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- "Blackjack Lab" by Dan Cogliano, Version 1.0.1 Release Notes
- May 3, 1990
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- B L A C K J A C K L A B I S A S H A R E W A R E P R O G R A M !
- "Blackjack Lab" is a freely distributable, copyrighted program for posting
- on bulletin boards, as long as the original LHARC file and all files within
- it are included and remain unaltered, and may not be duplicated or utilized
- for any commercial purposes without the expressed, written consent of the
- author. No fee can be charged for this program except for implied fees due
- to downloading and fees based solely on media costs and duplication
- and shipping.
- You now have in your possession one of the most powerful blackjack programs
- available on ANY microcomputer today! This program has taken over 1 and
- 1/2 years to develop. If you enjoy using this program, you are encouraged to
- become a registered user. Your support of high quality shareware programs
- will encourage future enhancements to this product, and encourage other
- programmers to continue developing more high quality shareware products.
- As a thank-you gift from the author, you will receive the following
- bonuses when you become a registered user of "Blackjack Lab":
- - A printed user's manual (over 30 pages), which includes not only a
- complete description of the program, but also explains basic strategy
- and card counting techniques.
- - A diskette containing the latest version of "Blackjack Lab", complete
- with the save feature enabled.
- - Casino rule files for 10 casinos from around the world, including Las Vegas
- and Atlantic City (not to mention video blackjack!).
- - Strategy files for Las Vegas and Atlantic City.
- - Expanded help facility, including on-line user's manual and glossary.
- - A complete course on how to learn blackjack basic strategy and card
- counting, using the program's unique experiment facility.
- - Advance information on future enhancements.
- - And last, but not least, the author's undying gratitude.
- To register, send $25 ($30 if outside U.S. or Canada) in U.S. check
- or money order to:
- Dan Cogliano
- P.O. Box 1379
- Pasadena, Maryland 21122 U.S.A.
- ===========================================================================
- * Program Features *
- "Blackjack Lab" contains the following features:
- - The ability to simulate nearly any casino blackjack game in the world
- (and allow for future rule changes). Registered users receive rules for
- 10 casinos from around the world.
- - Allow the use of the most popular playing strategies (basic strategy and
- card counting) and allow modification to them.
- - Color-coded strategy tables to enhance the learning of the strategy.
- - Tracking of play statistics (# of hands played, bankroll limits,
- casino profitability and others).
- - Computer monitoring of blackjack play, and informing the player when
- an incorrect play has been made.
- - Allowing from 1 to 7 players to play the game, and the computer can be
- allowed to play any or all of the hands at the table using a user-defined
- playing strategy, simulating other players at a real casino table.
- - An interactive on-line help facility.
- - A special practice mode, which drills the blackjack student with various
- hand combinations (determined in advance by the user), keeping track of
- incorrect plays and repeating them until correct.
- - A self-running demo mode.
- - The ability to customize the program to meet the needs and preferences of
- the player.
- - Digitized sound and card dealing animation.
- - On-line "experiments" are available to registered users and serve as a
- complete course for learning to play winning blackjack.
- - Loading the program from either a floppy disk or a hard disk.
- - Multitasking gracefully if there is sufficient memory.
- ===========================================================================
- * Self Running Demo *
- To start the self-running demo, type "BJL:Blackjack BJL:Demo" from the CLI,
- or double-click the "Demo" icon from the workbench. To stop the demo,
- toggle the "Bet Window" option under the game menu. After the current game
- is finished, the bet window will appear. Press the "Current Game" gadget to
- avoid starting another game. Select "Quit" from the project menu to quit
- the program.
- Using "Fast Demo" disables the card animation and speeds up dealer play to
- allow nearly 300,000 hands to be played in a 24 hour period (make sure to put
- the screen behind workbench to get best performance results).
- ===========================================================================
- * Tour of Blackjack Lab *
- 1. Type "BJL:Blackjack" from the CLI, or double-click the "Blackjack" icon
- from the workbench. press "OK!" gadget when the "About Blackjack Lab"
- window appears. The game play table has the name of the casino and
- the payout odds at the top, and the play gadgets at the bottom.
