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Assembly Source File
1,598 lines
* KeyMenu.asm V1.03 02 Mar 1991
* Usage:
* KeyMenu QUIT
* KeyMenu ?
* KeyMenu [<options>]
* Where <options> is one or more of the following:
* -i info about KeyMenu's current configuration
* -b toggle Intuition pointer blanking default=OFF
* -t toggle clearing of RMBTRAP flag in windows default=OFF
* -q# # = qualifier key(s) to supplement move keys default=Right Shift
* -p# # = input handler priority in decimal default=51
* -a# # = hex keycode of ACTIVATION key default=Right ALT
* -e# # = hex keycode of ESCAPE key default=ESC
* -s# # = hex keycode of SELECT key default=Return
* -l# # = hex keycode of LEFT key default=Cursor left
* -r# # = hex keycode of RIGHT key default=Cursor right
* -u# # = hex keycode of UP key default=Cursor up
* -d# # = hex keycode of DOWN key default=Cursor down
* This program serves as the user interface to the KeyMenu-Handler. It is
* used to install the KeyMenu-Handler, change it's configuration at any time
* or remove the handler from the system. This program is completely
* re-entrant (pure).
* Modification History:
* Date By Modification
* -------- -------------------- --------------------------------------
* 09/09/89 Ken Lowther Initial release, V1.01
* 09/13/89 Ken Lowther V1.02 - Added qualifier option to allow
* changing the qualifier key that can be
* used with the movement keys.
* 09/30/89 Ken Lowther V1.02 - This program no longer creates a
* process for the keymenu-handler module.
* 03/02/91 Ken Lowther V1.03 - Re-installed intuition pointer
* blanking option.
include "macros.i"
include "exec/types.i"
include "exec/strings.i"
include "exec/nodes.i"
include "exec/ports.i"
include "exec/execbase.i"
include "exec/ables.i"
include "exec/interrupts.i"
include "exec/memory.i"
include "exec/lists.i"
include "exec/io.i"
include "devices/input.i"
include "devices/inputevent.i"
include "intuition/intuition.i"
include "libraries/dos.i"
include "libraries/dosextens.i"
include "keymenu-handler.i"
include "keymenu.i"
kmw equr a4 ; keymenu workarea register
gbl equr a5 ; handler global register
* *
* Miscellaneous equates *
* *
keynamesmax equ (keynamesend-keynames)/2 ; maximum keycode in keynames
; table
kmportl equ kmportend-kmport ; port name length
quitwordl equ quitwordend-quitword
nomeml equ nomemend-nomem
public main
near code
* *
* main *
* *
* This is the main routine of keymenu. It is where execution begins. *
* Here we perform the following functions. *
* 1) Initialize program *
* 2) parse the runtime command line and report errors if any. *
* 3) determine what work is to be done and call the appropriate *
* routines to do it. *
* 4) perform program cleanup and exit. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a0 - command line address *
* d0 - command line length *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* d0 - amigados return code *
* *
main movem.l mainregs,-(sp) ; save entry registers
* go initialize, exit if initialization fails *
jsr init ; go initialize
bne mainexit ; initialization failed, branch
* parse the runtime command, exit if errors *
jsr parse ; go parse the runtime command
bne maincleanup ; parser failed, branch
* determine what is to be done *
lea kmport(pc),a1 ; point to handler's port name
Call FindPort ; go see if it exists
tst.l d0 ; does port exist ?
bne main010 ; yes, branch
* handler doesn't exist, create it *
jsr create ; go create handler
beq maincleanup ; branch if unable to create it
main010 bset.b #FLAGB_exists,kmw_flags(kmw) ; indicate port exists
move.l d0,gbl ; setup handler global register
main015 btst.b #FLAGB_quit,kmw_flags(kmw) ; was 'quit' specified ?
beq main020 ; no, branch
* quit was specified, stop the handler and exit *
jsr quit ; yes, get rid of handler
bra maincleanup ; get out
main020 btst.b #FLAGB_exists,kmw_flags(kmw) ; does handler exist ?
beq maincleanup ; no, branch
* process any runtime parameters that may have been given *
jsr params ; yes, go process any runtime params
* do cleanup and exit. *
maincleanup move.l kmw_dosbase(kmw),a1 ; get dos library base
Call CloseLibrary ; close it
move.l kmw,a1 ; get work area address
move.l #kmw_size,d0 ; get size of work area
Call FreeMem ; go free the work area
mainexit movem.l (sp)+,mainregs ; restore registers
clr.l d0 ; set return code for dos
rts ; return to caller
mainregs reg d1-d7/a0-a6 ; registers saved by main
* *
* init *
* *
* This routine performs the following initialization tasks: *
* 1) opens the dos library *
* 2) gets std output file handle *
* 3) allocates and initializes our workarea *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a0 - command line address *
* d0 - command line length *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* a4 - workarea address *
* a6 - exec library base *
* d0 - return code (0=initialization successful) *
* *
init move.l AbsExecBase,a6 ; setup exec library base
move.l a0,a3 ; save command line address
move.l d0,d3 ; save command line length
* Open DOS Library *
lea doslib(pc),a1 ; point to library name
moveq.l #0,d0 ; we don't care what version
Call OpenLibrary ; go open the library
move.l d0,a5 ; save library base for use later
beq init_err1 ; openlibrary failed - can't tell
; user - just exit
* Get STD Output File Handle *
Call Output,a5 ; get file handle for screen
move.l d0,a2 ; save output file handle
beq init_err ; if no handle was returned - branch
* Allocate our workarea *
move.l #kmw_size,d0 ; set size of area to allocate
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ; indicate type of memory
Call AllocMem ; go get it
move.l d0,kmw ; setup our workarea register
bne init010 ; if allocate was successful, branch
move.l a2,d1 ; get file handle
lea nomem(pc),a0 ; get error message address
move.l a0,d2
move.l #nomeml,d3 ; get error message length
Call Write,a5 ; write error message
bra init_err ; go cleanup
* Initialize our workarea *
move.l a5,kmw_dosbase(kmw) ; save dos base address
move.l a2,kmw_filehandle(kmw) ; save output file handle
move.l a3,kmw_cmd(kmw) ; save runtime command address
move.w d3,kmw_cmd_length(kmw) ; save runtime command length
move.b #-1,kmw_AKey(kmw) ; initialize to null keys
move.b #-1,kmw_DKey(kmw)
move.b #-1,kmw_SKey(kmw)
move.b #-1,kmw_UpKey(kmw)
move.b #-1,kmw_DownKey(kmw)
move.b #-1,kmw_LeftKey(kmw)
move.b #-1,kmw_RightKey(kmw)
move.b #handlerpri,kmw_handlerpri(kmw) ; default handler priority
bra init_ok ; initialized ok - return
* Failed to get Output File Handle *
move.l a5,a1 ; get dos library base
Call CloseLibrary ; close it
* Couldn't initialize for whatever reason - set return code *
init_err1 moveq.l #1,d0 ; indicate failure
bra initexit ; get out
* initialized ok - set return code *
init_ok clr.l d0 ; indicate success
* Common return point *
initexit rts ; return
* *
* changekey *
* *
* This routine is called to change a keymenu configuration key from one *
* value to another and print a message documenting the change. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a0 - address of keymenu's global area for the key being changed *
* a1 - address of text describing the key being changed *
* d0 - new key value to be used (-1 = no change) *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none *
* *
changekey movem.l ckregs,-(sp) ; save registers
cmp.b #-1,d0 ; was a new value given ?
