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547 lines
| Config! |
| Copyright (C) 1986-89 Rick Stiles. All rights reserved. |
Config! defines all of Uedit's default settings and commands. If you edit
Config! and want to make a new Data! file, type "Run UE -c" in CLI.
If you create a new config such as "NewConfig", you can make Uedit compile it
by typing "UE -cNewConfig" in CLI. On the "Save new Data?" question,
selecting Yes writes a new Data! file.
Edit the contents of each set of angle brackets, but leave the angle-brackets
(To recompile these defaults anytime, select "Cfg defalts" in the menu.)
(Unless told otherwise, use 0 for "no" or 1 for "yes".)
<1> Make Key-Help file during this compile. (For "TEACH KEYS" in menu.)
(NOTE: If you want to create a new Key-Help facility, you should set
this flag to 1. Startup compile is much faster when it's 0, however.)
<S:Key-Help> Name of Key-Help file to create or look for. 19 chars max.
<1> Show cursor during compile of this configuration. Slower, if show.
<RAM:uejunk> Name for temporary file when one is needed. 19 chars max.
<topaz> Font name (19 chars max).
<8> Font pixel height ( >= 8).
<27> Primitive Mode (pmESC) terminator character.
<0> User global flag A. Any integer value.
<0> User global flag B. Any integer value.
<0> Columnar display mode
<0> Cram display mode
<1> Show page-row-column
<1> Mark gadgets
<0> Interlace/bitplanes. 0-3.
<1> Show invisibles
<1> Show busies
<0> Teach keys mode
<20> Maximum files to edit. 1-100.
<0> Make icons
<0> Search/grep case-sensitive flag
<?> Search single wildcard. Printable character.
<$> Search either-or delimiter. Printable character.
<*> Search multi wildcard. Printable character.
<~> Search all-but delimiter. Printable character.
<0> White allowed under single wildcard: 0=no, 1=space/tab, 2=any white.
<0> White allowed under multi wildcard: 0=no, 1=space/tab, 2=any white.
<75> Percent offset for submenus. 0-100 percent.
<0> RESERVED (l)
<0> RESERVED (m)
<0> Speak requester alerts
<0> Speak messages
<0> Print tabs (if 0, tabs are converted to spaces during print)
<1> Smart tabs (don't convert tabs if inside quotes)
<1> Screen type, 0=Workbench type, 1= Custom type
<0> Use printable keys for typing, disabling any commands on them.
<2> Printer selection. 0=par:, 1=ser:, 2=prt:, 3=prt: (raw).
<100> Idle-time (tenths of seconds) after which time idle cmd is run. 1-32767
<0> Hide display.
<1> Scroll type: 0 = show colors, 1 = faster
<0> Trap menus to use menu mouse button as a key
<640> Screen width in pixels (640-1064)
<200> Screen height in pixels (gets auto-doubled for LACE) (200-1064)
<0> Task priority when in tiny window (-128 to 127)
<0> Reserved
<0> Reserved
<0> Reserved
<0> Reserved
<0> Put in tabs, not spaces, when tab key pressed.
<1> Autoindent mode
<0> Overstrike mode
<0> Autobackup mode
<0> RESERVED (r)
<1> Wordwrap mode
<0> Rightjustify mode
<1> Map illegal chars (ASCII 0-3) to table values. (See table below.)
<0> RESERVED (c)
<0> User local flag A
<0> User local flag B
<4> Tab ruler to use. 0-4. (See ruler tables below.)
<77> Line-length. 1-9999.
<5> Split window size in lines. 2-100, up to max lines in window.
<0> Left margin. 0-255.
<0> top margin. 0-255.
<1> bottom margin. 0-255.
<66> lines/page. 1-255.
<10> End-of-line char. 10 = Newline, 13 = Carriage Return.
These are the 5 TAB rulers. There can be up to 32 column-entries in each tab
ruler. The highest column is 255. The lowest is 2. In Uedit, to change
tab rulers, select "Tab ruler". To see the settings, select "See ruler".
To adjust the tabs, select "Set ruler".
<7 13 19 25 31> Tab ruler 0.
