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LSlab documentation
* LSlab *
* the disklabelprinter *
* version 1.0 - 17.3.91 *
* written 1990/91 by S.Berendes *
* Copyrights by LorraineSoft *
* All rights reserved! *
For copyright notices read the file Info.doc.
1) Installation
1. Copying LSlab to an extra disk
2. Starting LSlab
3. Errors occuring while starting up
4. The printer configuration
2) How to use
1. LSlab window
2. Entering a label
3. Setup-request
4. Justifying the labelfeeds
5. Terminating LSlab
6. Error messages
3) Hints
"z1. Copying LSlab to an extra disk"z
To install LSlab you must do the following:
1. Copy the files LSlab,LSlab.info and LSlabel.cfg to the destination
2. Copy the printer config file "epsonx.cfg" to the destination, the
"s:" or the "devs:" directory. You shoul rename it to the name of
your printer. E.g.:
1> copy :LSlabel/epsonx.cfg s:<yourprinter>.cfg
3. Adapt the printer configuration to the printer you use (see below)
!! LSlab needs the ARP.library. If you haven't used it yet you
should copy it to the LIBS: directory of your booting disk. You can
find the ARP.library in the libs: directory on the LSlab distribution
"z2. Starting LSlab:"z
If you are on the workbench simply open the drawer that contains
LSlab and the config file LSlabel.cfg. Start LSlab by double-clicking
the LSlab icon.
From a shell (is there anyone who still uses the raw CLI ?) 'cd' to
the directory containing LSlab and the config file. To start LSlab
type '[run ]lslab'. Don't forget to hit >RETURN< as you are in a line
oriented i/o handler.
"z3. Errors occuring while starting up:"z
If the message "No memory !!" is displayed in the window's title bar
and LSlab would shut down after a few seconds there would either be
not enough memory (try to end some other tasks) or the memory is to
dispersed (Reboot your Amiga).
"z4. The printer configuration:"z
As LSlab sends the printing data directly to the parallel port, you
must tell it the codes of your printer. To do this, you need:
1. The manual of your printer.
2. A texteditor or a word processor in ASCII mode, e.g. DMe, Micro-
Emacs,Ed,Beckertext or so.
3. The printer configuration file (named pcf in the following) of
your LSlab disk named <yourprinter>.cfg.
Start the text editor and load the pcf. Search the codes of your prin-
ter in its manual.
Enter the codes instead of the default codes (for Epson LX 800 compa-
tible printers) by entering the ASCII codes of each character of a code
sequence separated by spaces behind the keywords. Please note that the
first ASCII code must begin in column 10. E.g.:
PicaOn 27 80
/ | \
code of code of
"ESC" "P"
column 10
Below the meaning of the keywords in the pcf is listed:
Pica - Select PICA width (10 cpi)
Elite - Select ELITE width (12 cpi)
WideOff - Switch off ENLARGED mode
WideOn - Select ENLARGED mode (5/6 cpi)
SmallOff - Switch off CONDENSED mode
SmallOn - Select CONDENSED mode
BoldOff - Switch off BOLDFACE mode
BoldOn - Select BOLDFACE mode
SuperOff - Switch off SUPERSCRIPT mode
SuperOn - Select SUPERSCRIPT mode
SubOff - Switch off SUBSCRIPT mode
SubOn - Select SUBSCRIPT mode
LineOff - Switch off UNDERLINED mode
LineOn - Select UNDERLINED mode
ItalOff - Switch off ITALICS mode
ItalOn - Select ITALICS mode
Behind the codes of this block a "D" can be added if this style could
not be printed in NLQ (E.g. CONDENSED on many 9-pinwriters). LSlab
would switch of NLQ for that line. E.g.:
ItalOff 27 53 D
ItalOn 27 52 D
if the printer is unable to print italic characters in NLQ mode.