beq changekeyexit ; no, branch
clr.l d1 ; clear work register
move.b (a0),d1 ; get old value of key
move.l d0,d2 ; get new key value
asl.w #1,d2 ; multiply by 2
lea keynames(pc),a3 ; get address of key names table
lea keyval(pc),a2 ; get address of key value table
move.w d0,-(sp) ; pass new key value
move.w (a3,d2.w),d2 ; get disp of new key name
pea (a2,d2.w) ; pass addr of new key name
move.l d1,d2 ; get old key value
asl.w #1,d2 ; multiply by 2
move.w d1,-(sp) ; pass old key value
move.w (a3,d2.w),d2 ; get disp of old key name
pea (a2,d2.w) ; pass address of old key name
move.l a1,-(sp) ; pass text of key being changed
move.b d0,(a0) ; update keymenu's global area
lea changemsg(pc),a0 ; get format string address
jsr printf ; go print change message
add.l #16,sp ; adjust stack pointer
movem.l (sp)+,ckregs
rts ; return to caller
ckregs reg d0-d2/a0-a3
* *
* params *
* *
* This routine processes any runtime params that may have been given *
* to change keymenu's configuration. Also, messages are produced *
* indicating any changes that are made. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a4 - keymenu workarea address (kmw) *
* a5 - handler global area *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none *
* *
params clr.l d0
* Change any of the various keys that keymenu uses. *
move.b kmw_AKey(kmw),d0 ; load parameter
lea gb_AKey(gbl),a0 ; point to global area
lea akey(pc),a1 ; text for change message
jsr changekey ; go change the key if necessary
move.b kmw_DKey(kmw),d0 ; load parameter
lea gb_DKey(gbl),a0 ; point to global area
lea dkey(pc),a1 ; text for change message
jsr changekey ; go change the key if necessary
move.b kmw_SKey(kmw),d0 ; load parameter
lea gb_SKey(gbl),a0 ; point to global area
lea skey(pc),a1 ; text for change message
jsr changekey ; go change the key if necessary
move.b kmw_UpKey(kmw),d0 ; load parameter
lea gb_UpKey(gbl),a0 ; point to global area
lea upkey(pc),a1 ; text for change message
jsr changekey ; go change the key if necessary
move.b kmw_DownKey(kmw),d0 ; load parameter
lea gb_DownKey(gbl),a0 ; point to global area
lea downkey(pc),a1 ; text for change message
jsr changekey ; go change the key if necessary
move.b kmw_LeftKey(kmw),d0 ; load parameter
lea gb_LeftKey(gbl),a0 ; point to global area
lea leftkey(pc),a1 ; text for change message
jsr changekey ; go change the key if necessary
move.b kmw_RightKey(kmw),d0 ; load parameter
lea gb_RightKey(gbl),a0 ; point to global area
lea rightkey(pc),a1 ; text for change message
jsr changekey ; go change the key if necessary
btst.b #FLAGB_trap,kmw_flags(kmw) ; was rmbtrap option specified ?
beq params025 ; ; no, branch
* Change the clear RMBTRAP option *
lea info4(pc),a0 ; point to message text
bchg.b #FLAGB_Clear_rmbtrap,gb_flags(gbl) ; invert the bit
beq params010 ; was off, now on, branch
pea nowoff(pc) ; indicate now off
bra params020
params010 pea nowon(pc) ; indicate now on
params020 jsr printf ; go tell what we did
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
params025 btst.b #FLAGB_Qual,kmw_flags(kmw) ; was a qualifier(s) specified ?
beq params026 ; no, branch
* Change qualifier(s) *
move.b kmw_Qual(kmw),gb_Qual(gbl) ; update global area
jsr printqual ; go print new keys
params026 btst.b #FLAGB_blankp,kmw_flags(kmw) ; was blank pointer option
; given ?
beq params030 ; no, branch
* Change the blank intuition pointer option *
lea info5(pc),a0 ; point to message text
bchg.b #FLAGB_Blank_pointer,gb_flags(gbl) ; invert the bit
beq params027 ; was off, now on, branch
pea nowoff(pc) ; indicate now off
bra params028
params027 pea nowon(pc) ; indicate now on
params028 jsr printf ; go tell what we did
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
params030 btst.b #FLAGB_info,kmw_flags(kmw) ; was info asked for ?
beq params110 ; no, branch
* print info about keymenu's configuration *
lea info1(pc),a0 ; point to message text
pea kmport(pc) ; put portname address on the stack
jsr printf ; go print it
addq.w #4,sp ; adjust stack
move.b gb_AKey(gbl),d0 ; load key's value
lea akey(pc),a1 ; point to text describing the key
jsr printkey ; print info message
move.b gb_DKey(gbl),d0
lea dkey(pc),a1
jsr printkey
move.b gb_SKey(gbl),d0
lea skey(pc),a1
jsr printkey
move.b gb_UpKey(gbl),d0
lea upkey(pc),a1
jsr printkey
move.b gb_DownKey(gbl),d0
lea downkey(pc),a1
jsr printkey
move.b gb_RightKey(gbl),d0
lea rightkey(pc),a1
jsr printkey
move.b gb_LeftKey(gbl),d0
lea leftkey(pc),a1
jsr printkey
jsr printqual ; go print key qualifier(s)
lea info5(pc),a0 ; point to message text
btst.b #FLAGB_Blank_pointer,gb_flags(gbl) ; blank pointer option on ?
