND] [-m] \
- [-fFILE]");
- puts(" VERBOSE");
- puts(" PRIORITY [N]");
- puts(" QUIT");
- }
- else if(strcmp(line,"QUIT") == 0) {
- do {
- printf("?? Really [Y,N] ? ");
- if(error = GetInput(args)) {
- PrintError(error,NULL);
- Leave("");
- }
- Cap(args,0,BUFFER);
- if(!SearchExpr(args,&start,&stop)) start = 0;
- } while((ch = *(args+start))!='N' && ch!='Y');
- if(ch == 'Y') Leave("");
- }
- else if(strcmp(line,"VERBOSE") == 0) {
- verbose = verbose ? 0 : VERBOSE;
- if(verbose) puts(" VERBOSE ON");
- else puts(" VERBOSE OFF");
- }
- else if(strcmp(line,"PRIORITY") == 0) {
- sptr = args+stop+1;
- if(SearchExpr(sptr,&start,&stop)) {
- length = GetExpr(line,sptr,start,stop);
- pri = (LONG)atoi(line);
- if(pri<0L) pri = 0L;
- if(pri>20L) pri = 20L;
- SetTaskPri(FindTask((STRPTR)0),pri);
- printf(" Changed task priority to %ld.\n",pri);
- }
- else printf(" Current task priority is %ld.\n",pri);
- }
- else if(strcmp(line,"LOAD") == 0) {
- CurrentTime(&sec1,µ1);
- if(MPSX(args+stop+1)) {
- if(!verbose) puts("@@ Please wait - calculation.");
- iter1 = iter2 = 0L;
- result = PhaseI(&m,&n,B,Nq,A,AB1,b,b2q,c,c2,&c0,c0start,verbose,
- upper,x,cq,pi,dq,Nminus,help,&iter1);
- if(result == NOT_INVERTABLE) {
- puts(" Matrix AB is not invertable.");
- if(file[1]) fputs(" Matrix AB is not invertable.\n",file[1]);
- }
- else if(result == UNBOUNDED) {
- if(file[1])
- }
- else if(result == EMPTY) {
- puts(" This problem is not solveable.");
- if(file[1]) fputs(" This problem is not solveable.\n",file[1]);
- }
- else if(result == CLEAR_CUT) PrintSolution();
- else {
- result = PhaseII(m,n,B,Nq,A,AB1,b,b2q,c,&c0,c0start,
- verbose|PHASE_II,upper,lower,x,cq,pi,dq,Nminus,help,&iter2);
- if(result == NOT_INVERTABLE) {
- puts(" Matrix AB is not invertable.");
- if(file[1]) fputs(" Matrix AB is not invertable.\n",file[1]);
- }
- else if(result == UNBOUNDED) {
- puts(" This problem is unbounded.");
- if(file[1]) fputs(" This problem is unbounded.\n",file[1]);
- }
- else PrintSolution();
- }
- printf("-> %ld iterations needed.\n",iter1+iter2);
- if(file[1]) fprintf(file[1],"-> %ld iterations needed.\n",iter1+iter2);
- GiveMemBack();
- GetRidOfLists();
- minimize = _FALSE;
- }
- CurrentTime(&sec2,µ2);
- sec100 = micro2-micro1;
- sec = sec2-sec1;
- if(sec100 < 0L) {
- sec100 += 1000000L;
- --sec;
- }
- sec100 /= 10000L;
- h = sec/3600L;
- min = (sec-3600L*h)/60;
- sec -= 3600L*h+60*min;
- printf("-> Used time: %3ld : %02ld : %02ld,%02ld\n",h,min,sec,sec100);
- if(file[1]) {
- fprintf(file[1],"-> Used time: %3ld : %02ld : %02ld,%02ld\f",h,min,
- sec,sec100);
- fclose(file[1]);
- file[1] = NULL;
- }
- if(file[0]) {
- fclose(file[0]);
- file[0] = NULL;
- }
- }
- else printf(" Unknown command \"%s\".\n",line);
- }
- } /* FOREVER */
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VOID PrintSolution() *
- * Ausgabe der Lösung *
- *****************************************************************************/
- VOID PrintSolution()
- {
- VOID PrintX();
- puts("@@ Solution:\n");
- printf(" %-9s = %14.10lg\n",symbols[GOAL],minimize ? -c0 : c0);
- PrintX(list[VAR_LIST],stdout);
- puts("");
- if(file[1]) {
- fputs("@@ Solution:\n\n",file[1]);
- fprintf(file[1]," %-9s = %14.10lg\n",symbols[GOAL],minimize ? -c0 : c0);
- PrintX(list[VAR_LIST],file[1]);
- fputs("\n",file[1]);
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VOID PrintX() *
- * Gibt das Ergebnis der Berechnungen aus. *
- *****************************************************************************/
- VOID PrintX(ptr,fptr)
- ITEMPTR ptr;
- FILE *fptr;
- {
- if(ptr) {
- PrintX(ptr->next,fptr);
- fprintf(fptr," %-9s = %14.10lg\n",ptr->string,x[ptr->nr-1]);
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VOID Leave() *
- * Verlassen des Programms *
- *****************************************************************************/
- VOID Leave(str)
- STRPTR str;
- {
- if(IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n\n",str);
- exit(0);
- }