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- Uedit-Tutor
- Copyright (C) 1986-90, Rick Stiles
- ((See Uedit-Policy for purchasing info.))
- **** DISCLAIMER ****
- I can accept no responsibility, if you crash your Amiga or lose text files
- with Uedit. No guarantees, either explicit or implied, are made as to
- Uedit's safety. If you use it, it is at your own risk.
- **** ********** ****
- Dear folks,
- (See Getting Started, below, for immediate instructions.)
- Uedit is an editor for technical users. It has many wordprocessing features.
- In developing and enhancing Uedit, the aims have been for the user to:
- o Be able to work without bumping into limits of power and capacity;
- o Be able to automate repetitive work, eliminate tedium, save time;
- o Be rid of the irritation of wasted keystrokes and stodgy performance;
- o Be able to customize the environment fully;
- o Be able to create, on the spot, new capabilities that are needed.
- Uedit is Shareware. You can get a copy from a friend or off a computer
- network and try it out, in order to decide whether to purchase the real thing
- or not. (See Uedit-Policy for purchasing info.)
- *** About This Version ***
- This freely distributable Shareware version has the following limitations
- in order to enable you to "get the flavor" and use Uedit productively and
- yet to encourage you to register to get the real thing:
- 1. It has a 4-file limit. The stacks have been omitted, because of the
- 4-file limit. If the stacks were included, you'd be able to edit an
- "infinite" number of files (to limit of memory) and maintain an
- arbitrary number of buffers and numbers on the stacks.
- 2. It will not let you save a full or partial configuration to disk.
- Thus you can customize while you're using Uedit, create and compile
- new commands, even compile an entire config file, but cannot save a
- custom environment to disk for permanent use.
- 3. It won't let you save a learned sequence to disk. You can use learn
- mode as much as you want but cannot store the learned sequences for
- permanent use.
- 4. The getBufAddr/attachBuf/detachBuf functions have been omitted, so
- this version cannot exchange buffers with external programs or other
- copies of Uedit running on your Amiga.
- About Uedit
- You can try Uedit immediately without reading beyond this paragraph. The
- menus, HyperText Help, and Teach Mode should be enough for most users to get
- going.
- When you use Teach Mode, be sure to try the shift/alt/ctrl/Amiga shift keys,
- to find out what the various combinations do with the keys and mouse-clicks
- and gadgets in the message line. Abort out of Teach Mode with Amiga-ESC.
- Goals in writing Uedit were openness, flexibility, power, friendliness -
- above all to give Freedom of Choice to the user.
- Being able to edit 100 files (or more) is only the beginning of the depth
- Uedit has got.
- Learn Mode adds a new dimension, providing instant automation for people who
- hate reading instructions and only want to know enough to get the job done.
- The command language adds another dimension, letting you rewrite Every
- command, even the gadget and mouse button commands - on the fly. Example:
- Put the cursor anywhere before the following command and press F6.
- <normal-esc: putMsg("Welcome to Uedit!")
- alertUser("Click me") >
- Now press Esc.
- Then there is the overall configurability and customizability, being able to
- swap and kill keys, change colors, customize the menus, etc.
- Then there is the ability to switch configurations, changing the personality
- of Uedit in seconds, without interrupting editing.
- Then there is the fact that it sleeps so that other tasks run efficiently and
- it can start other tasks and load in their results so that you can use them.
- The ARexx interface allows you to send commands or text to Uedit from CLI or
- from host programs, thereby controlling Uedit from outside. It allows Uedit
- to exchange data with ARexx host programs.
- The "infinite" buffer and number stacks enable you to edit as many files or
- hold onto as many buffers or numbers as memory will hold.
- Spooled file saving and spooled printing let you continue editing while
- saving and printing are in progress or when Uedit is in tiny window.
- You can click the title bar and go to tiny window even during an operation,
- and the operation continues while in tiny window.
- The spell-checking version of Uedit (see Uedit-Policy) allows you to spell-
- check documents, build dictionaries, create and use dictionary supplements,
- and so on.
- Features
- Uedit has too many features to go into here. To name just a few, it has on-
- line Help facility as well as Teach Mode that teaches the purpose of keys,
- gadgets, clicks, and menu selections.
- It has split windows, colored (hilite and invert) regions, interlace screen
- and RGB color tuning, mouse-scrolling and mouse cursor-placement, full sets
- of cut/copy/paste/clear capabilities for regular, inverted, or hilited as
- well as columnar text.
