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User's Manual
MachIII Version 3.2
SetMachIII Version 3.2
SetMachW Version 3.2
Copyright 1988-1991 by Brian Moats
MachIII.Unreg, SetMachIII and this documentation are
Copyright 1988-1991 by Brian Moats. These may be freely
Registered copies of MachIII and SetMachW are intended for
lawful users of these programs They are hereby licensed
only to read the programs, from their media into the
memory of a computer, solely for the purpose of executing
the programs. Duplicating or copying for purposes other
than backup is forbidden.
This product is distributed and sold "as is" without
representation or warranty of any kind, either expressed
or implied. The user assumes all risks and responsibil-
ities related to its use.
Information And Technical Support
Polyglot Software
884 W. Melrose Ln
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 336-4583
GEnie B.Moats1
Table of Contents
Terms Used..........................................3
The Sample Hotkeys..................................3
Chapter 1
Running SetMachIII..................................4
Loading MachIII.Cfg.................................5
Chapter 2
Mouse Features..........................................6
Mouse Accelerator...................................6
Mouse Off...........................................6
Window Cycling......................................6
Click To Front......................................6
Mouse To Menu.......................................7
Playback Delay......................................7
Chapter 3
Clock Features..........................................8
Basic Clock Types...................................8
Clock To Top Window.................................8
Clock To Top Screen.................................8
Online Meter........................................9
Low Memory Warning..................................9
Alternating Date And Memory Display.................9
Clock Position......................................9
Clock On And Off....................................9
Clock Colors........................................9
Chapter 4
Recording Macros....................................10
Correcting Mistakes.................................11
Aborting Execution..................................11
Clearing A Macro....................................11
Chapter 5
Using SetmachIII And Macros.............................12
Changing The Current Hotkey.........................12
Using Select Hotkey.................................12
Selecting By Name...................................12
Modifying Macros....................................12
Copying And Appending...............................13
To A Named Macro..................................13
To Another Configuration..........................13
Maximum Macro Size..................................13
Using Show All......................................14
- 1 -
Chapter 7
More About Macros.......................................15
ARexx Support.......................................15
Viewing A Macro.....................................15
Recording Mouse Button Clicks.......................15
Recording All Moves.................................16
Using Escaped Characters............................17
Windows And Screens.................................17
Activating Windows..................................17
Sizing Windows......................................18
Moving Windows......................................18
Layering Windows....................................18
Pausing Within A Macro..............................19
Auto Execution......................................19
Executing Programs..................................20
Changing Directories................................20
Terminating Strings.................................20
Identifying Labels..................................21
Changing Priorities Within A Macro..................21
Sending Date and Time...............................21
Chapter 8
Changing Configurations.............................22
Adding And Deleting.................................23
Loading And Saving..................................23
The Configuration File..............................23
Chapter 9
Priorities And Screen Blanking..........................25
Screen Blanking.....................................25
Chapter 10
Miscellaneous Features..................................26
Check Waltz.........................................26
No Caps Lock........................................26
Hold Qualifiers.....................................26
Chapter 11
Using SetMachW......................................28
Chapter 12
Foreign Names.......................................29
Appendix A
Escaped Characters.....................................30
Appendix B
Common Questions.......................................33
- 2 -
MachIII is a utility program that provides hotkeys and many
other optional features for both CLI and Workbench users.
All options and hotkeys may be changed at any time with
SetMachIII. You may have different hotkeys and settings for
each window or screen.
Version 3.2 also includes a second configuring program
named SetMachW. The main difference between the two is that
SetMachW opens multiple windows on the Workbench Screen and
SetMachIII uses a custom screen. There are also a few more
options available in SetMachW. Unless otherwise indicated,
you may use either one. It is discussed more fully later.
Terms Used
In this manual, "qualifiers" mean the keys Ctrl, Shift, Alt,
Left-Amiga (C=), and Right-Amiga. The term "hotkey" means
any other key pressed in combination with zero or more
qualifiers. The term "macro" means the string of characters
that are sent as keystrokes or backslash functions that are
interpreted as some special action. A macro may be attached
to a hotkey or to no key at all. A macro may also have a
name. A single key may have up to 32 macros attached to it,
each with a unique qualifier combination. For example, F1
may have a macro and so may Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-Alt-F1, Shift-F1
IMPORTANT: All hotkeys referred to in this documentation are
included in the sample MachIII.Cfg file. In order to do the
examples, MachIII needs to load this file. You may change
the hotkeys later.
The Sample Hotkeys
Left-Amiga-J Window to front.
Right-Amiga-K Window to back.
Left-Amiga-N Screen to front and activate window.
Right-Amiga-M Screen to back and activate window.
Left-Amiga-ESC Create a newshell.
Alt-ESC Start or stop macro recording.
Ctrl-Alt-ESC Start or stop named macro recording.
Ctrl-Left-Amiga-ESC Run SetMachIII.
Ctrl-Left-Amiga-B Blank the screen.
Ctrl-Left-Amiga-N Execute a named macro.
Alt-Help Display a macro.
Chapter 1 Usage
When MachIII is run, it automatically attempts to load
s:MachIII.Cfg. If it cannot, cancel the "s:MachIII.Cfg Not
Found" and "Using Defaults" requesters. The defaults will be
used, but there will be no macros. You should use SetMachIII
to load MachIII.Cfg. It is a text file that contains all
settings and macros.
SetMachIII and MachIII should normally be in your c:
directory and MachIII.Cfg in your s: directory. You can use
one of the following commands to start MachIII: Run, ARun,
or RunBack.
These are some ways to start MachIII from the CLI or your
Run MachIII Does not allow the CLI to close.
ARun MachIII NOIO Allows the CLI window to close.
RunBack >Nil: c:MachIII The CLI window can close.
If any one of these commands is included in your startup-
sequence file, MachIII will run every time you start or
reboot your computer. If you do this, be sure that you place
it after your Path command (if you have one). ARun is an ARP
command and requires the arp library.
