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- - GadgetED version 2.3 -
- © Copyright 1991 Jaba Development
- written in Aztec C version 5.0a by
- Jan van den Baard
- Thanks to:
- Jan Geißler for his suggenstions.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The author is NOT responsible for the suitability or accuracy of this
- documentation and/or the program(s) it describes. Any damage sustained by
- the use or misuse of this documentation and/or the program(s) it describes
- is the responsibility of the user her/him self.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- GadgetED, © Copyright 1990-91 by Jaba Development. All rights reserved.
- This program may be distributed non-commercially only providing that the
- source code, documentation and copyright notice remains intact and are
- included with the distribution. This program is FREEWARE so no financial
- donation is necessary (but welcome). If you use this program to create
- gadgets for a commercial or shareware program I would appreciate a litle
- note about it in the documentation. I'm sorry but I have a big ego.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- GadgetED is designed to save the Amiga programmer a lot of time in creating
- intuition gadgets. This version of GadgetED has the following features:
- o - editing gadgets for a workbench or a custom screen.
- o - editing gadgets for a window or a requester.
- o - full control over the window flags.
- o - adding, modifying, moving and deleting texts for gadgets and window.
- o - adding, editing, moving, re-sizing, deleting and copying of gadgets.
- o - editing gadgets with the "WB 2.0" look.
- o - loading IFF-ILBM brushes as gadget rendering.
- o - loading IFF-ILBM colormaps for custom screens.
- o - a palette editor to create your own custom colours.
- o - title line gadget information.
- o - fully mouse and keyboard controlled.
- o - generation of source code in C or Assembler.
- o - generation of Assembler source which does not need the intuition
- headers to assemble.
- o - generation of static data & structures in C.
- o - binary saving for later loading and editing.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GadgetED was programmed in Aztec C V5.0a on an Amiga 500 Kick 1.3 with
- 2 Meg memory and a 20Meg HardDisk but it should run on a standard 512 K
- machine. What you do need to work with GadgetED is a C Compiler and/or an
- Assembler with all the standard include files. GadgetED also requires a copy
- of the "tool.library", which is also on this disk, to be copied into the
- LIBS: directory of the GadgetED boot disk. This program is tested with the
- NTSC-PAL program by Nico François (FISH 387) in NTSC mode and it ran fine so
- it should not give any problems on NTSC machines unless you try to load a
- GE file that contains a window out of NTSC limits.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GadgetED can be run from the CLI or the workbench. If you run GadgetED from
- the workbench all you have to do is double-click the "GadgetED" icon or one
- of the "GE" icons. If you want to run GadgetED from the CLI just type
- "GadgetED [filename]" where "filename" is an optional name of the "GE" file
- you want to edit. When you have started GadgetED without a filename a little
- window opens in the middle of the screen with the following gadgets:
- WINDOW - selecting this gadget tells GadgetED that you want to
- edit gadgets for a window.
- REQUESTER - selecting this gadget tells GadgetED that you want to
- edit gadgets for a requester.
- 1 - custom screen, depth = 1, 2 colors.
- 2 - custom screen, depth = 2, 4 colors.
- 3 - custom screen, depth = 3, 8 colors.
- 4 - custom screen, depth = 4, 16 colors. (SLOWS UP THE 68000)
- 5 - custom screen, depth = 5, 32 colors.
- WORKBENCH - if you select this gadget GadgetED still opens it's own
- screen but the colors are the same as your workbench and
- the generated structures will be for the workbench screen.
- When you are done click "OK" and a screen opens with a little window on it.
- If you click on "CANCEL" you leave the program again.
- NOTE: If you have selected to edit gadgets for a requester you will see a
- window with a colored rectangle in it. This rectangle represents the
- requester you are working on. You can size and position the window
- in order to get the requester how and where you want it.
- Now let's create our first gadget. Move the mouse pointer to where you want
- the top-left corner of the gadget to be and click the left mouse button.
