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- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Config! |
- | Copyright (C) 1986-89 Rick Stiles. All rights reserved. |
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Config! defines all of Uedit's default settings and commands. If you edit
- Config! and want to make a new Data! file, type "Run UE -c" in CLI.
- If you create a new config such as "NewConfig", you can make Uedit compile it
- by typing "UE -cNewConfig" in CLI. On the "Save new Data?" question,
- selecting Yes writes a new Data! file.
- *****
- Edit the contents of each set of angle brackets, but leave the angle-brackets
- intact:
- (To recompile these defaults anytime, select "Cfg defalts" in the menu.)
- (Unless told otherwise, use 0 for "no" or 1 for "yes".)
- <1> Make Key-Help file during this compile. (For "TEACH KEYS" in menu.)
- (NOTE: If you want to create a new Key-Help facility, you should set
- this flag to 1. Startup compile is much faster when it's 0, however.)
- <S:Key-Help> Name of Key-Help file to create or look for. 19 chars max.
- <1> Show cursor during compile of this configuration. Slower, if show.
- <RAM:uejunk> Name for temporary file when one is needed. 19 chars max.
- <topaz> Font name (19 chars max).
- <8> Font pixel height ( >= 8).
- <27> Primitive Mode (pmESC) terminator character.
- <0> User global flag A. Any integer value.
- <0> User global flag B. Any integer value.
- <0> Columnar display mode
- <0> Cram display mode
- <1> Show page-row-column
- <1> Mark gadgets
- <0> Interlace/bitplanes. 0-3.
- <1> Show invisibles
- <1> Show busies
- <0> Teach keys mode
- <20> Maximum files to edit. 1-100.
- <0> Make icons
- <0> Search/grep case-sensitive flag
- <?> Search single wildcard. Printable character.
- <$> Search either-or delimiter. Printable character.
- <*> Search multi wildcard. Printable character.
- <~> Search all-but delimiter. Printable character.
- <0> White allowed under single wildcard: 0=no, 1=space/tab, 2=any white.
- <0> White allowed under multi wildcard: 0=no, 1=space/tab, 2=any white.
- <75> Percent offset for submenus. 0-100 percent.
- <0> RESERVED (l)
- <0> RESERVED (m)
- <0> Speak requester alerts
- <0> Speak messages
- <0> Print tabs (if 0, tabs are converted to spaces during print)
- <1> Smart tabs (don't convert tabs if inside quotes)
- <1> Screen type, 0=Workbench type, 1= Custom type
- <0> Use printable keys for typing, disabling any commands on them.
- <2> Printer selection. 0=par:, 1=ser:, 2=prt:, 3=prt: (raw).
- <100> Idle-time (tenths of seconds) after which time idle cmd is run. 1-32767
- <0> Hide display.
- <1> Scroll type: 0 = show colors, 1 = faster
- <0> Trap menus to use menu mouse button as a key
- <640> Screen width in pixels (640-1064)
- <200> Screen height in pixels (gets auto-doubled for LACE) (200-1064)
- <0> Task priority when in tiny window (-128 to 127)
- <0> Reserved
- <0> Reserved
- <0> Reserved
- <0> Reserved
- <0> Put in tabs, not spaces, when tab key pressed.
- <1> Autoindent mode
- <0> Overstrike mode
- <0> Autobackup mode
- <0> RESERVED (r)
- <1> Wordwrap mode
- <0> Rightjustify mode
- <1> Map illegal chars (ASCII 0-3) to table values. (See table below.)
- <0> RESERVED (c)
- <0> User local flag A
- <0> User local flag B
- <4> Tab ruler to use. 0-4. (See ruler tables below.)
- <77> Line-length. 1-9999.
- <5> Split window size in lines. 2-100, up to max lines in window.
- <0> Left margin. 0-255.
- <0> top margin. 0-255.
- <1> bottom margin. 0-255.
- <66> lines/page. 1-255.
- <10> End-of-line char. 10 = Newline, 13 = Carriage Return.
- These are the 5 TAB rulers. There can be up to 32 column-entries in each tab
- ruler. The highest column is 255. The lowest is 2. In Uedit, to change
- tab rulers, select "Tab ruler". To see the settings, select "See ruler".
- To adjust the tabs, select "Set ruler".
- <7 13 19 25 31> Tab ruler 0.
- <9 17 25 33 41 49> Tab ruler 1.
- <11 21 31 41 51 61
- 71 81> Tab ruler 2.
- <> Tab ruler 3.
