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- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- tsel.c Version 2.3 - © Copyright 1990-91 Jaba Development
- Author : Jan van den Baard
- Purpose: Selection requester for gadget & window/requester texts
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static SHORT MainPairs3[] =
- { 0,0,295,0
- };
- static struct Border MainBorder3 =
- { 2,13,0,0,JAM1,2,MainPairs3,NULL
- };
- static SHORT MainPairs2[] =
- { 0,0,257,0,257,101,0,101,0,0
- };
- static struct Border MainBorder2 =
- { 8,17,0,0,JAM1,5,MainPairs2,&MainBorder3
- };
- static SHORT MainPairs1[] =
- { 0,0,295,0,295,147,0,147,0,0
- };
- static struct Border MainBorder1 =
- { 2,1,0,0,JAM1,5,MainPairs1,&MainBorder2
- };
- static struct IntuiText GText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,78,4,NULL,(UBYTE *)"Select GadgetText",NULL
- };
- static struct IntuiText WText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,78,4,NULL,(UBYTE *)"Select WindowText",NULL
- };
- static struct IntuiText RText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,66,4,NULL,(UBYTE *)"Select RequesterText",NULL
- };
- static SHORT CKPairs[] =
- { 0,0,121,0,121,20,0,20,0,0
- };
- static struct Border CKBorder =
- { -1,-1,0,0,JAM1,5,CKPairs,NULL
- };
- static struct IntuiText OKText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,50,6,NULL,(UBYTE *)"OK",NULL
- };
- static struct Gadget OK =
- };
- static struct IntuiText CNCText =
- { 0,0,JAM1,38,6,NULL,(UBYTE *)"CANCEL",NULL
- };
- static struct Gadget CNC =
- };
- static struct PropInfo PROPInfo =
- { AUTOKNOB+FREEVERT,-1,0,6553,6553,0,0,0,0,0,0
- };
- static struct Image PROPImage;
- static struct Gadget PROP =
- };
- static struct NewWindow sel_req =
- { 10,15,300,150,0,1,GADGETUP|GADGETDOWN,
- };
- extern struct Window *MainWindow;
- extern struct Screen *MainScreen;
- extern struct Gadget *Gadget;
- extern struct RastPort *MainRP;
- extern struct MemoryChain Memory;
- extern ULONG Class;
- extern USHORT BackFill;
- static struct Gadget Gad[10];
- static struct Gadget G =
- };
- static struct RastPort *rp;
- static struct Window *tswin;
- SHORT text_num, num_text,selected = 0;
- /*
- * add the text gadgets to the window
- */
- VOID do_gadgets()
- {
- register UCOUNT i,top=18;
- LONG mutex = NULL;
- for(i=0;i<10;i++) mutex += (1 << (i + 3));
- for(i=0;i<10;i++,top+=10)
- { Gad[i] = G;
- Gad[i].TopEdge = top;
- Gad[i].GadgetID = i+3;
- Gad[i].MutualExclude = mutex;
- Gad[i].NextGadget = &Gad[i+1];
- }
- Gad[i].NextGadget = NULL;
- AddGList(tswin,&Gad[0],-1L,10,NULL);
- }
- /*
- * set the proportional gadget according to the number of texts
- */
- VOID set_prop(gadget)
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- {
- register struct IntuiText *t;
- num_text = 1;
- OK.NextGadget = NULL;
- t = gadget->GadgetText;
- while((t = t->NextText)) num_text++;
- PROPInfo.VertPot = 0;
- if(num_text <= 10) PROPInfo.VertBody = MAXBODY;
- else if(num_text == 11) PROPInfo.VertBody = 0x8000;
- else PROPInfo.VertBody = MAXBODY / (num_text - 10);
- }
- /*
- * get the pointer to the IntuitionText structure
- * of text number 'num' in gadget 'gadget'
- */
- struct IntuiText *GetPtr(gadget,num)
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- SHORT num;
- {
- register COUNT i=0;
- register struct IntuiText *t;
- t = gadget->GadgetText;
- while(i != num)
- { if(NOT(t = t->NextText)) break;
- i++;
- }
- return(t);
- }
- /*