- If you look at the screen title now you will see some information displayed.
- This information means, from left to right:
- o - the mouse pointer X coordinate.
- o - the mouse pointer Y coordinate.
- o - the gadget left edge.
- o - the gadget top edge.
- o - the gadget width.
- o - the gadget height.
- NOTE: The values are relative to the top-left corner of the window/requester
- This information is important to place and size your gadget exactly
- the way it should be.
- If you move the mouse pointer the values in the info-line will change and a
- box will follow the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner. This box
- represents the gadget. When the box is the way you want the gadget to be you
- must click the left mouse button again and the gadget will be added to the
- window or requester. Now you have created your first gadget with GadgetED so
- let's take a look at the menus to see what else you can do.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This menu consists of the following items:
- About: <right Amiga ?>
- Function: display information about the copyright, the author etc. Just
- click on the CONTINUE gadget to get rid of it.
- New: <right Amiga N>
- Function: erases all gadgets and changes made sofar and resets the display
- to the default. If the changes made where not saved a requester
- opens telling you this and asking you if you really want to do
- this. Click on the NO gadget if you made a mistake by calling this
- function otherwise click on the YES gadget.
- NOTE: If you proceed with this function and the changes where not
- saved there is no way to get back the information.
- Load: <right Amiga L>
- Function: This opens the file requester. In this file requester you can type
- or select the name of the 'GE' file you want to load.
- NOTE: The program only loads 'GE' files. If you try to load a file
- that is not a 'GE' file a requester appears telling you that
- the file you have selected was of an Unknown type.
- When the file you have selected is successfully loaded. The screen
- displays now displays the gadgets e.c.t. found in the file.
- Save: <right Amiga S>
- Function: This opens the file requester in which you can type or select a
- name under which the current display is saved. You should always
- save the display before you exit the program. This ensures the
- file is always up to date. If you do not save the display before
- quitting the program any changes made since the last time you
- saved will be lost.
- Generate Source:
- C: <right Amiga C>
- Function: This generates the source code in C of the display edited sofar.
- In the file requester you can type or select the name under which
- the generated source code is saved.
- Assembler: <right Amiga A>
- Function: As with C only the generated source code is in MC68000 Assembler.
- Preferences: <right Amiga P>
- Function: This is used to (un)set certain preferred program flags. It opens
- a window with the following gadgets:
- Skip zero bit-planes : This tells GadgetED to skip any image bitplanes
- that only contains zero's. This will reduce the
- size of the image data source GadgetED generates.
- Auto Gadget -> Image size: This tells GadgetED to automatically adjust the
- dimensions of the gadget to the dimensions of
- the loaded image.
- Image Copy : This tells GadgetED to also copy any images that
- might be attached to a gadget.
- Text Copy : This tells GadgetED to also copy any texts that
- might be attached to a gadget.
- Static Structures : This tells GadgetED to generate "static" data
- and structures if C source is generated.
- RAW Assembler Source : This tells GadgetED to generate numbers instead
- of standard intuition names for the flags, etc.
- when assembler source is generated. This makes
- it possible to assemble the generated source
- without having to include the intuition headers.
- WINDOW or REQUESTER : Switch from editing gadgets for a window to
- editing gadgets for a requester or viceversa.
- Save : Save the preferences to a file called
- 'DEVS:GadgetED.PREFS'.
- Use : Set the preferences in the program.
- Save & Use : Both save and set these preferences.
- Close WorkBench or
- Open WorkBench:
- Function: This enables you to close/open the workbench screen. You can close
- the workbench screen if your (!!computer!!) memory is running a
- little low.
- NOTE: It's only possible to close the workbench screen if there
- are no programs running that use the workbench screen. This
- means that if you started GadgetED from the CLI it is not
- possible to close the workbench screen because the CLI is a
- program that makes use of the workbench screen.