beq params070 ; no, branch
pea on(pc) ; pass 'on' text to printf
bra params080
params070 pea off(pc) ; pass 'off' text to printf
params080 jsr printf ; print the message
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust the stack pointer
lea info4(pc),a0 ; point to message text
btst.b #FLAGB_Clear_rmbtrap,gb_flags(gbl) ; is clear rmbtrap on ?
beq params090 ; no, branch
pea on(pc) ; pass 'on' text to printf
bra params100
params090 pea off(pc) ; pass 'off' text to printf
params100 jsr printf ; print the message
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust the stack pointer
rts ; return to caller
* *
* printkey *
* *
* This routine is called to print the configured value of a key *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a1 - address of text describing the key being changed *
* d0 - key value *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none *
* *
printkey movem.l pkregs,-(sp) ; save registers
clr.l d1 ; clear work register
move.l d0,d2 ; get key value
asl.w #1,d2 ; multiply by 2
lea keynames(pc),a3 ; get address of key names table
lea keyval(pc),a2
move.w d0,-(sp) ; pass key value
move.w (a3,d2.w),d2
pea (a2,d2.w)
move.l a1,-(sp) ; pass text of key being changed
lea info2(pc),a0 ; get format string address
jsr printf ; go print change message
add.l #10,sp ; adjust stack pointer
movem.l (sp)+,pkregs
rts ; return to caller
pkregs reg d0-d2/a0-a3
* *
* printqual *
* *
* This routine is called to print the configured key qualifier(s) *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a5 - address of keymenu global area *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none *
* *
printqual movem.l pqregs,-(sp) ; save registers
lea info3(pc),a0 ; get format string address
jsr printf ; go print the string
lea none(pc),a0
tst.b gb_Qual(gbl) ; are there any qualifiers
beq pq030 ; no, branch
moveq.l #7,d1 ; set number of bits
pq010 btst.b d1,gb_Qual(gbl) ; is qualifier present ?
beq pq015 ; no, branch
move.l d1,d2
asl.w #1,d2 ; multiply by 2
lea qualnames(pc),a3 ; get address of qualifier names
lea keyval(pc),a2
move.w (a3,d2.w),d2
pea (a2,d2.w)
lea info3a(pc),a0 ; get format string address
jsr printf ; go print key name
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
pq015 dbra d1,pq010
pq020 lea info3end(pc),a0
pq030 jsr printf ; print end of the message
movem.l (sp)+,pqregs
rts ; return to caller
pqregs reg d0-d2/a0-a3
* *
* quit *
* *
* This routine stops the input handler and frees all its remaining *
* resources in the following manner: *
* 1) signal the handler that we are stopping. *
* 2) wait for handler to signal back that it is ready to stop *
* 3) remove the handlers port and tell the input device to stop *
* passing events to the handler. *
* 4) unload the handler's segment *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a4 - keymenu work area (kmw) *
* a5 - handler global area (gbl) *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none *
* *
quit btst.b #FLAGB_exists,kmw_flags(kmw) ; does handler exist ?
beq quit020 ; no, branch
lea remove(pc),a0 ; get removing message address
jsr printf ; go write removing message
* Signal the input handler that we intend to stop *
sub.l a1,a1 ; setup to find our task
Call FindTask ; go get our task pointer
move.l d0,gb_task(gbl) ; save our task pointer
moveq.l #-1,d0 ; setup to allocate a signal
Call AllocSignal ; go allocate one
move.b d0,gb_tasksignum(gbl) ; save signal number
move.l #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C,d0 ; set signal mask
move.l gb_handtask(gbl),a1 ; get task to signal
Call Signal ; signal the handler task to stop
* Wait for the handler to signal us that it's ok to stop *
clr.l d0
clr.l d1
move.b gb_tasksignum(gbl),d1
bset.l d1,d0 ; create wait mask
Call Wait ; wait for handler to signal us
clr.l d0
move.b gb_tasksignum(gbl),d0 ; get allocated signal number
Call FreeSignal ; go free the signal
* remove the handler's port and tell input device to remove us from *
* the handler list *
move.l gbl,a1 ; get handler's port
Call RemPort ; remove it from the public eye
moveq.l #IND_REMHANDLER,d0 ; indicate we want to remove handler
jsr tellinputdevice ; go tell it to the input.device
bne quit010 ; if removed, branch
lea handlererr(pc),a0 ; get error message address
jsr printf ; go tell user
bra quit020
* Unload the handler's segment and tell user everything ok. *
quit010 move.l gb_Segment(gbl),d1 ; get segment address
Call UnLoadSeg,kmw_dosbase(kmw) ; get rid of it
lea ok(pc),a0 ; get message address
jsr printf ; write it
* cleanup remaining resources *
quit020 jsr cleanup
rts ; return to caller
* *
* parse *
* *
* This routine parses the command line setting flags and keyvalues in *
* our work area indicating what options were given when we were invoked.*
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a4 - keymenu work area (kmw) *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* d0 - return code (0=parsing successful) *
* *
parse movem.l parseregs,-(sp) ; save registers
clr.l d2 ; clear length register
move.w kmw_cmd_length(kmw),d2 ; get runtime command length
subq.w #1,d2 ; reduce by 1 for dbra instr
beq parseexit ; no command to parse, branch
move.l kmw_cmd(kmw),a2 ; get runtime command pointer
* Upshift the entire runtime command *
parse010 move.b (a2,d2.w),d0 ; get character
cmp.b #'a',d0 ; within lowercase range ?
blt parse012 ; no, branch
cmp.b #'z',d0
bgt parse012
and.b #$5f,d0 ; upshift the character
parse012 move.b d0,(a2,d2.w) ; put it back
dbra d2,parse010 ; loop through entire command
clr.l d2 ; clear index register
* Scan runtime command searching for valid option specifiers *
parse015 cmp.b #'-',(a2,d2.w) ; option specifier ?
bne parse065 ; no, branch
addq.w #1,d2 ; bump index
cmp.b #'A',(a2,d2.w) ; change activation key ?
bne parse020 ; no, branch
lea kmw_AKey(kmw),a3 ; yes, load result area address
bra parsekey ; go get new keyvalue
parse020 cmp.b #'E',(a2,d2.w) ; change escape key ?
bne parse025 ; no, branch
lea kmw_DKey(kmw),a3 ; yes, load result area address
bra parsekey ; go get new keyvalue
parse025 cmp.b #'S',(a2,d2.w) ; change select key ?