The only obvious indication that MachIII is running is the
title bar clock. The real power of MachIII is lying in the
background waiting to assist you. Exactly what it can do
will depend on your configuration file.
Running SetMachIII
There are (at least) five ways to run SetMachIII.
1. The easiest is to activate the clock and press the right
mouse button.
2. You may use the hotkey Ctrl-Left-Amiga-ESC, which has \x
as its macro.
3. You may simply type SetMachIII in your CLI window.
4. You may double click on SetMachIII's icon.
5. The final method is to execute a \XSetMachIII macro.
Method 1 and 2 are preferred because they will bring
SetMachIII to the front immediately if it is already
running, while \XSetMachIII must load SetMachIII from the
disk. Macros and hotkeys are explained in a later chapter.
NOTE: Do not rename SetMachIII or MachIII won't be able to
find it. SetMachIII must also be in the path as it was set
when MachIII was run. You may run SetMachW by entering the
name in the CLI, using \XSetMachIIIW in a macro or by
renaming it SetMachIII and using it instead of SetMachIII.
Loading MachIII.Cfg
MachIII.Cfg is a text file that contains all your settings
and macros. It is loaded when MachIII is first run. If
MachIII is unable to find the file, you should load it using
SetMachIII. To do this, run MachIII and then run SetMachIII
using the methods described above. In the Configurations
section, enter in the string gadget the full path and name
MachIII.Cfg. This is normally s:MachIII.Cfg, but if MachIII
is unable to find it, you must enter the correct path and
name. This may be df0:s/MachIII.Cfg, df1:s/MachIII.Cfg or
perhaps just MachIII.Cfg. Next, click on Load. If you've
entered the correct path and name, MachIII will load this
file. You should now change the name to s:MachIII.Cfg and
click on Save. This will save it to the s: directory.
Whenever you make changes to your settings or macros that
you want to keep, remember to click on Save
Chapter 2 Mouse Features
All mouse features are adjusted or toggled on or off in the
Mouse Features section of SetMachIII. Some features may also
be modified with macros.
Mouse Accelerator
Move the mouse. Notice how much quicker it moves? Both speed
and sensitivity are adjustable. Speed is an acceleration
factor applied to mouse movements. The Threshold adjusts the
sensitivity of the mouse. Low values decrease the sensi-
tivity. Set Speed to 0 to disable the accelerator.
Mouse Off
Press a key. Notice that the mouse disappeared? Now move the
mouse. It reappears! MachIII assumes that if you are typing,
you do not want the mouse in the way. It will also turn the
mouse off after 5 seconds of inactivity. This time delay is
adjustable in SetMachIII with Mouse Off Delay or with \Monn
in a macro, where nn equals the number of seconds of delay.
Set Mouse Off Delay to 0 to disable this feature.
Now move the mouse into another window. The window under the
mouse automatically becomes the active window. This is
called the SunMouse, named for the way in which mice behave
on Sun workstations. To prevent windows that the mouse is
merely passing over from becoming active, a window is not
activated until the mouse comes to a stop. The SunMouse may
be toggled on and off with \Ms in a macro.
Window Cycling
If you have more than one window open, place them so that
one is behind the other. Now with the mouse over the top
window, press and hold the left button and press and release
the right button. The top window will move to the back. This
is called Window Cycling. If the mouse is over a "backdrop"
window or no window, the screen will be sent to the back.
Click To Front
Now place a window behind another so that you can see just
part of it. Move the mouse into this area and click quickly
twice. That window should now be the top window. This is the
N Click feature where N is the number of clicks required and
may be set from 0 to 9. CAUTION! Due to a bug in the
intuition library, clicking to front over an icon may cause
a lockup. The program WTFPatch3 (included) by David Jenkins
will fix this. Read its documentation for correct usage.
Mouse Features
Mouse To Menu
One feature that defaults to off is Mouse To Menu. When this
feature is on, every time you press the right mouse button
the pointer will jump to the menu bar. When you release the
button and make a slight movement, the pointer will return
to where it was. This is the MTM gadget in SetMachIII. It
may also be toggled on and off with \MM in a macro.
Playback Delay
When recording and playing back mouse movements, you may set
a delay in this gadget. The values are in 50ths of a second.
See Chapter 6, More About Macros for more information.
Chapter 3 Clock Features
There is a wide variety of clocks to choose from. Click on
the clock type gadget in the Clock Features area to change
types. These are shown below. Each of these may be made
either horizontal or vertical by using the H/V gadget and the
time may be in 12 or 24 hour format. If you select
Clock+Memory or Memory Only, and if you do not have any
"Fast" memory, the clock will just show Mem.
Basic Clock Types
| Chip 456 Fast 357 4:32:45 |
Memory Only
| Chip 456 Fast 357 |
| 8-01-90 4:32:45 |
Clock Only
| 4:32:45 |
Clock+Memory (No fast memory)
| Mem 456 4:32:45 |
Clock To Top Window
You may select to have the clock pop to the front window by
having Clock Front selected. If Clock Depth is selected,
invisible depth gadgets are placed on the far right side of
the clock (horizontal clocks only). These function the same
way as normal depth gadgets, the imagery is just written
over by the time text.
Clock To Top Screen
The clock may pop to the top screen by having Clock To Top
selected. This and the Screen Depth option will place an
invisible screen depth gadget on the left side of the clock.
(A vertical clock may still be dragged by carefully
positioning the pointer on the upper right corner of the
clock.) You may select WB Screen to keep it on the Workbench
screen. Note: These must be used with some caution as not
all programs work properly with another window on their
screen. Some programs refuse to terminate or close their
screen while the clock is on it.
Clock Features
Online Meter
You may select to have the time portion of your clock keep
track of your online costs by selecting Meter On. Clear your
costs with Reset. Put the online rate (per hour) in the Rate
An alarm may be set in the Alarm gadget. Use 24 hour format.
The clock will beep six times when it goes off. (You can set
more alarms in macros with the \a function. See Chapter 6.)