<9 17 25 33 41 49> Tab ruler 1.
<11 21 31 41 51 61
71 81> Tab ruler 2.
<> Tab ruler 3.
<5 9 13 17 21 25 29
33 37 41 45 49 53 57
61 65 69 73 77 81> Tab ruler 4.
Uedit uses ASCII characters 0-3 internally for markers. Files cannot
legally contain these characters. If the above "Map illegal chars" flag
is not set, any illegal characters (ASCII 0-3) are replaced by "@" upon
loading the file. If "Map illegal chars" is set, illegal chars are mapped
to the "safe" chars given below upon loading the file. Upon saving the
file, the chars are remapped back into their old ASCII 0-3 values:
<128> map ASCII 0 Values must be 128-255.
<129> map ASCII 1
<130> map ASCII 2
<131> map ASCII 3
Printable key table: DON'T TOUCH, unless you know what you are doing!
This is a translation table which converts raw keystrokes into printable
characters. (See Rom Kernal Manual, Volume 1, page 3-81.) There must be
64 in each row. Use OVERSTRIKE typing mode when modifying this, to avoid
Unused --> U U EUROPE--> EE U U
<`1234567890-=\ 0qwertyuiop[] 123asdfghjkl;' 456 zxcvbnm,./ .789>
<~!@#$%^&*()_+| 0QWERTYUIOP{} 123ASDFGHJKL:" 456 ZXCVBNM<>? .789> .. "
These are input using the ALT key. Put FOREIGN LETTERS in this array.
<`1234567890-=\ 0qwertyuiop[] 123asdfghjkl;' 456 zxcvbnm,./ .789>
<3><1><0><2> Screen 4-color combination. (0-3, use no duplicates.)
RGB colors: (Range is 0-15.)
Red Green Blue
<0> <5> <10> Register 0
<15> <15> <15> Register 1
<15> <9> <0> Register 2
<0> <9> <15> Register 3
Gadget Names in the message line. 19 chars max:
<Next File/Mark> Name for gadget 1
<Prev File/Mark> Name for gadget 2
<Down/Set Mark> Name for gadget 3
<Up/Init Marks> Name for gadget 4
Everything from here onward is menu selections or commands.
(Also see Config!M, Config!P, Config!R, and Config!S.)
Keep a backup copy of the original, if you change this file.
It's a good idea to include the following 2 commands first thing after the
config defaults above. That way, if a compile-error occurs during startup-
compile, you can fix the error easily using mouse-scrolling and f6.
Compile command at or following cursor
<normal-f6: if (not compile) beepDisplay >
Place cursor or scroll if button held
if (!mouseDown) return
while (!inputWaiting) {
} >
(The following scroll/2-click-hilite-copy cmd was created by Ken Perano.)
Place cursor or scroll if button held; Hilite with double click.
..<normal-buttonDown: .. K. Perano
if (eqLoc(curFile,atCursor,mouseLoc)) { .. dynamic Hiliting
equateLoc(curFile,locA,mouseLoc) .. save current cursor location in locA
getSplitLines(n1,n2) .. determine row range of window
equateNum(n3,8) .. n3 = character height
.. getAddress(11,n0) .. UEK only
.. peek(n0,n3,2) .. UEK only
add(n1,n1,2) .. top row number
add(n2,n2,2) .. bottom row number
mul(n1,n1,n3) .. n1 = top pixel number
mul(n2,n2,n3) .. n2 = bottom pixel number
if (!mouseDown) return
while (!inputWaiting) {
.. update Hilite definition
if (gtLoc(curFile,locA,mouseLoc))
{ equateLoc(curFile,sHilite,mouseLoc) equateLoc(curFile,eHilite,locA) }
{ equateLoc(curFile,eHilite,mouseLoc) equateLoc(curFile,sHilite,locA) }
.. scroll only if mouse is in scroll regions
if (geNum(n4,n2)) { .. mouse at bottom of screen
vscroll(2) .. speed up this direction
else if (geNum(n1,n4)) { .. mouse at top of screen
else .. do not scroll
.. cleanup work on mouseup
runKey(normal-kpDot) .. copy Hilite to buffer automatically
else { .. standard scrolling feature
if (not mouseDown) return
while (trackMouse) {
div(n3,n3,10) .. could increase 10 to decrease sensitivity
vscroll(n3) .. multi-speed scrolling
<alt-f4: quit(10) > ..ABORT Uedit
((See Startup Key and Menus in the Manual. Also see Menus and Buffer Names.))