bne parse030 ; no, branch
lea kmw_SKey(kmw),a3 ; yes, load result area address
bra parsekey ; go get new keyvalue
parse030 cmp.b #'U',(a2,d2.w) ; change up key ?
bne parse035 ; no, branch
lea kmw_UpKey(kmw),a3 ; yes, load result area address
bra parsekey ; go get new keyvalue
parse035 cmp.b #'D',(a2,d2.w) ; change down key ?
bne parse040 ; no, branch
lea kmw_DownKey(kmw),a3 ; yes, load result area address
bra parsekey ; go get new keyvalue
parse040 cmp.b #'L',(a2,d2.w) ; change left key ?
bne parse045 ; no, branch
lea kmw_LeftKey(kmw),a3 ; yes, load result area address
bra parsekey ; go get new keyvalue
parse045 cmp.b #'R',(a2,d2.w) ; change right key ?
bne parse050 ; no, branch
lea kmw_RightKey(kmw),a3 ; yes, load result area address
* A keyvalue specifier has been found, check its validity and *
* if valid save it for use later. If invalid, issue a message *
* and quit. *
parsekey clr.l d4 ; indicate hex numbers
jsr parsevalue ; go parse the value
bne parse_keyerror ; bad value, branch
cmp.w #keynamesmax,d0 ; is value within range ?
bgt parse_keyerror ; no, branch
lea keynames(pc),a1
asl.w #1,d0
cmp.w #-1,(a1,d0.w) ; is this a valid keyvalue ?
beq parse_keyerror ; no, branch
asr.w #1,d0
move.l d3,d2 ; adjust index
move.b d0,(a3) ; save keyvalue
bra parse015 ; go check for end of command
parse050 cmp.b #'T',(a2,d2.w) ; toggle rmbtrap option ?
bne parse054 ; no, branch
bset.b #FLAGB_trap,kmw_flags(kmw) ; set indicator
parse052 addq.w #1,d2 ; bump index
bra parse015 ; loop for next character
parse054 cmp.b #'B',(a2,d2.w) ; toggle blank pointer option ?
bne parse055 ; no, branch
bset.b #FLAGB_blankp,kmw_flags(kmw) ; set indicator
bra parse052 ; bump index & check next character
parse055 cmp.b #'I',(a2,d2.w) ; configuration info wanted ?
bne parse057 ; no, branch
bset.b #FLAGB_info,kmw_flags(kmw) ; set indicator
bra parse052
parse057 cmp.b #'Q',(a2,d2.w) ; qualifier key(s) ?
bne parse060 ; no, branch
moveq.l #1,d4 ; indicate decimal number
jsr parsevalue ; go parse the value
bne parse_qualerror ; bad value, branch
cmp.w #255,d0 ; within range ?
bgt parse_qualerror ; no, branch
move.b d0,kmw_Qual(kmw) ; save qualifier
bset.b #FLAGB_Qual,kmw_flags(kmw) ; indicate option specified
move.l d3,d2 ; adjust index
bra parse015
parse060 cmp.b #'P',(a2,d2.w) ; handler priority option ?
bne parse_optionerror ; no, bad option specified, branch
moveq.l #1,d4 ; indicate decimal number
jsr parsevalue ; go parse the value
bne parse_prierror ; bad value, branch
cmp.w #255,d0 ; is it within range ?
bgt parse_prierror ; no, branch
move.l d3,d2 ; adjust index
move.b d0,kmw_handlerpri(kmw) ; save priority
move.w d0,-(sp) ; pass pri value
lea primsg(pc),a0 ; get format string address
jsr printf ; go print change message
addq.l #2,sp ; adjust stack pointer
bra parse015
* Print 'HELP' information ? *
parse065 cmp.b #'?',(a2,d2.w) ; help wanted ?
bne parse070 ; no, branch
lea help1(pc),a0 ; address of message
jsr printf ; go write it
lea help2(pc),a0 ; address of message
jsr printf ; go write it
lea help3(pc),a0 ; address of message
jsr printf ; go write it
lea help4(pc),a0 ; address of message
jsr printf ; go write it
lea help4a(pc),a0 ; address of message
jsr printf ; go write it
lea help5(pc),a0 ; address of message
jsr printf ; go write it
lea help6(pc),a0 ; address of message
jsr printf ; go write it
lea help6a(pc),a0 ; address of message
jsr printf ; go write it
lea help7(pc),a0 ; address of message
pea akey(pc) ; text describing key
jsr printf ; go write it
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
lea help8(pc),a0 ; address of message
pea dkey(pc) ; text describing key
jsr printf ; go write it
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
lea help9(pc),a0 ; address of message
pea skey(pc) ; text describing key
jsr printf ; go write it
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
lea help10(pc),a0 ; address of message
pea leftkey(pc) ; text describing key
jsr printf ; go write it
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
lea help11(pc),a0 ; address of message
pea rightkey(pc) ; text describing key
jsr printf ; go write it
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
lea help12(pc),a0 ; address of message
pea upkey(pc) ; text describing key
jsr printf ; go write it
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
lea help13(pc),a0 ; address of message
pea downkey(pc) ; text describing key
jsr printf ; go write it
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
bra parse_error ; get out
* 'QUIT'ting KeyMenu *
parse070 lea quitword(pc),a0
lea (a2,d2.w),a1
move.w #quitwordl-1,d0
parse072 cmp.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; 'QUIT' ?
bne parse075 ; no, branch
dbra d0,parse072 ; loop control
bset.b #FLAGB_quit,kmw_flags(kmw) ; set indicator
add.w #quitwordl,d2 ; bump index
bra parse015 ; loop for next option
* White space or end of command ? *
parse075 cmp.b #' ',(a2,d2.w) ; white space ?
bne parse080 ; no, branch
addq.w #1,d2 ; yes, bump index
bra parse015 ; loop for next character
parse080 cmp.b #LF,(a2,d2.w) ; are we at the end of the command ?
