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184 lines
/* :ts=4
* envparm -- obtain the default value for the given parameter
* All parameters are strings; all return values are character pointers
* to internally malloc()'d character arrays.
* The Manx compiler will generate code for GetEnv() which looks for
* the ENV: variable; the Lattice compiler WILL NOT generate code for
* the Manx getenv() call [the getenv() included here just returns NULL].
* $Id: envparm.c,v 1.5 90/12/15 12:46:12 crash Exp Locker: crash $
* $Log: envparm.c,v $
* Revision 1.5 90/12/15 12:46:12 crash
* moved some environment checking around a little
* Revision 1.4 90/10/13 17:51:03 crash
* boy, was GetEnv() screwed up! Basically I changed the whole flow so there
* wouldn't be alot of code re-executing over and over again...
* Revision 1.3 90/07/05 21:24:22 crash
* removed getenv() from AZTEC_C code
* Revision 1.2 90/05/22 17:23:53 crash
* Oops, I forgot to declare getenv()
* Revision 1.1 90/05/22 17:22:09 crash
* Initial revision
* Check ENV: and if not found, look for a variable called "CNEWS", which
* is the name of a file to check in addition to the environments.
* Of course, from what Larry told me, this will a be moot as WB2.0
* gains acceptance, since the get/put routines for environment variables
* will be part of the OS (yea!), but there's always "backwards
* compatibility" (sigh) :-(.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "news.h"
#include "fgetmfs.h"
extern char *GetEnv(char *var);
struct _env {
struct _env *next;
char *word;
char *value;
} *head = 0;
static int parse(char *src, char **word, char **value);
static struct _env *lookup(register char *word);
static char *putparm(register char *word, register char *value);
char *mkfilename(register char *dest, register char *dir, char *name);
static char *CNews_Config = 0;
#define NEWSCTL "NewsCtl:"
char *envparm(register char *var)
register char *ptr;
register struct _env *env;
* First, we cache the CNews.Config file...
if (!CNews_Config) {
* Process the contents of the config file...
FILE *fp;
int count = 0;
char *word, *value;
if (CNews_Config = GetEnv("CNEWS"))
else {
word = GetEnv("NEWSCTL");
CNews_Config = mkfilename(NULL, word ? word : NEWSCTL, "Cnews.Config");
if (word) free(word);
if ((fp = fopen(CNews_Config, "r")) == NULL)
return( NULL );
while (ptr = fgetms(fp)) {
if (word = strchr(ptr, '#')) *word = '\0';
while (*ptr && isspace(*ptr)) ptr++;
if (!*ptr) continue;
if (!parse(ptr, &word, &value) || !putparm(word, value))
error("Couldn't store environment variable!\n", word);
* Is the CNews.Config cached? If so, then the variable
* should be found here...
if (env = lookup(var))
return( env->value );
if (ptr = GetEnv(var)) /* If NULL, it really isn't out there */
putparm(var, ptr); /* otherwise, store it for later */
return( ptr ); /* and return the value. */
static int parse(char *src, char **word, char **value)
while (*src && isspace(*src)) src++;
*word = src;
while (*src && *src != '=' && !isspace(*src)) src++;
if (!*src)
return( 0 );
*src++ = '\0';
while (*src && *src != '"') src++;
if (!*src)
return( 0 );
*value = ++src;
src = strchr(src, '"');
if (!src)
return( 0 );
*src = '\0';
return( 1 );
#ifdef AZTEC_C
char *GetEnv(register char *word)
register FILE *fp;
register char *fname, *value = NULL;
fname = str3save("ENV:", "", word);
if (fp = fopen(fname, "r")) {
value = fgetms(fp);
return( value );
#endif /* AZTEC_C */
static char *putparm(register char *word, register char *value)
register struct _env *next;
register int len = strlen(word) + 1;
if (next = lookup(word)) {
if (next->value = (char *) realloc(next->value, strlen(value)+1))
strcpy(next->value, value);
return( next->value );
} else if (next = (struct _env *) malloc(sizeof(*next)+len)) {
next->next = head;
next->word = (char *) &next[1]; /* First byte after `next' */
if (next->value = (char *) malloc(strlen(value)+1)) {
strcpy(next->word, word);
strcpy(next->value, value);
head = next;
return( next->value );
return( NULL );
static struct _env *lookup(register char *word)
register struct _env *next;
register int len = strlen(word)+1;
next = head;
while (next) {
if (!cistrncmp(next->word, word, len))
return( next );
next = next->next;
return( NULL );