Low Memory Warning
If you would like to be alerted to low memory situations,
enter the memory warning level in the LowMem gadget. When
free memory drops below this value (in kilobytes), the
clock's text will turn red (or orange, or whichever color is
set by color number 3). With version 3.2 or later, this color
may be set with "Warn" in Clock Features of SetMachW.
Alternating Date And Memory Display
If you want the clock's display to alternate between memory
and time, and the date, enter the number of seconds to show
the memory and time in the Date gadget. If you do not have
any fast memory, the date will be in the short (MM-DD-YY)
Clock Position
You can change the clock's position by entering the left
edge and top edge in the ClockLE and ClockTE gadgets (Left
Edge and Top Edge in SetMachW). An easier method is to
position the clock with the mouse and then enter a -1 in
these gadgets. The correct value will then be entered for
Clock On And Off
You may, of course, turn the clock on or off with the Clock
On / Off gadget.
Within a macro, a clock may be turned on with \KD, turned
off with \KK, toggled on or off with \KZ and sent to the top
screen with \KT.
Clock Colors
The clock border, text and warning color may be set with the
Clock Features gadgets Border, Text and Warn in SetMachW
(versions 3.2 and later only). Set Border to 0 for a
borderless clock
Chapter 4 Macros
The real power of MachIII is its ability to record and play
back macros. In their simplest form, macros are just strings
of keystrokes attached to hotkeys. You may, for example, have
a macro that contains the text "diskcopy df0: to df1:". When
played back, these letters will appear in your active window
just as if you typed them. But there is much more to macros.
Besides having letters in macros, you may include any special
key by preceding a letter with a backslash. This is called an
escape character. Some examples: \F1 is Function key 1, \E is
the ESC key, \5 is numeric key pad 5. These will be entered
for you during recording. In addition, there are many special
functions that may be performed in a macro. You may send a
screen to the back with \sB, or to the front with \sF.
Functions such as these cannot be recorded, they must be
entered using SetMachIII. See Chapter 5, "Using SetMachIII
And Macros" to find out about viewing and modifying macros.
There are many more of these listed in Appendix A.
Recording Macros
One of the most important escaped character functions is
\mk. This is the macro that starts or stops a recording
session. In the sample MachIII.Cfg, this is attached to the
key combination Alt-ESC. By pressing this, and then pressing
the key combination that you want for the hotkey, you begin
a recording session. Press any keys that you want recorded
and then press Alt-ESC again. The macro is now ready to be
played back.
A practice session may help to understand this. To do this,
you must be in a CLI or shell window. You also need a \mk
macro already setup and attached to Alt-ESC. You should have
this if MachIII loaded the file MachIII.Cfg.
Press Alt-ESC (you will hear a beep and the clock will
display the message Select Hotkey...).
Press Alt-D (the clock will say Recording Macro...).
Now type "dir df0:" without the quotes and press Return.
The directory of the disk in df0: will be displayed.
Now press Alt-ESC again to end recording.
You may now press Alt-D and your recorded keystrokes will be
played back.
There is a short beep for each keystroke and mouse button
entered during recording.
Correcting Mistakes
Ctrl-H may be used to correct a keystroke without recording
the mistake or the backspace. Because of this feature, you
cannot record Ctrl-H. You may however, enter it as \Ch in
the macro. If you are using a keymap that has "H" in a
different location, you must use the key that has the key
code of 25 hex.
Aborting Execution
Pressing ESC during macro execution will abort further
execution. An exception to this is when pausing for variable
length input (\PV). Press Ctrl-ESC to abort and ESC to
terminate input.
Clearing A Macro
To clear a macro, that is, to free it from a hotkey, press
Alt-ESC, then the hotkey, then Alt-ESC again. This records
no keystrokes which means that the macro is empty and the
hotkey is free. You may also clear macros using SetMachIII
as will be explained in Chapter 5.
Chapter 5 Using SetmachIII And Macros
Macros may also be created, modified, copied or appended in
SetMachIII. In the area titled Hotkey / Macro, there are
many gadgets that are used to do this.
Changing The Current Hotkey
The two up/down arrow gadgets next to Hotkey are used to
step through all your macros. The word "More" will appear
when there are more macros attached to the same key but with
different qualifiers. The gadgets Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Amiga
(left) and Amiga (right) show the qualifiers for the current
key. You may click on them to change current hotkeys. If you
select qualifiers that have no macro, the Macro gadget will
be empty, ready to accept a new macro.
Note: Hotkey is not a gadget. It just displays the current
Using Select Hotkey
You can make a hotkey current by clicking on Select Hotkey
and then when prompted by the flashing message, press your
desired hotkey combination. This will make that combination
your current hotkey and display the macro attached to that
hotkey (if there is one). If you want to display a macro
that is not attached to a hotkey (that is, a named macro),
you should press Caps Lock when prompted and then enter the
name in the gadget that will pop up. Note that the red LED
on your keyboard will remain on...you need to press it again
to deactivate it. If you want to make a mouse button
current, hold down your selected qualifier keys and click
INSIDE the message box. You may also press the letter S
instead of clicking on Select Hotkey. Select Hotkey
functions the same way in Show All.
Selecting By Name
Macro Name displays a (possibly) descriptive name for the
macro. You may select a named macro by entering the name in
the Macro Name gadget and pressing Shift-Return. Pressing
just Return will simply change the name of the current
macro. This operates the same way in Show All.
Modifying Macros
The string gadget titled Macro holds the macro that is
attached to the current key. You may modify it, or delete
all its text to free that hotkey. Clicking on "Del" next to
it will also delete it.
To enter the example from Chapter 4, click on Select Key and
press Alt-D. Now enter "dir df0:\N" in the Macro gadget and
press Return. That's it! "dir df0:<Return>" will be played
back when you press Alt-D. If you recorded the previous
example, the macro will already be there.
Using SetmachIII And Macros
Copying And Appending
Copy will copy a macro from one hotkey to another and Append
will append a macro to another hotkey. First make the hotkey
that you want to copy or append from the current hotkey.