bne parse_optionerror ; no, branch
bra parseok ; yes, branch
* Print 'Invalid key value specified' message *
jsr showerror ; go list the command and show where
; the error occurred
lea keyerror(pc),a0 ; get address of message text
jsr printf ; go write it
bra parse_error ; take error exit
* Print 'Invalid handler priority specified' message *
jsr showerror ; go list the command and show where
; the error occurred
lea prierror(pc),a0 ; get address of message text
jsr printf ; go write it
bra parse_error ; take error exit
* Print 'Invalid qualifier(s) specified' message *
jsr showerror ; go list the command and show where
; the error occurred
lea qualerror(pc),a0 ; get address of message text
jsr printf ; go write it
bra parse_error ; take error exit
* Print 'Invalid/Unknown option specified' message *
jsr showerror ; go list the command and show where
; the error occurred
lea opterror(pc),a0 ; get address of message text
jsr printf ; go write it
* Some kind of parsing error occured, set return code *
parse_error moveq.l #1,d0
bra parseexit
* parsed ok - set return code *
parseok moveq.l #0,d0
* Common return point *
parseexit movem.l (sp)+,parseregs ; restore registers
rts ; return to caller
parseregs reg d1-d4/a0-a3
* *
* parsevalue *
* *
* This routine parses ascii values and converts them to binary. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a4 - keymenu work area (kmw) *
* d2 - displacement into command where option containing value *
* starts. *
* d4 - 0 = ascii numbers are in hex, 1 = ascii numbers are decimal *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* d0 - binary value *
* d4 - 0 = parsed ok, 1 = parse error *
* *
parsevalue addq.w #1,d2 ; bump index
move.l d2,d3 ; use temporary index
clr.l d0 ; clear accumulator
clr.l d1 ; clear work register
parseval010 move.b (a2,d3.w),d1
cmp.b #'0',d1 ; within decimal range ?
blt parseval015 ; no, branch
cmp.b #'9',d1
bgt parseval015
sub.b #'0',d1 ; make binary
bra parseval020
parseval015 tst.l d4 ; hex number ?
bne parseval025 ; no, branch
cmp.b #'A',d1 ; within hex alpha range ?
blt parseval025 ; no, branch
cmp.b #'F',d1
bgt parseval025
sub.b #'A'-10,d1 ; make binary
parseval020 tst.l d4 ; hex number ?
beq parseval023 ; yes, branch
mulu #10,d0 ; multiply accumulator by 10
bra parseval024
asl.w #4,d0 ; multiply accumulator by 16
add.w d1,d0 ; add current digit
addq.w #1,d3 ; bump accumulator
bra parseval010 ; loop for next char
parseval025 cmp.b #' ',d1 ; end of value ?
beq parseval030 ; yes, branch
cmp.b #LF,d1 ; end of command ?
beq parseval030 ; yes, branch
bra parse_valerror ; no, error, branch
parseval030 cmp.w d2,d3 ; was anything parsed ?
bne parse_valok ; no, branch
moveq.l #1,d4 ; indicate error
bra parse_valend ; go to common return
parse_valok clr.l d4 ; indicate value ok
rts ; return to caller
* *
* showerror *
* *
* This routine displays the runtime command with a caret symbol *
* underneath the portion of the command that caused the parsing error. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a4 - keymenu work area (kmw) *
* d2 - displacement into command where caret symbol should go *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none *
* *
showerror movem.l showerrorregs,-(sp) ; save registers
move.l kmw_cmd(kmw),a0 ; message text pointer
clr.l d0
move.w kmw_cmd_length(kmw),d0 ; message text length
jsr putmessage ; go write the command text
clr.l d3 ; clear counter
moveq.l #1,d0 ; set length of text to write
lea kmw_buffer(kmw),a0 ; get address of buffer
move.b #' ',(a0) ; put blank in buffer
showerr010 cmp.w d2,d3 ; have we reached the displacement ?
bge showerr015 ; yes, branch
jsr putmessage ; go write a blank
addq.w #1,d3 ; bump counter
bra showerr010 ; loop
showerr015 move.b #'^',(a0) ; put ^ in buffer
jsr putmessage ; go write it
move.b #LF,(a0) ; put linefeed in buffer
jsr putmessage ; go write it
movem.l (sp)+,showerrorregs ; restore registers
showerrorregs reg d3
* *
* printf *
* *
* This routine is called to print a formatted message substituting data *
* into the message from parameters (passed on the stack) using 'C'-like *
* formatting characters. The calling routine is responsible for placing *
* the datastream parameters on the stack and then adjusting the stack *
* after execution of this routine. It is assumed that the parameters *
* are located 4 bytes beyond the current stack pointer upon entry to *
* this routine. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a0 - address of format string *
* a3 - address of current position in buffer *
* a4 - workarea address *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none. *
* *
printf lea 4(sp),a1 ; get datastream address
movem.l printfregs,-(sp) ; save registers
lea putchar(pc),a2 ; point to routine to build buffer
lea kmw_buffer(kmw),a3 ; point to buffer
Call RawDoFmt ; go format the buffer
lea kmw_buffer(kmw),a0 ; point to buffer
move.l a0,a1 ; save buffer start
move.l #kmw_bsize-1,d0 ; get maximum size of buffer
printf010 move.b (a1),(a1)+ ; scan buffer for end
dbeq d0,printf010 ; loop til end
sub.l a0,a1 ; compute size of datastream
move.l a1,d0 ; setup for putmessage
jsr putmessage ; go write the message
movem.l (sp)+,printfregs ; restore registers
printfregs reg a2/a3
* *
* putmessage *
* *
* This routine writes a message to the standard output device *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a0 - address of message text to write *
* a4 - keymenu work area (kmw) *
* d0 - length of message text to write *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none *
* *
putmessage movem.l putmessageregs,-(sp) ; save registers
move.l a0,d2 ; message text
move.l d0,d3 ; text length
move.l kmw_filehandle(kmw),d1 ; output file handle
Call Write,kmw_dosbase(kmw) ; go write the message
movem.l (sp)+,putmessageregs ; restore registers
putmessageregs reg d0-d3/a0
* *
* putchar *
* *
* This routine is called by the 'RawDoFmt' exec function to put each *
* character of a formatted datastring into an output buffer. The *
* printf routine is used to pass the address of this routine to exec. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* d0 - character to be put into a buffer *
* a3 - address of current position in buffer *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* a3 - incremented to next position in buffer *
* *
putchar move.b d0,(a3)+ ; put character into buffer
rts ; return to caller
* *
* create *
* *
* This routine loads the keymenu-handler code and adds it as an input *
* handler to the input.device, if possible *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a4 - workarea address *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* d0 - handler global area/null if unable to load/add handler *
* *
create btst.b #FLAGB_quit,kmw_flags(kmw) ; was 'quit' specified ?