- <5 9 13 17 21 25 29
- 33 37 41 45 49 53 57
- 61 65 69 73 77 81> Tab ruler 4.
- Uedit uses ASCII characters 0-3 internally for markers. Files cannot
- legally contain these characters. If the above "Map illegal chars" flag
- is not set, any illegal characters (ASCII 0-3) are replaced by "@" upon
- loading the file. If "Map illegal chars" is set, illegal chars are mapped
- to the "safe" chars given below upon loading the file. Upon saving the
- file, the chars are remapped back into their old ASCII 0-3 values:
- <128> map ASCII 0 Values must be 128-255.
- <129> map ASCII 1
- <130> map ASCII 2
- <131> map ASCII 3
- Printable key table: DON'T TOUCH, unless you know what you are doing!
- This is a translation table which converts raw keystrokes into printable
- characters. (See Rom Kernal Manual, Volume 1, page 3-81.) There must be
- 64 in each row. Use OVERSTRIKE typing mode when modifying this, to avoid
- trouble:
- Unused --> U U EUROPE--> EE U U
- <`1234567890-=\ 0qwertyuiop[] 123asdfghjkl;' 456 zxcvbnm,./ .789>
- <~!@#$%^&*()_+| 0QWERTYUIOP{} 123ASDFGHJKL:" 456 ZXCVBNM<>? .789> .. "
- These are input using the ALT key. Put FOREIGN LETTERS in this array.
- <`1234567890-=\ 0qwertyuiop[] 123asdfghjkl;' 456 zxcvbnm,./ .789>
- Colors:
- <3><1><0><2> Screen 4-color combination. (0-3, use no duplicates.)
- RGB colors: (Range is 0-15.)
- Red Green Blue
- <0> <5> <10> Register 0
- <15> <15> <15> Register 1
- <15> <9> <0> Register 2
- <0> <9> <15> Register 3
- Gadget Names in the message line. 19 chars max:
- <Next File/Mark> Name for gadget 1
- <Prev File/Mark> Name for gadget 2
- <Down/Set Mark> Name for gadget 3
- <Up> Name for gadget 4
- *****
- Everything from here onward is menu selections or commands.
- (Also see Config!M, Config!P, Config!R, and Config!S.)
- Keep a backup copy of the original, if you change this file.
- It's a good idea to include the following 2 commands first thing after the
- config defaults above. That way, if a compile-error occurs during startup-
- compile, you can fix the error easily using mouse-scrolling and f6.
- Compile command at or following cursor
- <normal-f6: if (not compile) beepDisplay >
- Place cursor or scroll if button held
- <normal-buttonDown:
- moveCursor(curFile,mouseLoc)
- updateDisplay
- mouseXY(n0,n1)
- if (!mouseDown) return
- while (!inputWaiting) {
- trackMouse
- mouseXY(n2,n3)
- sub(n3,n3,n1)
- div(n3,n3,5)
- vscroll(n3)
- updateDisplay
- } >
- (The following scroll/2-click-hilite-copy cmd was created by Ken Perano.)
- Place cursor or scroll if button held; Hilite with double click.
- ..<normal-buttonDown: .. K. Perano
- if (eqLoc(curFile,atCursor,mouseLoc)) { .. dynamic Hiliting
- equateLoc(curFile,locA,mouseLoc) .. save current cursor location in locA
- getSplitLines(n1,n2) .. determine row range of window
- equateNum(n3,8) .. n3 = character height
- .. getAddress(11,n0) .. UEK only
- .. peek(n0,n3,2) .. UEK only
- add(n1,n1,2) .. top row number
- add(n2,n2,2) .. bottom row number
- mul(n1,n1,n3) .. n1 = top pixel number
- mul(n2,n2,n3) .. n2 = bottom pixel number
- if (!mouseDown) return
- while (!inputWaiting) {
- trackMouse
- .. update Hilite definition
- if (gtLoc(curFile,locA,mouseLoc))
- { equateLoc(curFile,sHilite,mouseLoc) equateLoc(curFile,eHilite,locA) }
- else
- { equateLoc(curFile,eHilite,mouseLoc) equateLoc(curFile,sHilite,locA) }
- .. scroll only if mouse is in scroll regions
- mouseXY(n3,n4)
- if (geNum(n4,n2)) { .. mouse at bottom of screen
- vscroll(2) .. speed up this direction
- updateDisplay
- }
- else if (geNum(n1,n4)) { .. mouse at top of screen
- vscroll(-1)
- updateDisplay
- }
- else .. do not scroll
- refreshDisplay
- }
- .. cleanup work on mouseup
- equateLoc(curFile,atCursor,sHilite)
- refreshDisplay
- runKey(normal-kpDot) .. copy Hilite to buffer automatically
- }
- else { .. standard scrolling feature
- moveCursor(curFile,mouseLoc)
- updateDisplay
- mouseXY(n0,n1)
- equateNum(n4,n1)
- if (not mouseDown) return
- while (trackMouse) {
- mouseXY(n2,n3)
- sub(n3,n3,n1)
- div(n3,n3,10) .. could increase 10 to decrease sensitivity
- vscroll(n3) .. multi-speed scrolling
- updateDisplay
- }
- }
- >
- <alt-f4: quit(10) > ..ABORT Uedit
- ((See Startup Key and Menus in the Manual. Also see Menus and Buffer Names.))
