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- Conquest
- --------
- Conquest is Copyright © 1990 by W. Michael Bryant
- All rights reserved.
- This software is provided AS IS. No warranties or guarantees
- are expressed or implied. Michael Bryant cannot be held
- responsible for ANY problems arising from the use of this
- software; use at your own risk.
- =======================================================================
- Please see the end of this file for the latest update notes
- =======================================================================
- This program has been in the works for quite some time now. It was
- originally inspired by a program on the Radio Shack CoCo. My first
- version of this program was called Conquest and was written in BASIC.
- Next came a version that ran on a PDP 11/45, then finally this
- version on the Amiga. The program has grown quite a bit since its
- first conception. Unforunately, it has taken so long to get this
- program done for the Amiga that other games called CONQUEST have
- sprung up. For a while, this game was renamed to "Dominion", but that
- still didn't feel quite right. For now the game is called
- "Lore of Conquest", if there are any suggestions for names, let me know.
- Special thanks to John Nowak who created the original version of the
- combat system for Conquest.
- Conquest is a war game similiar in concept to the board game Risk.
- You are the lord of an entire world, destined to rule the galaxy.
- Some worlds are virgin fruits, ready for you to colonize. Some
- worlds have natives who do not wish to accept your rule, these you
- must conquer for they will yield more valuable resources. As you
- claim the galaxy you will find, you are not the only one extending
- your dominion. This is a two-player game. Be prepared to defend
- yourself and take what is yours!
- ----------------
- The following instructions give only a brief description of game
- play. Experiment with the program and find out how the program
- runs and what strategies will lead you to victory!
- Dominion is a two player game where each player secretly enters their
- moves for each turn. When Dominion is started, you are asked for
- each player's name and the number of turns you wish to play.
- Next, the galaxy map will be displayed and each player will be asked
- to select their homeworld. Available worlds will be outlined. Select
- your homeworld by clicking on the letter of the world.
- The game has now started. At the beginning of each turn you will be
- displayed your income for the turn. You earn income for each world
- that you control. Each world has a class value assigned to it. The
- higher the class, the more income the world generates. A homeworld
- is a minimum of class 7.
- After closing the income window you will see the galaxy map and command
- window. On the galaxy map you will see the first letter of each
- planet's name, and a number or a question mark next to it. The
- number indicates the class of the world. A question mark indicates
- that the world has yet to be explored.
- You need ships in order to explore and conquer other worlds. Select
- "Buy Ships" from the command window. The following are the types
- of ships available:
- Scout - Fastest ship. Non-combative. Flies past one
- or more worlds, to gather information on each.
- Cruiser - Fast ship. Average fighter, but cheap.
- MissileShip - Average speed. Excellent fighter but must
- wait to reload every other turn.
- Dreadnought - Big, slow, awesome battleship. Best fighter,
- best defender.
- Railship - Slowest. A High-Tech piece of hardware.
- A huge flying cannon that will automatically
- destroy one other ship in reverse order.
- ** More on this later.
- Send ships to other planets using the "Launch Fleet" command. Fleets
- of ships will only move as fast as the slowest ship. If you wish
- to launch a scout use the menu command "Launch Scout". Scouts can
- scan multiple planets before finally landing on one. They can be
- invaluable for keeping track of enemy fleets.
- When more than one enemy fleet is present on a planet, combat occurs.
- The offensive capabilities for the entire enemy fleet are compared to
- the defensive capabilities of your fleet. This determines how many
- casualities you will sustain. Casualties will be first removed from
- ships in the following order:
- Cruisers, MissileShips, Dreadnoughts, Railships
- This means that all casualties will be taken from cruisers until none
- are left, then from missileships, and so forth.
- Railships are a special case. These ships can attack from long range
- and destroy a ship with a single shot from their massive cannon. These
- ships can only fire once a turn but destroy ships in the reverse order
- of normal casualties:
- Railships, Dreadnoughts, MissileShips, Cruisers
- This means that after one turn of combat only one side will still have
- any railships in combat. These ships can be an extreme strategic
- advantage.