menu("Next file f1",1,normal-f1)
menu("Prev file S-f1",1,shft-f1)
menu("Open ",1,alt-f1)
SUBmenu("Open A-f1",1,alt-f1)
SUBmenu("File request L-f1",1,lAmiga-f1)
SUBmenu("New file C-f1",1,ctl-f1)
SUBmenu("Insert file SA-f1",1,shftAlt-f1)
SUBmenu("Restore SC-f1",1,shftCtl-f1)
SUBmenu("Rename A-n",1,alt-n)
menu("Save ",1,normal-f2)
SUBmenu("Save f2",1,normal-f2)
SUBmenu("Save changes A-f2",1,alt-f2)
SUBmenu("Save as... S-f2",1,shft-f2)
SUBmenu("Save hilite SC-f2",1,shftCtl-f2)
SUBmenu("Abort save SA-f2",1,shftAlt-f2)
menu("Close ",1,normal-f3)
SUBmenu("Close f3",1,normal-f3)
SUBmenu("Auto-close S-f3",1,shft-f3)
menu("Quit ",1,normal-f4)
SUBmenu("Quit f4",1,normal-f4)
SUBmenu("Auto-quit S-f4",1,shft-f4)
SUBmenu("ABORT Uedit! A-f4",1,alt-f4)
menu("AmigaDOS ",1,ctl-y)
SUBmenu("AmigaDOS C-y",1,ctl-y)
SUBmenu("DOS + result C-z",1,ctl-z)
SUBmenu("Directory A-z",1,alt-z)
SUBmenu("CD (Chg dir) AC-z",1,altCtl-z)
menu("About... ",1,shftAltCtl-a)
menu("Search ",2,normal-f9)
SUBmenu("Search fwd f9",2,normal-f9)
SUBmenu("Search bkwd S-f9",2,shft-f9)
SUBmenu("Set search f7",2,normal-f7)
menu("Replace ",2,normal-f10)
SUBmenu("Replace fwd f10",2,normal-f10)
SUBmenu("Rpl all fwd A-f10",2,alt-f10)
SUBmenu("Rpl bkwd S-f10",2,shft-f10)
SUBmenu("Set replace f8",2,normal-f8)
menu("Settings ",2,ctl-8)
checkedSUBmenu("Case sensitiv C-8",2,ctl-8,searchCaps)
SUBmenu("Wildcards A-f7",2,alt-f7)
SUBmenu("Either-or C-f7",2,ctl-f7)
menu("Grep ",2,lAmiga-f9)
SUBmenu("Grep fwd L-f9",2,lAmiga-f9)
SUBmenu("Grep bkwd R-f9",2,rAmiga-f9)
SUBmenu("Set Grep L-f7",2,lAmiga-f7)
SUBmenu("Grep repl-> L-f10",2,lAmiga-f10)
SUBmenu("Grep repl<- R-f10",2,rAmiga-f10)
menu("Bookmarks ",2,shft-gadget1)
SUBmenu("Goto->mark S-gad1",2,shft-gadget1)
SUBmenu("Goto<-mark S-gad2",2,shft-gadget2)
SUBmenu("Set mark S-gad3",2,shft-gadget3)
SUBmenu("Clr marks S-gad4",2,shft-gadget4)
menu("Buffers ",3,alt-w)
SUBmenu("Swap buf #0 A-w",3,alt-w)
SUBmenu("Swap buf #41 C-w",3,ctl-w)
SUBmenu("See buffers SC-f6",3,shftCtl-f6)
SUBmenu("Edit buffer SA-f6",3,shftAlt-f6)
SUBmenu("Free buffers A-f3",3,alt-f3)
SUBmenu("Push buffer L-w",3,lAmiga-w)
SUBmenu("Pop buffer R-w",3,rAmiga-w)
SUBmenu("Roll stack SA-w",3,shftAlt-w)
menu("Data file ",3,alt-f6)
..SUBmenu("UStar ",3,virtual-u)
..SUBmenu("Directory Utility",3,virtual-d)
..SUBmenu("Regular UE data ",3,virtual-e)
SUBmenu("Save data A-f6",3,alt-f6)
SUBmenu("Load data C-f6",3,ctl-f6)
menu("Compile ",3,normal-f6)
SUBmenu("Compile f6",3,normal-f6)