bne create_err ; yes, keymenu not running, branch
* Allocate handler global area *
move.l #gb_size,d0 ; set size of area to allocate
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR+MEMF_PUBLIC,d1; indicate type of memory
Call AllocMem ; go get it
move.l d0,gbl ; setup our global area register
bne create015 ; if allocate was successful, branch
create010 lea nomem(pc),a0 ; get error message address
jsr printf ; go write error message
bra create_err ; go cleanup
* Initialize global area *
create015 move.b #ralt_down,gb_AKey(gbl)
move.b #esc_down,gb_DKey(gbl)
move.b #return_down,gb_SKey(gbl)
move.b #CURSORUP,gb_UpKey(gbl)
move.b #CURSORDOWN,gb_DownKey(gbl)
move.b #CURSORLEFT,gb_LeftKey(gbl)
move.b #CURSORRIGHT,gb_RightKey(gbl)
move.b #IEQUALIFIER_RSHIFT,gb_Qual(gbl)
move.l gbl,gb_handler+IS_DATA(gbl)
moveq.l #blank_pointer_size,d0 ; set size of area to allocate
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR+MEMF_CHIP,d1 ; indicate type of memory
Call AllocMem ; go get it
move.l d0,gb_blank_ptr(gbl) ; save pointer data address
bne create020 ; if allocate was successful, branch
create018 jsr cleanup ; go release everything
bra create010
* begin installing keymenu handler *
create020 lea install(pc),a0 ; get install message address
jsr printf ; go write install message
move.b #PA_SIGNAL,gb_Port+MP_FLAGS(gbl) ; setup message port
move.b #0,gb_Port+LN_PRI(gbl)
move.b #NT_MSGPORT,gb_Port+LN_TYPE(gbl)
move.l #kmportl,d0 ; size of port name
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ; set type of memory to get
Call AllocMem ; go allocate it
move.l d0,gb_Port+LN_NAME(gbl) ; save its address
beq create018 ; branch if allocation failed
move.l d0,a0 ; get destination address
lea kmport(pc),a1 ; get address of port name
move.w #kmportl-1,d1 ; get length of area to move
create030 move.b (a1,d1.w),(a0,d1.w) ; copy port name
dbra d1,create030 ; loop through port name
lea gb_Port+MP_MSGLIST(gbl),a0 ; get address of message list
NEWLIST a0 ; initialize it
* Open Intuition Library *
lea intuitionlib(pc),a1 ; point to library name
moveq.l #0,d0 ; we don't care what version
Call OpenLibrary ; go open the library
move.l d0,gb_IBase(gbl) ; save lib base for handler's use
bne create040 ; openlibrary successful, branch
jsr cleanup ; go release everything
lea interr(pc),a0 ; get error message address
jsr printf ; go write error message
bra create_err ; take error exit
* Load 'Keymenu-handler' segment *
create040 lea handlerpath(pc),a0 ; use library path first
move.l a0,d1
Call LoadSeg,kmw_dosbase(kmw) ; try to load the segment
move.l d0,gb_Segment(gbl) ; save segment pointer
bne create050 ; if loaded, branch
lea handlername(pc),a0 ; use current directory
move.l a0,d1
Call LoadSeg,kmw_dosbase(kmw) ; try load again
move.l d0,gb_Segment(gbl) ; save segment pointer
bne create050 ; if loaded, branch
lea loaderr(pc),a0 ; get format string address
pea handlername(pc) ; setup datastream
jsr printf ; go print the message
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
jsr cleanup ; go release everything
bra create_err ; take error exit
* Add message port so that we can get access later. *
create050 move.l gbl,a1 ; get port address
Call AddPort ; add the port to the system
sub.l a1,a1 ; setup to find our task
Call FindTask ; go get our task pointer
move.l d0,gb_task(gbl) ; save our task pointer
moveq.l #-1,d0 ; setup to allocate a signal
Call AllocSignal ; go allocate one
move.b d0,gb_tasksignum(gbl) ; save signal number
move.l gb_Port+LN_NAME(gbl),d1
moveq.l #procpri,d2 ; process priority
move.l gb_Segment(gbl),d3 ; process code segment
move.l #procstack,d4 ; process stack size
Call CreateProc,kmw_dosbase(kmw) ; go create the process
clr.l d0
clr.l d1
move.b gb_tasksignum(gbl),d1
bset.l d1,d0 ; create wait mask
Call Wait ; wait for handler to signal us
* Add handler to input.device *
clr.l d0
move.b gb_tasksignum(gbl),d0 ; get allocated signal number
Call FreeSignal ; go free the signal number
move.b #handlerpri,gb_handler+LN_PRI(gbl)
moveq.l #IND_ADDHANDLER,d0 ; indicate we want to add handler
jsr tellinputdevice ; go tell it to the input.device
bne create060 ; if added, branch
bset.b #FLAGB_quit,kmw_flags(kmw) ; indicate that we want out
lea handlererr(pc),a0 ; get error message address
jsr printf ; go tell user
bra create_ok ; take normal exit
create060 lea handlerok(pc),a0 ; get format string address
pea kmport(pc) ; put portname address on stack
jsr printf ; go print 'ok' message
addq.l #4,sp ; adjust stack pointer
create_ok move.l gbl,d0 ; pass back address of global area
bra createexit
create_err move.l #0,d0 ; indicate no handler
createexit rts ; return to caller
* *
* tellinputdevice *
* *
* This routine is called to open the input.device, send a command to *
* it and then close it. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* d0 - function to be sent to the input.device *
* a4 - keymenu workarea address (kmw) *
* a5 - handler global area *
* *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* d0 - return code (non-zero=success) *
* *
movem.l tidregs,-(sp) ; save registers
move.l d0,d3 ; save function for use later
moveq.l #-1,d2 ; default to good return
* Create a port to communicate with the input.device *
moveq.l #-1,d0 ; setup to allocate a signal
Call AllocSignal ; go allocate one
move.l d0,d6 ; save signal number for later use
move.l #MP_SIZE,d0 ; size of port
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC+MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ; set type of memory to get
Call AllocMem ; go allocate a message port
move.l d0,d4 ; save its address
bne tid010 ; if allocated ok, branch
clr.l d2 ; set bad return code
bra tid070 ; go free resources
tid010 move.l d4,a2
move.b #NT_MSGPORT,LN_TYPE(a2) ; initialize the port
move.b #PA_SIGNAL,MP_FLAGS(a2)
move.b gb_tasksignum(gbl),MP_SIGBIT(a2)
sub.l a1,a1
Call FindTask ; go find our task
move.l d0,MP_SIGTASK(a2)
lea MP_MSGLIST(a2),a0
* Create a standard IO block *
move.l #IOSTD_SIZE,d0 ; size of std request
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR+MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ; set type of memory
Call AllocMem ; go allocate it
move.l d0,d5 ; save its address
bne tid020 ; branch if allocated ok
clr.l d2 ; set bad return code
bra tid060 ; go free resources
tid020 move.l d5,a3
move.b #NT_MESSAGE,LN_TYPE(a3)
move.l d4,MN_REPLYPORT(a3)
* Open input device *
lea inputdevice(pc),a0 ; point to device name
clr.l d0 ; unit 0
move.l d5,a1 ; inputblock
clr.l d1 ; flags
Call OpenDevice ; go open the input device
tst.l d0 ; open ok ?