- Planets of class 4, 5, or 6 will have natives. These natives when left
- alone will slowly build ships of their own. A player discovering a
- class 6 planet late in the game might find a mighty native fleet to
- contend with!
- All planets generate income each turn. If you own the planet, you get
- all the income stored for the planet. It is therefore a stategic
- advantage to conquer the natives before your opponent does.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- There are many stategies and finer points to this game. If you can't
- seem to figure out the game, or have questions about it, send me a
- letter at the address below or contact me on BIX as mikebryant.
- If you like this program and would to show your appreciation, send
- me a letter. If you REALLY like the program, send me money! I can
- be reached at:
- Mike Bryant
- 37 Adna Road
- Bristol, CT 06010
- This program has been evolving for a number of years now. Please feel
- free to send any comments or wishes for enhancements for future
- versions.
- ========================================================================
- 5-21-90 Release of version 1.0 of Lore of Conquest
- Lots of changes with this release. Special thanks to Doug Walker
- (DJWalker on BIX) for the suggestions. New with this version of Conquest
- are:
- Ability to scrap planets. If you are going to lose a planet, you have
- the ability to lower the planet a class level. You get 15 credits
- per class of the planet for scrapping the planet. It can also be used
- when you REALLY need some extra cash. Since it costs 25 credits to
- raise the planet up one level, this is not a recommended option with
- the exception of dire emergencies.
- Distance command. You can now get the time it will take a fleet to
- travel from one planet to another. This was (and is) built into the
- launch ship requester but you had to have bought the ship in order to
- see how long it took to get somewhere. The distance command doesn't
- have this problem.
- Intelligence History. Intelligence on past battle reports now goes
- back to the last three events. This will allow you to get a better
- grasp on what is happening to a specific planet than the old 1 level
- intelligence report.
- Stargates have been improved! The old version of stargates were not
- even documented in this file. (Sorry.) Stargates allow you to travel
- from gate to another in just 3 turns! It doesn't matter what type of
- ship you send through the gate, three turns later it comes out the
- other end. To use a gate you must own both ends of it. To build a
- gate you must have a class 9 planet as your homeworld. Each gate
- costs 100 credits.
- Battle report has been revised. I've changed the format of the
- report to better display important information. Battles will have
- Start Fleet, Casualties, and Survivors listed so you don't have to
- do any math in your head. The Next and Prev gadgets also enable
- or disable depending on the available information.
- The command screen has a new look. Hopefully it is more attractive
- that the previous version.
- Mail has been fixed so that messages don't get lost from turn to turn.
- Note that Mail is NOT saved with a save game command.
- There is now a tally command to compare two players at the end of the
- game. When you quit the game you will be asked if you want to see
- the final tally. Traditionally when I end a game of Conquest, we agree
- to watch each others screen for the last move to see what lands. The
- tally command is a quick display to see who has more territory and ships.
- Well, that's about all for now. If you have any suggestions for the
- game, send me a letter or leave me E-Mail on BIX to MikeBryant.
- ----------------
- In the future... I plan on adding a two player feature to Conquest
- that allows you hook two Amigas up via DNET and play Conquest
- head-to-head. This mean that while you are entering your moves, your
- opponent can do the same thing. No more waiting!!! Considering that
- I only have 1 Amiga at the present, this feature may be a while.
- Anyone interested in computer opponents? I'm considering splitting the
- current Conquest screen into 4 quadrants. You could play 1 to 4 people
- with computer opponents filling in the empty slots.
- ========================================================================
- 9-30-90 Release of Lore of Conquest 1.1
- Thanks to Mark Burton on BIX for his many suggestions to enhance this
- version!
- With this version I upgraded to SAS/C 5.10. This was a rather painful
- process because it reveals several shortcomming of the software design.
- (Bad habits from Microsoft Windows programming... ;( ) Anyways, the
- new system promises to be much more robust and consistent.
- Scraping planets has been revised. You now get 15 credits per level that
- you scrap. You can only scrap your own planets. You can only scrap your
- home down to class 7. Scraping now takes time. You get the money right
- away, but the planet will be unavailable to be scrapped again for
- (class / 2) + 1 turns. This is to prevent the wholesale scraping of
- the entire universe just to buy a stargate or other such nonsense.