SUBmenu("Cfg defalts AC-f6",3,altCtl-f6)
SUBmenu("Make command S-f6",3,shft-f6)
menu("Keys ",3,normal-f5)
SUBmenu("Swap keys f5",3,normal-f5)
SUBmenu("Swap mouseUp A-m",3,alt-m)
SUBmenu("Kill key SAC-f6",3,shftAltCtl-f6)
SUBmenu("Find key L-f6",3,lAmiga-f6)
menu("Learn ",3,ctl-s)
checkedSUBmenu("Start learn C-s",3,ctl-s,learnMode)
SUBmenu("End/Run learn C-r",3,ctl-r)
SUBmenu("Save learn C-5",3,ctl-5)
SUBmenu("Load learn C-6",3,ctl-6)
SUBmenu("Load & run C-7",3,ctl-7)
menu("Save state R-f5",3,rAmiga-f5)
menu("Load state R-f6",3,rAmiga-f6)
menu("Name gadget C-esc",3,ctl-esc)
menu("Speak hilite A-s",3,alt-s)
checkedmenu("Col display SC-`",4,shftCtl-`,columnar)
menu("Cut&Paste Hilite ",4,normal-kpDot)
SUBmenu("Copy kp.",4,normal-kpDot)
SUBmenu("Cut kp-",4,normal-kpMinus)
SUBmenu("Paste kpEnter",4,normal-kpEnter)
SUBmenu("Clear C-h",4,ctl-h)
menu("Cut&Paste Invert ",4,ctl-kpDot)
SUBmenu("I-Copy C-kp.",4,ctl-kpDot)
SUBmenu("I-Cut C-kp-",4,ctl-kpMinus)
SUBmenu("I-Paste C-kpEnter",4,ctl-kpEnter)
SUBmenu("I-Clear C-i",4,ctl-i)
menu("Columnar ",4,shftCtl-1)
SUBmenu("Col Cut SC-1",4,shftCtl-1)
SUBmenu("Col Erase SC-2",4,shftCtl-2)
SUBmenu("Col Copy SC-3",4,shftCtl-3)
SUBmenu("Col Insert SC-4",4,shftCtl-4)
SUBmenu("Col Overlay SC-5",4,shftCtl-5)
SUBmenu("Ins Hil->Csr SC-6",4,shftCtl-6)
SUBmenu("Ovl Hil->Csr SC-7",4,shftCtl-7)
menu("Text reformats ",4,ctl-3)
SUBmenu("Paragraph C-3",4,ctl-3)
SUBmenu("Del white-spc C-4",4,ctl-4)
SUBmenu("Tabs->spaces L-t",4,lAmiga-t)
SUBmenu("Spaces->tabs R-t",4,rAmiga-t)
menu("Printing ",4,alt-p)
SUBmenu("Print select A-p",4,alt-p)
SUBmenu("Print hilite C-p",4,ctl-p)
SUBmenu("Print file AC-p",4,altCtl-p)
SUBmenu("Restart print L-s",4,lAmiga-s)
SUBmenu("Abort print L-a",4,lAmiga-a)
SUBmenu("Stop all prts R-a",4,rAmiga-a)
SUBmenu("Code help SAC-p",4,shftAltCtl-p)
SUBmenu("Bracket hiliteL-p",4,lAmiga-p)
SUBmenu("Find code R-g",4,rAmiga-g)
SUBmenu("Embed code L-g",4,lAmiga-g)
SUBmenu("Type formfeed L-f",4,lAmiga-f)
menu("Paging ",4,alt-3)
SUBmenu("Go to page # A-3",4,alt-3)
SUBmenu("Top of page L-h",4,lAmiga-h)
SUBmenu("Bottom page L-b",4,lAmiga-b)
SUBmenu("Divide page L-v",4,lAmiga-v)
SUBmenu("Auto page div L-r",4,lAmiga-r)
SUBmenu("Del page div L-d",4,lAmiga-d)
SUBmenu("Del page # L-y",4,lAmiga-y)
menu("Spelling ",4,rAmiga-u)
SUBmenu("Load speller R-u",4,rAmiga-u)
SUBmenu("Check fwd R-c",4,rAmiga-c)
SUBmenu("Chk&mark fwd R-m",4,rAmiga-m)
SUBmenu("Chk & collect R-l",4,rAmiga-l)
SUBmenu("Merge w/ dict R-d",4,rAmiga-d)
