Gold Fish 1
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; modplayer.a - the music player routine for MED V3.10 and
; OctaMED V1.00 4-channel songs.
; Written by Teijo Kinnunen.
ac_ptr EQU $00
ac_len EQU $04
ac_per EQU $06
ac_vol EQU $08
T03SZ EQU 74
T415SZ EQU 18
MIDI EQU 0 ;1 = include MIDI code
AUDDEV EQU 1 ;1 = allocate channels using audio.device
SYNTH EQU 1 ;1 = include synth-sound handler
CHECK EQU 1 ;1 = do range checkings (track, sample in mem etc.)
RELVOL EQU 1 ;1 = include relative volume handling code
IFF53 EQU 1 ;1 = play IFF 3- and 5-octave samples correctly
;****** Timing control ******
VBLANK EQU 0 ;1 = use VBlank interrupt (when absolutely necessary)
CIAB EQU 1 ;1 = use CIAB timers (default)
; Please use CIAB whenever possible to avoid problems with variable
; VBlank speeds and to allow the use of command F01 - FF0 (set tempo)
; If both are set to 0, the timing is left for you (never set both to 1!!),
; then you just call _IntHandler for each timing pulse.
section "text",code
_ChannelOff: ;d0 = channel #
lea trackdataptrs(pc),a1
lsl.b #2,d0
adda.w d0,a1
lsr.b #2,d0
movea.l (a1),a1
move.b trk_prevmidin(a1),d1 ;first: is it MIDI??
beq.s notcomidi ;not a midi note
choff_midi: clr.b trk_prevmidin(a1)
lea noteondata(pc),a0
move.b d1,1(a0)
move.b trk_prevmidich(a1),(a0) ;prev midi channel
clr.b 2(a0)
or.b #$90,(a0) ;note off
moveq #3,d0
bra.w _AddMIDIData
cmp.b #4,d0
bge.s notamigatrk
clr.l trk_synthptr(a1)
clr.b trk_synthtype(a1)
moveq #1,d1
lsl.w d0,d1
move.w d1,$dff096
notamigatrk: rts
SoundOff: move.l d2,-(sp)
moveq #15,d2
SO_loop0 move.l d2,d0
bsr.s _ChannelOff
dbf d2,SO_loop0
lea _module(pc),a0
clr.l (a0) ;play nothing!!
move.l (sp)+,d2
_PlayNote: ;d0(w) = trk #, d1 = note #, d2 = vol, d3(w) = instr # a3 = addr of instr
movem.l d3-d7,-(sp) ;All right, let's start!!
move.w d2,-(sp)
moveq #0,d4
bset d0,d4 ;d4 is mask for this channel
movea.l 24(a6),a0 ;ptr to sample array
move.w d3,d7
add.w d3,d3 ;d3 = instr.num << 2
add.w d3,d3
move.l 0(a0,d3.w),d5 ;get address of instrument
bne.s inmem
tst.b 4(a3) ;is MIDI channel set
beq.w retsn2 ; NO!!!
inmem: add.b 766(a4),d1 ;add play transpose
add.b 7(a3),d1 ;and instr. transpose
cmp.b #4,d0
bge.s nodmaoff ;track # >= 4: not an Amiga channel
move.l d5,a1
tst.l d5 ;is there sample in memory?
beq.s stpdma
tst.b trk_synthtype(a5)
ble.s stpdma
cmp.w #-1,4(a1) ;type == SYNTHETIC??
beq.s nostpdma
stpdma: move.w d4,$dff096 ;stop this channel (dmacon)
clr.l trk_synthptr(a5)
move.b trk_prevmidin(a5),d6 ;get prev. midi note
beq.s noprevmidi
clr.b trk_prevmidin(a5)
lea noteondata(pc),a0
move.b d6,1(a0)
move.b trk_prevmidich(a5),(a0) ;prev midi channel
or.b #$90,(a0) ;note off
clr.b 2(a0) ;clear volume
movem.w d0-d1,-(sp)
moveq #3,d0
bsr.w _AddMIDIData
movem.w (sp)+,d0-d1
noprevmidi: tst.b 4(a3)
bne.w handleMIDInote
cmp.w #4,d0 ;track > 3???
bge.w retsn2 ;no Amiga instruments here!!!
; handle decay (for tracks 0 - 3 only!!)
clr.b trk_fadespd(a5) ;no fade yet..
move.b trk_initdecay(a5),trk_decay(a5) ;set decay
clr.b trk_vibroffs(a5) ;clr vibrato offset
or.w d4,dmaonmsk
move.l d5,a0
subq.b #1,d1
tst.w 4(a0)
bmi.w handleSynthnote
clr.b trk_synthtype(a5)
tlwtst0: tst.b d1
bpl.s notenot2low
add.b #12,d1 ;note was too low, octave up
bra.s tlwtst0
notenot2low: cmp.b #62,d1
ble.s endpttest
sub.b #12,d1 ;note was too high, octave down
endpttest: move.w d0,d4 ;d4 = track number
bsr.w getinsdata
movea.l trk_audioaddr(a5),a1 ;base of this channel's regs
move.w (sp),ac_vol(a1)
add.w d4,d4 ;d4 = trk << 1
move.w d4,d6
add.w d6,d6 ;d6 = trk << 2
move.l d0,ac_ptr(a1) ;put it in ac_ptr
cmp.w #1,d3
bhi.s repeat
move.l #_chipzero,trk_sampleptr(a5) ;pointer of zero word
move.w #1,trk_samplelen(a5) ;length: 1 word
lsr.l #1,d1 ;shift length right
move.w d1,ac_len(a1) ;and put to custom chip
bra.s retsn1
repeat: tst.w d2
beq.s begin0 ;rep. start < 2
move.w d2,ac_len(a1) ;move repeat to hardware
bra.s beginn0
begin0: move.w d3,ac_len(a1)
beginn0: lsl.l #1,d2 ;shift
add.l d2,d0 ;d0 = starting address of repeat
move.l d0,trk_sampleptr(a5) ;remember rep. start
move.w d3,trk_samplelen(a5) ;remember rep. length
retsn1: move.w d5,ac_per(a1) ;getinsdata puts period to d5
move.w d5,trk_prevper(a5)
tst.b trk_synthtype(a5)
bne.w hSn2
retsn2: addq.l #2,sp ;forget volume
movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7
lea noteondata(pc),a0
add.b #23,d1 ;2 octaves higher and -1
bpl.s mnot2low ;note number not too low
add.b #12,d1 ;it was too low, 1 octave up
bra.s endmtst
mnot2low: tst.b d1 ;is it too high then??