- Quit: <right Amiga Q>
- Function: Quits GadgetED if you select YES in the requester that opened to
- ask you to if you really want to do this.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In this menu a lot of functions are defined which asks you to pick a gadget
- to perform a certain action. If you accidentally activated one of these
- functions you can press the 'ESC' key instead of selecting a gadget to exit
- that function.
- The following items are defined in this menu:
- Move a gadget: <F1>
- Function: When 'Move a gadget' is selected the message 'PICK GADGET TO MOVE'
- is displayed in the screen title bar. Now click on the gadget you
- want to move and the title will display the information of the
- selected gadget. Now move the box which represents the gadget with
- the mouse to it's new location and click on the left mouse button
- and the gadget is moved to the new location.
- Size a gadget: <F2>
- Function: When the message 'PICK GADGET TO RE-SIZE' is displayed you can
- click on the gadget you want to re-size. Again the gadget
- information is displayed in the screen title. Now move the mouse
- pointer to size the box until it has the size you want the gadget
- to be. Just click the left mouse button and the gadget is resized.
- Copy a gadget: <F3>
- Function: This function enables you to make a copy of a gadget. Once the
- message 'PICK GADGET TO COPY' is displayed you can click on the
- gadget you want to copy. If the gadget has Images and/or texts
- attached to it and 'Image Copy' and/or 'Text Copy' was switched on
- in the preferences window these images and/or texts will also be
- copied. Otherwise the copied gadget will have a border as gadget
- render and no texts. Move the box representing the copy to the
- location you want it and click the left mouse button.
- Delete a gadget: <F4>
- Function: When the message 'PICK GADGET TO DELETE' is displayed you can
- click on the gadget you want to delete and it's gone.
- NOTE: Once the gadget is deleted there is no turning back.
- Edit a gadget: <F5>
- Function: This function enables you to edit the complete set of gadget flags
- intuition has to offer and some other special things. When the
- message 'PICK GADGET TO EDIT' is displayed in the screen title you
- can click on the gadget to edit. Now a window is opened with the
- following gadgets in it:
- Under FLAGS:
- GADGHNONE - nothing happens with the gadget when it is selected.
- GADGHCOMP - the gadget hitbox is displayed complemented when the
- gadget is selected.
- GADGHBOX - a box is drawed around the gadget when it is selected.
- GRELBOTTOM - the gadget top edge is relative to the bottom of the
- window.
- GRELRIGHT - the gadget left edge is relative to the right of the
- window.
- GRELWIDTH - the gadget width is relative to the window width.
- GRELHEIGHT - the gadget height is relative to the window height.
- SELECTED - the gadget is displayed in selected mode.
- GADGDISABLED - the gadget cannot be selected. This flag will only be set
- in the source code.
- TOGGLESELECT - the gadget can switched to selected mode by clicking on
- it and to unselected mode by clicking on it again.
- RELVERIFY - intuition waits to send a message until the left mouse
- button is released with the pointer still above the
- gadget.
- GADGIMMEDIATE - intuition sends a message as soon as this gadget is
- selected.
- RIGHTBORDER - the gadget is placed in the right window border.
- LEFTBORDER - the gadget is placed in the left window border.
- TOPBORDER - the gadget is placed in to top window border.
- BOTTOMBORDER - the gadget is placed in the bottom window border.
- ENDGADGET - this gadget closes a requester
- FOLLOWMOUSE - this gadget signals the window when the mouse moves.
- AUTOKNOB - intuition provides the gadget with it's own knob
- FREEHORIZ - the knob may be moved horizontally.
- FREEVERT - the knob may be moved vertically.
- PROPBORDERLESS - intuition does not draw a border around the gadget.
- HBODY - enter the steps the prop gadget can take horizontal here
- VBODY - enter the steps the prop gadget can take vertical here
- UNDOBUFFER - create an undo buffer for this gadget.
- STRINGCENTER - the string is centered in the gadget.
- STRINGRIGHT - the string starts at the right of the gadget.
- LONGINT - allow numbers to be entered.