Then select Copy or Append. When prompted by the flashing
message, press the desired hotkey combination that you want
to copy or append to.
To A Named Macro
To copy or append to an unkeyed named macro, proceed as
above but press CapsLock when prompted for a hotkey and
then enter the name in the gadget that will appear.
To Another Configuration
Proceed as above and then while the message is flashing,
switch configurations with the up/down arrows in the
Configuration area, then select your hotkey.
CAUTION! Since any key or mouse button may be copied or
appended to, there is no way to back out when the message is
flashing. If you make a mistake and do not want to continue,
you MUST select something. Use a key that does not have a
macro attached, and then press Return. Do not simply click
the left mouse button or that button will replay the macro
when ever you press the left button.
Maximum Macro Size
The default maximum macro size is 512 characters but this may
be changed in the Max Size gadget. This controls the size of
dynamic buffers which are allocated only during macro
recording or when SetMachIII is running. The actual macros
take up only as much space as they need plus a little bit of
overhead. The maximum size allowed is 65,535 characters. If
you enter a number smaller than your largest macro, the size
of your largest macro will be entered.
If you are recording all mouse movements, you will need to
set the buffer size considerably higher than 512.
Clicking on Help (or pressing the "Help" key) will show all
the escaped characters that may be used in macros. They are
also listed in Appendix A.
Using SetmachIII And Macros
Using Show All
Show All opens a window that has most of the same Macro /
Hotkey functions, but up to eight macros for a particular key
are displayed together. If you have more than eight macros
for a key, the rest may be viewed by using the scroll bar.
The top macro is the current one and only that macro may be
modified. As you select other macros, the macros that scroll
off the top wrap around to the bottom. Some help is displayed
in the upper right corner. The text depends on just what you
are doing at that moment.
You may click on the Qualifier gadgets to make other hotkeys
current, or if no macro is attached to the combination, you
may enter a new macro.
Selecting Add Macro will prompt you to select a new hotkey.
Again, you may use CapsLock to select an unkeyed named macro.
Clicking on Del Macro will delete the current macro. This is
the same as clicking in the current macro string gadget and
pressing Right-Amiga-X and Return.
Copy and Append operate the same as in the main SetMachIII
window except that you can not copy or append to a macro in
another configuration.
Chapter 6 More About Macros
ARexx Support
Macros may be sent to MachIII from ARexx programs with the
ARexx command "address 'MachIII Port' `macro string'".
MachIII will execute the macro just as if you pressed the
Viewing A Macro
You can view a macro by issuing the help command (\h) in a
macro. This is Alt-Help in the sample MachIII.Cfg file. You
will be prompted for a hotkey combination. Use the same
macro (\h) to end help.
An Example
As an example of the flexibility and power of MachIII (and
to show why there are so many escaped characters), this
macro will toggle the Workbench screen to interlace and
change your preferences: (Assuming that you have wbLace in
c: and a system-configuration (preferences) file named
prflace in devs:)
j\XNewShell "Newcon:0/0/640/400/AShell"
Ends the current shell Endcli\N
Turns the clock off \KK
Pauses 1 second \PS1
Executes wbLace \Xc:wbLace\
Changes preferences \pdevs:prflace\
Turns the clock back on \KD
Workbench to the front \j
And creates a new shell
\XNewShell "Newcon:0/0/640/400/NewShell"
Recording Mouse Button Clicks
Mouse button clicks may be recorded, or entered manually in
the Macro string gadget. When recording a button click,
MachIII puts in the mouse's position, which button it was
and whether it was pressed or released. For example:
When played back, the mouse will be moved to x = 155, y = 75
and a left button down will be sent.
A \PSnn will be inserted for every nn second delay between
clicks. This will allow for menus to drop or requesters and
windows to open. You may adjust or delete them from your
macro if desired. You may manually enter tenths of a second
such as \PS.4 or \PS2.3.
More About Macros
If you record just the left button, you might see something
like this for the macro:
unless you moved the mouse between clicks in which case the
new x and y values would be entered before the \Mlu.
Recording All Moves
If you need all mouse movements recorded, for a painting
demonstration for example, you need to set the Playback
Delay value somewhere between 1-99. These represent delays
of 50ths of a second between moves. 1 = 1/50, 2 = 2/50 etc.
This is needed by many programs in order to keep up with the
movements. It can be set in two ways:
1. In the Mouse Features section of SetMachIII, set the
desired value in the Playback Delay gadget.
2. Execute a macro "\MDnn" with nn being the desired value.
Note that this value must be set to some positive number
BEFORE recording and during playback. During playback, you
may get acceptable (although fast) results by setting
Playback Delay to 0 and Playback Priority to 0. During
recording, the clock message should read "Recording
Recording all moves requires much more memory than would
normally be required. Use it only if you need to. You may
also need to set a larger value in Max Size.
The mouse will be moved to the same position as when recorded
which may or may not be over the desired gadget or icon.
If you are pressing a qualifier such as Shift, it (\S) will
be placed before a \M and will affect the mouse movement and
the first click. e.g. \S\Mx330\My122\Mld.
When a menu item has a subitem it may be neccessary to bring
the mouse down to the menu item, click the left button on it,
then move the mouse over the subitem and click the left
button or release the right button. Sometimes gadgets will
not respond to a quick button down/up. It may require a pause
between the down and up.
Do not depend on the SunMouse to activate a window during
play back. When recording, click in the window to activate
it, even if it is activated by the SunMouse.
More About Macros
Using Escaped Characters
All non-printable keys and many special functions are
preceded by a \. For example, \B is the Backspace key, \H is
the help key and \F3 is function key 3.
These qualifiers modify the key or mouse activity
immediately following them:
\C Control.
\S Shift (either one).
\A Alternate (either one).
\L Left-Amiga (C=).
\R Right-Amiga.
