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- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- func.c Version 2.3 - © Copyright 1990-91 Jaba Development
- Author : Jan van den Baard
- Purpose : Special subroutines used by the program
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern struct GadgetList Gadgets;
- extern struct Gadget *Gadget, TextGadget;
- extern struct Window *MainWindow;
- extern struct Screen *MainScreen;
- extern struct MemoryChain Memory;
- extern ULONG Class, WindowFlags;
- extern USHORT FrontPen, GadgetCount, id, BackFill;
- extern USHORT LightSide, DarkSide;
- extern BOOL Saved;
- /*
- * gadgets, borders and texts for the 'Error' requester
- */
- static SHORT MainPairs1[] =
- { 2,1,307,1,307,37,2,37,2,1
- };
- static struct Border MainBorder1 =
- { 0,0,0,0,JAM1,5,MainPairs1,NULL
- };
- static SHORT MainPairs[] =
- { 2,0,307,0
- };
- static struct Border MainBorder =
- { 0,12,0,0,JAM1,2,MainPairs,&MainBorder1
- };
- static SHORT CPairs[] =
- { 0,0,111,0,111,10,0,10,0,0
- };
- static struct Border CBorder =
- { -1,-1,0,0,JAM1,5,CPairs,NULL
- };
- static struct IntuiText CText =
- };
- static struct Gadget C =
- };
- static struct IntuiText TText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,63,3,NULL,(UBYTE *)"GadgetEd System Message",NULL
- };
- static struct NewWindow err_req =
- };
- /*
- * gadgets, borders and texts for the 'Ask' Requester
- */
- static SHORT MPairs2[] =
- { 0,0,295,0,295,53,0,53,0,0
- };
- static struct Border MBorder2 =
- { 2,1,0,0,JAM1,5,MPairs2,NULL
- };
- static SHORT MPairs1[] =
- { 0,0,295,0
- };
- static struct Border MBorder1 =
- { 2,12,0,0,JAM1,2,MPairs1,&MBorder2
- };
- static SHORT YNPairs[] =
- { 0,0,126,0,126,12,0,12,0,0
- };
- static struct Border YNBorder =
- { -1,-1,0,0,JAM1,5,YNPairs,NULL
- };
- static struct IntuiText YText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,48,2,NULL,(UBYTE *)"YES",NULL
- };
- static struct Gadget Y =
- };
- static struct IntuiText NText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,55,2,NULL,(UBYTE *)"NO",NULL
- };
- static struct Gadget N =
- };
- static struct IntuiText TTText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,100,3,NULL,(UBYTE *)"Pleasy Verify",NULL
- };
- static struct NewWindow ask_req =
- };
- /*
- * gadgets, borders and texts for the 'About' Requester
- */
- static SHORT ABPairs2[] =
- { 0,0,295,0
- };
- static struct Border ABBorder2 =
- { 2,12,0,0,JAM1,2,ABPairs2,NULL
- };
- static SHORT ABPairs1[] =
- { 0,0,295,0,295,67,0,67,0,0
- };
- static struct Border ABBorder1 =
- { 2,1,0,0,JAM1,5,ABPairs1,&ABBorder2
- };
- static struct IntuiText ABText4 =
- { 0,0,JAM1,78,38,NULL,(UBYTE *)"Jan van den Baard",NULL
- };
- static struct IntuiText ABText3 =
- { 0,0,JAM1,40,27,NULL,(UBYTE *)"written in Aztec C V5.0a by",&ABText4
- };
- static struct IntuiText ABText2 =
- { 0,0,JAM1,9,17,NULL,(UBYTE *)"(c) Copyright 1991 Jaba Development",&ABText3
- };
- static struct IntuiText ABText1 =
- { 0,0,JAM1,54,3,NULL,(UBYTE *)"- GadgetEd Version 2.3 -",&ABText2
- };
- static SHORT CONTPairs[] =
- { 0,0,157,0,157,16,0,16,0,0
- };