beq tid030 ; yes, branch
clr.l d2 ; set bad return code
bra tid050 ; go free resources
* Issue request to input device *
tid030 move.w d3,IO_COMMAND(a3) ; set function in inputblock
lea gb_handler(gbl),a0 ; get address of handler data
move.l a0,IO_DATA(a3) ; put it in the inputblock
move.l a3,a1
Call DoIO ; issue the I/O
tst.l d0 ; was I/O successful ?
beq tid040 ; yes, branch
clr.l d2 ; no, set bad return code
* Close the input device *
tid040 move.l d5,a1
Call CloseDevice ; close the input device
* Delete the input block *
tid050 move.l #IOSTD_SIZE,d0 ; get size of standard request
move.l d5,a1 ; get pointer to block
Call FreeMem ; go deallocate memory
* Delete the input port *
tid060 move.l #MP_SIZE,d0 ; get size of port
move.l d4,a1 ; get pointer to port
Call FreeMem ; go deallocate the port
* Free the signal associated with the port *
tid070 clr.l d0
move.b gb_tasksignum(gbl),d0
Call FreeSignal ; go free the signal
* Set return code and exit *
move.l d2,d0
movem.l (sp)+,tidregs ; restore registers
rts ; return to caller
tidregs reg a2-a3/d2-d5
* *
* cleanup *
* *
* This routine frees resources that have been allocated or acquired *
* during execution. *
* *
* Input Registers: *
* a4 - keymenu work area (kmw) *
* a5 - keymenu handler global area *
* *
* Output Registers: *
* none *
* *
* Close Intuition Library *
move.l gb_IBase(gbl),d0 ; get intuition library base
beq cleanup070 ; branch if not open
move.l d0,a1
Call CloseLibrary ; close it
* Deallocate port name area *
cleanup070 move.l gb_Port+LN_NAME(gbl),d0 ; get port name area address
beq cleanup080 ; branch if no area
move.l d0,a1
move.l #kmportl,d0 ; get size of area
Call FreeMem ; go free it
* Deallocate blank pointer chip memory *
cleanup080 move.l gb_blank_ptr(gbl),d0 ; get blank pointer area address
beq cleanup090 ; branch if no area
move.l d0,a1
move.l #blank_pointer_size,d0 ; get size of area
Call FreeMem ; go free it
* Deallocate handler global area *
cleanup090 move.l gbl,a1 ; get global area address
move.l #gb_size,d0 ; get size of work area
Call FreeMem ; go free it
* *
* Miscellaneous constants *
* *
doslib DOSNAME ; library names
intuitionlib INTUITIONNAME
inputdevice dc.b 'input.device',0
portname kmport
handlerpath dc.b 'L:'
handlername dc.b 'KeyMenu-Handler',0
install dc.b 'Installing KeyMenu, ',0
remove dc.b 'Removing KeyMenu, ',0
nomem dc.b 'Unable to allocate work area, Aborted',LF,0
interr dc.b 'Unable to open Intuition library',LF,0
loaderr dc.b 'Unable to find %s',LF,0
handlererr dc.b 'Handler error',0
handlerok dc.b 'ok. %s, PUBLIC DOMAIN.',LF,0
ok dc.b 'ok',LF,0
help1 dc.b 'Usage: KeyMenu '
quitword dc.b 'QUIT'
dc.b LF,0
help2 dc.b ' KeyMenu [<options>]',LF,0
help3 dc.b ' Where <options> is one or more of the following:',LF,0
help4 dc.b " -i = info about KeyMenu's current settings",LF,0
help4a dc.b ' -b = toggle Intuition pointer blanking',LF,0
help5 dc.b ' -q# = key qualifier(s) in decimal',LF,0
help6 dc.b ' -t = toggle clear RMBTRAP flag option',LF,0
help6a dc.b ' -p# = input handler priority in decimal',LF,0
help7 dc.b ' -a# = %s',LF,0
help8 dc.b ' -e# = %s',LF,0
help9 dc.b ' -s# = %s',LF,0
help10 dc.b ' -l# = %s',LF,0
help11 dc.b ' -r# = %s',LF,0
help12 dc.b ' -u# = %s',LF,0
help13 dc.b ' -d# = %s',LF,0
akey dc.b 'ACTIVATION key',0
dkey dc.b 'ESCAPE key',0
skey dc.b 'SELECT key',0
leftkey dc.b 'LEFT key',0
rightkey dc.b 'RIGHT key',0
upkey dc.b 'UP key',0
downkey dc.b 'DOWN key',0
keyerror dc.b 'Invalid key value',LF,0
prierror dc.b 'Invalid handler priority',LF,0
qualerror dc.b 'Invalid qualifier(s)',LF,0
opterror dc.b 'Invalid/unknown option',LF,0
changemsg dc.b '%s: %s (%x) changed to %s (%x)',LF,0
primsg dc.b 'Input handler priority is %d',LF,0
nowoff dc.b 'now '
off dc.b 'OFF',0
nowon dc.b 'now '
on dc.b 'ON',0
info1 dc.b '%s Configuration:',LF,0
info2 dc.b '%14s is %s (%x)',LF,0
info3 dc.b 'Key qualifier(s):',0
info3a dc.b ' %s ',0
none dc.b ' None'
info3end dc.b LF,0
info4 dc.b 'Clear RMBTRAP option is %s',LF,0
info5 dc.b 'Blank Intuition Pointer option is %s',LF,0
* *
* Key Value Table *
* *