bpl.s endmtst ;no, not greater than 127
sub.b #12,d1 ;1 octave down, if yes
endmtst: move.b d1,1(a0) ;MIDI msg note #
move.b d1,trk_prevmidin(a5) ;save this note number
move.b d2,d4 ;temporary save the volume
subq.b #1,d2 ;if 64 => 63
bpl.s nooops
moveq #0,d2 ;oops, too low!!
nooops: lsl.b #1,d2 ;volume 0 - 63 => 0 - 127
bclr #7,d2 ;be sure that bit 7 is clear
move.b d2,2(a0) ;MIDI msg volume
moveq #0,d1
move.b 4(a3),d1 ;get midi chan of this instrument
subq.b #1,d1 ;from 1-16 to 0-15
move.b d1,trk_prevmidich(a5) ;save to prev midi channel
move.b #$90,(a0) ;MIDI: Note on
or.b d1,(a0) ;MIDI msg Note on & channel
move.b 5(a3),d2 ;get preset #
beq.s nochgpres ;zero = no preset
lea prevmidicpres(pc),a1
cmp.b 0(a1,d1.w),d2 ;is this previous preset ??
beq.s nochgpres ;yes...no need to change
move.b d2,0(a1,d1.w) ;save preset to prevmidicpres
subq.b #1,d2 ;sub 1 to get 0 - 127
lea preschgdata(pc),a0
move.b #$c0,(a0) ;command: $C
or.b d1,(a0) ;"or" midi channel
move.b d2,1(a0) ;push the number to second byte
moveq #5,d0 ;Noteondata follows preschgdata
bra.s preschanged ;struct, so this is a bit faster
nochgpres: moveq #3,d0
preschanged: bsr.w _AddMIDIData
bra.s retsn2
move.b d1,trk_prevnote2(a5)
move.l a0,trk_synthptr(a5)
cmp.w #-2,4(a0) ;HYBRID??
bne.s hSn_nossn
st trk_synthtype(a5)
movea.l 278(a0),a0 ;yep, get the waveform pointer
bra.w tlwtst0 ;go and play it
hSn_nossn: move.b #1,trk_synthtype(a5)
lea _synthper(pc),a1
move.l a1,trk_periodtbl(a5) ;save table ptr for synth periods
add.w d1,d1
move.w 0(a1,d1.w),d1
movea.l trk_audioaddr(a5),a1
move.b trk_prevvol(a5),trk_synvol(a5)
move.w d1,trk_prevper(a5)
move.w d1,ac_per(a1)
clr.l trk_sampleptr(a5)
hSn2: lea trk_arpgoffs(a5),a1 ;clear synth-variables for new note
clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
clr.b (a1)+
addq.l #1,a1 ;skip trk_prevnote2
movea.l trk_synthptr(a5),a0
move.w 18(a0),(a1)+ ;trk_initvolxspd/trk_initwfxspd
clr.l (a1)+
clr.w (a1)
bsr.s synth_start
bra.w retsn2
synth_start: move.l a3,-(sp)
movea.l trk_audioaddr(a5),a3 ;audio channel base address
subq.b #1,trk_volxcnt(a5) ;decrease execute counter..
bgt.w synth_wftbl ;not 0...go to waveform
move.b trk_initvolxspd(a5),trk_volxcnt(a5) ;reset counter
move.b trk_volchgspd(a5),d0 ;volume change??
beq.s synth_nochgvol ;no.
add.b trk_synvol(a5),d0 ;add previous volume
bpl.s synth_voln2l ;not negative
moveq #0,d0 ;was negative => 0
synth_voln2l: cmp.b #$40,d0 ;too high??
ble.s synth_voln2h ;not 2 high.
moveq #$40,d0 ;was 2 high => 64
synth_voln2h: move.b d0,trk_synvol(a5) ;remember new...
move.b d0,ac_vol+1(a3) ;and change it
synth_nochgvol: move.w trk_volcmd(a5),d0 ;get table position ptr
tst.b trk_volwait(a5) ;WAI(t) active
beq.s synth_getvolcmd ;no
subq.b #1,trk_volwait(a5) ;yep, decr wait ctr
ble.s synth_getvolcmd ;0 => continue
bra.w synth_wftbl ;> 0 => still wait
synth_inccnt: addq.b #1,d0
addq.b #1,d0 ;advance pointer
move.b 21(a0,d0.w),d1 ;get command
bmi.s synth_cmd ;negative = command
move.b d1,trk_synvol(a5) ;set synthvol
move.b d1,ac_vol+1(a3) ;change it!!
bra.s synth_endvol ;end of volume executing
synth_cmd: and.w #$000f,d1
add.b d1,d1
move.w synth_vtbl(pc,d1.w),d1
jmp syv(pc,d1.w)
synth_vtbl: dc.w syv_f0-syv,syv_f1-syv,syv_f2-syv,syv_f3-syv
dc.w synth_endvol-syv,synth_endvol-syv,synth_endvol-syv
dc.w synth_endvol-syv,synth_endvol-syv,synth_endvol-syv
dc.w syv_fa-syv,syv_ff-syv,synth_endvol-syv
dc.w synth_endvol-syv,syv_fe-syv,syv_ff-syv
syv_fe: move.b 22(a0,d0.w),d0 ;JMP
bra.s synth_getvolcmd
syv_f0: move.b 22(a0,d0.w),trk_initvolxspd(a5) ;change volume ex. speed
bra.s synth_inccnt
syv_f1: move.b 22(a0,d0.w),trk_volwait(a5) ;WAI(t)
addq.b #1,d0
bra.s synth_endvol
syv_f3: move.b 22(a0,d0.w),trk_volchgspd(a5) ;set volume slide up
bra.s synth_inccnt
syv_f2: move.b 22(a0,d0.w),d1
neg.b d1
move.b d1,trk_volchgspd(a5) ;set volume slide down
bra.s synth_inccnt
syv_fa: move.b 22(a0,d0.w),trk_wfcmd+1(a5) ;JWS (jump wform sequence)
clr.b trk_wfwait(a5)
bra.s synth_inccnt
syv_ff: subq.b #1,d0
synth_endvol: move.w d0,trk_volcmd(a5)
synth_wftbl: move.b trk_synvol(a5),trk_prevvol(a5)
adda.w #158,a0
subq.b #1,trk_wfxcnt(a5) ;decr. wf speed counter
bgt.w synth_arpeggio ;not yet...