An example:
This plays back the key combinations:
Ctrl-c up-arrow and Alt-Shift-Left-Arrow
You do not need \S or \A before any character that is
printable. For example Alt-E displays the copyright symbol.
You can press Alt-E instead of entering \Ae. But if you need
Alt-E played back, use \Ae.
Note that all escaped characters must be used in the case as
shown. That is, if a macro is described as \WF, you cannot
use \wF or \Wf.
Windows And Screens
MachIII implements many functions by putting certain escape
sequences in macros. For example, \WF will bring the back
window to the front while \WB will send it to the back.
You can replace Workbench's standard combination Left-Amiga-
N with the macro \sF to bring the back screen (instead of the
Workbench screen) to the front. Replace Left-Amiga-M with
\sB. You can add \WA to make \sF\WA and \sB\WA, which
activates the window under the mouse after the screen is
CAUTION! When using these, there are some instances
when you have an interlaced and non-interlaced screen - the
interlaced screen may become deinterlaced and possibly lock
up the computer.
Activating Windows
You may activate windows by executing \W macros. These are:
\Watitle Activate a window by its title.
\WA Activate the window under the mouse.
\WN Activate the next window.
More About Macros
When using \Watitle, you may preceed the title with the $
symbol to activate a window based on the name of the program
that owns it. Example: "\Wa$program". This has limitations,
see the section Changing Configurations in Chapter 7.
Sizing Windows
The active or the top window may be resized with \Wsxxx,yyy
or \WSxxx,yyy. Some examples:
\Ws640,200 Make the active window 640 by 200.
\Ws0,200 Make the active window 200 pixels tall and do
not change the width.
\WS,+10 Increase the top window's height by 10.
\WS-90,+10 Decrease the top window's width by 90 and
increase the height by 10 pixels.
An omitted number is assumed to be 0, which will leave that
value unchanged.
If the requested size is to large for the window's position,
the window will be moved. If it is to large for the screen,
the screen size will be used. Finally, if it is to small, it
will be ignored.
So to make a full sized window, it is save to use
"Ws1500,1500", for example.
You can combine this with "\Watitle" to size a specific
For example: "\WaAmigaShell\\Ws0,100" will make your
AmigaShell window 100 pixels tall. Be sure to note the \
terminating the title.
Moving Windows
Windows may be moved in much the same way as they are sized.
Use \Wmxxx,yyy to position a window at a specific location.
Use \Wm+xxx,+yyy or \Wm-xxx,-yyy to move the window a
relative distance. \WMxxx,yyy may be used to move the top
Layering Windows
Windows may be layered or stacked with \WL. When this is
executed in a macro, all windows will be arranged in a stack
or layer. Windows listed in No Layer Titles= in MachIII.Cfg
will not be layered. Typically, these would be MachIII and
your shell. You can include as many as 5 titles. Due to the
length of time that Workbench takes to refresh a window
filled with icons, this function may not be very useful when
using Workbench.
More About Macros
Pausing Within A Macro
There are three types of pauses; pause for .1-99 seconds,
pause for fixed length input, and pause for variable length
input. Examples:
\PS1 Pause for one second.
\PS.3 Pause for .3 seconds.
\PS2.5 Pause for 2.5 seconds.
\PK5 Pause for five keystrokes.
\PV Pause for a variable number of keystrokes.
Terminate input with ESC. Abort this macro during
input with Ctrl-ESC.
\PKn and \PV may be useful in some data entry macros where
the macro performs some functions, waits for some user
input, and then continues with more functions. The macro may
even call itself over and over.
An easy way to setup such a macro would be to record a
complete data entry loop, and then, using SetMachIII, enter
the pause in the appropriate place.
A data entry macro might look like this:
With this attached to the F1 key, the mouse would click at
150,40 (possible a string gadget), wait for a variable number
of keystrokes followed by ESC, click at 460,23 (which might
be a "Next" gadget), and then execute F1 which would then
cause it to repeat. Remember to abort a recursive macro like
this with Ctrl-ESC and just ESC for all others.
Auto Execution
\annnn is the auto execution command. If nnnn = 0 or is
omitted, the macro will be automatically executed when
MachIII is started.
An example:
\a0\XNewCli will open a new CLI window automatically when
MachIII is first run.
If nnnn equals a time of 0001 to 2400, the macro will be
executed at that time.
Another example:
\a930\XNewcli CON:220/50/200/50/Alarm\Call
Joe\G\PS3\CxEndCLI >nil:\N
More About Macros
At 9:30 this will open a window in the center of the screen,
print the text "Call Joe", beep, pause 3 seconds, delete
(Ctrl-x) the text and end the CLI window. (Note the \
terminating the newcli string before the "Call Joe" text.)
\a1200\Xecho >speak: "Lunch time. Why not take 2
Assuming that you have mounted the device speak:, at 1200,
speak the quoted string.
You may use \a+nn which will execute the macro every nn
minutes. \a+30 will execute every 30 minutes, but \a+45 will
execute only at 45 minutes past the hour.
Every 10 minutes, issue the key combination of Right-Amiga-S
(which might be a save file keystroke).
A popular combination of macros is this:
This will beep once at 15 after, twice on the half hour,
three times at three quarters after, and four times on the
hour. These are 4 separate macros and may of course, be
Executing Programs
Many programs can be run from a macro by simply putting
\Xprogram in a macro. For example, "\Xrun myapp" would run a
program named myapp. Usually, you would want to use Run in
your command string to keep from suspending MachIII during
the application's execution.
Changing Directories
Some programs require that you be in a specific directory
before executing the program. In these cases, you may
temporarily change directories with the \J function. For
\Jdh0:games/arcade\\XRun SuperActionGame
Terminating Strings
Strings following escaped characters like \Xstring and
\pconfiguration must be terminated with a \ if anything will
More About Macros
\XNewCLI\Dir\N or \XRun Comm\\F1\F2.
Note the two \s after Comm. One terminates the \XRun Comm
string and one introduces a function key.
