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LSlab documentation
* LSlab *
* the disklabelprinter *
* version 1.0 - 24.2.91 *
* written 1990/91 by S.Berendes *
* Copyrights by LorraineSoft *
* All rights reserved! *
Overview and history:
LSlab was written by me because the programms available in the PD didn´t
suit me. Either they are written in BASIC or some combinations of
printing styles don´t work. That means that the only good labelprogram
in the PD couldn´t write variable linefeeds and print condensed in NLQ.
The last was a matter of my printer, but sometimes the disks aren´t wide
enough to keep all the text I want to be printed.
So LSlab was designed to print labels that meet all my requirements. It is
now possible to set the linefeeds between the textlines freely in 1/216"
steps and the program checks if condensed printing is selected and switches
off NLQ for that line. Also it is possible to print a line
four times (2 times NLQ) to get an usable printout even with a weak ribbon.
But my indefatigable betatester had so mamy ideas for improvements that my
private version 0.5 soon grow to this version 1.0. You can now setup your
own codes for the printer and are not longer bounded to the Epson Esc/P
System. You can now take advantage of the "this style not in NLQ" feature
for every printing style. Also you can print on labels of various sizes.
As an additional feature you can set the lenght of a label in 1/216" steps
so after printing a label the next label will be exactly set to the right
Copyrights and so:
You use LSlab on your own risk. LorraineSoft won´t be liable for any direct
or indirect dammage resulting of the use of LSlab. Nor I´ll pay for any
journey to India or the dammages caused by that.
LSlab´s copyright is by LorraineSoft (oh,what a German construction). You
may copy LSlab only in the following cases:
1. For backup purposes and to sample your own disk with e.g. printer
2. With written permission of LorraineSoft. This is given in the case that
1. The complete drawer LSlab is copied and
2. The copy is sold for less than US$ 1 /DM 1.50 (+ media costs, but
not more than US$ 5 or DM 5.- including media). This is dedicated
to the German PD-vultures, especially Karstadt und S.Ossowski.
3. If there is somebody who wants to take LSlab in his PD-serie he also
needs a written permission of LorraineSoft. This is hereby given to
Fred Fish and Kickstart/Maxon PD. The compilators of this series -
but only they - are allowed to sell the disk with LSlab for more than
US$ 5 or DM 5.-.
This conditions that should not be nescessary in the PD have become
nescessary as there are some PD distributors here in Germany who found a
easy way in PD to earn money. They SELL one PD-program for e.g. DM 30.-
(US$ 20) and so on. (Greetings to S.Ossowski and Karstadt)
- ARP is a product of the AmigaDOS Resource Project (ARP) developing
team. Copyrights by ARP. Thanks to Ch.Heath & Co.!
- LorraineSoft is a member of the Amiga Developer and User Group (ADUG).
If you want to get the permission to include LSlab in you PD-series or in
any commercial product or if you want to get informations about the ADUG
please write to:
Stefan Berendes
Königsberger Str.15
D(W)-4370 Marl
LSlab was designed on a 1 meg Amiga 500 with one external drive and the
senil Kick 1.2. But I haven´t yet got the money for an Amiga 2000 with
Kick 2.0. So if there is anyone who wants to support me I will be very
delighted. Also if there is anyone who has two Amiga ROM Kernel Manuals
he could please me by sending one exemplar to me. That would speed up my
programming (at this timein a trial-and-error style).
But if anyone has problems, especially with the printerdriving, he should
inform me in any case. Also any suggestions for improvements are welcome.
LSlab takes usage of the ARP.library. Many thanks to the ARP developing
team. ARP brings a lot of functions keeping my executables as well as the
sourcecodes shorter. Also some functions would have been difficult to
realize, e.g. the Filerequester. But how can I get an ARP developer disk ?
If anybody knows please write to me. Or tell me what a SASE is. At this
time I´m using ARP.lib and includes of Version 1.1 from PaNorAmA 27.
The latest version of LSlab is available in any case at this (mine) adress:
Stefan Berendes
Königsberger Str.15
D-4370 Marl
Please add US$ 10 (within Germany DM 10.-) for disk, packing, mailing etc.
When you also send me the codes of the printer I can adapt the printer-
congig file to your printer.
By sending the money to me you´ll become a registered user. That means
you´ll be informed if there´s a new release or so. Also suggestions from
registered users would be considered first.
My special thanks go to that persons and groups who helped me directly or
indirectly developing LSlab. I´d like to thank
Matt Dillon for DMe,
Charlie Heath and Co. for ARP,
Jay Miner and Co. for the AMIGA;
Oliver Ranft for the massive critics and the betatesting
Greetings also go to:
My physics course of the GiL,Marl,Germany:
Fred "Mr Public Domain" Fish,USA;
the members of the `Amiga Developer and User Group`;
and all the authors of Public Domain software
P.S.: Please excuse my bad English, but the teacher we had the last half
year in English couldn´t speak English himself.