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453 lines
* showoffreq.c - Copyright © 1990 by Devil's child.
* Created: 25 Oct 1990 17:12:40
* Modified: 26 Oct 1990 19:37:08
* Make>> make
#include <libraries/reqbase.h>
#include <req_pragmas.h>
#define WIDTH 640
#define HEIGHT 200
#define DEPTH 3
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
struct ReqLib *ReqBase;
struct Window *window;
struct Screen *screen;
struct NewScreen ns =
0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH, /* Width, Height, Depth */
0, 1, /* DetailPen, BlockPen */
HIRES, /* ViewModes */
NULL, /* Font */
(UBYTE *)"Show off requester library.", /* Title */
NULL, /* Gadgets */
NULL /* Bitmap */
struct NewWindow nw =
0,0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
WIDTH,HEIGHT, /* Width, Height */
-1,-1, /* DetailPen, BlockPen */
IDCMP, /* IDCMPFlags */
FLAGS, /* Flags */
NULL, /* FirstGadget */
NULL, /* CheckMark */
NULL, /* Title */
NULL, /* Screen */
NULL, /* BitMap */
79, 30, /* MinWidth, MinHeight */
640, 200, /* MaxWidth, MaxHeight */
CUSTOMSCREEN /* Type (of screen) */
struct Process *myprocess;
APTR olderrorwindow;
/* I declared this variable as global, rather than just declaring it as */
/* a regular local variable because I need to make sure that all of the */
/* fields are initialized to zero. */
/* Also, the quit_cleanup routine needs to be able to access it to purge */
/* the directory buffers which I have chosen to use (by setting the */
/* FRQCACHINM flag. */
struct FileReq MyFileReqStruct;
char filename[REQ_FCHARS];
char directoryname[REQ_DSIZE];
void ShowFileRequester(void)
char answerarray[REQ_DSIZE+REQ_FCHARS];
answerarray[0] = 0;
/* Initialize the 'PathName' field so that the file requester will */
/* construct a complete path name for me. It will also put the two */
/* parts of the answer (directory and file name) into the directory */
/* file name which I also decided to supply it with. Since the */
/* directory and file name arrays are present, it will use their */
/* initial contents as the initial file and directory. If they aren't */
/* present it will leave both blank to start. */
MyFileReqStruct.PathName = answerarray;
MyFileReqStruct.Dir = directoryname;
MyFileReqStruct.File = filename;
/* The directory caching of this file requester is one of its nice */
/* features, so I decided to show it off. It is completely optional */
/* though, so if you don't want it, don't set this flag. If you do */
/* want it, don't forget to call PurgeFiles() when you are done. */
MyFileReqStruct.Flags = FRQCACHINGM;
/* Initialize a few colour fields. Not strictly necessary, but */
/* personally, I like having my files a different colour from my */
/* directories. */
MyFileReqStruct.dirnamescolor = 2;
MyFileReqStruct.devicenamescolor = 2;
/* I could also make it larger, pass it a file and/or directory */
/* name, set the window title, set various flags and customize */
/* in many other ways, but I wanted to show that it can be easily */
/* used without having to fill in a lot of fields. */
if (FileRequester(&MyFileReqStruct))
SimpleRequest("System Request","You selected the file '%s'.", answerarray);
SimpleRequest("System Request","You didn't select a file.");
void ShowColorRequester(void)
ColorRequester(1L); /* Pass it the color you want to start out being highlit. */
/* It actually returns the colour that the user chose, but */
/* I'm not interested in that value. */
/* If you want to give more parameters to the colour requester, you can */
/* call ExtendedColorRequester with the address of an ExtendedColorRequest */
/* structure. Currently the only additional parameter this lets you pass */
/* is the address of the window the requester should appear in. This can */
/* normally be done more easily by specifying it in the pr_WindowPtr field */
/* of your process structure, as long as you are a process rather than a. */
/* task. */
void ShowSimpleText(void)
SimpleRequest("System Request",
" SimpleRequest() is a tiny bit of\n"
"glue code which passes a single text\n"
"string (with optional printf() style\n"
"formatting) to the TextRequest() routine\n"
"in the library. The SimpleRequest()\n"