- static struct Border CONTBorder =
- { -1,-1,0,0,JAM1,5,CONTPairs,NULL
- };
- static struct IntuiText CONTText =
- };
- static struct Gadget CONT =
- };
- static struct NewWindow ab_req =
- };
- /*
- * draw the graphics of the window
- */
- VOID draw(window,gadget,border,itext)
- struct Window *window;
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- struct Border *border;
- struct IntuiText *itext;
- {
- struct RastPort *rp;
- register struct Gadget *g, *g1;
- register USHORT x,y,x1,y1;
- rp = window->RPort;
- SetDrMd(rp,JAM1);
- SetAPen(rp,1);
- RectFill(rp,0,0,window->Width,window->Height);
- g = gadget;
- while(1)
- { if(TestBits((ULONG)g->GadgetType,STRGADGET))
- { x = g->LeftEdge; y = g->TopEdge;
- x1 = x + g->Width; y1 = y + g->Height;
- RectFill(rp,x,y,x1,y1);
- }
- g1 = g->NextGadget;
- if((TestBits((ULONG)g->GadgetType,BOOLGADGET)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)g->GadgetType,GADGET0002)))
- ShadowGadget(window,g,NULL,0);
- if(NOT g1) break;
- g = g1;
- }
- PrintIText(rp,itext,0,0);
- DrawBorder(rp,border,0,0);
- AddGList(window,gadget,-1L,-1L,NULL);
- RefreshGList(gadget,window,NULL,-1L);
- }
- /*
- * put up the error window
- */
- VOID Error(message)
- UBYTE *message;
- {
- struct Window *erw;
- err_req.Screen = MainScreen;
- if(NOT(erw = OpenWindow(&err_req))) return;
- draw(erw,&C,&MainBorder,&TText);
- ok();
- SetDrMd(erw->RPort,JAM1);
- SetAPen(erw->RPort,2);
- Move(erw->RPort,155-(strlen((char *)message) << 2),21);
- Text(erw->RPort,(char *)message,strlen((char *)message));
- disable_window();
- do
- { Wait(1 << erw->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while(read_msg(erw));
- } while(Class != GADGETUP);
- CloseWindow(erw);
- enable_window();
- }
- /*
- * add a border to gadget 'g'
- */
- BOOL add_border(gad)
- struct MyGadget *gad;
- {
- register SHORT *XY;
- SHORT x,y,w,h,xo=0,yo=0;
- struct Border *border,*border1;
- struct Gadget *g;
- g = &gad->Gadget;
- if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)gad->SpecialFlags,OS20BORDER))
- {
- x = g->LeftEdge - 1;
- y = g->TopEdge - 1;
- w = g->Width;
- h = g->Height;
- if(NOT(border = (struct Border *)Alloc(&Memory,sizeof(struct Border))))
- return(FALSE);
- if(NOT(XY = (SHORT *)Alloc(&Memory,(ULONG)20)))
- return(FALSE);
- XY[0] = XY[1] = XY[3] = XY[6] = XY[8] = XY[9] = -1;
- XY[2] = XY[4] = w;
- XY[5] = XY[7] = h;
- border->FrontPen = FrontPen;
- border->DrawMode = JAM1;
- border->Count = 5;
- border->XY = XY;
- g->GadgetRender = (APTR)border;
- return(TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- x = g->LeftEdge;
- y = g->TopEdge;
- w = g->Width-1;
- h = g->Height-1;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->GadgetType,STRGADGET))
- { x--; y--; w+=2; h++; xo=-2; yo=-1; }
- if(NOT(border = (struct Border *)Alloc(&Memory,sizeof(struct Border))))
- return(FALSE);
- if(NOT(XY = (SHORT *)Alloc(&Memory,(ULONG)20)))
- return(FALSE);
- XY[0] = XY[2] = xo;
- XY[4] = XY[6] = xo+1;
- XY[1] = XY[7] = XY[9] = yo;
- XY[3] = h;
- XY[5] = h;
- XY[8] = w-1;
- border->FrontPen = LightSide;
- border->DrawMode = JAM1;
- border->Count = 5;