- It lets you edit up to 100 or more files at once, has paragraph reformatting,
- page-making commands, printer selection and controls, undo-deletes, search-
- replace, edit-while-you-print up to 12 documents or regions, ctrl-click-
- loading of any filename anywhere, an interface that lets you use ARexx, and
- much more.
- The main reason that Uedit's features can't be listed is that the user can
- create new ones anytime.
- New commands can be typed into any buffer. They are compiled in a fraction
- of a second typically, when you put the cursor in front of them and press f6.
- The command development and debugging work environment is extremely fast.
- New commands can be tested immediately after they have been written or
- changed.
- Ignore the Technical Aspects
- In order to discover how easy Uedit is to use productively, ignore
- anything technical in this tutorial for the moment. Just use the program
- like you would any editor or wordprocessor.
- Uedit was written for ordinary people, not for hackers, although it is true
- that most users are technical. You don't need to memorize anything technical
- in order to do powerful and automatic things.
- For instance, learn mode couldn't be simpler to use and it doesn't require
- any technical grasp or memorization. Yet it offers benefits that rival those
- of the command language and overall customizability of the program.
- Just try Uedit as an ordinary editor first, and see how you like it.
- And remember: Almost anything you don't like can be changed by the user.
- Getting Started
- Workbench and CLI:
- You can run Uedit immediately in Workbench by clicking its icon.
- You can run it immediately in CLI by typing "Run UES file1 file2 file3 etc".
- To be able to run UES from any directory, run CLI and type the following:
- Copy UES C:
- Copy NoName.info S:
- Copy Data! S:
- Copy Help! S:
- Copy Key-Help S:
- Now you can run Uedit from any directory. NoName.info must be in S:, if you
- are going to select "Make icons" so that Uedit will create file icons for
- you. (You can create your own custom NoName.info icon, if you wish.)
- Data! and Help! must either be in S: or in your current working directory.
- Here is what the key-prefixes mean in the menu selections: S=Shift, A=Alt,
- C=Ctrl, L=leftAmiga, R=rightAmiga. Keypad keys are abbreviated with "kp".
- If a menu selection says "L-0", it means that holding down the left Amiga key
- and pressing "0" will do the same thing as the menu entry. If it says "SA-
- kp7", it means hold down Shift and Alt keys and press the 7 on the keypad.
- Press Help or use HyperText as needed. Select "Teach keys" to learn about
- Uedit's keys. When finished with Teach Keys, press Amiga-ESC. (HyperSample
- and HyperSample.tbl must be in the current directory to use HyperText.)
- Amiga-ESC is Uedit's general purpose Abort key. Use it to Abort any operation.
- To slide Uedit's screen up/down, put the mouse at the far right of the title
- bar.
- CLI command line:
- The "Run UES" command line can have any number of file names in it, up to the
- maximum that you are configured to use. (The Shareware UES program is
- wired for 4 files maximum.)
- The following flags can be used in the CLI command line as well. The flags
- must come BEFORE the file names in the command line. Example:
- Run UES -a0x0f0f0f0f -b12345678 -lMyLearnSeq -k300 -dDataFileName
- -cConfigFileName file1 file2 file3 ....
- The -a and -b flags initialize the global variables UserGlobalA and
- UserGlobalB. The -l flag causes the learned sequence to be run after the
- files in the command line are loaded in. The -k flag causes the key with the
- corresponding macro-number to be executed - after the files (if any) are
- loaded, and after the learned sequence (if any) is run. The flags are
- handled in the following order:
- -c config file is loaded and compiled, if named.
- -d data file is loaded, if named & exists & -c flag not used.
- The named files are loaded, if any.
- -a and -b set the global user variables, if used.
- -l runs the learned sequence, if named & exists.
- -k runs the key, if named & exists.
- The function keys, F1 thru F10, do the following (with no shift keys):
- F1 = next file
- F2 = save file
- F3 = close file
- F4 = quit
- F5 = swap next 2 commands
- F6 = compile command following cursor
- F7 = input search text and search fwd
- F8 = input replace text
- F9 = search fwd
- F10 = replace & search fwd
- Files and buffers: Uedit has 100 buffers, which can be used for holding
- documents and bits and pieces of text. The lowest buffer numbers are used for
- holding documents. Any number of buffers may also be stored on the buffer
- stack. (The same is true of the number stack and the file-saving queue.)