- * print the text list
- */
- VOID do_text(gadget)
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- {
- register ULONG Max = 10, Pos = 0,i,y=25;
- register struct IntuiText *t;
- Pos = PROPInfo.VertPot/PROPInfo.VertBody;
- if(num_text - Pos < 10) Max = num_text;
- DeSelectGadget(tswin,&Gad[selected],NULL);
- t = GetPtr(gadget,Pos);
- SetDrMd(rp,JAM1);
- SetAPen(rp,1);
- RectFill(rp,9,18,264,117);
- for(i=0;i<Max;i++,y+=10)
- { if(t)
- { SetAPen(rp,0);
- Move(rp,9,y);
- if(strlen((char *)t->IText) > 32) Text(rp,(char *)t->IText,32);
- else Text(rp,(char *)t->IText,strlen((char *)t->IText));
- }
- t = t->NextText;
- }
- if(i < 10)
- { OffGList(tswin,&Gad[i],NULL,10-i);
- SetAPen(rp,1);
- RectFill(rp,9,y-8,264,117);
- }
- if(text_num < Pos)
- { text_num = Pos;
- SelectGadget(tswin,&Gad[0],NULL);
- selected = 0;
- }
- else if(text_num > 9)
- { text_num = Pos+9;
- SelectGadget(tswin,&Gad[9],NULL);
- selected = 9;
- }
- else
- { SelectGadget(tswin,&Gad[text_num - Pos],NULL);
- selected = text_num - Pos;
- }
- }
- /*
- * calculate the text number according to the prop position
- */
- VOID do_num(num)
- SHORT num;
- {
- SHORT Pos;
- Pos = PROPInfo.VertPot/PROPInfo.VertBody;
- text_num = num + Pos;
- selected = num;
- }
- /*
- * delete the text
- */
- VOID delete_text(gadget)
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- {
- struct IntuiText *t,*succ,*pred;
- LONG Pos;
- succ = GetPtr(gadget,text_num+1);
- pred = GetPtr(gadget,text_num-1);
- t = GetPtr(gadget,text_num);
- if(t)
- { if(pred) pred->NextText = succ;
- else gadget->GadgetText = succ;
- FreeItem(&Memory,t->IText,80L);
- FreeItem(&Memory,t,(long)sizeof(struct IntuiText));
- }
- }
- /*
- * clear a text from the display
- */
- VOID clear_text(g)
- struct Gadget *g;
- {
- struct IntuiText *ttc,it;
- ttc = GetPtr(g,text_num);
- CopyMem((void *)ttc,(void *)&it,sizeof(struct IntuiText));
- it.FrontPen = it.BackPen = 0;
- if(REQUESTER) it.FrontPen = it.BackPen = BackFill;
- it.DrawMode = JAM2;
- it.NextText = NULL;
- un_grel(MainWindow,g);
- PrintIText(MainRP,&it,g->LeftEdge,g->TopEdge);
- grel(MainWindow,g);
- }
- /*
- * put up the text selector
- */
- LONG text_select(gadget,mode,which)
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- LONG mode;
- USHORT which;
- {
- BOOL running = TRUE;
- struct IntuiText *MT;
- USHORT gid;
- set_prop(gadget);
- sel_req.Screen = MainScreen;
- if(NOT(tswin = OpenWindow(&sel_req))) return;
- disable_window();
- if(which == 0) MT = >ext;
- else if(which == 1) MT = &WText;
- else MT = &RText;
- draw(tswin,&PROP,&MainBorder1,MT);
- do_gadgets();
- rp = tswin->RPort;
- SelectGadget(tswin,&Gad[0],NULL);
- do_num(0);
- do_text(gadget);
- do
- { Wait(1 << tswin->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while(read_msg(tswin))
- { if((Class == GADGETUP) OR (Class == GADGETDOWN))
- { gid = Gadget->GadgetID;
- if(gid > 2)
- { do_num(gid-3);
- MutualExclude(tswin,&Gad[gid-3],&PROP,NULL);
- SelectGadget(tswin,&Gad[gid-3],NULL);
- }
- else if((gid == 0) AND (num_text > 10)) do_text(gadget);
- else if((gid == 1) OR (gid == 2)) running = FALSE;
- }
- }
- } while(running == TRUE);
- while(read_msg(tswin));
- CloseWindow(tswin);
- enable_window();
- if(gid == 2)
- { if(mode == 1) return(text_num);
- else if(mode == 2)
- { clear_text(gadget);
- edit_text(gadget,mode,text_num,which);
- return(NULL);
- }
- else
- { clear_text(gadget);
- delete_text(gadget);
- return(NULL);
- }
- }
- return(-1L);
- }