- <startup:
- menu("Files",1,normal-f1)
- menu("Next file f1",1,normal-f1)
- menu("Prev file S-f1",1,shft-f1)
- menu("Open ",1,alt-f1)
- SUBmenu("Open A-f1",1,alt-f1)
- SUBmenu("File request L-f1",1,lAmiga-f1)
- SUBmenu("New file C-f1",1,ctl-f1)
- SUBmenu("Insert file SA-f1",1,shftAlt-f1)
- SUBmenu("Restore SC-f1",1,shftCtl-f1)
- SUBmenu("Rename A-n",1,alt-n)
- menu("Save ",1,normal-f2)
- SUBmenu("Save f2",1,normal-f2)
- SUBmenu("Save changes A-f2",1,alt-f2)
- SUBmenu("Save as... S-f2",1,shft-f2)
- SUBmenu("Save hilite SC-f2",1,shftCtl-f2)
- SUBmenu("Abort save SA-f2",1,shftAlt-f2)
- menu("Close ",1,normal-f3)
- SUBmenu("Close f3",1,normal-f3)
- SUBmenu("Auto-close S-f3",1,shft-f3)
- menu("Quit ",1,normal-f4)
- SUBmenu("Quit f4",1,normal-f4)
- SUBmenu("Auto-quit S-f4",1,shft-f4)
- SUBmenu("ABORT Uedit! A-f4",1,alt-f4)
- menu("AmigaDOS ",1,ctl-y)
- SUBmenu("AmigaDOS C-y",1,ctl-y)
- SUBmenu("DOS + result C-z",1,ctl-z)
- SUBmenu("Directory A-z",1,alt-z)
- SUBmenu("CD (Chg dir) AC-z",1,altCtl-z)
- menu("About... ",1,shftAltCtl-a)
- menu("Search",2,normal-f1)
- menu("Search ",2,normal-f9)
- SUBmenu("Search fwd f9",2,normal-f9)
- SUBmenu("Search bkwd S-f9",2,shft-f9)
- SUBmenu("Set search f7",2,normal-f7)
- menu("Replace ",2,normal-f10)
- SUBmenu("Replace fwd f10",2,normal-f10)
- SUBmenu("Rpl all fwd A-f10",2,alt-f10)
- SUBmenu("Rpl bkwd S-f10",2,shft-f10)
- SUBmenu("Set replace f8",2,normal-f8)
- menu("Settings ",2,ctl-8)
- checkedSUBmenu("Case sensitiv C-8",2,ctl-8,searchCaps)
- SUBmenu("Wildcards A-f7",2,alt-f7)
- SUBmenu("Either-or C-f7",2,ctl-f7)
- menu("Grep ",2,lAmiga-f9)
- SUBmenu("Grep fwd L-f9",2,lAmiga-f9)
- SUBmenu("Grep bkwd R-f9",2,rAmiga-f9)
- SUBmenu("Set Grep L-f7",2,lAmiga-f7)
- SUBmenu("Grep repl-> L-f10",2,lAmiga-f10)
- SUBmenu("Grep repl<- R-f10",2,rAmiga-f10)
- menu("Bookmarks ",2,shft-gadget1)
- SUBmenu("Goto->mark S-gad1",2,shft-gadget1)
- SUBmenu("Goto<-mark S-gad2",2,shft-gadget2)
- SUBmenu("Set mark S-gad3",2,shft-gadget3)
- menu("Buffers",3,normal-f1)
- menu("Buffers ",3,alt-w)
- SUBmenu("Swap buf #0 A-w",3,alt-w)
- SUBmenu("Swap buf #41 C-w",3,ctl-w)
- SUBmenu("See buffers SC-f6",3,shftCtl-f6)
- SUBmenu("Edit buffer SA-f6",3,shftAlt-f6)
- SUBmenu("Free buffers A-f3",3,alt-f3)
- SUBmenu("Push buffer L-w",3,lAmiga-w)
- SUBmenu("Pop buffer R-w",3,rAmiga-w)
- SUBmenu("Roll stack SA-w",3,shftAlt-w)
- menu("Data file ",3,alt-f6)
- ..SUBmenu("UStar ",3,virtual-u)
- ..SUBmenu("Directory Utility",3,virtual-d)
- ..SUBmenu("Regular UE data ",3,virtual-e)
- SUBmenu("Save data A-f6",3,alt-f6)
- SUBmenu("Load data C-f6",3,ctl-f6)
- menu("Compile ",3,normal-f6)
- SUBmenu("Compile f6",3,normal-f6)