* Contains text descriptions of the various keys supported. *
* Entries are variable length null terminated strings. This table *
* is indexed by the keynames table. The order of the entries in *
* this table is not significant. *
* *
keyval ; this label must be first
key00 dc.b '`',0
key01 dc.b '1',0
key02 dc.b '2',0
key03 dc.b '3',0
key04 dc.b '4',0
key05 dc.b '5',0
key06 dc.b '6',0
key07 dc.b '7',0
key08 dc.b '8',0
key09 dc.b '9',0
key0a dc.b '0',0
key0b dc.b '-',0
key0c dc.b '=',0
key0d dc.b '\',0
key0f dc.b 'Numeric Pad 0',0
key10 dc.b 'Q',0
key11 dc.b 'W',0
key12 dc.b 'E',0
key13 dc.b 'R',0
key14 dc.b 'T',0
key15 dc.b 'Y',0
key16 dc.b 'U',0
key17 dc.b 'I',0
key18 dc.b 'O',0
key19 dc.b 'P',0
key1a dc.b '[',0
key1b dc.b ']',0
key1d dc.b 'Numeric Pad 1',0
key1e dc.b 'Numeric Pad 2',0
key1f dc.b 'Numeric Pad 3',0
key20 dc.b 'A',0
key21 dc.b 'S',0
key22 dc.b 'D',0
key23 dc.b 'F',0
key24 dc.b 'G',0
key25 dc.b 'H',0
key26 dc.b 'J',0
key27 dc.b 'K',0
key28 dc.b 'L',0
key29 dc.b ';',0
key2a dc.b "'",0
key2d dc.b 'Numeric Pad 4',0
key2e dc.b 'Numeric Pad 5',0
key2f dc.b 'Numeric Pad 6',0
key31 dc.b 'Z',0
key32 dc.b 'X',0
key33 dc.b 'C',0
key34 dc.b 'V',0
key35 dc.b 'B',0
key36 dc.b 'N',0
key37 dc.b 'M',0
key38 dc.b ',',0
key39 dc.b '.',0
key3a dc.b '/',0
key3c dc.b 'Numeric Pad .',0
key3d dc.b 'Numeric Pad 7',0
key3e dc.b 'Numeric Pad 8',0
key3f dc.b 'Numeric Pad 9',0
key40 dc.b 'Space Bar',0
key41 dc.b 'Backspace',0
key42 dc.b 'Tab',0
key43 dc.b 'Numeric Pad Enter',0
key44 dc.b 'Return',0
key45 dc.b 'Escape',0
key46 dc.b 'Delete',0
key4a dc.b 'Numeric Pad -',0
key4c dc.b 'Cursor up',0
key4d dc.b 'Cursor down',0
key4e dc.b 'Cursor right',0
key4f dc.b 'Cursor left',0
key50 dc.b 'F1',0
key51 dc.b 'F2',0
key52 dc.b 'F3',0
key53 dc.b 'F4',0
key54 dc.b 'F5',0
key55 dc.b 'F6',0
key56 dc.b 'F7',0
key57 dc.b 'F8',0
key58 dc.b 'F9',0
key59 dc.b 'F10',0
key5f dc.b 'Help',0
key60 dc.b 'Left Shift',0
key61 dc.b 'Right Shift',0
key62 dc.b 'Caps Lock',0
key63 dc.b 'Control',0
key64 dc.b 'Left Alt',0
key65 dc.b 'Right Alt',0
key66 dc.b 'Left Amiga',0
key67 dc.b 'Right Amiga',0
* *
* Key Name Table *
* *
* Ordered by keycode. Each entry consists of a word displacement *
* into the keyval table. Entries for unsupported keycodes contain *
* a negative displacement. *
* *
* *
keynames dc.w key00-keyval
dc.w key01-keyval
dc.w key02-keyval
dc.w key03-keyval
dc.w key04-keyval
dc.w key05-keyval
dc.w key06-keyval
dc.w key07-keyval
dc.w key08-keyval
dc.w key09-keyval
dc.w key0a-keyval
dc.w key0b-keyval
dc.w key0c-keyval
dc.w key0d-keyval
dc.w -1
dc.w key0f-keyval
dc.w key10-keyval
dc.w key11-keyval
dc.w key12-keyval
dc.w key13-keyval
dc.w key14-keyval
dc.w key15-keyval
dc.w key16-keyval
dc.w key17-keyval
dc.w key18-keyval
dc.w key19-keyval
dc.w key1a-keyval
dc.w key1b-keyval
dc.w -1
dc.w key1d-keyval
dc.w key1e-keyval
dc.w key1f-keyval
dc.w key20-keyval
dc.w key21-keyval
dc.w key22-keyval
dc.w key23-keyval
dc.w key24-keyval
dc.w key25-keyval
dc.w key26-keyval
dc.w key27-keyval
dc.w key28-keyval
dc.w key29-keyval
dc.w key2a-keyval
dc.w -1
dc.w -1
dc.w key2d-keyval
dc.w key2e-keyval
dc.w key2f-keyval
dc.w -1
dc.w key31-keyval
dc.w key32-keyval
dc.w key33-keyval
dc.w key34-keyval
dc.w key35-keyval
dc.w key36-keyval
dc.w key37-keyval
dc.w key38-keyval
dc.w key39-keyval
dc.w key3a-keyval
dc.w -1
dc.w key3c-keyval
dc.w key3d-keyval
dc.w key3e-keyval
dc.w key3f-keyval
dc.w key40-keyval
dc.w key41-keyval
dc.w key42-keyval
dc.w key43-keyval
dc.w key44-keyval
dc.w key45-keyval
dc.w key46-keyval
dc.w -1
dc.w -1
dc.w -1
dc.w key4a-keyval
dc.w -1
dc.w key4c-keyval
dc.w key4d-keyval
dc.w key4e-keyval
dc.w key4f-keyval
dc.w key50-keyval
dc.w key51-keyval
dc.w key52-keyval
dc.w key53-keyval
dc.w key54-keyval
dc.w key55-keyval
dc.w key56-keyval
dc.w key57-keyval
dc.w key58-keyval
dc.w key59-keyval
dc.w -1
dc.w -1
dc.w -1
dc.w -1
dc.w -1
dc.w key5f-keyval
qualnames dc.w key60-keyval
dc.w key61-keyval
dc.w key62-keyval
dc.w key63-keyval
dc.w key64-keyval
dc.w key65-keyval
dc.w key66-keyval
keynamesend dc.w key67-keyval
public create