move.b trk_initwfxspd(a5),trk_wfxcnt(a5) ;restore speed counter
move.w trk_wfcmd(a5),d0 ;get table pos offset
move.w trk_wfchgspd(a5),d1 ;CHU/CHD ??
beq.s synth_tstwfwai ;0 = no change
wytanwet: add.w trk_perchg(a5),d1 ;add value to current change
move.w d1,trk_perchg(a5) ;remember amount of change
add.w trk_prevper(a5),d1 ;add initial period to it
cmp.w #113,d1 ;overflow??
bge.s synth_pern2h
moveq #113,d1
synth_pern2h: move.w d1,ac_per(a3) ;push the changed period
synth_tstwfwai: tst.b trk_wfwait(a5) ;WAI ??
beq.s synth_getwfcmd ;not waiting...
subq.b #1,trk_wfwait(a5) ;decr wait counter
beq.s synth_getwfcmd ;waiting finished
bra.w synth_arpeggio ;still sleep...
synth_incwfc: addq.b #1,d0
synth_getwfcmd: addq.b #1,d0 ;advance position counter
move.b -9(a0,d0.w),d1 ;get command
bmi.s synth_wfcmd ;negative = command
ext.w d1 ;was positive->change wform
lsl.w #2,d1 ;create index...
movea.l 120(a0,d1.w),a1 ;get wf address
addq.l #2,a1 ;forget length-word
move.l a1,ac_ptr(a3) ;push new pointer
move.w -(a1),ac_len(a3) ;and the waveform length
bra.w synth_wfend ;no new commands now...
synth_wfcmd: and.w #$000f,d1 ;get the right nibble
add.b d1,d1 ;* 2
move.w synth_wfctbl(pc,d1.w),d1
jmp syw(pc,d1.w) ;jump to command
synth_wfctbl: dc.w syw_f0-syw,syw_f1-syw,syw_f2-syw,syw_f3-syw,syw_f4-syw
dc.w syw_f5-syw,syw_f6-syw,synth_wfend-syw,synth_wfend-syw
dc.w synth_wfend-syw,syw_fa-syw,syw_ff-syw
dc.w syw_fc-syw,synth_getwfcmd-syw,syw_fe-syw,syw_ff-syw
syw_fe: move.b -8(a0,d0.w),d0 ;jump (JMP)
bra.s synth_getwfcmd
syw_fc: move.w d0,trk_arpsoffs(a5) ;new arpeggio begin
move.w d0,trk_arpgoffs(a5)
synth_findare: addq.b #1,d0
tst.b -9(a0,d0.w)
bpl.s synth_findare
bra.s synth_getwfcmd
syw_f0: move.b -8(a0,d0.w),trk_initwfxspd(a5) ;new waveform speed
bra synth_incwfc
syw_f1: move.b -8(a0,d0.w),trk_wfwait(a5) ;wait waveform
addq.b #1,d0
bra.s synth_wfend
syw_f4: move.b -8(a0,d0.w),trk_synvibdep+1(a5) ;set vibrato depth
bra.w synth_incwfc
syw_f5: move.b -8(a0,d0.w),trk_synthvibspd+1(a5) ;set vibrato speed
addq.b #1,trk_synthvibspd+1(a5)
bra.w synth_incwfc
syw_f2: moveq #0,d1 ;set slide down
move.b -8(a0,d0.w),d1
synth_setsld: move.w d1,trk_wfchgspd(a5)
bra.w synth_incwfc
syw_f3: move.b -8(a0,d0.w),d1 ;set slide up
neg.b d1
ext.w d1
bra.s synth_setsld
syw_f6: clr.w trk_perchg(a5) ;reset period
move.w trk_prevper(a5),ac_per(a3)
bra.w synth_getwfcmd
syw_fa: move.b -8(a0,d0.w),trk_volcmd+1(a5) ;JVS (jump volume sequence)
clr.b trk_volwait(a5)
bra.w synth_incwfc
syw_ff: subq.b #1,d0 ;pointer = END - 1
synth_wfend: move.w d0,trk_wfcmd(a5)
synth_arpeggio: move.w trk_arpgoffs(a5),d0
beq.s synth_vibrato
moveq #0,d1
move.b -8(a0,d0.w),d1
add.b trk_prevnote2(a5),d1
movea.l trk_periodtbl(a5),a1 ;get period table
add.w d1,d1
move.w 0(a1,d1.w),d1
add.w trk_perchg(a5),d1
move.w d1,trk_prevper(a5)
move.w d1,ac_per(a3)
addq.b #1,d0
tst.b -8(a0,d0.w)
bpl.s synth_noarpres
move.w trk_arpsoffs(a5),d0
synth_noarpres: move.w d0,trk_arpgoffs(a5)
synth_vibrato: move.w trk_synvibdep(a5),d1 ;get vibrato depth
beq.s synth_rts ;0 => no vibrato
move.w trk_synviboffs(a5),d0 ;get offset
lsr.w #4,d0 ;/ 16
and.w #$1f,d0 ;sinetable offset (0-31)
move.b sinetable(pc,d0.w),d0 ;get byte
ext.w d0 ;to word
muls d1,d0 ;amplify (* depth)
asr.w #8,d0 ;and divide by 64
move.w trk_prevper(a5),d1 ;get the old period
add.w d0,d1 ;add vibrato...