"routine can be easily modified to fit\n"
"your own peculiar purposes.");
char *yesno[] =
void ShowTwoGadText(void)
short result;
result = TwoGadRequest("System Request","Just testing the two gadget requester.");
SimpleRequest("System Request","You responded with a '%s' to this requester.", yesno[result]);
char *response[] =
"You really should use it.",
"Excellent choice. You have good taste.",
"Oh come one, make up your mind.\nYou won't regret choosing 'yes'.",
void ShowThreeGadText(void)
struct TRStructure MyTextStruct;
short result;
MyTextStruct.Text = " Would you use the requester library\n"
"in your programs?";
/* The Controls field doesn't actually have to be initialized, unless you */
/* are using printf() style formatting of the Text string. */
MyTextStruct.Window = 0; /* This must be zero or a valid window pointer. */
MyTextStruct.MiddleText = "Perhaps...";
MyTextStruct.PositiveText = "Oh yeah, for sure!";
MyTextStruct.NegativeText = "Methinks not.";
MyTextStruct.Title = "Show off text requester.";
MyTextStruct.KeyMask = AMIGAKEYS; /* Allow only keys together with the amiga */
/* qualifiers to be used for keyboard shortcuts. */
MyTextStruct.textcolor = 1;
MyTextStruct.detailcolor = 0;
MyTextStruct.blockcolor = 1;
MyTextStruct.versionnumber = 0;
MyTextStruct.rfu1 = 0;
MyTextStruct.rfu2 = 0;
result = TextRequest(&MyTextStruct);
SimpleRequest("System Request",response[result]);
/* I declared this variable globally, rather than just declaring it as */
/* a regular local variable because I need to make sure that all of the */
/* fields are initialized to zero. */
/* Also, the quit_cleanup routine needs to be able to access it to purge */
/* the directory buffers which I have chosen to use (by setting the */
/* FRQCACHINM flag. */
/* I could have used the same structure I used for the file requester, */
/* but I decided not to, so that the two requesters could have separate */
/* directory caches. */
struct FileReq MyFontReqStruct;
void ShowFontRequester(void)
char fontname[REQ_FCHARS];
char dirname[REQ_DSIZE];
/* You do have to tell the font requester what directory to look */
/* in, usually fonts:. */
strcpy(dirname, "fonts:");
fontname[0] = 0;
/* Tell the file requester to be a font requester. */
/* The directory caching of this file requester is one of its nice */
/* features, so I decided to show it off. It is completely optional */
/* though, so if you don't want it, don't set the caching flag. If you do */
/* want it, don't forget to call PurgeFiles() when you are done. */
MyFontReqStruct.Dir = dirname;
MyFontReqStruct.File = fontname;
/* Initialize a colour field. Not strictly necessary, but */
/* personally, I like having my fonts a different colour */
/* from the font size list. */
MyFontReqStruct.fontnamescolor = 2;
if (FileRequester(&MyFontReqStruct))
SimpleRequest("System Request","You selected the font '%s',\n"
"size %ld, style %ld.", fontname, (long)MyFontReqStruct.FontYSize, (long)MyFontReqStruct.FontStyle);
SimpleRequest("System Request","You didn't select a font.");
#define TEXTLENGTH 75
void ShowGetText(void)
char mybuffer[TEXTLENGTH];
/* Note that the buffer you pass to GetString must be initialized. */
/* If you don't want any text to appear by default, just put a zero */
/* at the beginning of the array. */
strcpy(mybuffer, "The default text.");
if (GetString(mybuffer, "Type anything, then hit return.", (struct Window *)0L, 50L, (long)TEXTLENGTH))
SimpleRequest("System Request","I'll bet you typed:\n"
"'%s'.", mybuffer);
SimpleRequest("System Request","You didn't enter anything!");
void ShowGetLong(void)
struct GetLongStruct mygetlongstruct;
mygetlongstruct.titlebar = "Enter a number.";
mygetlongstruct.defaultval = 1234;
mygetlongstruct.minlimit = -100000;
mygetlongstruct.maxlimit = 100000;
mygetlongstruct.window = 0; /* Must be zeroed or req.lib will use it as a window pointer. */
mygetlongstruct.versionnumber = 0;
mygetlongstruct.flags = 0;
mygetlongstruct.rfu2 = 0;
if (GetLong(&mygetlongstruct))
SimpleRequest("System Request","You entered the number '%ld'.", mygetlongstruct.result);
SimpleRequest("System Request","You didn't enter a number.");
void quit_cleanup(char *message)
if (window)
if (screen)
if (ReqBase)