- ALTKEYMAP - this gadget has it's own keymap.
- SIZE - enter the maximum amount of characters that can be typed
- in this gadget here.
- In this string gadget you can type in the name of the gadget that it will
- have in the generated source code.
- NOTE: Any spaces found in this name will be replaced by a '_'. Avoid
- using names that are the same as symbols and commands of the target
- language.
- BOOL - make this gadget a boolean gadget.
- PROPORTIONAL - make this gadget a prop gadget.
- STRING - make this gadget a string gadget.
- BORDERONLY - this is a special flag not defined by intuition but it is
- used to tell GadgetED only to generate the border structure
- of this gadget in the source code. This flag can only be set
- on a BOOL gadget that has no texts or images attached to it.
- GZZGADGET - this flag should be set with gadgets that are in the border
- of a GIMMEZEROZERO window.
- NOBORDER - this is a special flag not defined by intuition but it is
- used to tell GadgetED not to generate source of the border
- of this gadget. The border will still be present during
- editing but will not show in the generated source. This flag
- can only be set on BOOL and STRING gadgets with no images
- attached to it.
- OS2BORDER - this is a special flag not defined by intuition but it is
- used to tell GadgetED to put a "WB 2.0" border around the
- gadget. This gives the impression, if the WB 2.0 colors are
- set, that the gadgets lie on top of the window.
- Selecting OK will set the flags edited to the gadget and selecting CANCEL
- will resume to editing without setting the edited flags.
- Gadget text:
- Add a text: <F6>
- Function: This enables you to add texts to a gadget. When the message
- 'PICK GADGET TO ADD TEXT' is displayed in the screen title you can
- click on the gadget to which a text should be added. In the window
- that appears the following gadgets are displayed:
- Under Enter or edit text :
- In this string gadget you must type the text you want to add to the gadget
- Under DrawModes:
- JAM1 - only the frontpen color is used.
- JAM2 - both the front and back pens are used.
- COMPLEMENT - complements the colors used.
- INVERSVID - swaps the front and back pen colors.
- Selecting CANCEL will resume to editing without adding the text to the
- gadget. Selecting OK will close the text window and if you move the mouse
- pointer in your edit window you will see the text next to the pointer. Now
- move the text to where you want it to be and click the left mouse button
- and the text is added to the gadget.
- NOTE: If you didn't type a text in the string gadget the function is
- cancelled even if you have selected OK.
- Modify a text:
- Function: When the message 'PICK GADGET TO MODIFY TEXT' is displayed you can
- click on the gadget which has a text you want to modify. A window
- in which all the texts added to the gadget are listed is opened.
- If the text you want to modify is not displayed in the list use
- the prop gadget to scroll the list until it is displayed. Now
- click on OK and the same window as with 'Add a text' is opened
- only the text and it's drawmodes are preset. Now modify what you
- want and click on OK and the text is modified.
- Delete a text:
- Function: When the message 'PICK GADGET TO DELETE TEXT' is displayed in the
- screen title click on the gadget which has the text you want to
- delete. Now the 'text selector' is opened in which you can select
- the text you want to delete. Click on OK and the text is gone.
- Move a text:
- Function: When the message 'PICK GADGET TO MOVE TEXT' is displayed you can
- click on the gadget which has the text you want to move. In the
- 'text selector' that opens you can select the text you want to
- move. Now select OK and if you move the mouse pointer inside the
- edit window and you will see the text next to the pointer. Move
- the text to it's new location and click the left mouse button and
- the text is moved.
- IFF Image Render:
- Load Gadget Image: <F7>
- Function: When the message 'PICK GADGET TO RENDER' is displayed click on the
- gadget you want to attach an IFF Image to. In the file requester
- you can type or select the name of the IFF ILBM file you want to
- load. If the loading was successful the gadget now displays the
- image loaded.
- NOTE: Only IFF ILBM files can be loaded as gadget rendering.