add.w trk_perchg(a5),d1 ;and pitch change...
move.w d1,ac_per(a3) ;change.
move.w trk_synthvibspd(a5),d0 ;vibrato speed
add.w d0,trk_synviboffs(a5) ;add to offset
synth_rts: move.l (sp)+,a3
sinetable: dc.b 0,25,49,71,90,106,117,125,127,125,117,106,90,71,49
dc.b 25,0,-25,-49,-71,-90,-106,-117,-125,-127,-125,-117
dc.b -106,-90,-71,-49,-25,0
_Wait1line: move.l d0,-(sp)
moveq #$79,d0
wl0: move.b $dff007,d1
wl1: cmp.b $dff007,d1
beq.s wl1
dbf d0,wl0
move.l (sp)+,d0
pushnewvals: movea.l (a1)+,a5
lsr.b #1,d0
bcc.s rpnewv
move.l trk_sampleptr(a5),d1
beq.s rpnewv
movea.l trk_audioaddr(a5),a0
move.l d1,ac_ptr(a0)
move.w trk_samplelen(a5),ac_len(a0)
rpnewv: rts
_StartDMA: ;This small routine turns on audio DMA
move.w dmaonmsk(pc),d0 ;dmaonmsk contains the mask of
beq.s rpnewv ;the channels that must be turned on
bset #15,d0 ;DMAF_SETCLR: set these bits in dmacon
bsr.s _Wait1line
move.w d0,$dff096 ;do that!!!
bsr.s _Wait1line
lea trackdataptrs(pc),a1
bsr.s pushnewvals
bsr.s pushnewvals
bsr.s pushnewvals
bra.s pushnewvals
dmaonmsk: dc.w 0
prevmidicpres: dc.l 0,0,0,0 ; 16 bytes
prevmidipbend: dc.w $2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000
dc.w $2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000,$2000
; TRACK-data structures (see definitions at the end of this file)
t03d: ds.b 20
dc.l $dff0a0
ds.b 50+20
dc.l $dff0b0
ds.b 50+20
dc.l $dff0c0
ds.b 50+20
dc.l $dff0d0
ds.b 50
t415d: ds.b 4*T415SZ
t815d: ds.b 8*T415SZ ;8 bytes * 12 tracks = 96 bytes
trackdataptrs: dc.l t03d,t03d+T03SZ,t03d+2*T03SZ,t03d+3*T03SZ
dc.l t415d,t415d+T415SZ,t415d+2*T415SZ,t415d+3*T415SZ
dc.l t815d,t815d+T415SZ,t815d+2*T415SZ,t815d+3*T415SZ
dc.l t815d+4*T415SZ,t815d+5*T415SZ,t815d+6*T415SZ
dc.l t815d+7*T415SZ
numtracks: dc.w 0
numlines: dc.w 0
_counter: dc.b 0
nextblock: dc.b 0
_IntHandler: movem.l d2-d7/a2-a5,-(sp)
movea.l _module(pc),a6 ;a6 = pointer of MMD0
move.l a6,d0
beq.w plr_exit
clr.w dmaonmsk
movea.l 8(a6),a4 ;a4 = pointer of MMD0song
moveq #0,d3
lea _counter(pc),a0
move.b (a0),d3
addq.b #1,d3
cmp.b 769(a4),d3
bge.s plr_pnewnote ;play new note
move.b d3,(a0)
bra.w nonewnote ;do just fx
; --- new note!! first get address of current block
plr_pnewnote: clr.b (a0) ;clear counter
; --- now start to play it
move.w pblock(pc),d0
movea.l 16(a6),a0
lsl.w #2,d0
movea.l 0(a0,d0.w),a2 ;block...
move.b (a2)+,numtracks+1
move.b (a2)+,numlines+1
move.w pline(pc),d0
move.w d0,d1
add.w d0,d0 ;d0 * 2
add.w d1,d0 ;+ d0 = d0 * 3
mulu numtracks(pc),d0
adda.w d0,a2 ;a2 => pointer of curr. note
moveq #0,d7 ;number of track
pea trackdataptrs(pc)
plr_loop0: moveq #0,d5
move.l (sp),a1
movea.l (a1)+,a5 ;get address of this track's struct
move.l a1,(sp)
; ---------------- get the note numbers
move.b (a2)+,d5 ;get the number of this note
move.b (a2)+,d6 ;and the 4 numbers containing fx
move.b (a2)+,trk_cmdqual(a5) ;get & save the fx numbers
; ---------------- clear some instrument # flags
moveq #0,d4 ;d4 is a flag: if set, instr. is
moveq #0,d3 ;in range G-V. If clr, it's 1-F.
; ---------------- and set them, if needed
bclr #7,d5 ;d3 is also a flag. If it's set,
sne d4 ;the instr. is in range 10 - 1V
bclr #6,d5
sne d3
; ---------------- check if there's an instrument number
move.b d6,d0
and.w #$f0,d0 ;d0 now contains only the # of instr
bne.s instnum ;instrument number is not 0
tst.b d4 ;maybe it's G (instr. #0, d4 set)
bne.s instnum ;yes, it really was G!!
tst.b d3
beq.s noinstnum ;it wasn't 10 - 1V either..
; ---------------- if there was, GET IT!!
instnum: lsr.b #4,d0 ;shift it right to get number 0-F
tst.b d4
beq.s nogtov2
add.w #16,d0 ;if G-V, add 16 to the number
nogtov2: tst.b d3
beq.s no10to1v
add.w #32,d0
; ---------------- finally, save the number
no10to1v: subq.b #1,d0
move.b d0,trk_previnstr(a5) ;remember instr. number!