- border->XY = XY;
- g->GadgetRender = (APTR)border;
- if(NOT(border1 = (struct Border *)Alloc(&Memory,sizeof(struct Border))))
- return(FALSE);
- if(NOT(XY = (SHORT *)Alloc(&Memory,(ULONG)20)))
- return(FALSE);
- XY[1] = XY[3] = XY[9] = h;
- XY[2] = XY[4] = w-1;
- XY[6] = XY[8] = w;
- XY[0] = xo+1;
- XY[5] = yo+1;
- XY[7] = yo;
- border1->FrontPen = DarkSide;
- border1->DrawMode = JAM1;
- border1->Count = 5;
- border1->XY = XY;
- border->NextBorder = border1;
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- /*
- * add a gadget to the edit window and to the list
- */
- VOID add_gadget(w,x,y,x1,y1)
- struct Window *w;
- SHORT x,y,x1,y1;
- {
- SHORT tmp;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- Saved = FALSE;
- if(x > x1) { tmp = x; x = x1; x1 = tmp; }
- if(y > y1) { tmp = y; y = y1; y1 = tmp; }
- if(((x1 - x) < 9) OR ((y1 - y) < 9))
- { draw_box(w,x,y,x1,y1);
- Error("Gadget to small !");
- return;
- }
- if(NOT(gadget = (struct MyGadget *)Alloc(&Memory,sizeof(struct MyGadget))))
- { Error("Out of memory !");
- return;
- }
- AddHead((void *)&Gadgets,(void *)gadget);
- gadget->Gadget.GadgetType = BOOLGADGET;
- gadget->Gadget.Flags = GADGHCOMP;
- gadget->Gadget.Activation = RELVERIFY;
- gadget->Gadget.LeftEdge = x + 1;
- gadget->Gadget.TopEdge = y + 1;
- gadget->Gadget.Width = (x1 - x) - 1;
- gadget->Gadget.Height = (y1 - y) - 1;
- gadget->Gadget.GadgetID = GadgetCount++;
- if(NOT(add_border(gadget)))
- { RemHead((void *)&Gadgets);
- FreeGadget(gadget);
- Error("Out of memory !");
- return;
- }
- AddGList(w,&gadget->Gadget,-1L,1,NULL);
- RefreshGList(&gadget->Gadget,w,NULL,1);
- Format((char *)&gadget->GadgetLabel,"Gadget%ld",id++);
- }
- /*
- * set the absolute dimensions of a 'GREL' gadget
- */
- VOID un_grel(wi,g)
- struct Window *wi;
- struct Gadget *g;
- {
- SHORT l,t,w,h,ww,wh;
- l = g->LeftEdge - 1;
- t = g->TopEdge - 1;
- w = g->Width - 1;
- h = g->Height - 1;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)wi->Flags,GIMMEZEROZERO))
- { ww = wi->GZZWidth;
- wh = wi->GZZHeight;
- }
- else
- { ww = wi->Width;
- wh = wi->Height;
- }
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELBOTTOM))
- g->TopEdge = t + wh;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELRIGHT))
- g->LeftEdge = l + ww;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELWIDTH))
- g->Width = (w + ww) + 1;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELHEIGHT))
- g->Height = (h + wh) + 1;
- }
- /*
- * set the relative dimensions of a 'GREL' gadget
- */
- VOID grel(wi,g)
- struct Window *wi;
- struct Gadget *g;
- {
- SHORT l,t,w,h,ww,wh;
- l = g->LeftEdge + 1;
- t = g->TopEdge + 1;
- w = g->Width - 1;
- h = g->Height - 1;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)wi->Flags,GIMMEZEROZERO))
- { ww = wi->GZZWidth;
- wh = wi->GZZHeight;
- }
- else
- { ww = wi->Width;
- wh = wi->Height;
- }
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELBOTTOM))
- g->TopEdge = t - wh;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELRIGHT))
- g->LeftEdge = l - ww;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELWIDTH))
- g->Width = (w - ww) + 1;