- SUBmenu("Cfg defalts AC-f6",3,altCtl-f6)
- SUBmenu("Make command S-f6",3,shft-f6)
- menu("Keys ",3,normal-f5)
- SUBmenu("Swap keys f5",3,normal-f5)
- SUBmenu("Swap mouseUp A-m",3,alt-m)
- SUBmenu("Kill key SAC-f6",3,shftAltCtl-f6)
- SUBmenu("Find key L-f6",3,lAmiga-f6)
- menu("Learn ",3,ctl-s)
- checkedSUBmenu("Start learn C-s",3,ctl-s,learnMode)
- SUBmenu("End/Run learn C-r",3,ctl-r)
- SUBmenu("Save learn C-5",3,ctl-5)
- SUBmenu("Load learn C-6",3,ctl-6)
- SUBmenu("Load & run C-7",3,ctl-7)
- menu("Save state R-f5",3,rAmiga-f5)
- menu("Load state R-f6",3,rAmiga-f6)
- menu("Name gadget C-esc",3,ctl-esc)
- menu("Speak hilite A-s",3,alt-s)
- menu("Edits",4,normal-f1)
- checkedmenu("Col display SC-`",4,shftCtl-`,columnar)
- menu("Cut&Paste Hilite ",4,normal-kpDot)
- SUBmenu("Copy kp.",4,normal-kpDot)
- SUBmenu("Cut kp-",4,normal-kpMinus)
- SUBmenu("Paste kpEnter",4,normal-kpEnter)
- SUBmenu("Clear C-h",4,ctl-h)
- menu("Cut&Paste Invert ",4,ctl-kpDot)
- SUBmenu("I-Copy C-kp.",4,ctl-kpDot)
- SUBmenu("I-Cut C-kp-",4,ctl-kpMinus)
- SUBmenu("I-Paste C-kpEnter",4,ctl-kpEnter)
- SUBmenu("I-Clear C-i",4,ctl-i)
- menu("Columnar ",4,shftCtl-1)
- SUBmenu("Col Cut SC-1",4,shftCtl-1)
- SUBmenu("Col Erase SC-2",4,shftCtl-2)
- SUBmenu("Col Copy SC-3",4,shftCtl-3)
- SUBmenu("Col Insert SC-4",4,shftCtl-4)
- SUBmenu("Col Overlay SC-5",4,shftCtl-5)
- SUBmenu("Ins Hil->Csr SC-6",4,shftCtl-6)
- SUBmenu("Ovl Hil->Csr SC-7",4,shftCtl-7)
- menu("Text reformats ",4,ctl-3)
- SUBmenu("Paragraph C-3",4,ctl-3)
- SUBmenu("Del white-spc C-4",4,ctl-4)
- SUBmenu("Tabs->spaces L-t",4,lAmiga-t)
- SUBmenu("Spaces->tabs R-t",4,rAmiga-t)
- menu("Printing ",4,alt-p)
- SUBmenu("Print select A-p",4,alt-p)
- SUBmenu("Print hilite C-p",4,ctl-p)
- SUBmenu("Print file AC-p",4,altCtl-p)
- SUBmenu("Restart print L-s",4,lAmiga-s)
- SUBmenu("Abort print L-a",4,lAmiga-a)
- SUBmenu("Stop all prts R-a",4,rAmiga-a)
- SUBmenu("Code help SAC-p",4,shftAltCtl-p)
- SUBmenu("Bracket hiliteL-p",4,lAmiga-p)
- SUBmenu("Find code R-g",4,rAmiga-g)
- SUBmenu("Embed code L-g",4,lAmiga-g)
- SUBmenu("Type formfeed L-f",4,lAmiga-f)
- menu("Paging ",4,alt-3)
- SUBmenu("Go to page # A-3",4,alt-3)
- SUBmenu("Top of page L-h",4,lAmiga-h)
- SUBmenu("Bottom page L-b",4,lAmiga-b)
- SUBmenu("Divide page L-v",4,lAmiga-v)
- SUBmenu("Auto page div L-r",4,lAmiga-r)
- SUBmenu("Del page div L-d",4,lAmiga-d)
- SUBmenu("Del page # L-y",4,lAmiga-y)
- menu("Spelling ",4,rAmiga-u)
- SUBmenu("Load speller R-u",4,rAmiga-u)
- SUBmenu("Check fwd R-c",4,rAmiga-c)
- SUBmenu("Chk&mark fwd R-m",4,rAmiga-m)
- SUBmenu("Chk & collect R-l",4,rAmiga-l)
- SUBmenu("Merge w/ dict R-d",4,rAmiga-d)
- SUBmenu("Del from dict R-e",4,rAmiga-e)