- How many files Uedit will let you load in is determined by the "Max files"
- menu selection. (The Shareware UES is wired to 4 files max.)
- Directories and Files:
- The easiest way to load a file is to Ctrl-click its name in Uedit. There are
- two "current" directories:
- One is the Current Directory in which the Uedit program is running. This
- is the directory you started up in, unless you change it. (See AmigaDOS
- menu.)
- The second is the click-loading directory that Uedit currently is using.
- The default click-loading directory is also the directory you started up
- in, but you can change it as described below.
- If you ctrl-click a directory name such as myDir/ in any buffer, the
- directory name is added to the list of directories in buffer 38. If you
- ctrl-click in whitespace in any buffer, a split window opens up showing
- you the directory list (buffer 38) with the current click-loading
- directory hilited.
- In the split window (buffer 38), you can change the current directory, get a
- dir listing, edit or save the directory buffer, get the current directory
- (CD), or select a new click-loading directory.
- You can also get a directory listing by selecting "Directory" in the menu.
- The directory name you give is put into the directory list and becomes the
- current click-loading directory.
- The "Files" menu lets you load/insert/rename/restore/save/close files.
- Miscellaneous:
- To make the 4 invisible "gadgets" in the message line visible or invisible,
- press Ctrl-g.
- To make the cursor page/row/column info visible or invisible, press ctl-2.
- (These are in the menus: "Mark gadgets" and "Row/Column".)
- Scrolling: Scroll vertically by holding down the mouse button and moving the
- mouse. The arrow keys also do vertical and horizontal scrolling.
- For faster scrolls, either hold down the up/down arrow key or use Shift, Alt,
- or Ctrl with the arrow key. For a slower scroll, use the up/down gadgets.
- Moving the Cursor: Much of the time you may prefer placing the cursor by
- clicking the left mouse-button.
- The keypad keys 2, 4, 6, & 8 move the cursor up/down/left/right by word/
- character/line/page depending on which shift key is used.
- (Teach Keys will give you the sense of the keypad keys.)
- Scratch deletes & Undo:
- Scratch deleting is what you'd normally use in meat & potatoes text work. The
- following keys do scratch deletes at the cursor location:
- Ctrl-d deletes the cursor line.
- Keypad-7 (unshifted) deletes word-left.
- Keypad-9 (unshifted) deletes word-right.
- Shift-kp7 deletes character left.
- Shift-kp9 deletes the character under the cursor.
- Alt-kp7 deletes to start of line.
- Alt-kp9 deletes to end of line.
- Ctrl-kp7 deletes to top of window.
- Ctrl-kp9 deletes to bottom of window.
- These are the "scratch" delete keys. When you use them, the deleted material
- is stored in the scratch-delete (Undo) buffer. Long as you don't move the
- cursor and make a delete somewhere else, you can store any number of scratch
- deletes.
- Pressing keypad-0 inserts the Undo buffer at the cursor. Thus, after doing a
- series of scratch deletes using the above keys, you can place the cursor
- somewhere, press keypad-0, and insert the deleted material.
- If you move the cursor and do another scratch delete, the Undo buffer is
- cleared before the newly deleted text is stored. You will find that you do
- most of your cut & paste the quick & dirty way, using scratch-deletes and the
- Undo key.
- If you select "Undo buffer" in the Split Window menu, you can monitor the
- contents of the Undo buffer and even type into it. To adjust the size of any
- split window, activate the window by clicking it with the mouse and then
- press lAmiga-= and adjust the size by holding the left mouse-button and
- moving the mouse.
- There can be up to 8 split windows in use.
- There are many ways to do cut/copy/paste operations with Uedit and to do them
- in parallel.
- You can be doing cut & paste using scratch deletes, hilite region, invert
- region, and columnar data, all at the same time. If these aren't enough,
- you've got 100 buffers to put bits and pieces into. Any number of buffers
- can be put onto the stack using "Push buf", so you can maintain as many
- files and buffers as memory will hold. (The Shareware UES program does
- not include the buffer & number stack functions.)
- Creating a hilite region:
- There are 3 ways to mark a hilite region. Press HELP and it will show them
- to you.
- But rather than do that, try this: Place the mouse high up in the text.
- Hold down the Shift key and click the mouse.