At the next four codes a "n" must be added at the position of the
corresponding value:
SetLM - Set the leftmargin to n chars (PICA width)
SetRM - Set the rightmargin to n chars (PICA width)
LF216 - To do a linefeed of n/215 inch
SetPlen - Set the paperlength to n lines
SetPlen 27 67 n
NLQ Off - Switch off NLQ mode
NLQ On - Select NLQ mode
UnidiOff - Switch off unidirectional printing
UnidiOn - Select unidirectional printing
FullSpd - Select full speed printing
HalfSpd - Select half speed printing
XStylOff - Select the normal font (E.g. ROMAN
XStyleOn - Select a second font SANS SERIF)
USChars - Select the US character set
InitPrt - Initialize the printer
8LPI - Set the printer to a LF of 1/8 inch (8lpi)
6LPI - Set the printer to a LF of 1/6 inch (6lpi)
Center - Select centered printing
Left - Select leftbpu
"z1. LSlab window"z
The LSlab window could be separated to three parts:
The window title bar is used to display messages. Also there are two
additional gadgets:
INFO - Brings up a request that displays the current version of LSlab
and some advertising.
ICON - Sends LSlab sleeping. Some of the allocated memory is released
and the window is brought to a minimal size. In this window you
can either shut down LSlab completely by clicking at the close-
gadget or re-activate it by pressing the right mouse button. If
you have entered a label and then iconify LSlab, please note
that this label isn't removed so you can work on it immediately
after re-activating LSlab.
Below this there is the label input field. The functions of the gadgets
is explained in chapter 2.2 Entering a label.
In the last line there are the gadgets used to control LSlab's in- and
FR - Clicking at this gadgets activates the Directory-Function (see
chapter 2.2). To deactivate this function click at this gadget
once more.
CLR - Clicking at this gadget will clear the label. The styles and
linefeeds would be set to the default values (see als 2.3).
LOAD - This gadget is used to load a saved label. Choose the directory
(a list of the available devices can be brought up by clicking at
the "Devices" gadget) and the file you want to load.
!! A label designed before will be overwritten in any
case. If you want to save it first, click at the "Cancel" gadget.
SAVE - This gadget is used to save a label. Activate the filename text-
gadget and enter the name under that you want to save the label.
Otherwise do the steps described at LOAD.
WARNING !! If there already exists a file with that name it would
be overwritten. But I think there will be a .bak-file function
in the next update.
SET - Clicking at this gadget calls the setup-request. It is used to
adjust the size of the used labels and the quality of the print-
out. Also you can adjust the programm to the configuration of
your computer. See chapter 2.3 for explanation.
PRT - This gadget is used to print a label
"z2. Entering a label:"z
First I will explain the 21 or 16 (LSlab_NTSC) textgadgets at the left
side of the LSlab window. They are used to specify the amount of line-
feeds between the textlines. When starting LSlabel they will contain
either 27 or 36 correspondig to 8 or 6 lines per inch. You can adjust
linefeeds in steps of 1/216 inch equaling a '1'. A 27 equals a linefeed
of 1/8 inch, a 36 one of 1/6 inch. If there are more linefeeds than
fitting on the label, the message "Too many linefeeds !!" is displayed.
LSlab won't do anything about it except from displaying this message.
You will have to reduce the amount of linefeeds by yourself till LSlab
shows the normal headline "LSlab V1.0 - by S.Berendes" again. But
please note that LSlab reserves a linefeed of 27 to ensure the last
line fits on the label. If you print the last line in superscript mode,
you can exceed the allowed amount of linefeeds by 10. The allowed
amount can be calculated by the formula "number_of_line * 36". On the
other hand the first linefeed will be included into the calculation in
any case, ie it would also be included if the SKIP-function is activa-
ted. If you use the SKIP-function you should set the first linefeed to
0 to avoid confusion.
The first line (the headline) contains the following gadgets:
IDX: You can enter the index of the disk in this gadget (max. 2 chars)
e.g. PD,S(ystem),A(pplication),G(ames) and so on.
DISKNAME: You can neter the name of the disk here.
DF0: Clicking at this gadget reads the name of the disk in drive df0:
and copies it to the diskname gadget.
DF1:,MS0:,MS1: This gadgets have the same functions as the DF0: gad-
get, but are freely configurable.
!! Due to technical restrictions the name of the disk may not
exceed 21 characters. Otherwise the name is ignored, ie nothing is
SKIP: Clicking at this gadget activates the SKIP-function. That means
that the headline containig index and diskname is skipped. So is
the first linefeed between the headline and the first textline.
To disable this function click at the gadget once more.
The functions of the gadgets of the next 21 or 16 (LSlab_NTSC) lines
are equal. So I will describe only one line. The big textgadgets on the
left are used to enter the text to print. The seven boolean gadgets on
the right are used to specify the style of the line.
