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Public Screen Manager V1.0
© J.Tyberghein Mon Sep 24 16:16:05 1990
This utility is more or less functionally equivalent to PUBSCREEN. The
big difference is that PUBSCREEN is a cli program, while PUBLICS is a
workbench program with a complete intuition interface.
This utility manages public screens. You can open, close, list, ...
public screens in any form you wish. Normally the 'Workbench' public
screen is the default one, but with this utility you can create
another public screen and make it default. All programs you execute
will get their window on this new screen instead of on the workbench
This program (PUBLICS V1.0) is public domain but contributions and some
utilities are always welcome.
If you want to use this program for commercial purposes please write
for permission !
If you have any suggestions or remarks you can write to (Bug reports are
welcome too)
Jorrit Tyberghein
Hepmansbossen 31
2450 Meerhout BELGIUM
If you want to use this utility you must have AmigaDOS 2.0 (or later :-).
PUBLICS is a workbench program but you can start it from CLI if you want.
Messing with public screens is completely your responsibility. You could
crash the Amiga if you do dirty things (like closing screens that do not
belong to you).
Double click on the PUBLICS icon. If all goes well you should get the
PUBLICS main window. You can drag and iconify this window with the usual
What do you see ?
In the topleft corner we have the public screen list. The 'Workbench'
screen will probably be one of them. If you want to do something with a
public screen, you must select one of these. The selected screen is
visible in the box just above the text 'Default screen'.
Below the text 'Default screen' is the name of the default public
screen. Normally this is the 'Workbench' screen. You can change the
default screen with the 'Default' button on the right (see below).
Under this default public screen name are three checkmark buttons:
- 'Free screentitle'
This flag must be on when you try to close a public screen that
was opened with PUBLICS or PUBSCREEN (on is default for this
If the screen was opened with another program, you MUST disable
this flag (click on it).
This flag is equivalent to the reverse of the NOFREE option in
- 'Shanghai mode'
When the shanghai mode is on, all windows that would normally
open on the workbench screen, will now open on the default public
- 'Pop Up mode'
When a window opens on a public screen and this flag is on, the
public screen comes to the front.
To the right in this window are 6 buttons:
- 'Close'
Close the selected public screen. You should be cautious with
this button and always check the 'Free screentitle' checkmark
before you proceed.
PUBLICS will ask for confirmation.
It's not safe to close the 'Workbench' screen (I think).
- 'Default'
Make the selected public screen the default one. When shanghai
mode is on, this is the screen where all windows go.
- 'Info'
Ask some information for the selected public screen. Press 'Okay'
in the new window when you are done.
- 'Front'
Bring the selected screen to the front.
- 'Open'
Open a new screen (This button does not need the selected
screen). See below for more details about this button.
- 'Refresh'
You can use the 'Refresh' button whenever you think that the
Public screen list is old fashioned. This can happen when
someone else closes a public screen.
When you have choosen 'Open' in the main window, you get the following
'Open Screen' window.
What do you see ?
'Name' gadget. This is the name for your public screen. You MUST
supply a unique name for each public screen you open.
'Screen title' gadget. This is the default screen title for your
public screen.
'Default font' gadget. The default font for your screen. Next to this
gadget is the font height.
'Resolution' cycle gadget. With this gadget you can choose between
various modes for your screen. Click on it for the next item.
Shift-click on it for the previous item.
The modes supported are: Hires, Lores, Ham (Hold And Modify) , Super,
Ehb (extra half brite).
'Monitor' cycle gadget. With this gadget you can choose between various
monitor types. When you choose a monitor that is not available and you
press the 'Open' gadget, you will get an error message (Monitor not
available). Use the Workbench 'AddMonitor' program to add a monitor.
Monitors that are supported: PAL, NTSC, VGA, A2024.
'Overscan' cycle gadget. With this gadget you can choose between
various overscan regions.
The following regions are supported: None, TEXT, STANDARD, MAX, VIDEO.
'Interlace' checkmark button. Toggle interlace on/off (Note that you
must select interlace for the VGA monitor modes).
'AutoScroll' checkmark button. Toggle autoscroll on/off.
'Def' gadget. When you press this button PUBLICS will set the maximum
width, height and depth for the current Resolution, Monitor and
Overscan mode. The width and the height dimensions are the maxiumum
that are visible on the screen.
'W', 'H' and 'D' gadgets. These gadgets control the screen dimensions.
Default values are set using the 'Def' gadget. You can open a screen
bigger than the maximum size. In that case you can scroll this screen.
'Open' gadget. When you are ready with all settings, you must press
this button to open the screen. Later on you can close this screen with
'Cancel' gadget. When you decide that you don't want to open a screen
after all.
End of PUBLICS 1.0 document