- Move the mouse to the lower right in the text. Hold down the Alt key and
- click the mouse.
- There should now be a hilited region. This is one method of hiliting.
- Try this: Select "Hilite buf" in the Split Window menu. This shows you the
- contents of the copied hilite buffer.
- Put the cursor anywhere in the colored, hilited region in the original buffer.
- Now press keypad-Minus, the "-" key on the keypad. This "cuts" the hilited
- region. The region disappears. (Don't move the cursor yet!)
- Note that the cut material appeared instantly in the "Copied hilite" buffer.
- Now press keypad-Enter. This puts the "cut" text back where it was. And it
- is hilited. To unhilite it, press alt-h or select "Unhilite".
- To get rid of a split window, click the mousebutton in it, making it the
- active window-split. Then select "Drop split" in the Split Window menu or
- press lAmiga-0.
- Columnar text operations:
- Columnar regions are rectangular. This means that when you create a hilite
- region to use for columnar text movement, the Start of the hilite region must
- be in a Lefthand column and the End of the hilite region must be in a
- Righthand column. No region exists if the end of the region is not in a
- higher column number.
- Place the mouse high up in the text and to the left. Press Shift and click
- the mousebutton.
- Place the mouse low down and to the right, pointing to some word in the text.
- Press Alt and click the button.
- Select "Col display" in the Edits menu. Now the region should be displayed as
- rectangular.
- Select "Col copy" in the Columnar menu. This makes a copy of the columnar
- region.
- Put the cursor anywhere with the mouse. Select "Col insert" in the Columnar
- menu and see what happens.
- To remove the inserted, hilited columnar region, select "Col cut" in the menu.
- (NOTE: The keypad copy/cut/paste keys kpDot, kpMinus, and kpEnter also
- work as columnar keys when columnar display mode is used.)
- You should experiment with columnar text in order to understand how to manage
- it. (If you altered this Uedit-Tutor file just now, select "Restore" in the
- Files Open menu to restore it to the original.)
- When using columnar display mode, TABS are shown as "box" characters. This is
- so that columns line up correctly when spaces and TABS are intermingled, as
- they often are.
- Tab Rulers:
- There are 5 tab tables in Uedit, numbered 0 to 4. You can change the tab
- table your document is using by selecting "Tab table" in the menu.
- Individual documents can use different tab tables. The tab ruler shows the
- tabs in the current document's tab table.
- Select "See ruler" to see what the tab columns are or select "Set ruler" to
- set the tab columns.
- If you have selected "Set ruler" and wish to set tabs at high columns beyond
- the right edge of the window, hold the mouse-button down and drag the mouse
- to the left, then release the button.
- To slide the ruler to the right, drag the mouse rightward.
- Tab columns can be set by clicking the mouse within 2 lines of the ruler, or
- by using the keys that the help message says to.
- Screens, colors, and RGB tuning:
- The "Lace/Planes" submenu lets you select from 4 screens, which use 2 or 4
- colors, regular or interlace. You can see the most lines of text by using
- an interlace screen. Scrolling with the mouse is fastest when you use a
- regular 2 color screen. Half as much memory is used when you use a 2
- color screen.
- You can tune the RGB colors of Uedit's screen by selecting "Tune RGB";
- press ESC when you are finished with RGB tuning. To rotate the 4 screen
- colors, press alt-HELP until you see a combination that you like. Each
- buffer can use its own colors. If you change the colors and want the menu
- colors updated, select "Do menus".
- Printing:
- In the "Printing" menu, select "Print select" and put in a number 0 to 3,
- telling Uedit where you want your printing to go. The message line tells you
- what the numbers 0-3 mean:
- 0 = raw text out the parallel port
- 1 = raw text out the serial port
- 2 = processed text using the Amiga's printer device
- 3 = raw text using the Amiga's printer device
- If you embed Uedit's printer control codes in your text (such as for boldface,
- italics, etc) using the "Bracket hilite" or "Embed code" menu selections, you
- must set "Print select" to 2 or 3.
- If you embed your own custom printer codes in the text, then you can use
- "Print select" values 0, 1, or 3, and they will be sent to your printer in raw
- form. (Print-select value 2 allows the printer device to "strip out" any
- control codes that the Amiga printer device doesn't recognize.)
- (To embed CTRL characters, such as ESC, press ctl-c and then the desired
- character. To identify any control character in the text, put the cursor on
- it and press ctl-/.)