When creating a NewCLI, you probably want to preface the
command with \j. This will bring the Workbench screen to the
front. For example:
You need to have NewCLI and Run in the c: directory. A full
window example might look like this:
\j\XNewCLI CON:0/0/640/200/MyCLI
\j\XNewShell NEWCON:0/0/640/200/MachShell
Identifying Labels
For the purpose of identifying portions of your macro or for
adding comments, you may insert text following \i. Terminate
the text with a \. Example:
\iMouse To Close Gadget\\Mxy014,004\Mld\Mlu
Changing Priorities Within A Macro
Task priority may be temporarily changed within a macro by
using \vnn. Programs executed after changing the priority
will have the new priority. After the macro is completed,
the original priority will be restored. An example:
\v4\Xrun myapplication
The priority of myapplication will be 4.
Sending Date and Time
The current date and time may be sent as keystrokes to an
application by using \Y, \y or \t in a macro.
\Y Send date in the long form such as:
February 5, 1991
\y Send date in the short form:
\t Send the time:
Chapter 7 Configurations
You may have more than one configuration within your
MachIII.Cfg file. The term "configuration" in this section
refers to a configuration inside the MachIII.Cfg file.
Let's assume that you've set some macros attached to
function keys and other features that work well in a shell.
Now you want to run an application program such as
WordPerfect which uses the function keys. You could disable
all macros while using WordPerfect, but there may be some
that you want to use. Another alternative is to add another
configuration to the one that you have already set up and
modify it to work with WordPerfect. To do this, select Add
in SetMachIII. This will make a duplicate configuration and
number it 2. Clear your macros that are attached to the
function keys, if desired. Next, in the gadget to the left
of Add, type in " WordP" (notice the space before the WordP,
that's like it is in the title bar). In your first
configuration, you should type in the title AmigaShell or
whatever is in the title bar of your shell. Now, when you
click in a WordPerfect window, the second configuration
becomes active. Click in your shell window and its
configuration becomes active. If you are using the SunMouse
feature you do not need to click in the window - the
configuration will become active when the window becomes
Changing Configurations
You may have as many configurations as you like. Each one
may be attached to a window or screen through its title and
activated by clicking in that window. The title need be just
long enough to uniquely match a window's title. An @ as the
1st character will lock a configuration which may then only
be changed from SetMachIII or by executing a macro that has
\cN \cL or \cT in it (see Appendix A). When a configuration
is changed from within a macro, there will be no further
execution of that macro.
When a new configuration is made active, its title will
appear in the clock for about one second.
The first configuration with no title will be activated when
no title matches. This means that you can set up a default
configuration with no title that will be active when you
click in a window that does not match any of your
configuration titles.
If the clock is identical to the clock in the previously
active configuration, it will not be closed and reopened
when configurations are changed.
You may put in multiple window titles separated by a | such
as "Ashell|TextEd| WordP" up to a maximum of 40 characters.
This example shows a configuration that will become active
when you click in a window titled Ashell, TextEd, or WordP.
Not all windows or screens have real titles. It may be just
text written where the title should be. MachIII cannot
locate these titles and thus cannot change to the proper
configuration. You can manually change to these
configurations with a \cN or \cT macro. You may be able to
change to untitled windows by specifying the program's name.
Do this by prefacing the name with the $ symbol. For
example: a configuration titled "$DPaint" will become active
when you click in the Deluxe Paint window. Unfortunately,
not all program names are accessible. Programs started from
Workbench do not have names accessible.
A program supplied with MachIII call AllTitles will list the
window and screen titles and program names that are useable.
Simply type AllTitles at the CLI prompt.
Adding And Deleting
Add duplicates the current configuration and then makes that
one current. You may then delete or modify macros and other
settings in the new configuration.
Delete a configuration with the Del gadget. You cannot
delete the last configuration.
Loading And Saving
For any changes to be permanent, you just need to click on
Save. When MachIII is first run, it looks for s:MachIII.Cfg
and loads that. You may save configurations to other file
names, but only s:MachIII.Cfg will be loaded automatically.
Click on Load (or use \cLfilename in a macro) to load other
The Configuration File
MachIII.Cfg is straight ASCII text and may be edited (but
does not need to be except to enter No Layer Titles, Month
Names, Day Names and Date Format). Multiple configurations
are all saved together under one file name. Each
configuration within this file must start with ID=3.0. The
specific order of everything else is not important except
Month Names and Day Names which must be sequential. These
are not needed unless you want to use names other than the
English names that are internal to MachIII.
Macros must be in the following format:
Macro=key\qualifiers{macroname}Macro body
The keys and qualifiers are identified in Appendix A. The
name should be no more than 12 characters. To enter no name
use {}.
This is Left-Amiga-J Window to front.
Macro=\E\L{newshell}\j\XNewShell "newcon:0/1/640/100AShell"
This is Left-Amiga-ESC and executes a newshell command.
(Note the \j brings the Workbench to front before executing
the command string.)
This is Alt-ESC and begins or ends a recording to key
Macro=N\C\L{X named mac}\n
This is Ctrl-Left-Amiga-N and it will execute a named macro.
Chapter 8 Priorities And Screen Blanking
All tasks in the Amiga's multitasking operating system run
at a particular priority. Higher priority tasks have higher
numbers and will run while other tasks wait. Most user tasks
run at a priority of 0 and share the computers time equally.
MachIII runs well at 1. MachIII also has the ability to
change its priority while playing back a macro. A priority
of 1 is usually ok here too. You may experiment with these
numbers and your particular applications to find what works
best. Don't try to set them very high though, usually no
more than 6 and certainly no more than 10. By setting the
Playback Priority to 0, the application and MachIII will
alternate between sending and receiving. The playback
priority may also be temporarily changed from a macro with
\vnn. See Chapter 6.
Screen Blanking
After a preset length of time, you may have the screen
either go blank or just dim. If you select a dimness of 0
and have Check Waltz on, there will be two dancing check
marks on the blanked screen. You may adjust the tempo with
the keys 1-9.
If you select a dimness value of 1-15, the front screen will
go dim.