- The lower right corner shows the number of cards and the equivalent
- number of 1/4 decks in the discard pile. This information is
- useful to the card counter. When the discard pile turns yellow, the
- deck will be shuffled after completion of the current game. The deck
- of cards is spread across the table, signifying this table is open
- and is ready to receive players.
- 2. Select "New Game/Bets" under game menu. Click at "Player 4", then
- again at the edit box. Change the name to your own name, and press
- <RETURN>. Click at the Bet total for Player 4, then the top half
- of the blue chip. This will increase your bet by $10. Clicking on
- the lower half of the chip will decrease your bet by the same
- amount. If you hold down the mouse button when you click on a chip,
- the chip amount will repeat. Modify your bet to show $25. Press
- the "New Game" gadget, and the dealer will begin a new game, discarding
- any current game in progress. The "Current Game" option is used if
- you wish to modify the parameters and return to the current game.
- 3. Play a few hands, by pressing the gadgets at the bottom, or by
- using the function keys on the keyboard (F1 for Stand, F2 for Hit,
- etc.). In a two person game, one person can use the mouse while the
- other person uses the keyboard. Now, click on the monitor gadget for
- player 4 the next time the bet window appears. Now, if you do not
- pick the best play, the computer will inform you what the best play
- is for that hand. You can find out what the best play is anytime by
- choosing "Hint" from the game menu. Choosing "Shuffle" from the game
- menu will force a shuffle of the cards after the current game, not
- immediately. You should notice that the discard pile has turned yellow,
- signifying a shuffle will occur.
- 4. Select "Preferences" from the project menu. Choose one of the card
- backs and press the USE gadget. Play a few more hands.
- 5. We will now change casino rules. From the function menu, select
- "House Rules". Then from the project menu, choose Open, switch
- to the Rules drawer, and pick the "Hard Luck Casino" rules, and press
- the OK! gadget.
- 6. Switch back to the Game Play Screen using the function menu. The casino
- name will change to "Hard Luck Casino" and both the surrender and
- split gadgets will disappear the following game. This is so because the
- Hard Luck Casino does not have either the surrender or split rule, so
- there are no gadgets for them.
- 7. From the Bet window, enter $25 bets for players 3 and 5. Toggle
- the HUMAN gadgets to ROBOT for these two players and press "New Game".
- Now, you have two robot players playing on either side of you!
- The program will pause when it is your turn, and will play the
- robot hands automatically. This closely simulates a real casino
- where other players are seated at the same table with you. Toggle
- the ROBOT gadget for your seat, and the computer will play all
- three hands. Toggle the Bet Window option in the game menu to
- disable the bet window, and the computer will play indefinitely
- until you re-enable the Bet Window option.
- 8. Press "Current Game" from the Bet Window, and choose Game Stats from
- the game menu. Blackjack Lab has been watching you! This screen shows
- the maximum and minimum bets and bankrolls for each player,
- as well as the number of hands played and the casino
- profitability.
- 9. Select the Practice option in the function menu, then select the
- "New Drill" option from the drill menu. The computer will test you
- with various play combinations, remembering your mistakes and
- repeating problem hands. Use the Drill Stats option in the
- drill menu to check on the problem hands and to see how well you are
- doing.
- 10. From the function menu, select "Help". Blackjack Lab contains an
- easy to use, interactive help facility. To find an index of the topics
- available, click on the words "Help Index" at the top left of the
- help window. If a topic is longer than one screen can display, you
- can "turn the page" by clicking on the page gadgets in the lower
- right of the help window. Click on "Quit" to quit the help facility.
- 11. Other features of the program include customizing the casino rules,
- playing strategy and card counting (card counting is for the advanced
- player), which you may want to check out.
- ===========================================================================
- * General Notes *
- Rule changes do not take effect in game play until the next round. Rule
- changes for the deck (for example, number of decks) do not take effect
- until the next time the deck is shuffled. Shuffling can be forced by the
- user, however.
- Although not tested fully, I ran this program for about 5 minutes on a beta
- version of the Amiga 3000 running workbench 2.0. It worked fine, and boy,
- was it fast too! Try the Fast Demo on this machine!
- Refer to the on-line help for more information about the program.