- SUBmenu("Free Speller R-f",4,rAmiga-f)
- menu("Rexx ",4,altCtl-1)
- SUBmenu("Ed out buf62 AC-1",4,altCtl-1)
- SUBmenu("Ed in buf61 AC-2",4,altCtl-2)
- SUBmenu("Buf62->Rexx AC-3",4,altCtl-3)
- SUBmenu("Buf61<-Rexx AC-4",4,altCtl-4)
- SUBmenu("hilite->Rexx AC-5",4,altCtl-5)
- SUBmenu("Cursor<-Rexx AC-6",4,altCtl-6)
- SUBmenu("Reply OKAY-> AC-7",4,altCtl-7)
- SUBmenu("Reply text-> AC-8",4,altCtl-8)
- checkedSUBmenu("Auto-traffic AC-9",4,altCtl-9,userGlobalB)
- SUBmenu("Make x.rexx AC-0",4,altCtl-0)
- menu("Modes",5,normal-f1)
- menu("HYPER TEXT ",5,lAmiga-gadget1)
- SUBmenu("Hyper Text L-gad1",5,lAmiga-gadget1)
- SUBmenu("Open HT L-gad3",5,lAmiga-gadget3)
- SUBmenu("Close HT L-gad4",5,lAmiga-gadget4)
- menu("TEACH KEYS ",5,ctl-help)
- checkedSUBmenu("Teach keys C-help",5,ctl-help,teachKeys)
- SUBmenu("Teach one C-t",5,ctl-t)
- menu("Local modes ",5,shft-f5)
- checkedSUBmenu("OverStrike S-f5",5,shft-f5,overStrike)
- checkedSUBmenu("WordWrap C-f5",5,ctl-f5,wordWrap)
- checkedSUBmenu("Right justify A-j",5,alt-j,rightJustify)
- checkedSUBmenu("AutoIndent A-f5",5,alt-f5,autoIndent)
- checkedSUBmenu("Read-only SA-f5",5,shftAlt-f5,readOnly)
- checkedSUBmenu("Changed flag L-f5",5,lAmiga-f5,changed)
- checkedSUBmenu("Use tabs AC-tab",5,altCtl-tab,trueTabs)
- checkedSUBmenu("AutoBackup SAC-f5",5,shftAltCtl-f5,autoBackup)
- checkedSUBmenu("Map illegals SA-m",5,shftAlt-m,mapChars)
- checkedSUBmenu("Save on idle C-f2",5,ctl-f2,userLocalA)
- menu("Global modes ",5,ctl-2)
- checkedSUBmenu("Row/Column C-2",5,ctl-2,rowCol)
- checkedSUBmenu("Mark gadgets C-g",5,ctl-g,markGadgets)
- checkedSUBmenu("Invisibles C-v",5,ctl-v,spooks)
- checkedSUBmenu("Busies C-b",5,ctl-b,busies)
- checkedSUBmenu("Use keys A-u",5,alt-u,useKeys)
- checkedSUBmenu("Make icons AC-i",5,altCtl-i,icons)
- menu("Numbers",6,normal-f1)
- menu("Show vals S-help",6,shft-help)
- menu("Tab ruler ",6,shftAlt-tab)
- SUBmenu("See ruler SA-tab",6,shftAlt-tab)
- SUBmenu("Set ruler SC-tab",6,shftCtl-tab)
- SUBmenu("Tab ruler SAC-tab",6,shftAltCtl-tab)
- menu("Line-Page ",6,ctl-return)
- SUBmenu("Line length C-rtn",6,ctl-return)
- SUBmenu("Lines/page A-g",6,alt-g)
- SUBmenu("Left margin L-m",6,lAmiga-m)
- SUBmenu("Top margin L-u",6,lAmiga-u)
- SUBmenu("Bottom margin L-l",6,lAmiga-l)
- SUBmenu("End of line C-e",6,ctl-e)
- menu("Command mult C-m",6,ctl-m)
- menu("Max files AC-f1",6,altCtl-f1)
- menu("Idle timer SAC-i",6,shftAltCtl-i)
- menu("PM terminator ESC",6,normal-esc)
- menu("File size C-1",6,ctl-1)
- menu("Display",7,normal-f1)
- menu("Colors A-help",7,alt-help)
- menu("Tune RGB A-esc",7,alt-esc)
- checkedMenu("Hide display R-h",7,rAmiga-h,hideDisplay)
- menu("Scroll type R-s",7,rAmiga-s)
