Gold Fish 1
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Copyright 1991 by Anders Bjerin. All rights reserved. This manual
together with the examples may be given to others if no fee,
except to cover the costs, is charged. The disks may not be
modified, and may not be published in any form without written
permission by the author. A registered owner may however use
parts of the manual in his own commercial/non-commercial
This manual is dedicated to Sioe-Lin Kwik for her moral support
and assistance. I would also like to thank Mats Bjerin and the
rest of my family for all their help.
The Amiga C Manual (ACM) V2.00 is a complete C manual for the
Amiga which describes how to open and work with Screens, Windows,
Graphics, Gadgets, Requesters, Alerts, Menus, IDCMP, Sprites,
VSprites, AmigaDOS, Low Level Graphics Routines, Hints and Tips,
etc. The manual also explains how to use your C Compiler and
gives you important information about how the Amiga work and how
your programs should be designed. The Amiga C Manual consists of
15 chapters together with more than 100 fully executable examples
with source code, everything stored on four disks.
At the end of the manual there are several appendices such as: A
complete description of all functions and examples used in the
Manual. Full ASCII and RAWKEY codes lists. Description of all
data types and operators used by C, and finally a comprehensive
chapter about the Guru Meditation codes.
Many utilities and demonstration programs are also included with
the manual, together with complete source code. FileWindow, a
file requester that dynamically allocates memory when needed.
ColourWindow, a colour requester with several interesting
features. Three short programs that describes how to read
directly from the Joystick, Mouse and Keyboard ports. EasySound,
with this utility you can now easily include sound in your
The Amiga C Manual consists of simple as well as complex
examples, which go deeper into each subject than any other
manual. ACM can both be read as a tutorial and as a reference
The whole manual is stored on four disks which means that you
will save days of work since you do not need to type in the
examples yourself. You can directly run the already compiled
programs, or immediately start to experiment with the source
code. Programming should be fun!
The programs are written in Lattice C V5.10, but will compile
perfectly with older version, as well as with other C compilers.
All programs written by ACC follows the programming rules. They
contain full error checking and return all allocated resources.
If you like this manual and find it useful please register. Much
work over the last two years have been put in to it, and with
your help we can continue to improve it. A registered owner will
also get:
1. Registration card for the Amiga C Club (ACC). See below for
more information.
2. Updated versions of the manual for only the cost of postage
and packing (£5 or $10 or SEK50).
3. Access to a video digitizer and a sound sampler. Send a disk
together with pictures/tapes, and it will be done for you free
of charge.
4. Unlimited help with your C programs.
5. The right to use parts of the manual in your own commercial/
non-commercial programs/articles.
The simplest way of paying is to include the money in a letter in
cash. US dollar bills, English pounds or Swedish kr are
preferred, but all currencies are accepted. The registration fee
is £15 or $25 or SEK150 or similar amount in your own currency.
Please do not use cheques. It is sadly extremely expensive to
cash a foreign cheque here in Sweden.
Please send the registration fee together with your complete
address to:
Amiga C Club (ACC)
Anders Bjerin
Tulevagen 22
181 41 LIDINGO
(Subject to availability and prices may change without notice.)
The Amiga C Club (ACC) is a non profit making organization which
primary goal is to help C programmers all over the world. ACC is
only one year old, but have already more than one hundred
registered members from 35 different countries:
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Central African
Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya,
Latvia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Mexico, Portugal, Saudi
Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom,
Uruguay and USA.
ACC helps C programmers by answering questions, correcting
programs, giving advice, designing layouts etc. Whatever the
problem is, as long as it has to do with C on the Amiga, ACC will
try to solve it. We can not guarantee that we can find a solution
to your problem, but we are here to help you and we will do our
Registered members can also get pictures digitized
(low-resolution PAL, 320 * 256 pixels, 16 grey shades). This is
extremely useful if you want to design impressive graphical user
interface. We can also sample sound effects in mono as well as in
stereo. This help together with our simple but flexible sound
routines means that you now easily can add sound to your
All help given by ACC to registered members is free of charge.
One other important task for ACC is to keep the Amiga C Manual up
to date. New material is constantly added, and old parts
rewritten. Members can easily get new versions for only the cost
of disks plus postage and packing.