Gold Fish 1
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Assembly Source File
419 lines
* This is a remake of moire on AmigaLibDisk9
* Moire.c -- Yet another graphics dazzler for the Amiga. This one draws
* Moire Patterns in Black and White - they tend to look better
* that way. Uses a borderless backdrop window to make life
* easier, and so we get the whole screen if we want it.
* Copyright (c) 1985 by Scott Ballantyne
* (I.E. Ok to give away for nothing )
* This implementation was written by
* E. Lenz
* Johann-Fichte-Strasse 11
* 8 Munich 40
* Germany
_AbsExecBase equ 4
**** exec *****
_LVOForbid equ -$84
_LVOPermit equ -$8a
_LVOGetMsg equ -$174
_LVOReplyMsg equ -$17a
_LVOWaitPort equ -$180
_LVOCloseLibrary equ -$19e
_LVOOpenLibrary equ -$228
**** intuition ******
_LVOCloseScreen equ -$42
_LVOCloseWindow equ -$48
_LVOOpenScreen equ -$c6
_LVOOpenWindow equ -$cc
_LVOSetMenuStrip equ -$108
_LVOShowTitle equ -$11a
_LVOViewPortAddress equ -$12c
***** graphics ******
_LVOMove equ -$f0
_LVODraw equ -$f6
_LVOSetRGB4 equ -$120
_LVORectFill equ -$132
_LVOSetAPen equ -$156
_LVOSetDrMd equ -$162
wd_RPort equ $32
wd_UserPort equ $56
pr_MsgPort equ $5c
pr_CLI equ $ac
ThisTask equ $114
JAM1 set 0
ERASE set 0
SHOW set 1
MAXX set 640
MAXY set 200
MENUPICK set $100
BACKDROP set $100
ACTIVATE set $1000
HIRES set $8000
XREF Random
movea.l _AbsExecBase,a6 test if WB or CLI
movea.l ThisTask(a6),a0
moveq #0,d0
tst.l pr_CLI(a0)
bne.s isCLI
lea pr_MsgPort(a0),a0 for WB get WB Message
jsr _LVOWaitPort(a6)
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6)
isCLI move.l d0,-(a7)
lea GfxName(pc),a1 Open graphics.library
moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
movea.l d0,a4
tst.l d0
beq.s Gexit
lea IntName(pc),a1 open intuition library
moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
movea.l d0,a2
tst.l d0
beq.s Gexit
lea ns(pc),a0 open screen
movea.l a2,a6
jsr _LVOOpenScreen(a6)
move.l d0,nws
beq.s Gexit
lea nw(pc),a0 open window
jsr _LVOOpenWindow(a6)
movea.l d0,a3
tst.l d0
Gexit beq exit
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l wd_RPort(a0),a5
jsr _LVOViewPortAddress(a6)
move.l d0,-(a7)
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l a4,a6
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d3
jsr _LVOSetRGB4(a6)
movea.l (a7)+,a0
moveq #1,d0
moveq #$f,d1
moveq #$f,d2
moveq #$f,d3
jsr _LVOSetRGB4(a6)
; Set menu
movea.l a2,a6
movea.l a3,a0 which window
lea Menu1(pc),a1 which menu
jsr _LVOSetMenuStrip(a6)
movea.l a4,a6
movea.l a5,a1
moveq #JAM1,d0
jsr _LVOSetDrMd(a6)
bsr moire
loop movea.l _AbsExecBase,a6
movea.l a3,a0
movea.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s loop ;No message
movea.l d0,a1
move.l $14(a1),d7 Message in a7
jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6) Always reply
; Choice from menu
movea.l a3,a0
movea.l $5e(a0),a0 Load Window.MessageKey
move.w $18(a0),d0 Load message code
move.w d0,d1
andi.w #$f,d1
bne.s loop
andi.w #$f0,d0 Menu 1
bne.s menu12 Submenu 1
bsr moire
sedraw bra.s loop
menu12 cmpi.w #$20,d0 Submenu 2
bne.s menu13
moveq #0,d0
bra.s show
menu13 cmpi.w #$40,d0 Submenu 3
bne exit
moveq #1,d0
show movea.l a2,a6
lea nws(pc),a0
move.l (a0),a0
jsr _LVOShowTitle(a6)
bra.s loop
exit movea.l a2,a6 close window
move.l a3,d0
beq.s noWin
movea.l d0,a0
jsr _LVOCloseWindow(a6)
noWin move.l nws(pc),d0 close screen
beq.s noScr
movea.l d0,a0
jsr _LVOCloseScreen(a6)
noScr movea.l _AbsExecBase,a6
move.l (a7)+,d0
beq.s NoBenh
jsr _LVOForbid(a6) reply to WB
movea.l d0,a1
jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6)
jsr _LVOPermit(a6)
NoBenh move.l a2,d1 close intuition library
beq.s noInt
movea.l d1,a1
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
noInt move.l a4,d1 close graphics library