- Print queue: In the printing menu, you can select "Print hilite" or "Print
- file".
- Long as the print-job will fit into memory, you can queue up as many as 12
- print-jobs and still go on editing while they print.
- You can even queue up print jobs to different printers, by changing "Print
- select" before selecting "Print hilite" or "Print file" for each print-job.
- If the print-job is too big for memory, you will have to wait until printing
- is finished before you can continue editing.
- Save on idle: By selecting "Save on idle" in the Local Modes menu, your file
- will be saved during pauses in your work, if it has been changed.
- The length of the pause can be set by selecting "Idle timer".
- Margins, line-length, and lines-per-page: In the Line/Page menu are
- selections for lines/page, line-length, top/bottom margins, and end-of-line.
- If you want an "inner" left margin temporarily, simply indent the text and
- select "Autoindent", so that succeeding lines stay at the same indentation.
- To control the right margin, set line-length to the desired value.
- If you set Left Margin in the Line/Page menu to any value greater than 0,
- typing will use the new left margin value. Also, reformatting paragraphs will
- cause them to be reformated at the new left margin value.
- Thus you can reformat an inset paragraph so that it is moved to the far left
- by setting Left Margin to 1 and reformatting it.
- Paragraph reformatting: To reformat a paragraph, put the cursor in the line
- where you want reformatting to begin. Then select "Paragraph" in the
- Reformats menu or press ctl-3.
- Paragraph reformatting ends when it reaches a blank line or a different
- indentation. Different indentation says that you want a different left
- margin, hence it is not considered part of the paragraph being reformatted.
- Page formatting: See the Paging menu.
- Pages are determined by formfeeds in the text or by the line-count, using the
- current lines-per-page value. To set the lines/page, see the Line-Page menu.
- The Page Formatting menu has selections for going to page#, going to top of
- page, gding to bottom of page, inserting a page-division, deleting the next
- page-division, and auto-inserting page-divisions in your entire document.
- When a page-division is inserted, the page number is automatically put in.
- You can erase the page number by selecting "Del page #".
- Page numbers are put 1/2 the bottom margin distance from the bottom of the
- page, where the bottom of the page is simply the lines/page setting (normally
- 66).
- (Note that these are all user-customizable commands which you can modify
- and recompile. Every command in Uedit is customizable.)
- When a page-division is inserted, the top margin for the next page is also put
- in, after deleting any blank lines.
- The formfeed causes the display to draw a line across the window, making page
- divisions easy to locate visually.
- You can find page divisions quickly by using the "Bottom page" and "Top page"
- menu selections. (These are lAmiga-b and lAmiga-H.)
- To insert a page-division and page number at the cursor, press lAmiga-v or
- select "Divide page".
- To remove a page division, put the cursor anywhere in the page above the page
- division and press lAmiga-d or select "Del page div".
- Odds and Ends
- To abort any operation, press Amiga-ESC.
- Primitive Mode is used for special text and number inputs. The Title Bar and
- the message line tell you what to do in Primitive Mode.
- If you press F7 to input a search string, you'll be in Primitive Mode. Type
- in the search text, then press ESC or click the mousebutton to terminate the
- input.
- In Primitive Mode, you can type in Ctrl characters (such as ctl-m for
- carriage return) directly. No need to press ctl-c first.
- You can change the Primitive Mode terminator character from ESC to some other
- Ctrl character (such as the Return key) by selecting "PM terminator" in the
- menu or by pressing ESC.
- You can search for two things at once by putting a "$" dollar sign between
- two search strings. This is the eitherOr delimiter. To cause searching
- to skip a particular pattern, use the "all-but" delimiter which is "~".
- The "?" question mark is used by search as a single-character wildcard. The
- "*" is used as a multi-character wildcard.
- You can change these special characters by selecting "Wildcards" or
- "Either-or" in the "Settings" menu.
- "Search case" toggles on/off the upper/lower case-sensitivity of searching.
- In the message line are fake "gadgets" (if "Mark Gadgets" is turned On),
- such as "Next file", "Prev file", and so on.
- These message-line gadgets are just like keys and mouse clicks. They can be
- swapped, killed, reprogrammed, learned, used in menu selections, and so on.
- Gadgets can be used with shift-keys, so there can be many more than 4 gadgets.
- Menu selections are always attached to a key, gadget or mouse-button command.
