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- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- rim.c Version 2.3 - © Copyright 1990-91 Jaba Development
- Author : Jan van den Baard
- Purpose : reading routines for IFF ILBM images and ColorMaps
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern struct ge_prefs prefs;
- extern struct Screen *MainScreen;
- extern struct MemoryChain Memory;
- /*
- * check to see if there are bit-planes that doesn't contain data
- */
- static BOOL check(data,size)
- UBYTE *data;
- ULONG size;
- {
- register UBYTE *pointer;
- register UCOUNT counter;
- pointer = data;
- for(counter=0;counter<size;counter++) if(*pointer++) return(TRUE);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * filter out the bit-planes that doesn't contain data
- */
- VOID skip_zero_planes(image)
- struct Image *image;
- {
- UBYTE depth = 0;
- ULONG plane_size;
- UBYTE *data, *planes[8], *data1;
- register UCOUNT counter,ptc = 0;
- plane_size = RASSIZE(image->Width,image->Height);
- data = (UBYTE *)image->ImageData;
- for(counter = 0; counter < image->Depth; counter++)
- { planes[counter] = (UBYTE *)(data + (counter * plane_size));
- if(check(planes[counter],plane_size)) depth++;
- }
- if(depth == image->Depth) return;
- if(NOT(data1 = (UBYTE *)
- AllocMem((ULONG)depth * plane_size,MEMF_CHIP+MEMF_CLEAR))) return;
- for(counter = 0; counter < image->Depth; counter++)
- { if(check(planes[counter],plane_size))
- CopyMem((char *)planes[counter],(char *)(data1+(ptc++ * plane_size)),plane_size);
- }
- image->PlanePick = NULL;
- for(counter = 0; counter < depth; counter++ )
- image->PlanePick |= (1 << counter);
- FreeMem(data,(plane_size * image->Depth));
- image->Depth = depth;
- image->ImageData = (USHORT *)data1;
- }
- /*
- * check to see if the file opened is an IFF ILBM file
- */
- static BOOL CheckIFF(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- struct FORMChunk fchunk;
- char *str = NULL;
- if(Read(file,(char *)&fchunk,sizeof(struct FORMChunk)) <= 0)
- str = "Error during Image Read !";
- else if(fchunk.fc_Type != 'FORM')
- str = "File is not an IFF FORM !";
- else if(fchunk.fc_SubType != 'ILBM')
- str = "IFF FORM is not an ILBM !";
- if(str)
- { enable_window();
- Error(str);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * read the IFF ILBM file into memory and if no errors occur
- * return the pointer to an image structure containing the image
- */
- struct Image *ReadImage(ilbmname)
- UBYTE *ilbmname;
- {
- struct IFFChunk ichunk;
- struct BitMapHeader header;
- BPTR infile = NULL;
- ULONG length, offset = NULL, unpacked;
- struct Image *image = NULL;
- ULONG planes_size,ps;
- COUNT plane,row;
- BYTE *s1,i;
- BYTE *source, *dest, *planedata = NULL, *planes[8], byte, byte1;
- char *str;
- buisy();
- if(NOT(image = (struct Image *)Alloc(&Memory,(ULONG)sizeof(struct Image))))
- { str = "Out of memory !";
- goto Err;
- }
- if(NOT(infile = Open((char *)ilbmname,MODE_OLDFILE)))
- { str = "Can't open IFF file !";
- goto Err;
- }
- if(NOT CheckIFF(infile))
- { FreeItem(&Memory,image,(long)sizeof(struct Image));
- Close(infile);
- return(NULL);
- }
- while(GotBODY == FALSE)
- { if(Read(infile,(char *)&ichunk,sizeof(struct IFFChunk)) <= 0)
- { str = "Error during Image Read !";
- }
- length = ichunk.ic_Length;
- if(length & 1) length++;
- switch(ichunk.ic_Type)