PurgeFiles(&MyFileReqStruct); /* Only necessary if the FRQCACHINGM flag */
PurgeFiles(&MyFontReqStruct); /* is set in the file requester structure. */
CloseLibrary((void *)ReqBase);
if (GfxBase)
if (IntuitionBase)
if (message)
void _abort(void)
quit_cleanup("User abort requested.");
void bye(void)
myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = olderrorwindow;
quit_cleanup((char *)0);
struct gadgetandfunction
char *gadgettext;
void (*functionpointer)(void);
struct gadgetandfunction gadgetlist[] =
"Show the file requester.",
"Show the color requester.",
"Show a simple text requester.",
"Show a two gadget requester.",
"Show a three gadget requester.",
"Show the font requester.",
"Show the 'get text' requester.",
"Show the 'get number' requester.",
"Exit the demo.",
#define NUMGADGETS (sizeof(gadgetlist) / sizeof(struct gadgetandfunction))
struct GadgetBlock gadgetblocks[NUMGADGETS];
void main(void)
short x, y, gadgetnum;
struct IntuiMessage messagecopy, *message;
struct Gadget *gadgetpointer;
/* First we do the usual opening up of libraries, pretty standard stuff. */
if (!(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 33L)))
quit_cleanup("Requires 1.2 operating system.");
if (!(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 33L)))
quit_cleanup("Couldn't open graphics.");
if (!(ReqBase = (struct ReqLib *)OpenLibrary("req.library", 0L)))
quit_cleanup("Couldn't open the req library.");
/* Then we open up a nice 640 by 200, three bitplane screen. This demo */
/* can be easily modified to work on the workbench screen. Simply */
/* take out the open screen command, and change the NewWindow Type field */
/* to WBENCHSCREEN. All of the requesters will then open on the */
/* workbench screen. */
if (!(screen = (struct Screen *)OpenScreen(&ns)))
quit_cleanup("Couldn't open screen.");
for (gadgetnum = 0; gadgetnum < NUMGADGETS; gadgetnum++)
x = GADGETSTARTX + (gadgetnum & 1) * (WIDTH / 2);
y = GADGETSTARTY + (gadgetnum / 2) * 20;
LinkGadget(&gadgetblocks[gadgetnum], gadgetlist[gadgetnum].gadgettext, &nw, (long)x, (long)y);
gadgetblocks[gadgetnum].Gadget.GadgetID = gadgetnum;
/* Find the address of the last gadget added, the 'goodbye' gadget */
/* and adjust it so that it appears in the middle at the top. */
gadgetpointer = &gadgetblocks[NUMGADGETS-1].Gadget;
gadgetpointer->TopEdge = 20;
gadgetpointer->LeftEdge = (WIDTH - gadgetpointer->Width) / 2;
nw.Screen = screen;
if (!(window = (struct Window *)OpenWindow(&nw)))
quit_cleanup("Couldn't open window.");
/* Now we set the pr_WindowPtr field in our process structure to */
/* point at our window so that DOS requesters and requester library */
/* requestes will open up on our custom screen, instead of on the */
/* workbench screen. NOTE!!!!! It is VERY important that you restore */
/* this variable before the program exits. This is why I make a copy */
/* of the previous value before I change it. IF YOU DON'T RESTORE IT */
/* when you exit, NASTY THINGS WILL HAPPEN!! (but only sometimes). */
/* If you execute a program WITHOUT using the 'run' command and it */
/* sets the pr_WindowPtr to point at it's window, and then exits */
/* without restoring it, the next DOS requester for that process will */
/* try to come up on a screen that NO LONGER EXISTS - which will probably */
/* BLOW UP YOUR MACHINE! The pr_WindowPtr is restored in the bye() */
/* routine. */
myprocess = (struct Process *)FindTask((char *)0);
olderrorwindow = myprocess->pr_WindowPtr;
myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)window;
/* Now we enter our main processing loop. All we do is wait for */
/* GADGETUP messages (the only kind the IDCMP port is set to */
/* receive) and call the function associated with each gadget */
/* that the user presses. One of those gadgets is an exit */
/* gadget which calls the 'bye' routine, which frees up all */
/* resources and exits. This is how this loop, which seems to */
/* never terminate, terminates. */
while (TRUE)
message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(window->UserPort);
messagecopy = *message;
ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
gadgetnum = ((struct Gadget *)(messagecopy.IAddress))->GadgetID;