- menu("Split windows ",7,lAmiga-9)
- SUBmenu("Next split L-9",7,lAmiga-9)
- SUBmenu("Drop split L-0",7,lAmiga-0)
- SUBmenu("Split lines L-8",7,lAmiga-8)
- SUBmenu("Mouse size L-=",7,lAmiga-=)
- SUBmenu("Curr buf L-c",7,lAmiga-c)
- SUBmenu("Undo buf L-1",7,lAmiga-1)
- SUBmenu("Search buf L-2",7,lAmiga-2)
- SUBmenu("Replac buf L-3",7,lAmiga-3)
- SUBmenu("Hilite buf L-4",7,lAmiga-4)
- SUBmenu("Invert buf L-5",7,lAmiga-5)
- SUBmenu("Columnar L-6",7,lAmiga-6)
- SUBmenu("Directories L-7",7,lAmiga-7)
- menu("Lace/planes ",7,shft-esc)
- SUBmenu("Toggle S-esc",7,shft-esc)
- SUBmenu("Reg 1 plane R-f1",7,rAmiga-f1)
- SUBmenu("Reg 2 planes R-f2",7,rAmiga-f2)
- SUBmenu("Lace 1 plane R-f3",7,rAmiga-f3)
- SUBmenu("Lace 2 plane R-f4",7,rAmiga-f4)
- menu("Refresh SC-help",7,shftCtl-help)
- menu("Do menus SAC-help",7,shftAltCtl-help)
- menu("Unhilite A-h",7,alt-h)
- menu("Uninvert A-i",7,alt-i)
- nameBuffer(37,"Copied Columnar")
- nameBuffer(38,"S:Directories")
- nameBuffer(42,"Help!")
- nameBuffer(45,"Scratch Deletes")
- nameBuffer(46,"Copied Invert")
- nameBuffer(47,"Copied Hilite")
- nameBuffer(48,"Replace String")
- nameBuffer(49,"Search String")
- nameBuffer(61,"Rexx Msg/Reply IN")
- nameBuffer(62,"Rexx Msg/Reply OUT")
- refreshDisplay
- runKey(shftAltCtl-a)
- ..toggle(toTiny)
- >
- *****
- Here is a description of how buffers are used in the config files. If you
- make changes which involve buffers, you should follow the convention in this
- list: (You can change this convention entirely, of course.)
- buf55-99 = available for user commands
- buf50-54 = used for temporary purposes in commands
- buf49 = search or grep string
- buf48 = replace string
- buf47 = copied hilite
- buf46 = copied invert
- buf45 = holds scratch deletes for Undo, keypad-0
- buf44 = make-command buffer
- buf43 = document names
- buf42 = holds Help, if loaded
- buf41 = used in buffer swapping command, ctl-w
- buf40 = used for AmigaDOS commands
- buf39 = used for result of AmigaDOS commands (if result selected)
- buf38 = directory names
- buf37 = copied columnar data
- buf35 = holds REXXCOMM File for Rexx interface
- buf62 = Rexx msg/reply output buffer
- buf61 = Rexx msg/reply input buffer
- ....................
- The above is just the initial stuff in Uedit's standard config. The
- following are extensions for Config! and should be included with it:
- Config!H - hyper text, grep, bookmark commands
- Config!M - miscellaneous commands
- Config!P - printing commands
- Config!R - ARexx-interface commands
- Config!S - spell-checking commands
- When you compile Config! with Uedit using "Run UE -c", the extension files
- are pulled in automatically.
- ....................