- { case 'BMHD': if(Read(infile,(char *)&header,length) <= 0)
- { str = "Error during Image Read !";
- goto Err;
- }
- image->Width = header.w;
- image->Height = header.h;
- image->Depth = header.nPlanes;
- for(i=0;i<image->Depth;i++)
- image->PlanePick += (1 << i);
- image->PlaneOnOff = 0x00;
- ps = RASSIZE(image->Width,image->Height);
- planes_size = ps * image->Depth;
- break;
- case 'BODY': GotBODY = TRUE;
- if(NOT(planedata = (BYTE *)AllocMem(planes_size,MEMF_CHIP+MEMF_CLEAR)))
- { str = "Out of CHIP memory !";
- goto Err;
- }
- for(i=0;i<image->Depth;i++)
- planes[i] = (BYTE *)(planedata + (i * ps));
- if(header.compression == 0)
- { for(row=0;row<image->Height;row++)
- { for(plane=0;plane<image->Depth;plane++)
- { if(Read(infile,(char *)planes[plane]+offset,
- bpr(image->Width)) <= 0)
- { str = "Error during Image Read !";
- goto Err;
- }
- }
- offset += bpr(image->Width);
- }
- }
- else if(header.compression == 1)
- { if(NOT(s1 = source = (BYTE *)AllocMem(length,MEMF_PUBLIC+MEMF_CLEAR)))
- { str = "Out of memory !";
- goto Err;
- }
- if(Read(infile,(char *)source,length) <= 0)
- { FreeMem(source,length);
- str = "Error during Image Read !";
- goto Err;
- }
- for(row=0;row<image->Height;row++)
- { for(plane=0;plane<image->Depth;plane++)
- { dest = (BYTE *)planes[plane]+offset;
- unpacked = bpr(image->Width);
- while(unpacked > 0)
- { byte = *source++;
- if(byte == 128) {}
- else if(byte > 0)
- { byte += 1;
- unpacked -= byte;
- while(--byte >= 0) *dest++ = *source++;
- }
- else
- { byte = -byte + 1;
- unpacked -= byte;
- byte1 = *source++;
- while(--byte >= 0) *dest++ = byte1;
- }
- }
- }
- offset += bpr(image->Width);
- }
- FreeMem(s1,length);
- }
- else
- { str = "Unknown Image compression !";
- goto Err;
- }
- break;
- default: Seek(infile,length,OFFSET_CURRENT); break;
- }
- }
- image->ImageData = (USHORT *)planedata;
- if(prefs.skip_zero_planes) skip_zero_planes(image);
- Close(infile);
- ok();
- return(image);
- Err:
- enable_window();
- Error(str);
- if(infile) Close(infile);
- if(image) FreeItem(&Memory,image,(long)sizeof(struct Image));
- if(planedata) FreeMem(planedata,planes_size);
- return(NULL);
- }
- /*
- * read and set the CMAP of an IFF ILBM file
- */
- VOID ReadCMAP(ilbmname)
- UBYTE *ilbmname;
- {
- struct IFFChunk ichunk;
- BPTR infile;
- LONG length;
- register COUNT reg,i=0;
- UBYTE colors[96],count;
- buisy();
- if(NOT(infile = Open((char *)ilbmname,MODE_OLDFILE)))
- { enable_window();
- Error("Can't open IFF file !");
- return;
- }
- if(NOT CheckIFF(infile))
- { Close(infile);
- return;
- }
- while(GotIt == FALSE)
- { if(Read(infile,(char *)&ichunk,sizeof(struct IFFChunk)) <= 0)
- { enable_window();
- Error("Error during CMAP read !");
- Close(infile);
- return;
- }
- length = ichunk.ic_Length;
- if(length & 1) length++;
- switch(ichunk.ic_Type)
- { case 'CMAP': GotCMAP = TRUE;
- if(Read(infile,(char *)&colors,length) <= 0)
- { enable_window();
- Error("Error during CMAP read !");
- break;
- }
- count = (1 << MainScreen->BitMap.Depth);
- for(reg=0;reg<count;reg++,i+=3)
- { SetRGB4(&MainScreen->ViewPort,
- reg,
- ((colors[i] >> 4) & 0x0f),
- ((colors[i+1] >> 4) & 0x0f),
- ((colors[i+2] >> 4) & 0x0f));
- }
- break;
- case 'BODY': GotIt = TRUE; break;
- default: Seek(infile,length,OFFSET_CURRENT); break;
- }
- }
- Close(infile);
- if(GotCMAP == FALSE)
- { enable_window();
- Error("No CMAP chunk found !");
- }
- ok();
- return;
- }