- Load Select Image: <F8>
- Function: When the message 'PICK GADGET TO SELECT RENDER' is displayed click
- on the gadget you want to attach an IFF Image to. In the file
- requester you can type or select the name of the IFF ILBM file you
- want to load. When the loading was successful you can click on the
- gadget and you will see the Image loaded.
- NOTE: Only IFF ILBM files can be loaded as select rendering. You
- cannot load a select image to a gadget that has no gadget
- render image attached to it.
- Delete Images:
- Function: When the message 'PICK GADGET TO DELETE IMAGES' is displayed click
- on the gadget which has the images you want deleted and they are
- gone.
- NOTE: Both the GadgetRender AND the SelectRender Images are
- deleted.
- Load (IFF) ColorMap: <F9>
- Function: This function is only available when you are editing gadgets for a
- custom screen. In the file requester you can type or select the
- name of the IFF ILBM file which contains the colors you want set
- in your edit screen. If the loading was successful the colors in
- the file are now set in the edit screen.
- Edit ColorMap: <F10>
- Function: This function is only available when you are editing gadgets for a
- custom screen. In the palette editor you can edit each color of
- the edit screen. With the R, G and B prop gadgets you can set the
- RED, GREEN and BLUE values of the selected color. With the 2,4,8,
- 16 or 32 (depending on the screen depth) colored gadgets below you
- can select the color to edit. Selecting OK will set the edited
- colors in the edit screen and resume to editing. RESET will reset
- the colors as they where before you have entered the palette
- editor. CANCEL will resume to editing without setting the edited
- colors.
- Refresh all gadgets: <HELP>
- Function: If for some reason the display is distorted you can call this
- function to redraw the entire display.
- OS-2 Border colors: -----
- Function: This item enables you to set the "LightSide" and the "DarkSide"
- color of the OS-2 borders. The color currently selected in the
- "FPen" menu represents the "LightSide" of the gadget and the color
- selected in the "BPen" menu represents the "DarkSide".
- Depending on whether you are editing gadgets for a window or a requester the
- next item will read:
- Window or Requester:
- The items 'Add a text', 'Modify a text', 'Delete a text' and 'Move a text'
- perform the same action as the functions in 'Gadget text' with the exception
- that the texts are assigned to the window or requester rather than to a
- gadget.
- When you are editing gadgets for a window two items are displayed:
- Edit Flags: <right Amiga F>
- Function: This will bring up a window in which all the intuition window
- Flags are displayed:
- WINDOWSIZING - the window sizing gadget is included.
- WINDOWDRAG - the window can be dragged around with the title bar.
- WINDOWDEPTH - the window can be put on top or below another window.
- WINDOWCLOSE - the close window gadget is included.
- SIZEBRIGHT - the sizing gadget is placed in the right window border.
- SIZEBBOTTOM - the sizing gadget is placed in the bottom window border.
- NOCAREREFRESH - intuition does not send a message to the window if a
- refresh is necessary.
- SIMPLE_REFRESH - intuition does no refreshing at all. the program must
- refresh the window itself when necessary.
- SMART_REFRESH - any overlapped part of the window will be buffered and
- restored when possible.
- SUPER_BITMAP - the window can handle a graphics display that is larger
- than the window itself.
- BACKDROP - the window is always behind all other windows.
- GIMMEZERZERO - the window border is handled extra. You should NOT put
- gadgets in the window border of a GIMMEZEROZERO window
- without setting the GZZGADGET flag in the gadget its
- activation field. Also you should not put texts or
- BORDERONLY gadgets in the window border because when the
- generated source is assembled/compiled these won't or
- only partly show.
- BORDERLESS - the window border is not displayed.
- ACTIVATE - the window is activated as soon as it opens.
- REPORTMOUSE - the mouse pointer position is always reported.
- RMBTRAP - the possibility to get a message if the right mouse
- button is pressed. This can only be used if there are no
- menus attached to the window.
- and SIZEBBOTTOM are actually set when GadgetEd is running. All the
- other flags are only generated in the source code.
