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- ======== PRINTER CMDS ========
- Print the hilite region. (See alt-p.)
- <ctl-p: print(curFile,hilite) >
- Select printing port: parallel, serial, Preferences raw or processed.
- <alt-p:
- putMsg("Printer select: 0=par: 1=ser: 2=prt: 3=prt: (raw)")
- getKeyVal(macroNum,inputChar)
- sub(n54,inputChar,"0")
- if (geNum(n54,0) & gtNum(4,n54)) equateNum(prefPrint,n54)
- putMsg(" ") >
- Print entire document
- <altCtl-p: print(curFile,all)>
- Stop the current print
- <lAmiga-a: abortPrint abort>
- Stop all prints that are stored up
- <rAmiga-a:
- while (abortPrint) nothing
- abort >
- Restart current print
- <lAmiga-s: restartPrint>
- Give printer control code help
- <shftAltCtl-p:
- freebuf(buf54)
- putMsg(" ")
- insertRgn(buf54,sFile,
- "Press lAmiga-p and then one of the letters below. For boldface, italics,
- 8 lines/inch, etc, the hilite region is bracketed with printer codes:
- i = italics
- u = underline
- b = boldface
- c = condensed
- e = elite
- l = enlarged
- s = shadow
- d = double strike
- n = NLQ
- x = superscript
- y = subscript
- 8 = 8 lines/inch
- Other keys:
- rAmiga-g = find next printer code in document
- lAmiga-g = input a printer code # (0-75. See table in Manual.)
- \"Print select\" must be 2 or 3 for these codes to control your printer.
- Select \"Show vals\" to see what print-select is. Select your printer in
- Preferences.
- ",all)
- flipFlag(buf54,readOnly)
- equateNum(n53,curFile)
- editBuf(buf54)
- vScroll(sFile)
- updateDisplay
- getKey(n54)
- editBuf(buf[n53])
- .. updateDisplay
- freeBuf(buf54) >
- Get a key and reduce it to lower case.
- <virtual-g:
- putMsg("Enter prtr code (b c d e i l n s u x y 8 h=help):")
- if (getKey(n54)) { mod(n54,n54,104) putMsg(" ") returnTrue }
- putMsg(" ")
- returnFalse >
- Bracket the hilite region with printer codes using n54
- <virtual-c:
- if (geLoc(curFile,sHilite,eHilite)) returnFalse
- equateLoc(curFile,locA,atCursor)
- moveCursor(curFile,sHilite)
- .. the line below appears to be needed in some cases when the
- .. code is embedded at start of line. Without it the printer
- .. may not receive the code.
- if (is(curFile,sLine)) insertChar(curFile,13)
- printerCode(curFile,n53,0,0)
- incNum(n53)
- moveCursor(curFile,eHilite)
- printerCode(curFile,n53,0,0)
- equateLoc(curFile,eHilite,atCursor)
- moveCursor(curFile,locA) >
- Printer codes: Next letter key brackets hilite for boldface, italics etc.
- <lAmiga-p:
- if (runKey(virtual-g)) {
- if (eqNum(n54,normal-h)) runKey(shftAltCtl-p)
- else {
- switch (n54) {
- case(normal-8) { equateNum(n53,55) }
- case(normal-i) { equateNum(n53,6) }
- case(normal-u) { equateNum(n53,8) }
- case(normal-b) { equateNum(n53,10) }
- case(normal-e) { equateNum(n53,15) }
- case(normal-c) { equateNum(n53,17) }
- case(normal-l) { equateNum(n53,19) }
- case(normal-s) { equateNum(n53,21) }
- case(normal-d) { equateNum(n53,23) }
- case(normal-n) { equateNum(n53,25) }
- case(normal-x) { equateNum(n53,27) }
- case(normal-y) { equateNum(n53,29) }
- default { returnFalse }
- }
- runKey(virtual-c)
- }
- } >
- Find next printer code (can delete it with ctl-h)
- <rAmiga-g:
- freeBuf(buf54)
- insertChar(buf54,"")
- insertChar(buf54,wildCard)
- insertChar(buf54,"")
- insertChar(buf54,eitherOr)
- insertChar(buf54,"")
- insertChar(buf54,wildCard)
- insertChar(buf54,wildCard)
- insertChar(buf54,"")
- setSearch(buf54)
- if (search(curFile,sInvert,eInvert,1))
- putMsg("Press ctl-i to delete the code") >
- Insert printer code. (See printer code table for meaning of numbers 0-75.)