- You can now save the status of Conquest at any time. This means that
- you are able to make a move, save the game, and post the file on a BBS.
- Your friend can download the file, make his move, save the game, and
- post it back. This might make for some long games, but should allow almost
- anyone with a modem to play. (I considered direct modem support for
- Conquest but considering that most of my games take 4-6 hours to play...)
- Save files are 46448 bytes long. LHARC, however will compress them
- 97% to 1619 bytes!!! The size of the save file will not change as you
- play the game. The data within it, though will change. You mileage may
- vary.
- Other quick notes:
- Stargates will only be used if they shorten distance.
- Scouts now show up to 10 destinations in the hyperspace list.
- Scounts also show destination list as you select planets to scan.
- Current home planet, and bank balance are on the main screen.
- I've included some short cut keys for main menu commands:
- T Tally
- S Launch Scouts
- D Distance
- I Intelligence
- The "Confirm" requester can also be answered with "Y" or "N".
- The default names for the game are pseudonyms for a friend and myself.
- (I'm Alexis.) If you really find this annoying, I can change the default
- names to something else...
- ========================================================================
- 11-5-90 Release of Lore of Conquest 1.1a
- Minor bug fixes and a few enhancements.
- Although you were able to save a game of Conquest at the end of either
- player's turn, there was no way to select home planets without both
- players being present. Ooops! Now you can select SAVE GAME from the
- menu after the first player selects his home planet. (The first player
- will still have to enter the names for both the players.)
- Now the Tally command will display a SCORE! For those games that are
- close, you can now declare a true winner. (For those whose game ends
- before utterly exterminating their opponent.) Scoring works as follows:
- Each planet you own adds to your score: Class * Class * 10
- All the ships you own: Cost * Number of Each Ship Type / 10
- As you can see, it really pays to hold high class planets. Ships don't
- count very much in your score but do add a little bit. Scrapping planets
- will hurt a bit more now...
- Please feel free to post this file to any local BBS's you wish. I'd
- be happy to see it spread around! Thanks.
- --Mike B.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 11-7-90 Release of Lore of Conquest 1.1b
- Ooops. A minor fix to this version to allow players to start the
- game correctly. Now the second player selects a home world first.
- When the first player is asked to pick his world, you can save
- the game to disk. When the other player starts the game he can
- choose his homeworld and then begin his first turn.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 12-22-90 Release of Lore of Conquest 1.2
- Discovered a bug in the SAS/C compiler that was generating wild
- memory writes. If you found that Lore of Conquest crashes your system
- or caused bizarre behavior, this bug was probably the cause. Fortunately
- the nice people at SAS fixed the compiler as soon as I reported the
- problem.
- I enhanced the hyperspace listing so that the list is sorted by turn
- number automatically. Ships that arrive next turn are highlighted
- even if you use Turn or Destination listing options. You also should
- not ever see a blank page. (I now count the number of entries before
- displaying the page so if the page is full but there are no entries for
- the next page, the window closes.)
- Stargates are not revealed on hyperspace listings,
- or planet listings unless you own the planet. (Previously, you could
- simply send a ship to a planet to find out if it had a stargate or not.)
- Battle reports will now correctly report if a stargate is on a planet
- or not. Careful use of Intelligence can help you determine when a
- stargate appeared on a planet. (Scouts can detect a stargate on a scan.)
- Just for flavor, I've added a signature to all mail messages.
- In addition to drawing a border around planets that have battle reports
- for the current turn, I've color coded those borders so you can
- easily recognize what is going on around the entire screen.
- White = Victory / Re-enforcements / Colonization
- Blue = Rebellion
- Green = Scouting Report
- Cyan = Battle Loss
- Yellow = Battle in progress
- There are other misc cosemetic bug fixes...
- I hope I've wrung the bugs out of this version. Sorry if the SAS bug
- caused any grief. I've also included a version number in the save
- game files so that the program can recognize what files it can or can't
- load due to revision changes. This version is incompatible with previously
- saved games. (Hopefully I'll run out of things to add to the data structure
- and the save format won't change again.)
- --Mike B.