- Edit IDCMP: <right Amiga I>
- Function: This opens a window in which you can set the IDCMP flags of the
- window. The following gadgets are displayed in the window:
- SIZEVERIFY - signal if the user is trying to re-size the window.
- NEWSIZE - signal if the user has resized the window.
- REFRESHWINDOW - signal if the window must be refreshed.
- ACTIVEWINDOW - signal if the window is activated.
- INACTIVEWINDOW - signal if the window is deactivated.
- GADGETDOWN - signal if a gadget is pressed.
- GADGETUP - signal if a gadget is released.
- CLOSEWINDOW - signal if the closewindow gadget is selected.
- REQSET - signal if a requester opened on the window.
- REQCLEAR - signal if the last requester is closed.
- REQVERIFY - signal if a requester try's to open in the window.
- MENUPICK - signal if a menu was picked.
- MENUVERIFY - signal if the user try's to pick a menu.
- MOUSEBUTTONS - signal if a mouse button is pressed or released.
- MOUSEMOVE - signal if the mouse was moved.
- NOTE: The REPORTMOUSE flag should be set in the window
- or the FOLLOWMOUSE in a gadget.
- DELTAMOVE - signal if the mouse had moved. The position is relative
- to the previous position.
- INTUITICKS - signal every 1/50 or 1/60 second. The message must be
- replied before another INTUITICKS message is signalled.
- NEWPREFS - signal if the preferences were changed.
- DISKINSERTED - signal if a disk was inserted into one of the drives.
- DISKREMOVED - signal if a disk was removed from one of the drives.
- RAWKEY - signal if a key was pressed. the code is the 'RAW' key
- code.
- VANILLAKEY - signal if a key was pressed. the code is the 'treated'
- ASCII value of the key.
- WBENCHMESSAGE - signal a workbench message
- LONELYMESSAGE - signal a non IDCMP message
- NOTE: None of the above flags are actually set in GadgetED but they are
- generated in the source code.
- Title - Type the Window Title in here.
- Label - Type the source label name in here.
- Detail - The window DetailPen.
- Block - The window BlockPen
- MinX - The minimum width of the window.
- MinY - The minimum height of the window.
- MaxX - The maximum width of the window.
- MaxY - The maximum height of the window.
- Selecting CANCEL will prevent the changes to be set. OK sets the changes in
- the flags e.c.t. and will resume editing.
- Set BackFill: <right Amiga B>
- Function: This enables you to set the backfill color of the window. I have
- made this function available since I use windows with another
- backfill color than color 0 a lot. Maybe you do to (?). You can
- use a routine simular to the following to use this window backfill
- color in your program:
- void WindowBackFill(struct Window *window)
- {
- SetAPen(window->RPort,WDBACKFILL);
- RectFill(window->RPort,window->LeftEdge+window->BorderLeft,
- window->TopEdge+window->BorderTop,
- window->Width-window->BorderLeft,
- window->Height-3);
- RefreshGList(window->FirstGadget,window,NULL,-1L);
- }
- The color used is set by the BPen menu (see THE FPEN & BPEN MENUS)
- When you are editing gadgets for a requester:
- Set BackFill: <right Amiga B>
- Function: This enables you to set the backfill color of the requester.
- The color used is set by the BPen menu (see THE FPEN & BPEN MENUS)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When one of these two menus are selected you will see a row of 2,4,8,16 or
- 32 (depending on the screen depth) colored items. These items represent the
- colors of the edit screen. With the items in the FPen menu you can set the
- active FrontPen color. All gadgets added will have a border in this color
- and all texts added will have this color as the FrontPen color. With the
- items in the BPen menu you can set the active BackPen color. All texts added
- will have this color as the BackPen color. The active BackPen color is also
- used to set the BackFill color of the requester. The colors selected are
- also used to set the OS 2 Border colors. (see "OS-2 Border colors")
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following definitions are made at the end of the generated source:
- NEWWINDOW or REQUESTER - a pointer to the NewWindow or Requester structure.