The screen may also be blanked with \b in a macro. Executing
this macro will immediately blank the screen
Chapter 9 Miscellaneous Features
There are six features that don't fit into any of the above
MachIII may be temporarily suspended by clicking on the
Suspend gadget. Or, you may create a macro that has \Z as
its first 2 characters. Pressing the hotkey that this macro
is attached to will either suspend or activate MachIII.
You can remove MachIII completely by clicking on Remove. \Q
in a macro may also be used. You may also remove MachIII by
running it again from your shell.
Check Waltz
When you have selected 0 for your Dimness in screen Blanking,
and you have Check Waltz on, screen blanking will include two
dancing check marks. The speed of these may be adjusted with
the keys 1 to 9.
No Caps Lock
Selecting No Caps Lock on will disable your Caps Lock key. It
actually may be still used by pressing Left-Amiga- CapsLock.
You can use a custom sound for MachIII's beep. Enter the
name and complete path of the sound file in the Beep gadget.
The sound should be a raw data file with the file size in
bytes 1 to 4 and the period value in bytes 5 and 6. Many
sound digitizing programs provide the ability to save in a
"Raw format". Several samples are provided. This sound is
not the sound used when recording macros. The sound is
repeated 6 times for the alarm.
Hold Qualifiers
If Hold Qualifiers is on, you may press and release any
qualifier and it will be remembered and added to the next
non-qualifier key or mouse button.
Many disabled people find it difficult if not impossible to
type key combinations such as Ctrl-Shift-F1. So you could
for example, press Shift, Alternate, and then F1. The Shift
and Alternate would be added to the F1 just as if they were
pressed at the same time. This feature is not intended for
someone who doesn't need it as it sometimes may cause
unexpected results. For example, if you press Alternate and
then change your mind, the Alternate will still be added to
the next key pressed. Pressing Caps Lock or the right mouse
button will clear the qualifiers. Pressing a qualifier again
will clear that qualifier.
Miscellaneous Features
An orange or red (color pen #3) bar will appear on the
clock's left edge when there are qualifiers accumulating.
Qualifiers may be held for multiple keystrokes if you first
press Alt-CapsLock.
This may also be used with Workbench's extended selection.
Press the Shift key, then click on your icons. Hit any non-
qualifier key or the right mouse button to clear the Shift.
You can clear all qualifiers by pressing CapsLock or the
right mouse button.
Chapter 10 Using SetMachW
SetMachW is basically the same program as SetMachIII. The
main difference is that SetMachW opens windows on the
Workbench screen. When SetMachW is run, it opens a window
that contains all macro features plus four gadgets to open
other windows. You will notice that some gadgets have one
letter highlighted - pressing that letter is the same as
clicking on the gadget. Of course if a string gadget is
active, that letter will go to the string gadget instead.
Pressing Return is the same as clicking on the close gadget.
Because Workbench colors vary from one user to the next, you
can alter the "pens" that are used for windows, text and
gadget borders in SetMachW. Pen 0 means "use whatever color
that is set for the background". Pen 1 is the color that is
normally used for text and window borders. On a normal
Workbench screen, there are four colors so you may use four
pens, 0-3.
Click on Misc. Features. A window will open containing the
same gadgets as in Miscellaneous Features in SetMachIII plus
a few more. The gadgets under "Pens" are used to change the
appearance of SetMachW.
Block Window borders and title background.
Detail Title bar text.
Text All window and gadget text except string gadgets.
HiLite Gadget highlighting.
Gadget Borders
HiLite Top and left edges of button gadgets, and bottom
and right edges of string gadgets.
Shadow Bottom and right edges of button gadgets, and top
and left edges of string gadgets.
You may change these to achieve the best appearance for your
display. A bright color is usually good for Gadget Borders
HiLite and a dark color for Gadget Borders Shadow.
These features as well as window positions are saved when
you click on Save. You may even have different window
positions and pen setting for different configurations.
In the Clock Features window, there are gadgets to set the
colors used for the clock.
Border Pen to use for the clock's border.
Text The normal clock text.
Warn Low memory warning pen.
Next to these is Date/Time. This is the delay period for
alternating date and time. Use 0 if you do not want the date
Chapter 11 Foreign Names
You may include in your MachIII.Cfg file alternate names for
months and days. The format to use is this:
Month Name=Name
Day Name=Name
These may be placed anywhere after the ID=3.0 line, but they
will be saved after Clock Screen Type=. Enter 12 lines of
month names followed by 7 lines of day names followed by 1
line of 3 characters of date format. The date format can be
mdy, dmy, ymd etc. The date output by the short form \y will
be displayed accordingly as will the Clock+Date display. If
you select dmy, the long form \Y and the Clock+Mem will
display DD. Month Year.
(y = year, m = month, d = day).
Do not use names longer than 10 characters.
A German file might look like this:
Month Name=Januar
Month Name=Febuar
Month Name=Marz
Month Name=April
Month Name=Mai
Month Name=Juni
Month Name=Juli
Month Name=August
Month Name=September
Month Name=Oktober
Month Name=November
Month Name=Dezember
Day Name=Sonntag
Day Name=Montag
Day Name=Dienstag
Day Name=Mittwoch
Day Name=Donnerstag
Day Name=Freitag
Day Name=Samstag
Date Format=dmy
Appendix A Escaped Characters
Letter Funnction Example Comments
------ --------- ------- --------
A Alt Qualifier \A Alternate qualifier.
B Backspace Key \B
C Control Qualifier \C
D DELete Key \D
E ESCape Key \E
F Function Keys \F1 Use \F0 for F10.
G Audible Beep \G
I -----
J Change Directory \Jdh0:xx Make dh0:xx current.
K Clock
D Display \KD Display the clock.
K Kill \KK Turn off the clock.
T Top screen \KT Clock to top screen.
Z Toggle clock \KZ Turn clock on / off.
L Left Amiga \L AKA C=.
