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- Catalog
- (Revised 12/24/90)
- Catalog Disks
- Because the current library has grown so large, it is no longer cost
- effective to distribute a printed catalog. Therefore, the catalog
- disks replace the printed catalog, and will be updated at each new
- release of disks to reflect the current state of the library. It
- currently takes two disks to hold a complete catalog.
- Ordering Info
- There is no duplication fee for the catalog disks. To receive the
- latest available catalog at any time, simply return the original
- disks (or two blank disks), along with $1 for postage and mailer to:
- Fred Fish
- Catalog Disk Update
- 1835 East Belmont Drive
- Tempe, Arizona 85284
- Optionally, you can send $3 for the catalog and I will supply the
- disks, postage, and mailer.
- CAT FISH Catalog Listing
- A complete catalog over 320 pages and full of interesting
- information of the entire library cross-referenced by file name
- and subject area is available from the ASCITEC AMIGA User's Group
- now for $20.00. These listings are made using a laser printer
- on double-sided three-hole punched paper for a quality binder
- reference and contain information on disks currently available
- in the library. Some of the contents include:
- Complete listings of all disks and file descriptions
- (README and CONTENTS files) with disk numbers and page
- numbers for each file. Currently over 230 pages.
- An alphabetic sorted file name cross-reference listing
- with disk and page numbers given for each file. Duplicate
- file names are sorted with the most recent listed first.
- Currently over 34 pages.
- A subject category sorted file name cross-reference listing
- based on a three page 17 point major subject category
- outline with disk and page numbers given for each file.
- Currently contains 123 total categories and over 40 pages.
- CLI notes for accessing any public domain disk file for
- reading, copying, and execution of files on the disks.
- Future upgrades are easily obtained by mail at a low cost.
- The complete CAT FISH library listings cost $20.00. Future
- upgrades will cost $7.00. USA taxes and mailing costs are
- included. Mailing outside of the USA and Canada will cost an
- additional $5.00. Other information will also be included in
- future upgrades based upon prompt user suggestions and feedback.
- To order, make checks payable to "ASCITEC" or "THE AMIGA CLASS"
- at the AMIGA Science and Technology User's Group address given
- below. Address all orders and questions regarding CAT FISH to
- this address:
- CAT FISH Listing
- P. O. Box 201
- Los Altos, CA 94023
- CAT FISH Catalog Disk
- These materials are also available from ASCITEC on disk for $10.00
- with the explicit agreement that they will not be copied and they
- will not be placed upon any User Group or computer Bulletin Board.
- ADOC Documentation
- The documentation files corresponding to the most popular FD files
- are also available from ASCITEC on either double-sided three hole
- punched paper or on disk for $10.00. This provides users with a quick
- reference for the most used files in the library. The documentation
- files include the most recent versions of the following files:
- ASDG, Aquarium, Berserker, CLICon, ClockDJ, Conman, DiskTalk,
- DPlot, DMouse, DPSlide, Echo, Find, GPrint, Graph, HeadClean,
- Iconizer, IconMerger, IffLib, JPClock, LabelPrint, Mackie,
- MakeIcon, Marge, MG1B, MRPrint, MouseCoords, MuchMore, PcView,
- Plot, Plot.MultiPlot, Plot.ThreeDPlot, Plot.Translate,
- PowerPacker, PrintSpool, Print1.2, RunBack, Scripit, SetFont,
- SlideMaster, SlideShow, TaskX, TextDisplay, VCheck, View,
- VirusControl, VirusX, Vlt, WBRes, XenoZap, XHair, Xicon,
- ZeroVirus, and Zoo.