- If you have edited some gadgets:
- FIRSTGADGET - a pointer to the first gadget in the list.
- If there where texts added to the window or requester:
- FIRSTTEXT - a pointer to the first text in the list.
- If there where 'BORDERONLY' gadgets defined:
- FIRSTBORDER - a pointer to the first border in the list.
- If you have edited gadgets for on a custom screen:
- NEWSCREEN - a pointer to the NewScreen structure.
- COLORCOUNT - the number of colors in the screen.
- If you have edited gadgets for a window:
- WDBACKFILL - the window backfill color used while editing.
- An array named 'Colors' of USHORT values containing the colors which where
- on the edit screen. These colors can be set by a simple LoadRGB4() call.
- If you have edited gadgets for a window and you have attached texts and/or
- 'BORDERONLY' gadgets to the window a special gadget is placed at the end of
- the gadgetlist. This gadget is only there to draw the borders and the texts
- when the window is opened or when the gadgets are refreshed.
- The GadgetID's are defined as following: Label_ID
- This means that if you, for example, added a gadget with the label "UP" than
- "UP_ID" will represents this gadget it's ID.
- The best way to see what the source looks like is to create some gadgets and
- let GadgetED generate the source and then look at it. Basically all you need
- to remember are the labels you give your gadgets to be able to access all of
- the structures etc. that are linked to these gadgets. I don't really know if
- the generated C source compiles under lattice , I don't have lattice, but it
- should give no problems whatsoever.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have the make utility type:
- make pre ged
- Otherwise compile the "defs.h" file with the "-ho defs.pre" option and all
- other files with the "-so -hi defs.pre" options and then link them together.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VERSION 1.0 -> Let's not talk about this!
- VERSION 2.0 -> First release, let's see how it goes.
- VERSION 2.2a -> The generated window source now reads NULL at the
- place of the window title if the title was empty.
- The gadgets on the window won't interfere with the
- placing of texts and gadgets in the window or
- requester anymore.
- Binary file structure expanded. Version 2.0 binary
- files must first be patched before GadgetED 2.2a and
- up can read them.
- Added "Static Structures" switch in the preferences
- window to enable to generate static C source code.
- Added the NOBORDER switch to disable the generating
- of gadget border source.
- Added the "Text Copy" switch to enable to copy any
- text attached to a gadget also.
- Resolved a bug in "tsel.c" which gurud if more than 10
- texts where in the "text selector" and the prop was
- used. It worked fine when I first programmed this
- function with the Aztec C version 3.6a compiler ?
- Added the possibility to set your own window backfill
- color.
- Added the "RAW Assembler Source" switch to be able to
- assemble the generated assembler source without having
- to include the intuition headers.
- Added OS-2.0 colored borders. This was suggested by
- Jan Geißler. Thanks Jan!
- Workbench usage only worked when both the GE file
- and the GadgetED executable where in the same
- directory, this is now fixed.
- GadgetED locked up the system if the "tool.library"
- wasn't found. This is now fixed. (I forgot a simple if
- statement!)
- VERSION 2.3 -> Fixed a bug that caused generating faulty C source
- with gadgets that have multiple texts.
- Fixed a bug in the palette requester which gurud on
- LoRes screens.
- Fixed the source generator to generate correct source
- of GIMMEZEROZERO windows and GZZGADGETS (I hope...)
- Added the posibility to set the colors of OS 2.0
- colored borders.
- GadgetED now defaults to Workbench screen editing if a
- file could not be loaded uppon startup.
- Source generator now generates "V_HIRES" instead of
- "HIRES" when assembler source for hires custom screens
- is generated.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you find bugs, I bet you will, or you have ideas to make the program more
- user-friendly, please report to me at the following address:
- Jan van den Baard
- Bakkerstraat 176
- 3082 HE, Rotterdam
- Holland.