- If you swap a menu selection, the key you swapped it with is run when you
- select that menu item.
- Bookmarks: The Shift gadget keys allow you to place up to 8 bookmarks in any
- buffer and goto the next or previous bookmark.
- Grep: Uedit has an enhanced grep, in addition to the normal search & replace
- capability. The grep commands are the following:
- lAmiga-f7: set grep /search/replace/ string
- lAmiga-f9: grep search forward
- rAmiga-f9: grep search backward
- lAmiga-f10: grep replace & search forward
- rAmiga-f10: grep replace & search backward
- Uedit sleeps when it can, so that other tasks will run faster.
- Clicking the Title Bar switches to the tiny window. The tiny window comes
- up inactive, so you can type into CLI immediately.
- This also lets the Amiga reopen the big window in a better memory location.
- If Uedit runs out of memory and the "Memory..." message appears, that means it
- is compacting its stuff in memory, creating a larger area for the Amiga to use
- for graphics. If "Memory..." appears, you ought to save and close some
- documents. Also it's a good idea to click the Title Bar and reopen Uedit's
- window.
- Uedit sleeps between inputs. If you don't type anything for 4 seconds, it
- does housekeeping. If you select "Busies", you'll see which buffer is
- being worked on. When the housekeeping is done, it sleeps.
- In the window's Title Bar, brackets [buf#,flags] contain the buffer number and
- various flags. If Learn Mode is currently learning, "L#" appears, where #
- is the number of steps in the learned sequence. If you are in Teach Mode,
- "T" appears. If documents are queued up for printing, "P#" appears, where
- # is the number of print jobs yet to be done, up to 12 maximum. If file-
- saves are in the queue, "S#" appears, where # is the file-saves remaining.
- Uedit picks up font changes made with Preferences or SetFont. It speeds
- up the displaying of sized 8 and 11 fonts, such as Topaz 8, Clean 8, and
- Topaz 11, but it will let you use any font. When you first start Uedit,
- it uses the font that Workbench is currently using.
- It works with all known hardware add-ons. Some people start Uedit in
- their Workbench df0:S/Startup-Sequence and do everything from inside it.
- They let it run other tasks and continue editing or let it sleep in tiny
- window while they work elsewhere.
- To see the current settings for line-length, lines/page, tab-table, margins,
- Uedit Serial Number, etc, press shift-HELP or select "Show vals". This also
- shows you the size of the current file.
- Some settings are global and others are local to the current file.
- Changing a local setting like word-wrap changes the global setting for future
- files loaded in.
- To recover the original configuration after fooling with commands, colors,
- etc, select "Load data".
- After making any of the changes discussed here, selecting "Save data" will
- save all current settings to disk. (Note: Save Data is not included in
- the Shareware UES program.)
- Editing Tricks
- If you are like me and hate reading instructions, and expect programs to be
- Easy Without Reading, then Learn Mode is for you.
- No reading is necessary. Learn Mode uses just the normal editing stuff.
- It offers immense power and capacity to automate tedious, repetitive jobs.
- If you need to search and replace misspelled names in 300 documents, you can
- teach Learn Mode how to do one and let it do them all while you take a break.
- To set up for such automation takes only as many seconds as it takes you to do
- one operation yourself, showing Learn Mode what to do.
- Simply press ctl-s to start Learn Mode, do the sequence of operations, and
- press ctl-r to end Learn Mode. (If you press ctl-s a second time, it
- aborts and wipes out the learned sequence.)
- Then press ctl-r to see how it works. If you did it right and it works
- right, press ctl-m to set the command multiplier and then press ctl-r to run
- it as many times as desired.
- The Manual has lots of Examples and Editing Tricks which show how to take
- advantage of Uedit's versatility and power. It describes how to use Learn
- Mode to click-add numbers or click-bracket words, do a mail-merge, and so
- on.
- A useful trick is to swap "Run learn" (ctl-r) with the mouse's buttonUp
- operation. (A menu selection "Swap mouseUp" lets you do this swap.)
- Then when you click the button, buttonDown will deposit the cursor like it
- normally does, and buttonUp will execute a learned sequence!
- The learned sequence can be anything. It can, for instance, click-bracket
- text with printer control codes. The Manual's Editing Tricks presents such
- examples.
- Or you can swap the mouse's buttonUp operation with another key, such as the
- add-numbers key (ctl-=). Just select "Swap mouseUp" and press ctl-=.
