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- READER V 1.0
- =============
- A program which will list any words that can be made from the letters
- entered. The user can select a specific word length and can enter
- 'unknown' letters. Great for word games and crosswords.
- This is my first attempt at 'C' programming so please be patient!
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- USAGE: Reader [-m] [-#] [-z] letters
- where -m is an instruction to match a letter pattern. (MATCH)
- where -# is the letter length. -4 to -9 for words of 4 to 9 letters.
- -l for words of 10 or more letters.
- where -z is an instruction to clear the contents of VALID. (ZAP)
- where letters is the string of letters to select words from.
- The [] switches are optional and can be in any order but the letters
- string MUST come last.
- The letters string should contain only alphabetic characters except
- for a special facility called SPARES. Spares represent ANY letter
- and should be entered as fullstops (periods).
- So, entering ' erta. ' would find words like GREAT, HEAT and STAR
- as the . character will count as a G or H or S (or anything).
- The program outputs words found to the screen and also writes to
- the file VLD:VALID. This file has the same information as the screen
- output but has extended statistical information listing totals by
- word length and initial letter and percentages of those against the
- total words found. This file can be printed or stored or erased as
- desired. The results of a scan will be added to the file VALID unless
- the -z (zap) switch is used. This file requires an assign. Ram is the
- easiest place but users with 512k might prefer to write to disk.
- The program can only be run from the CLI.
- Setup
- =====
- The program MUST have a data file to scan and it will look for
- RAM:WORDALL.DAT or WORDLIST:WORDALL.DAT If neither file can be
- found, the program will complain and exit.
- A file, ASSIGNS, is included. Simply execute it to set WORDLIST: to
- this directory and VLD: to RAM: This is the preferred option. If you
- have 1 meg+, copy WORDALL.DAT to RAM: as this will greatly speed
- the program and vastly reduce disk access. This should be run before
- using the program. For normal use, make the assigns part of your
- startup-sequence.
- Limitations
- ===========
- The letters list must not exceed 20 characters. Entering less than
- 4 letters will yield no words. (all words are 4+ letters) Entering
- a lot of spares will yield MANY words. Beware of creating a large
- VALID list; memory you know!
- Matching
- ========
- If you specify -m on the command line, you can match a string of
- letters against the word list. Entering '-m ING ' will list ALL
- then words containing the letters ING (there will be lots!) or you
- could limit that by '-m -7 ING ' listing only 7 letter words
- containing ING. You can specify something like ' I.G ' where any word
- having an I then any letter then a G would be listed. When matching,
- a fullstop (period) represents ANY character (but just one per .).
- Examples
- ========
- Reader hearsfec Will find all words using HEARSFEC
- Reader -4 hearsfec Report only 4 letter words
- Reader trag.. Words made from TRAG plus any two other
- letters (like RAGE, BEAR, SPAT...)
- Reader -m ing Words containing ING
- Reader -6 -m ing Only 6 letter words containing ING
- Reader -m -7 ed. 7 letter words containing ED with at least
- one letter after the ED
- Reader -m -8 .r.v.o.. Ideal search for a crossword answer. Look
- for an 8 letter word with . representing
- missing letters.
- Reader -l -m ness Find all long words (10+ letters)
- containing NESS
- Reader -7 -m acc.... 7 letter words starting with ACC
- Word List
- =========
- The word lists are ENGLISH word spellings excluding proper names
- (ie real names) but including some place names. American users will
- have to put up with COLOUR instead of COLOR unless they edit the
- word lists themselves. In order to reduce words, all plurals
- made by simply adding S are excluded. Plurals like Cacti should be
- available. The word list is simply a LARGE file containing the words
- in ascii format, one word per line. It can be edited with any normal
- editor. There are currently around 24,200 words in the list!
- The end user can of course supply their own word lists!
- WARNING! There may well be misspelt words in the data list, Sorry!
- If you feel inclined, please send me a list of misspelt or missing
- words, on paper please, don't send disks!
- Aborting
- ========
- A scan may be aborted by 'CONTROL C' which will put up a little
- requester (Continue/Abort). Aborting the scan will mess up the
- output of the VALID file but should cause no other problems.
- Source
- ======
- Source is supplied so you can play with it as you wish. This code is
- copyrighted. It may not be used in any product sold for profit unless
- you obtain my permission. Please do not sell it or claim it as your
- own. It is freely distributable provided all the files are kept
- together. The source was compiled under Lattice V4.0. As this is my
- first attempt at 'C' the code is probably pretty primitive, but it
- works...and that's what counts!
- Fred Fish is hereby granted the right to distribute these files.
- No commercial organisation other than Fred Fish may distribute any
- of these files for profit without the written permission of myself.
- The files may be distributed by anyone provided no profit is made.
- Thanks to Fred Fish for the service he and countless others have
- provided to make available the masses of excellent AMIGA software.
- This program is just a small repayment for all that work.
- Finally..
- =========
- Please report any bugs, ideas, word omissions, comments to me.
- Author..
- Gary Brittain
- 45, Waddington Avenue
- Great Barr
- Birmingham
- B43 5JF
- England
- Email to "Brittaing@uk.ac.aston.vax.kirk" (Bitnet?)
- © 3iff 6/91 All rights reserved.