M Mouse
xnnn \Mx127 Send mouse X position.
ynnn \My058 Send mouse Y position.
lu \Mlu Send left button up.
ld \Mld Send left button down.
mu \Mmu Send middle button up.
md \Mmd Send middle button down
ru \Mru Send right button up.
rd \Mrd Send right button down
onn \Mo05 Set MouseOff seconds.
s \Ms Toggle SunMouse.
M \MM Toggle Mouse To Menu.
Dnn \MD2 Set playback delay.
N Newline \N Return key.
O Macros On/Off \O Must be 1st in macro.
P Pause
Snn \PS01 Pause 1 second.
Knn \PK4 Pause for 4 keystrokes
V \PV Pause for a variable
number of keystrokes.
End input with ESC.
Q Quit \Q Remove MachIII
R Right Amiga \R
S Shift \S
T Tab Key \T
W Window
A \WA Activate window under
the mouse.
atitle \WaAsh Activate by title.
Escaped Characters
Letter Funnction Example Comments
------ --------- ------- --------
W a$progname \Wa$prog Activate by name of
program that owns the
B \WB Top window back.
b \Wb Active window to back.
F \WF Back window to front.
f \Wf Active window to front
L \WL Layer windows.
Mxxx,yyy \WM10,30 Move the top window.
mxxx,yyy \Wm+20,-5 Move the active one.
N \WN Activate next window.
Sxxx,yyy \WS640,200 Size top window.
sxxx,yyy \Ws640,200 Size active window.
X Execute a program \Xrun wp End the command with a
\ if not at the end of
the macro.
Y Long date \Y Send date as keystrokes
Z Suspend \Z Suspend MachIII. Must
be 1st in the macro.
a Auto execute \a1730macro Execute at 5:30 pm
\a+5macro Execute every 5
b Blank screen \b
c Configuration
L load \cLfilename Load configuration.
N next \cN Switch to next.
S save \cS Save configuration.
T title \cTshell Switch to configura-
tion titled "shell".
d Down arrow key \d
e Enter \e Numeric keypad.
f ------
g ------
h Help \h Display a macro.
i Identifier \ilabel\ This is a comment.
j Workbench to front \j Send the Workbench
screen to the front.
k ------
l Left arrow key \l
m Macro
k \mk Record to a key.
n \mn Record to a named macro
n Execute macro \n Get name from user.
by name Must be last item in a
macro or followed by a
\nsetup Execute macro named
Escaped Characters
Letter Funnction Example Comments
------ --------- ------- --------
o ------
p Set preferences \ppref Load preferences file
"pref" and set it.
q ------
r Right arrow key \r
s Screen
B \sB Screen to back.
btitle \sbWorkB Screen titled WorkB to
F \sF Screen to front.
ftitle \sfBlitz Screen titled Blitz to
t Time \t Send the time as
u Up arrow key \u
v Change Priority \v4 Temporarily change the
priority to 4.
w ------
x Run SetMachIII \x Brings to front or top
if already running.
y Short date \y Send the date.
z ------
0 Numeric pad number \0 to \9
()/*.+- Numeric pad \( \) \/ \* \. \+ \-
Appendix B Common Questions
Q. Why does the SunMouse sometimes not work?
A. When a string gadget (or any gadget anywhere) is active,
the SunMouse will not work. You must deactivate the
gadget with a click of the left mouse button. The same is
true for \WA and \WaTitle macros.
Q. How can I run MachIII from an icon?
A. This program is usually run from your startup-sequence,
but if you want to run it from an icon you can by using
XIcon. See your AmigaDos manual for more information.
Q. Why can't I close my CLI window after running MachIII?
A. In order to keep the current path, MachIII does not
detach from the CLI. Use RunBack MachIII or ARun MachIII
NOIO. Either of these will allow the CLI window to close.
Runback requires the full path, e.g. Runback c:MachIII.
Q. Why does MachIII seem to stop functioning after I run an
application from a \X macro?
A. Unless you use "Run" in the macro, MachIII will wait for
the application to terminate. You should use something
like \XRun myapp.
Q. Why does my application crash when I run it from the
NewCLI or from a \X macro?
A. Programs executed with \X (such as NewCLI) will have a
stack the size that was set when MachIII was run. These
and ones that you may run from a new CLI may need a
larger stack. Either set the stack before running
MachIII, or after you create a NewCLI use the stack
command to set your stack to a larger value. The default
stack size is 4000. Many programs need 10000 or more.
Q. Why does MachIII ask for my Workbench disk when I run a
program from a macro?
A. MachIII uses the "Run" program which may be in your c:
directory. Also, if you made "Run" resident, it will not
be found unless you run the patch program SetPatch
(Workbench 1.3).
Q. Why am I in the c: directory when I create a new CLI?
A. MachIII's current directory is the one that was current
when MachIII was run. If you bring up a new CLI and find
yourself in the c: directory for example, it is because
that was the current directory when MachIII was run. You
probably did a "cd c:" somewhere before running MachIII.
Common Questions
Q. Why am I getting a Close Screen Vector message?
A. The clock options Screen Depth and Clock To Top replace
the CloseScreen vector with one that will allow MachIII
to close its clock window. Selecting WB Screen or
removing MachIII will put back the original vector. If
another program also replaced the vector, you will be
given the opportunity to terminate that program before
the original vector is replaced. If you get a requester
with the message Close Screen Vector Was Changed!, either
terminate the program that changed the vectors and click
Retry or just click Cancel. If WB Screen is selected, the
vectors are not changed.
Q. How can I display only the total memory in the clock?
A. You can fool the clock into displaying your total memory
even if you have fast ram. In your startup-sequence, turn
off your fast ram with a command like "nofastmem", run
MachIII, then turn your fast ram back on.
Q. Why doesn't it change configurations when I click in a
A. The title entered in the string gadget in the Config-
urations section must be the same as the window or
screen title (although it may be shorter and the case
need not match). It may also be that there is no real
title in your window or screen. Check the section in
Chapter 7 that deals with this.