- if(TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELHEIGHT))
- g->Height = (h - wh) + 1;
- }
- un_gzz()
- {
- struct MyGadget *gad;
- struct Gadget *g;
- struct IntuiText *t;
- ULONG act;
- SHORT lb,tb;
- lb = MainWindow->BorderLeft;
- tb = MainWindow->BorderTop;
- if(REQUESTER) return;
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,GIMMEZEROZERO))
- {
- for(gad = Gadgets.Head; gad->Succ; gad = gad->Succ)
- {
- g = &gad->Gadget;
- act = (ULONG)g->Activation;
- un_grel(MainWindow,g);
- if(TestBits((ULONG)gad->SpecialFlags,GZZGADGET))
- {
- if(TestBits(act,LEFTBORDER))
- {
- if((g->LeftEdge + g->Width) > lb)
- lb = g->LeftEdge + g->Width;
- }
- else if(TestBits(act,TOPBORDER))
- {
- if((g->TopEdge + g->Height) > tb)
- tb = g->TopEdge + g->Height;
- }
- }
- grel(MainWindow,g);
- }
- LB = lb; TB = tb;
- for(gad = Gadgets.Head; gad->Succ; gad = gad->Succ)
- {
- g = &gad->Gadget;
- un_grel(MainWindow,g);
- if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)gad->SpecialFlags,GZZGADGET))
- {
- g->LeftEdge -= lb;
- g->TopEdge -= tb;
- }
- grel(MainWindow,g);
- }
- if((t = TextGadget.GadgetText))
- {
- while(1)
- {
- t->LeftEdge -= lb;
- t->TopEdge -= tb;
- if(NOT(t = t->NextText)) break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- do_gzz()
- {
- struct MyGadget *gad;
- struct Gadget *g;
- struct IntuiText *t;
- if(REQUESTER) return;
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,GIMMEZEROZERO))
- {
- for(gad = Gadgets.Head; gad->Succ; gad = gad->Succ)
- {
- g = &gad->Gadget;
- un_grel(MainWindow,g);
- if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)gad->SpecialFlags,GZZGADGET))
- {
- g->LeftEdge += LB;
- g->TopEdge += TB;
- }
- grel(MainWindow,g);
- }
- if((t = TextGadget.GadgetText))
- {
- while(1)
- {
- t->LeftEdge += LB;
- t->TopEdge += TB;
- if(NOT(t = t->NextText)) break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * put up the ask window
- */
- LONG Ask(text,text1)
- UBYTE *text, *text1;
- {
- USHORT y,id;
- BOOL ret;
- struct Window *aw;
- struct RastPort *rp;
- if(text1) y = 21;
- else y = 27;
- ask_req.Screen = MainScreen;
- if(NOT(aw = OpenWindow(&ask_req))) return;
- rp = aw->RPort;
- draw(aw,&N,&MBorder1,&TTText);
- SetDrMd(rp,JAM1);
- SetAPen(rp,2);
- Move(rp,150-((strlen((char *)text) << 3) >> 1),y);
- Text(rp,(char *)text,strlen((char *)text));
- if(text1)
- { Move(rp,150-((strlen((char *)text1) << 3) >> 1),y+10);
- Text(rp,(char *)text1,strlen((char *)text1));
- }
- disable_window();
- do
- { Wait(1 << aw->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while(read_msg(aw));
- id = Gadget->GadgetID;
- } while(Class != GADGETUP);
- CloseWindow(aw);
- if(id == 1) ret = FALSE;
- else ret = TRUE;
- enable_window();
- return(ret);
- }
- /*
- * put up the about window
- */
- VOID About()
- {
- struct Window *abw;
- ab_req.Screen = MainScreen;
- if(NOT(abw = OpenWindow(&ab_req))) return;
- draw(abw,&CONT,&ABBorder1,&ABText1);
- disable_window();
- do
- { Wait(1 << abw->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while(read_msg(abw));
- } while(Class != GADGETUP);
- CloseWindow(abw);
- enable_window();
- }