- Then you can click-add numbers that are scattered in various documents.
- Pressing ctl-\ will put the running total into the text at the cursor.
- Learned sequences can be stored on disk as files. They are stored in your
- current directory. If you copy them to S:, Uedit will find them from any
- directory. The "Learn" menu lets you start, terminate, run, load, and save
- learned sequences. (Note: Save Learn is not included in the Shareware
- UES program.)
- A saved learn sequence might, for example, go to top of document and type in
- a header, or go to bottom of document and type your name and address. You
- could save it to disk and select "Load & run" in the Learn menu to run this
- learned sequence anytime. You can assign a special key that inserts a
- header in one keystroke:
- <normal-esc: if (loadLearn("MyHeader")) runLearn >
- Config! and Data!
- Config! is a configuration file which is the Source of every command Uedit
- currently uses. (Except, of course, you can customize Uedit while you're
- using it.)
- A configuration may consist of a series of files. The current standard
- config consists of: Config! (defaults and menu selections) Config!M
- (misc) Config!P (printing & paging) Config!R (ARexx) and Config!S
- (spelling & split windows)
- Data! is a compiled copy of Config! which Uedit loads at startup.
- Data! should be in your S: directory or in your current directory, along with
- Help!, the help file. If Data! is in S:, you can run Uedit from any directory
- or disk drive. (Normally S: is assigned to the DF0:S subdirectory. To
- assign it to myDirectory, type "Assign S: myDirectory" in CLI.)
- To make Uedit recompile the config file, in CLI type: Run Ues -c
- The Config!(A-Z) have to be in your current directory or in S:.
- You can keep as many config and data files on hand as you want. The "Save
- data" and "Load data" selections in the menu let you switch configurations or
- save changes to Uedit that you have made while editing. Thus you can
- customize it while using it. (Save Data is not included in the Shareware
- UES program.)
- You can load and save data files from/to any directory and under any name.
- By customizing Uedit, you can turn it into an emulation of a favorite program
- or a disk utility or even possibly a spreadsheet. While editing, you can
- select "Load data" and load in an entirely different configuration, changing
- its appearance and behavior.
- If you run Uedit by typing "Run UES -dDataFile .." or "Run UES -cConfigFile .."
- in CLI, it will load DataFile or compile ConfigFile.
- You can have hundreds of commands on-line at the same time. Keys can load,
- compile, run, swap, and kill other keys, so there really is no limit to how
- many commands can be available at the press of a key.
- Also you can create Partial Data files which contain blocks of commands that
- can be loaded in collectively or individually. (Note: The saveKeys()
- function is not included in the Shareware UES program, but loadKeys() is
- included.)
- There can be up to 7 menus with up to 20 selections each with up to 12 submenu
- selections, for a total of 1680 submenu selections.
- The configurability of Uedit is extreme.
- A directory utility configuration was written that, in some respects, is more
- powerful and useful than directory utility programs typically are. It lets
- you load in up to 100 or more directory listings and copy/delete/rename files
- and directories. And while using it you can hold onto the files you were
- editing before you switched over to the dir-util config, as well as load in
- various files to read, edit, and save them while in the midst of directory
- house-cleaning. This dir-util config is available as an extra.
- Kurt Wessels wrote a config called UStar which emulates WordStar (tm) and
- Scribble! (tm). Kurt's UStar is available as an extra.
- Eric Kennedy wrote a VI! config which emulates the famous Unix(tm) vi editor.
- Unix users can feel right at home, using VI! instead of Uedit's standard
- configuration. VI! is available as an extra.
- Kent McPherson has written a Gold Key configuration that emulates the famous
- EDT Gold Key (tm) editor on DEC (tm) minicomputers.
- Others have written specialized configs for programming and emulations of
- popular programs. These are available as extras or from the authors or in
- the public domain.
- Acknowledgements
- I wish to thank the many users who have given thoughtful feedback on Uedit
- since it came out or have uploaded it to networks for me at their expense
- or helped in other generous ways. Most of the improvements since V1.0
- have been because of their feedback, and Uedit's survival is due to the
- generous assistance of many users. Used to be, I included a list here,
- but I simply had to take it out. To name even one person or to try to
- name all who deserve it is sure to leave out somebody who really helped a
- lot.
- *****************************
- Your feedback will be appreciated.