SUBmenu("Del from dict R-e",4,rAmiga-e)
SUBmenu("Free Speller R-f",4,rAmiga-f)
menu("Rexx ",4,altCtl-1)
SUBmenu("Ed out buf62 AC-1",4,altCtl-1)
SUBmenu("Ed in buf61 AC-2",4,altCtl-2)
SUBmenu("Buf62->Rexx AC-3",4,altCtl-3)
SUBmenu("Buf61<-Rexx AC-4",4,altCtl-4)
SUBmenu("hilite->Rexx AC-5",4,altCtl-5)
SUBmenu("Cursor<-Rexx AC-6",4,altCtl-6)
SUBmenu("Reply OKAY-> AC-7",4,altCtl-7)
SUBmenu("Reply text-> AC-8",4,altCtl-8)
checkedSUBmenu("Auto-traffic AC-9",4,altCtl-9,userGlobalB)
SUBmenu("Make x.rexx AC-0",4,altCtl-0)
menu("HYPER TEXT ",5,rAmiga-gadget1)
SUBmenu("Hyper Text R-gad1",5,rAmiga-gadget1)
SUBmenu("Open HT R-gad3",5,rAmiga-gadget3)
SUBmenu("Close HT R-gad4",5,rAmiga-gadget4)
menu("TEACH KEYS ",5,ctl-help)
checkedSUBmenu("Teach keys C-help",5,ctl-help,teachKeys)
SUBmenu("Teach one C-t",5,ctl-t)
menu("Local modes ",5,shft-f5)
checkedSUBmenu("OverStrike S-f5",5,shft-f5,overStrike)
checkedSUBmenu("WordWrap C-f5",5,ctl-f5,wordWrap)
checkedSUBmenu("Right justify A-j",5,alt-j,rightJustify)
checkedSUBmenu("AutoIndent A-f5",5,alt-f5,autoIndent)
checkedSUBmenu("Read-only SA-f5",5,shftAlt-f5,readOnly)
checkedSUBmenu("Changed flag L-f5",5,lAmiga-f5,changed)
checkedSUBmenu("Use tabs AC-tab",5,altCtl-tab,trueTabs)
checkedSUBmenu("AutoBackup SAC-f5",5,shftAltCtl-f5,autoBackup)
checkedSUBmenu("Map illegals SA-m",5,shftAlt-m,mapChars)
checkedSUBmenu("Save on idle C-f2",5,ctl-f2,userLocalA)
menu("Global modes ",5,ctl-2)
checkedSUBmenu("Row/Column C-2",5,ctl-2,rowCol)
checkedSUBmenu("Mark gadgets C-g",5,ctl-g,markGadgets)
checkedSUBmenu("Invisibles C-v",5,ctl-v,spooks)
checkedSUBmenu("Busies C-b",5,ctl-b,busies)
checkedSUBmenu("Use keys A-u",5,alt-u,useKeys)
checkedSUBmenu("Make icons AC-i",5,altCtl-i,icons)
menu("Show vals S-help",6,shft-help)
menu("Tab ruler ",6,shftAlt-tab)
SUBmenu("See ruler SA-tab",6,shftAlt-tab)
SUBmenu("Set ruler SC-tab",6,shftCtl-tab)
SUBmenu("Tab ruler SAC-tab",6,shftAltCtl-tab)
menu("Line-Page ",6,ctl-return)
SUBmenu("Line length C-rtn",6,ctl-return)
SUBmenu("Lines/page A-g",6,alt-g)
SUBmenu("Left margin L-k",6,lAmiga-k)
SUBmenu("Top margin L-u",6,lAmiga-u)
SUBmenu("Bottom margin L-l",6,lAmiga-l)
SUBmenu("End of line C-e",6,ctl-e)
menu("Command mult C-m",6,ctl-m)
menu("Max files AC-f1",6,altCtl-f1)
menu("Idle timer SAC-i",6,shftAltCtl-i)
menu("PM terminator ESC",6,normal-esc)
menu("File size C-1",6,ctl-1)
menu("Colors A-help",7,alt-help)
menu("Tune RGB A-esc",7,alt-esc)
checkedMenu("Hide display R-h",7,rAmiga-h,hideDisplay)