; ---------------- remember hold/decay values
lea holdvals(pc),a0
move.b 0(a0,d0.w),trk_inithold(a5)
move.b 63(a0,d0.w),trk_initdecay(a5)
; ---------------- get the pointer of data's of this sample in Song-struct
lsl.w #3,d0 ;* 8
lea 0(a4,d0.w),a3 ;a3 contains now address of it
move.l a3,trk_previnstra(a5)
moveq #0,d0
; ---------------- get volume and make it relative (0 - 100 %)
move.b 6(a3),d0
mulu trk_trackvol(a5),d0
lsr.w #8,d0
move.b d0,trk_prevvol(a5) ;vol of this instr
move.b 6(a3),trk_prevvol(a5)
; ---------------- remember transpose
move.b 7(a3),trk_stransp(a5)
; ---------------- check the commands
noinstnum: move.b d6,d0 ;effect again...
and.b #$0f,d0 ;now check only the effect part
move.b d0,trk_cmd(a5) ;save the effect number
beq.w plr_nocmd ;no effect
move.b trk_cmdqual(a5),d6 ;get qualifier...
; ---------------- there was a command (effect), but which one??
cmp.b #$0f,d0 ;yes effect...is it Tempo???
bne.w not0f ;not Tempo
; ---------------- it was tempo (F)
tst.b d6 ;test effect qual..
beq.s fx0fchgblck ;if effect qualifier (last 2 #'s)..
cmp.b #$f0,d6 ;..is zero, go to next block
bhi.s fx0fspecial ;if it's F1-FF something special
; ---------------- just an ordinary "change tempo"-request
moveq #0,d0 ;will happen!!!
move.b d6,d0
bsr _SetTempo ;change The Tempo
bra.w plr_nocmd
; ---------------- no, it was FFx, something special will happen!!
fx0fspecial: cmp.b #$f2,d6 ; | rest - play | SpecialFX#2: no note..yet
bne.s isfxfe ;not SpecFX2
; ---------------- it was FF2, nothing to do now
move.b d5,(a5) ;Yes!!! Save the note number
moveq #0,d5 ; clear the number for awhile
bra.w plr_nocmd
isfxfe: cmp.b #$fe,d6
bne.s notcmdfe
; ---------------- it was FFE, stop playing
clr.w pstate
movea.l craddr(pc),a0
bclr #0,(a0) ;stop timer
bsr.w SoundOff
addq.l #4,sp ;trackdataptrs...
bra.w plr_exit
notcmdfe: cmp.b #$fd,d6 ;change period
bne.s isfxff
; ---------------- FFD, change the period, don't replay the note
cmp.w #4,d7 ;no tracks 4 - 15, thank you!!
bge.w plr_nocmd
movea.l trk_periodtbl(a5),a0 ;period table
subq.b #1,d5 ;sub 1 to make "real" note number
bmi.w plr_endloop0 ;under zero, do nothing
add.b d5,d5
move.w 0(a0,d5.w),d0 ;get the period
movea.l trk_audioaddr(a5),a0
move.w d0,ac_per(a0) ;push the period
moveq #0,d5 ;and clear it so that it won't be replayed
bra.w plr_nocmd ;done!!
isfxff: cmp.b #$ff,d6 ;note off??
bne.w plr_nocmd
move.w d7,d0
bsr.w _ChannelOff
bra.w plr_nocmd
; ---------------- F00, called Pattern Break in ST
fx0fchgblck: addq.b #1,nextblock ;next block????...YES!!!! (F00)
bra.w plr_nocmd
; ---------------- was not Fxx, then it's something else!!
not0f: cmp.b #$0e,d0
bne.s not0e
move.b d6,trk_wfcmd+1(a5) ;set waveform command position ptr
bra.w plr_nocmd
not0e: cmp.b #$0c,d0 ;new volume???
bne.s not0c ;NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; ---------------- change volume
move.b d6,d0
btst #4,767(a4) ;look at flags
bne.s volhex
lsr.b #4,d0 ;get number from left
mulu #10,d0 ;number of tens
move.b d6,d1 ;get again
and.b #$0f,d1 ;this time don't get tens
add.b d1,d0 ;add them
cmp.b #64,d0
bls.s novolov64
moveq #64,d0
mulu trk_trackvol(a5),d0
lsr.w #8,d0
move.b d0,trk_prevvol(a5)
bra.s plr_nocmd
; ---------------- tempo2 change??
not0c: cmp.b #$09,d0
bne.s not09
and.b #$1F,d6
bne.s fx9chk
moveq #$20,d6
fx9chk: move.b d6,769(a4)
bra.s plr_nocmd
; ---------------- note off time set??
not09: cmp.b #$08,d0
bne.s not08
move.b d6,d0
lsr.b #4,d6 ;extract left nibble
and.b #$0f,d0 ; " " right " "
move.b d6,trk_initdecay(a5) ;left = decay
move.b d0,trk_inithold(a5) ;right = hold
bra.s plr_nocmd
; ---------------- cmd Bxx, "position jump", like Goto, yäk!!
not08: cmp.b #$0b,d0
bne.s not0b
move.w d6,d0
and.w #$00ff,d0
cmp.w 506(a4),d0 ;test the song length
bhi.s plr_nocmd
move.w d0,pseq
st nextblock ; = 1
bra.s plr_nocmd
; ---------------- try portamento (3)
not0b: cmp.b #$03,d0
bne.s plr_nocmd
subq.b #1,d5 ;subtract note number
bpl.s plr_fx3note ;there's a note...
tst.b d6 ;qual??
beq.s plr_endloop0 ;0 -> do nothing
bra.s plr_setfx3spd ;not 0 -> set new speed
cmp.w #4,d7
bge.s plr_endloop0 ;hey, what are you trying to do??
movea.l trk_periodtbl(a5),a0
add.b 766(a4),d5 ;play transpose
add.b trk_stransp(a5),d5 ;and instrument transpose
bmi.s plr_endloop0 ;again.. too low
add.w d5,d5
move.w 0(a0,d5.w),trk_porttrgper(a5) ;period of this note is the target
plr_setfx3spd: move.b d6,trk_prevportspd(a5) ;remember size
moveq #0,d5 ;don't play this one
; ---------------- everything is checked now: play or not to play??
plr_nocmd: tst.b d5 ;Now we'll check if we have to play a note
beq.s plr_endloop0 ;no.