<<-- : This gadget is used to set the alignment of the line:
"<<--" (default): The line is printed leftbounded.
"-><-" : The line is printed centered.
"-->>" : The line is printed rightbounded.
NORM : This gadget is used to set the height of the characters:
"NORM" (default): The line is printed normally.
" UP " : The line is printed in superscript mode.
"DOWN" : The line is printed in subscript mode.
PICA : If this gadget is selected, the line is printed in PICA chars,
ie 10 cpi. Otherwise the line is printed in ELITE (12 cpi).
You can choose the default setting of this gadget in the setup-
SIZE : This gadget is used to set the width of the characters:
"SIZE" (default): The line is printed in normal PICA/ELITE chars.
"WIDE" : The line is printed in enlarged PICA/ELITE chars.
"COND" : The line is printed in condensed PICA/ELITE chars.
BOLD : If this gadget is selected, the line is printed boldfaced.
LINE : If this gadget is selected, the line is printed underlined.
ITAL : If this gadget is selected, the line is printed in italics.
You can now design a label by first entering the diskindex and -name
or selecting the SKIP gadget. Then you enter the text you want to be
printed and choose the apprpriate style. If the message "Line too
long !!" is displayed when leaving a textgadget or clicking at the PICA
or the SIZE gadget, the text in this line wouldn't fit onto the label.
Shorten the text of the line or choose another character width.
The "Directory-Function":
If you have selected the "FR" gadget and then leave a textgadget by
pressing >RETURN<, a filerequest will be brought up. You can now choose
a file. If you leave the filerequest by "OK" the selected name is co-
pied to the last cursor position of the gadget just left.
If there is some text behind the cursor position it will be over-
If no file is selected and the filerequest is still left by clicking
at the "OK" gadget the name of the path displayed in the "Drawer" gad-
get is copied to the textgadget.
"z3. Setup-request:"z
The setup-request is used to adjust the size of the used label and the
quality of the printout. Also you can adjust the programm to the confi-
guration of your computer. The gadgets have the following functions:
Prt-File : In this gadget the path and name of the printer config file
must be given. If you leave the gadget by pressing >RETURN<
the program checks if the file exists. Otherwise the messa-
ge "Error in config-file !!" is displayed.
Printer-Port : In this gadget the name of the printer port must be en-
tered. Normally this would be "par:", but if you use a
multi i/o card, this can be changed.
Drive2-4 : In this gadgets you can enter the names of three drives.
They will appear in the gadgets in the upper right corner
used to load the name of the disk in that drive. You can
simply give the name of the three external Amiga drives,
but also the names of other filesystems' drivers, e.g FFS,
Labellength : Here you give the length of one label in lines. A line
is 1/6 inch high.
Leftmargin : Here you enter the width of the leftmargin in PICA-chars
(10 cpi).
Width : In this gadget you enter the width of a label in PICA-chars.
Labeljustify : The two gadgets titeled "TEST" and "+216" and the text-
gadget right of theese are used to set the labelfeed
very exactly. See the next chapter for details.
8LPI : If this gadget is selected the standard linefeeds will be 36
(equaling 6 lines per inch). Otherwise the standard linefeeds
will be 27 (8 lines per inch).
PICA : If this gadget is selected the standart char width will be 10
characters per inch (PICA), ie that the PICA gadgets in the in-
put field are selected automatically. Otherwise the standart
char width will be 12 cpi (ELITE).
!! The settings of the "8LPI" and the "PICA" gadget are con-
sidered only when LSlab starts or the input field is cleared. The
actual label isn't changed.
HIGH : If this gadget is selected every line is printed twice to get
an usable printout even with a weak ribbon. If NLQ is selected
every line is printed four times.
!! This is very slow.
NLQ : If this gadget is selected the label is printed in NLQ.
FONT 2 : If this gadget is selected the label is printed in the second
font (see chapter 1.4 for details).
OK : Clicking at this gadget ends the setup-request. The adjustments
made in the setup-request are taken over by the program and are
saved in the file "LSlabel.cfg". Also the printer configuration
file is loaded and parsed.
CANCEL : This gadget ends the setup-request too, but the adjustments
will neither be saved nor taken over.