menu("Scroll type R-s",7,rAmiga-s)
menu("Split windows ",7,lAmiga-9)
SUBmenu("Next split L-9",7,lAmiga-9)
SUBmenu("Drop split L-0",7,lAmiga-0)
SUBmenu("Split lines L-8",7,lAmiga-8)
SUBmenu("Mouse size L-=",7,lAmiga-=)
SUBmenu("Curr buf L-c",7,lAmiga-c)
SUBmenu("Undo buf L-1",7,lAmiga-1)
SUBmenu("Search buf L-2",7,lAmiga-2)
SUBmenu("Replac buf L-3",7,lAmiga-3)
SUBmenu("Hilite buf L-4",7,lAmiga-4)
SUBmenu("Invert buf L-5",7,lAmiga-5)
SUBmenu("Columnar L-6",7,lAmiga-6)
SUBmenu("Directories L-7",7,lAmiga-7)
menu("Lace/planes ",7,shft-esc)
SUBmenu("Toggle S-esc",7,shft-esc)
SUBmenu("Reg 1 plane R-f1",7,rAmiga-f1)
SUBmenu("Reg 2 planes R-f2",7,rAmiga-f2)
SUBmenu("Lace 1 plane R-f3",7,rAmiga-f3)
SUBmenu("Lace 2 plane R-f4",7,rAmiga-f4)
menu("Refresh SC-help",7,shftCtl-help)
menu("Do menus SAC-help",7,shftAltCtl-help)
menu("Unhilite A-h",7,alt-h)
menu("Uninvert A-i",7,alt-i)
nameBuffer(37,"Copied Columnar")
nameBuffer(45,"Scratch Deletes")
nameBuffer(46,"Copied Invert")
nameBuffer(47,"Copied Hilite")
nameBuffer(48,"Replace String")
nameBuffer(49,"Search String")
nameBuffer(61,"Rexx Msg/Reply IN")
nameBuffer(62,"Rexx Msg/Reply OUT")
Here is a description of how buffers are used in the config files. If you
make changes which involve buffers, you should follow the convention in this
list: (You can change this convention entirely, of course.)
buf55-99 = available for user commands
buf50-54 = used for temporary purposes in commands
buf49 = search or grep string
buf48 = replace string
buf47 = copied hilite
buf46 = copied invert
buf45 = holds scratch deletes for Undo, keypad-0
buf44 = make-command buffer
buf43 = document names
buf42 = holds Help, if loaded
buf41 = used in buffer swapping command, ctl-w
buf40 = used for AmigaDOS commands
buf39 = used for result of AmigaDOS commands (if result selected)
buf38 = directory names
buf37 = copied columnar data
buf35 = holds REXXCOMM File for Rexx interface
buf62 = Rexx msg/reply output buffer
buf61 = Rexx msg/reply input buffer
buf60 = names of bookmarks (see Config!H) (n94 stores bookmark #)
The above is just the initial stuff in Uedit's standard config. The
following are extensions for Config! and should be included with it:
Config!H - hyper text, grep, bookmark commands
Config!M - miscellaneous commands
Config!P - printing commands
Config!R - ARexx-interface commands
Config!S - spell-checking commands
When you compile Config! with Uedit using "Run UE -c", the extension files
are pulled in automatically.