; ---------------- we decided to play
move.b d5,(a5)
move.w d7,d0
move.w d5,d1
moveq #0,d2
move.b trk_prevvol(a5),d2 ;get volume
moveq #0,d3
move.b trk_previnstr(a5),d3 ;instr #
movea.l trk_previnstra(a5),a3 ;instr data address
; ---------------- does this instrument have holding??
move.b trk_inithold(a5),trk_noteoffcnt(a5) ;initialize hold
bne.s plr_holdok ;not 0 -> OK
st trk_noteoffcnt(a5) ;0 -> hold = 0xff (-1)
; ---------------- and finally:
plr_holdok: bsr _PlayNote ;play it!!!!!!!!!!!
; ---------------- end of loop: handle next track, or quit
plr_endloop0: addq.b #1,d7
cmp.w numtracks(pc),d7
blt.w plr_loop0
addq.l #4,sp ;trackdataptrs
; and advance song pointers
lea pline(pc),a3
move.w (a3),d1 ;pline
addq.w #1,d1 ;very important!!! advance line!!
cmp.w numlines(pc),d1 ;important too!!! advance block??
bgt.s plr_chgblock ;yes!!!
tst.b nextblock ;command F00 ??
beq.s plr_nochgblock ;no, don't change block
plr_chgblock: moveq #0,d1 ;clear line number
cmp.w #2,6(a3) ;play block/play song?
bne.s plr_nonewseq ;play block only...
move.w 4(a3),d0 ;get play sequence number
tst.b nextblock
bmi.s plr_noadvseq ;Bxx sets nextblock to 0xff (= neg)
addq.w #1,d0 ;advance sequence number
plr_noadvseq: cmp.w 506(a4),d0 ;is this the highest seq number??
blt.s plr_notagain ;no.
moveq #0,d0 ;yes: play song again
moveq #0,d1 ;...forever!!!
plr_notagain: move.b d0,5(a3) ;remember new playseq-#
lea 508(a4),a0 ;offset in sequence table
move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d0 ;get number of the block
cmp.b 505(a4),d0 ;beyond last block??
blt.s plr_nolstblk ;no..
moveq #0,d0 ;play block 0
plr_nolstblk: move.b d0,3(a3) ;store pblock
plr_nonewseq: clr.b nextblock ;clear this if F00 set it
plr_nochgblock: move.w d1,(a3) ;set new pline
movea.l 16(a6),a0
move.w 2(a3),d0 ;pblock
lsl.w #2,d0
movea.l 0(a0,d0.w),a2 ;block...
move.b (a2),d7 ;# of tracks
move.w (a3),d0 ;play line
move.w d0,d1
add.w d0,d0 ;d0 * 2
add.w d1,d0 ;+ d0 = d0 * 3
mulu d7,d0
lea 2(a2,d0.w),a2
move.b 769(a4),d3 ;interrupts/note
lea trackdataptrs(pc),a0
subq.b #1,d7
plr_chkhold: movea.l (a0)+,a1 ;track data
tst.b trk_noteoffcnt(a1) ;hold??
bmi.s plr_holdend ;no.
move.b (a2),d1 ;get the 1st byte..
bne.s plr_hold1
move.b 1(a2),d1
and.b #$f0,d1
beq.s plr_holdend ;don't hold
bra.s plr_hold2
plr_hold1: and.b #$3f,d1 ;note??
beq.s plr_hold2 ;no, cont hold..
move.b 1(a2),d1
and.b #$0f,d1 ;get cmd
subq.b #3,d1 ;is there command 3 (slide)
bne.s plr_holdend ;no -> end holding
plr_hold2: add.b d3,trk_noteoffcnt(a1) ;continue holding...
plr_holdend: addq.l #3,a2 ;next note
dbf d7,plr_chkhold
btst #5,767(a4) ;FLAG_STSLIDE??
bne.w plr_endfx ;yes, no effects this time...
moveq #0,d3 ;counter = 0!!!
; *********************** This code produces the effects **
moveq #0,d7 ;clear track count
moveq #0,d6
lea trackdataptrs(pc),a2
plr_loop1: movea.l (a2)+,a5
moveq #0,d5
moveq #0,d4
move.b trk_cmd(a5),d6 ;get the fx number
move.b trk_cmdqual(a5),d4 ;and the last 2 #'s
tst.b trk_prevmidin(a5) ;first: is it MIDI??
bne.w midifx
cmp.w #4,d7
bge.w endl ;no non-MIDI effects in tracks 4 - 15
tst.b trk_noteoffcnt(a5)
bmi.s plr_nowaitoff
subq.b #1,trk_noteoffcnt(a5)
bpl.s plr_nowaitoff
tst.b trk_synthtype(a5) ;synth/hybrid??
beq.s plr_nosyndec
move.b trk_decay(a5),trk_volcmd+1(a5) ;set volume command pointer
clr.b trk_volwait(a5) ;abort WAI
move.l trk_synthptr(a5),d0
bra.s plr_gosynth
plr_nosyndec: move.b trk_decay(a5),trk_fadespd(a5) ;set fade...
bne.s plr_nowaitoff ;if > 0, don't stop sound
bset d7,d5
move.w d5,$dff096 ;stop DMA...
moveq #0,d5
move.l trk_synthptr(a5),d0
beq.s plr_nosynth
plr_gosynth: move.l d0,a0
bsr.w synth_start
plr_nosynth: move.b trk_fadespd(a5),d0 ;fade??
beq.s plr_nofade ;no.
sub.b d0,trk_prevvol(a5)
bpl.s plr_nofade2low
clr.b trk_prevvol(a5)
clr.b trk_fadespd(a5) ;fade no more
plr_nofade2low: movea.l trk_audioaddr(a5),a1
move.b trk_prevvol(a5),ac_vol+1(a1)
plr_nofade: add.b d6,d6 ;* 2
move.w fx_table(pc,d6.w),d0
jmp fxs(pc,d0.w)
fx_table: dc.w fx_00-fxs,fx_01-fxs,fx_02-fxs,fx_03-fxs,fx_04-fxs
dc.w fx_05-fxs,fx_xx-fxs,fx_xx-fxs,fx_xx-fxs,fx_xx-fxs
dc.w fx_0a-fxs,fx_xx-fxs,fx_0c-fxs,fx_0d-fxs,fx_xx-fxs
dc.w fx_0f-fxs
; **************************************** Effect 01 ******
fx_01: sub.w d4,trk_prevper(a5) ;slide it up!!!