- <lAmiga-g:
- putMsg("Enter printer code (0-75, see printer-codes):")
- equateNum(n53,0)
- equateNum(n52,0)
- if (inputNum(n54) & geNum(n54,0) & geNum(75,n54)) {
- switch(n54) {
- case(12) {
- putMsg("Enter foreground color (30-39)")
- goto label(2) }
- case(13) {
- putMsg("Enter background color (40-49)")
- goto label(2) }
- case(48) {
- putMsg("Enter proportional offset")
- goto label(2) }
- case(57) {
- putMsg("Enter form length")
- goto label(2) }
- case(58) {
- putMsg("Enter # lines to skip on perforation")
- goto label(2) }
- case(64) {
- putMsg("Top/bottom margins, enter top margin")
- }
- case(65) {
- putMsg("Left/right margins, enter left margin")
- }
- case(75) {
- putMsg("Extended command - enter arg value")
- goto label(2) }
- default { goto label(1) }
- }
- label(3)
- if (not inputNum(n52)) return
- putMsg("Enter next value")
- label(2)
- if (not inputNum(n53)) return
- label(1)
- printerCode(curFile,n54,n52,n53)
- } >
- ======== PAGING CMDS ======
- Erase next page number
- <lAmiga-y:
- if (not is(curFile,eForm)) movecursor(curFile,eForm)
- if (is(curFile,12)) return
- if (not is(curFile,eLine)) moveCursor(curFile,eLine)
- if (is(curFile,12)) runKey(alt-kp7)
- >
- Input page number to go to
- <alt-3:
- putMsg("Go to page #:")
- if (inputNum(n3)) gotoPage(curFile,n3) >
- Insert a formfeed character
- <lAmiga-f: insertChar(curFile,12) >
- Go to top of page
- <lAmiga-h: moveCursor(curFile,sForm) >
- Go to end of page
- <lAmiga-b: moveCursor(curFile,eForm) >
- Insert page-division at cursor
- <lAmiga-v:
- if (not is(curFile,sLine)) moveCursor(curFile,sLine)
- getPageRowCol(n50,n51,n52)
- getLocal(curFile,n53,bottomMargin)
- getLocal(curFile,n49,pageLines)
- if (gtNum(2,n49)) {
- putMsg("Must set lines/page > 1 first")
- returnFalse
- }
- div(n53,n53,2)
- add(n51,n51,n53)
- while (gtNum(n49,n51)) { incNum(n51) insertChar(curFile,eLine) }
- getLocal(curFile,n49,lineLength)
- div(n49,n49,2)
- while (gtNum(n49,0)) { insertChar(curFile," ") decNum(n49) }
- toWord(curFile,n50)
- insertChar(curFile,12)
- if (not is(curFile,eFile)) {
- getLocal(curFile,n54,topMargin)
- while (gtNum(n54,0)) { decNum(n54) insertChar(curFile,eLine) }
- }
- >
- Delete next page-division
- <lAmiga-d:
- label(1)
- if (not is(curFile,sForm)) moveCursor(curFile,sForm)
- if (not is(curFile,eForm)) moveCursor(curFile,eForm)
- if (not is(curFile,eLine)) moveCursor(curFile,eline)
- if (not is(curFile,12)) {
- moveCursor(curFile,eChar)
- if (not is(curFile,eFile)) goto label(1)
- returnFalse
- }
- if (not is(curFile,sLine)) moveCursor(curFile,sLine)
- getPageRowCol(n49,n50,n51)
- getLocal(curFile,n54,topMargin)
- getLocal(curFile,n53,bottomMargin)
- equateLoc(curFile,locA,atCursor) .. start of ff line
- moveCursor(curFile,downLine)
- while (gtNum(n54,0)) { .. del tm lines
- if (not is(curFile,blankLine)) goto label(2)
- decNum(n54)
- moveCursor(curFile,downLine)
- }
- label(2)
- equateLoc(curFile,locB,atCursor)
- equateLoc(curFile,atCursor,locA)
- moveCursor(curFile,upLine)
- while (gtNum(n50,0)) {
- decNum(n50)
- if (not is(curFile,blankLine)) {
- moveCursor(curFile,downLine)
- goto label(3)
- }
- moveCursor(curFile,upLine)
- }
- label(3)
- equateLoc(curFile,locA,atCursor)
- clearRgn(curFile,loc) >
- Auto-insert page-divisions and page-numbers in document
- <lAmiga-r:
- putMsg("Scanning")
- equateLoc(curFile,locA,atCursor)
- freeBuf(buf54)
- insertChar(buf54,12)
- setSearch(buf54)
- if (search(curFile,sInvert,eInvert,1)) {
- putMsg("Delete old paging divisions first using lAmiga-d")
- returnFalse
- }
- putMsg(" ")
- equateLoc(curFile,atCursor,locA)
- if (not is(curFile,sForm)) moveCursor(curFile,sForm)
- while (nothing) {
- moveCursor(curFile,eForm)
- getLocal(curFile,n53,bottomMargin)
- getPageRowCol(n50,n51,n52)
- getLocal(curFile,n52,pageLines)
- if (gtNum(2,n52)) {
- putMsg("Must set lines/page > 1 first")
- returnFalse
- }
- if (gtNum(n52,n51)) { .. last page is short
- sub(n55,n52,n51) .. page lines - real line
- while (gtNum(n52,n51)) {
- insertChar(curFile,eLine)
- incNum(n51)
- }
- do (n54,1,n53) moveCursor(curFile,upLine)
- runKey(lAmiga-v)
- if (not is(curFile,eFile)) {
- moveCursor(curFile,eFile)
- runKey(lAmiga-v)
- }
- return
- }
- do (n54,1,n53) moveCursor(curFile,upLine)
- equateNum(n54,1)
- while (is(curFile,blankLine)) {
- moveCursor(curFile,downLine)
- incNum(n54)
- if (geNum(n54,n53)) goto label(1)
- }
- label(1)
- runKey(lAmiga-v)
- moveCursor(curFile,downLine)
- updateDisplay
- } >