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- China Challenge
- ---------------
- written 1989/90 by
- Dirk Hoffmann
- Moerscherstr. 128
- D - 6710 Frankenthal
- West Germany
- This program is Freeware !
- China Challenge is quite similar to the well known game Shanghai or
- Mahjong. Target of China Challenge is, to remove all parts of the pile, the
- so called Dragon, step by step. This dragon is composed out of 120
- different pieces. You can always find four chips displaying the same
- picture or chinese symbols. As the pile can't be removed indiscriminately,
- there are certain rules allowing the removal of tiles.
- First, you only can remove pairs of tiles wit the same image or picture on
- its surfaces.
- Second, the chips you want to take away must not have another piece to
- their right or to their left. That means, both tiles have to be free and
- without any "neighbor". If you already have played Shanghai, you surely
- know the rules, because they are completely equal.
- After loading and starting China Challenge, the screen gets black for a
- short time and the first dragon appears. All 120 tiles have been shuffled
- and placed onto the pile. Now you can select a piece by clicking on a tile
- with the mouse pointer. If you have choosen a tile that was free, its
- counterpart is shown in the left box. Now you can select a second tile. If
- the second tile displays the same image or picture, it will be copied to
- the box at the right border of the playscreen. Doubleclicking the second
- icon means the removal of both tiles.
- If you have taken away all chips from the dragon, you can continue with a
- new shuffled one, perhaps with an increased difficulty level.
- By using the pull down menus, you can select following functions:
- About: A small information window appears
- Quit: Exit China Challenge, this means back to AmigaDos
- New Game: Starts current game over and builts up a new shuffled dragon
- Undo last move: Takes back the last move you did
- Undo all moves: Rebuilts the same dragon a second time
- If you like China Challenge or if you don't like it or if you have found
- any bugs, please let me know and write me your opinion about this game.
- Perhaps, there will be China Challenge II with better graphics and sound
- and an increased user interface including more functions.
- Enjoy this game and not your pirate copies...
- Dirk Hoffmann