beq.s noGfx
movea.l d1,a1
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
noGfx moveq #0,d0 no error
moire movea.l a4,a6
movea.l a5,a1
moveq #ERASE,d0
jsr _LVOSetAPen(a6)
movea.l a5,a1
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
move.l #MAXX,d2
move.l #MAXY,d3
jsr _LVORectFill(a6)
move.l #MAXY,d0
jsr Random
move.l d0,d5 y1
move.l #MAXX,d0
jsr Random
move.l d0,d4 x1
moveq #0,d3 y0
move.l #MAXX-1,d6 x2
move.l #MAXY,d7 y2
loopx moveq #SHOW,d1 mode
move.l d6,d2 x0
bsr doline
subq.l #1,d6
moveq #ERASE,d1
move.l d6,d2
bsr doline
dbra d6,loopx
move.l #MAXY-1,d7
move.l #MAXX,d6
moveq #0,d2
loopy moveq #SHOW,d1
move.l d7,d3
bsr doline
subq.l #1,d7
moveq #ERASE,d1
move.l d7,d3
bsr doline
dbra d7,loopy
doline movea.l a5,a1
move.l d1,d0
jsr _LVOSetAPen(a6)
movea.l a5,a1
move.l d2,d0
move.l d3,d1
jsr _LVOMove(a6)
movea.l a5,a1
move.l d4,d0
move.l d5,d1
jsr _LVODraw(a6)
movea.l a5,a1
move.l d6,d0
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVODraw(a6)
GfxName dc.b 'graphics.library',0
IntName dc.b 'intuition.library',0
title1 dc.b 'Moire Patterns',0
**** screen definition ****
ns dc.w 0,0
dc.w MAXX,MAXY,1
dc.b 0,1
dc.w HIRES
dc.l 0
dc.l title1
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
***** Window definition *****
nw dc.w 0,0 ;Position left,top
dc.w MAXX,MAXY ;Size width,height
dc.b 0,1 ;Colors detail-,block pen
dc.l 0 ;^Gadget
dc.l 0 ;^Menu check
dc.l 0 ;^Window name
nws dc.l 0 ;^Screen structure,
dc.l 0 ;^BitMap
dc.w 0 ;MinWidth
dc.w 0 ;MinHeight
dc.w 0 ;MaxWidth
dc.w 0,CUSTOMSCREEN ;MaxHeight,Screen type
**** menu definition ****
Menu1 dc.l 0 Next menu
dc.w 0,0 Position left edge,top edge
dc.w 100,20 Dimensions width,height
dc.w 1 Menu enabled
dc.l mtext1 Text for menu header
dc.l item11 ^First in chain
dc.l 0,0 Internal
mtext1 dc.b 'Actions',0
item11 dc.l item12 next in chained list
dc.w 0,0 Position left edge,top edge
dc.w 120,10 Dimensions width,height
dc.w $52 itemtext+highcomp+itemenabled
dc.l 0 Mutual exclude
dc.l I11txt Pointer to intuition text
dc.l 0
dc.b 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
I11txt dc.b 0 Front pen (blue)
dc.b 1 Back pen (white)
dc.b 0,0 Draw mode
dc.w 0 Left edge
dc.w 0 Top edge
dc.l 0 Text font
dc.l item11txt Pointer to text
dc.l 0 Next text
item11txt dc.b 'New Moire',0
item12 dc.l item13 next in chained list
dc.w 0,10 Position left edge,top edge
dc.w 120,10 Dimensions width,height
dc.w $52 itemtext+highcomp+itemenabled
dc.l 0 Mutual exclude
dc.l I12txt Pointer to intuition text
dc.l 0
dc.b 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
I12txt dc.b 0 Front pen (blue)
dc.b 1 Back pen (white)
dc.b 0,0 Draw mode
dc.w 0 Left edge
dc.w 0 Top edge
dc.l 0 Text font
dc.l item12txt Pointer to text
dc.l 0 Next text
item12txt dc.b 'Hide Title Bar',0
item13 dc.l item14 next in chained list
dc.w 0,20 Position left edge,top edge
dc.w 120,10 Dimensions width,height
dc.w $52 itemtext+highcomp+itemenabled
dc.l 0 Mutual exclude
dc.l I13txt Pointer to intuition text
dc.l 0
dc.b 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
I13txt dc.b 0 Front pen (blue)
dc.b 1 Back pen (white)
dc.b 0,0 Draw mode
dc.w 0 Left edge
dc.w 0 Top edge
dc.l 0 Text font
dc.l item13txt Pointer to text
dc.l 0 Next text
item13txt dc.b 'Show Title Bar',0
item14 dc.l 0 next in chained list
dc.w 0,30 Position left edge,top edge
dc.w 120,10 Dimensions width,height
dc.w $52 itemtext+highcomp+itemenabled
dc.l 0 Mutual exclude
dc.l I14txt Pointer to intuition text
dc.l 0
dc.b 0,0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
I14txt dc.b 0 Front pen (blue)
dc.b 1 Back pen (white)
dc.b 0,0 Draw mode
dc.w 0 Left edge
dc.w 0 Top edge
dc.l 0 Text font
dc.l item14txt Pointer to text
dc.l 0 Next text
item14txt dc.b 'Quit!',0