move.w trk_prevper(a5),d5
cmp.w #113,d5 ;too high???
bge newvals
move.w #113,d5 ;yes, too high!!!
move.w d5,trk_prevper(a5)
bra newvals
; **************************************** Effect 02 ******
fx_02: add.w d4,trk_prevper(a5) ;slide it down!!!!!!!!!
move.w trk_prevper(a5),d5
bra.w newvals
; **************************************** Effect 00 ******
fx_00: tst.b d4 ;both fxqualifiers are 0s: no arpeggio!!
beq.w endl
move.l d3,d0
divu #3,d0
swap d0
tst.w d0
bne.s fx_arp12
and.b #$0f,d4
add.b (a5),d4
bra.s fx_doarp
fx_arp12: subq.b #1,d0
bne.s fx_arp2
lsr.b #4,d4
add.b (a5),d4
bra.s fx_doarp
fx_arp2: move.b (a5),d4
fx_doarp: subq.b #1,d4 ;-1 to make it 0 - 127
add.b 766(a4),d4 ;add play transpose
add.b trk_stransp(a5),d4 ;add instrument transpose
lsl.b #1,d4 ;shift to make index for UWORD
movea.l trk_periodtbl(a5),a1
move.w 0(a1,d4.w),d5
bra.w newvals
; **************************************** Effect 0D/0A ***
fx_0d: move.b d4,d1
move.b trk_prevvol(a5),d0 ;move previous vol to d0
and.b #$f0,d1
bne.s crescendo
sub.b d4,d0 ;sub from prev. vol
bpl.s novolund0
moveq #0,d0 ;volumes under zero not accepted!!!
novolund0: move.b d0,trk_prevvol(a5) ;put new vol back
move.b d0,d1
bra dispvolchng
crescendo: lsr.b #4,d1
add.b d1,d0
cmp.b #64,d0
ble.s novolover64
moveq #64,d0
novolover64: move.b d0,trk_prevvol(a5)
move.b d0,d1
bra.w dispvolchng
; **************************************** Effect 05 ******
fx_05: move.w trk_prevper(a5),d5 ;this is very simple: get the old period
cmp.b #3,d3 ;and..
bge.w newvals ;if counter < 3
sub.w d4,d5 ;subtract effect qualifier
bra.w newvals
; **************************************** Effect 03 ******
fx_03: move.w trk_porttrgper(a5),d0 ;d0 = target period
beq.w newvals ;no target period specified
move.w trk_prevper(a5),d1 ;d1 = curr. period
move.b trk_prevportspd(a5),d4 ;get prev. speed
cmp.w d0,d1
bhi.s subper ;curr. period > target period
add.w d4,d1 ;add the period
cmp.w d0,d1
bge.s targreached
bra.s targnreach
subper: sub.w d4,d1 ;subtract
cmp.w d0,d1 ;compare current period to target period
bhi.s targnreach
targreached: move.w trk_porttrgper(a5),d1 ;eventually push target period
clr.w trk_porttrgper(a5) ;now we can forget everything
targnreach: move.w d1,trk_prevper(a5)
move.w d1,d5
bra.w newvals
; *********************************************************
fx_0c: cmp.b #1,d3
bne.w newvals
move.b trk_prevvol(a5),d1
dispvolchng: bra.w newvals
; **************************************** Effect 04 ******
fx_04: tst.b d4
beq.s nonvib
move.b d4,trk_vibrspdsz(a5)
nonvib: move.b trk_vibroffs(a5),d0
lsr.b #2,d0
and.w #$1f,d0
moveq #0,d1
lea sinetable(pc),a0
move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d5
ext.w d5
move.b trk_vibrspdsz(a5),d0
and.w #$000f,d0
muls d0,d5
asr.w #5,d5
add.w trk_prevper(a5),d5
move.b trk_vibrspdsz(a5),d0
lsr.b #3,d0
and.b #$3e,d0
add.b d0,trk_vibroffs(a5)
bra.s newvals
; **************************************** Effect 0F ******
fx_0f: cmp.b #$f1,d4
bne.s no0ff1
cmp.b #3,d3
bne.w endl
bra.s playfxnote
no0ff1: cmp.b #$f2,d4
bne.s no0ff2
cmp.b #3,d3
bne.w endl
bra.s playfxnote
no0ff2: cmp.b #$f3,d4
bne.s no0ff3
move.b d3,d0
and.b #2+4,d0 ;is 2 or 4
beq.w endl
playfxnote: move.w d7,d0 ;track # to d0...
moveq #0,d1
move.b (a5),d1 ;get note # of previous note
moveq #0,d2
move.b trk_prevvol(a5),d2 ;get previous volume
move.w d3,-(sp)
moveq #0,d3
move.b trk_previnstr(a5),d3 ;and prev. sample #
movea.l trk_previnstra(a5),a3
bsr _PlayNote
move.w (sp)+,d3
bra.s endl
no0ff3: cmp.b #$f8,d4 ;f8 = filter off
beq.s plr_filteroff
cmp.b #$f9,d4 ;f9 = filter on
bne.s endl
bclr #1,$bfe001
bra.s endl
plr_filteroff: bset #1,$bfe001
bra.s endl
; *********************************************************
newvals: movea.l trk_audioaddr(a5),a1 ;get channel address
tst.w d5 ;now: do the effects!!!
beq.s plr_oldper
plr_newper: move.w d5,ac_per(a1) ;push period
plr_oldper: move.b trk_prevvol(a5),ac_vol+1(a1) ;get volume & push it
endl: addq.b #1,d7 ;increment channel number
cmp.w numtracks(pc),d7 ;all channels done???
blt.w plr_loop1 ;not yet!!!