WARNING !! If LSlab displays the message "Error in config file !!"
the printer configuration file couldn't be loaded. Perhaps it's de-
"z4. Jsutifying the labelfeeds:"z
To get the printer to the beginning of the next label very accurately
it is possible in LSlab to set the length of a label exactly in 1/216
inch steps. To do so call the setup-request. Beyond the headline "Label
justify" there are two gadgets titeled "TEST" and "+216". First you
must enter the length of the label (see above). You can calculate this
by measuring the length in inch and multiplying it by 6. But normally
it would be noted on the labels' wrapping. You should only measure the
length of the label itself. Do not include the space between the labels
because otherwise LSlabel's linefeed-checking doesn't work right (it
works right, why doesn't it, naturally, but if it gets wrong values you
will find it works wrong).
Then put the labels in the printer so that the top of a label is at a
marked point, e.g. the top of the printer head. Then click at the gad-
ged "TEST". The printer will do the linefeeds given under Labellength.
If you've set up the length of a label correctly the top of the printer
head will be a bit above the bottom of the label. Then click at the
"+216" gadget until the top of the next label is at the top of the
printer head. If you click at the "TEST" gadget once again the number
of 1/216 inch linefeeds at the end of the label is displayed in the
text gadget right of the "+216" gadget.
If you use labels of different sizes you don't have to do this proce-
dure every time. Simply remember the amount of 1/216 inch linefeeds and
enter it into the textgadget right of the "+216" gadget.
!! The TEST-function takes usage of some printer codes. If the
setup-request is brought up by the program itself and the message
"Error in config-file !!" is displayed this means that the printer con-
fig file can't be loaded or parsed. You shouldn't use the TEST-func-
tions because otherwise one of two things happens: Either nothing is
done (lucky guy) or you will get a red box blinking on a black screen
(also called guru meditation, alert or system crash).
"z5. Terminating LSlab:"z
To terminate LSlab simply click at the close gadget of either the main
or the iconify window. The printer will be set to the values specified
in Preferences. So the printer will have to be ON-LINE. Otherwise LSlab
can't be terminated. By the way - the printer is also reset to Prefs'
specifications when LSlab is iconified. So if you want to print normal
text you don't have to terminate LSlab. Simply iconify it, but make
sure the printer is ON-LINE.
"z6. Error messages:"z
"Error in config-file !!" - This means that either LSlab was unable
to read the config-file LSlabel.cfg, ie this file is not in the
current directory. In this case the setup-request is brought up
so you can enter the settings as described in chapter 2.3. End
the setup-request by "OK" and the values will be saved.
This message is also displayed if LSlab was unable to load or
parse the printer config file. In the first case call the setup
request and enter the right name and full path so LSlab dis-
plays the message "LSlab V1.0 - by S.Berendes" when leaving the
gadget by >RETURN<.
"Error while printing !!" - This means LSlab couldn't print the label.
"Diskname too long !!" - The name of the disk in the selected drive
was longer than 21 chars. Relabel the disk.
"Too many linefeeds !!" - The amount of linefeeds to do is to much for
the label (see above).
"Error while saving !!" - This message is displayed in two cases:
1. LSlab was unable to save a label.
2. LSlab was unable to write the configuration file.
"Error while loading !!" - LSlabel was unable to load a saved label.
"Line too long !!" - The even entered texline is too long (see above).
"Printer not initialised !!" - The printer can't be set to Prefs' spe-
cifications when terminating LSlab.
"Error while justifying !!" - A error occured using the TEST-function.
1. You should note that the top of the printer head is not the top of
the first line to print so you shuld mark the position of the head
when removing the labels from the printer. Also paper park functions
work not exactly enough to use them (at least not those of star-prin-
2. LSlabel was written for my printer. I think that some printers are
able to print some styles in NLQ is not the only problem. So if you
have a problem please write to me (see also Info.doc). If it is pos-
sible you should send also a copy of the codes of your printer and a
hexdump of the label you were unable to print.
3. I hope this manual is exactly enough to answer all your questions.
But feel free to send questions, comments, bug reports or money. But
if you want to get a direct answer please include some cash for
posting. Otherwise you will get the answer or credits in the next re-
4. You can switch of the printer if you want as LSlabel initializes be-
fore each label.