plr_endfx: bsr _StartDMA ;turn on DMA
plr_exit: movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a5
pline: dc.w 0
pblock: dc.w 0
pseq: dc.w 0
pstate: dc.w 0
cmp.b #10,d0 ;If tempo <= 10, use SoundTracker tempo
bhi.s calctempo
subq.b #1,d0
lsl.w #1,d0
move.w sttempo+2(pc,d0.w),d1
bra.s pushtempo
calctempo: move.l timerdiv(pc),d1
divu d0,d1
pushtempo: movea.l craddr+4(pc),a0
move.b d1,(a0) ;and set the CIA timer
lsr.w #8,d1
movea.l craddr+8(pc),a0
move.b d1,(a0)
rts ; vv-- These values are the SoundTracker tempos (approx.)
sttempo: dc.w $0f00
dc.w 2417,4833,7250,9666,12083,14500,16916,19332,21436,24163
timerdiv: dc.l 470000 ;this value for CIA freq 709 379 Hz (PAL..)
midifx: tst.b trk_noteoffcnt(a5)
bmi.s midi_nowaitoff
subq.b #1,trk_noteoffcnt(a5)
bpl.s midi_nowaitoff
move.l a5,a1
move.b trk_prevmidin(a5),d1
beq.s midi_nowaitoff ;no note
bsr.w choff_midi
midi_nowaitoff: cmp.b #1,d6
bne.s nomidi01fx
lea prevmidipbend(pc),a0
moveq #0,d1
move.b trk_prevmidich(a5),d1 ;get previous midi channel
lsl.w #1,d1 ;UWORD index
tst.b d4 ;x100??
beq.s resetpbend
move.w 0(a0,d1.w),d0 ;get previous pitch bend
lsl.w #3,d4 ;multiply bend value by 8
add.w d4,d0
cmp.w #$3fff,d0
bls.s bendpitch
move.w #$3fff,d0
bendpitch: move.w d0,0(a0,d1.w) ;save current pitch bend
lsr.b #1,d1 ;back to UBYTE
or.b #$e0,d1
lea noteondata(pc),a0
move.b d1,(a0) ;midi command & channel
move.b d0,1(a0) ;lower value
and.b #$7f,1(a0) ;clear bit 7
lsr.w #7,d0
and.b #$7f,d0 ;clr bit 7
move.b d0,2(a0) ;higher 7 bits
moveq #3,d0
bsr.w _AddMIDIData
bra.w endl
nomidi01fx: cmp.b #2,d6
bne.s nomidi02fx
lea prevmidipbend(pc),a0
moveq #0,d1
move.b trk_prevmidich(a5),d1
lsl.w #1,d1
tst.b d4
beq.s resetpbend ;x200??
move.w 0(a0,d1.w),d0
lsl.w #3,d4
sub.w d4,d0
bpl.s bendpitch ;not under 0
moveq #0,d0
bra.s bendpitch
resetpbend: tst.b d3 ;d3 = counter (remember??)
bne.w endl
move.w #$2000,d0
bra.s bendpitch
nomidi02fx: cmp.b #$04,d6
bne.s nomidi04fx
moveq #$01,d0
bra.s pushctrldata
nomidi04fx: cmp.b #$0e,d6 ;with MIDI, this is "pan", when
bne.s nomidi0efx ;values are 0 - $7f
moveq #$0a,d0
pushctrldata: tst.b d3 ;do it only once in a note
bne.w endl ;(when counter = 0)
lea noteondata(pc),a0 ;push "control change" data,
move.b trk_prevmidich(a5),(a0) ;d0 = 1. databyte, d4 = 2. db
or.b #$b0,(a0)
move.b d0,1(a0)
move.b d4,2(a0)
bmi.w endl ;I said 0 - $7f!!! (for future compatibility)
moveq #3,d0
bsr.w _AddMIDIData
bra.w endl
nomidi0efx: cmp.b #$0f,d6
bne.w endl
cmp.b #$fa,d4 ;hold pedal ON
bne.s nomffa
moveq #$40,d0
moveq #$7f,d4
bra.s pushctrldata
nomffa: cmp.b #$fb,d4 ;hold pedal OFF
bne.s nomffb
moveq #$40,d0
moveq #$00,d4
bra.s pushctrldata
nomffb: bra.w fx_0f
_ResetMIDI: movem.l d2/a2,-(sp)
lea prevmidicpres(pc),a0
clr.l (a0)+ ;force presets to be set again
clr.l (a0)+ ;(clear prev. preset numbers)
clr.l (a0)+
clr.l (a0)+
clr.b lastcmdbyte
lea midiresd(pc),a2
move.b #$e0,(a2) ;reset pitchbenders & mod. wheel
move.b #$b0,3(a2)
moveq #15,d2
respbendl: movea.l a2,a0
moveq #6,d0
bsr.w _AddMIDIData
addq.b #1,(a2)
addq.b #1,3(a2)
dbf d2,respbendl
lea prevmidipbend(pc),a2
moveq #15,d2
resprevpbends: move.w #$2000,(a2)+
dbf d2,resprevpbends
movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
midiresd: dc.b $e0,$00,$40,$b0,$01,$00
getinsdata: moveq #0,d2
move.w 4(a0),d0 ;Soitin-struct in a0
bne.s iff5or3oct ;note # in d1 (0 - ...)
move.l a0,d0
lea _periods(pc),a0
move.l a0,trk_periodtbl(a5)
lsl.b #1,d1
move.w 0(a0,d1.w),d5 ;put period to d5
move.l d0,a0
addq.l #6,d0 ;Skip structure
move.l (a0),d1 ;length
move.w (a3),d2
move.w 2(a3),d3
iff5or3oct: movem.l d6-d7,-(sp)
moveq #0,d7
move.w d1,d7
divu #12,d7 ;octave #
move.l d7,d5
swap d5 ;note number in this oct (0-11) is in d5
move.l (a0),d1
cmp.b #2,d0
bne.s no3oct
addq.l #6,d7
divu #7,d1 ;get length of the 1st octave
bra.s no5oct
no3oct: divu #31,d1 ;get length of the 1st octave (5 octaves)
no5oct: move.l d1,d0 ;d0 and d1 = length of the 1st oct
move.w (a3),d2
move.w 2(a3),d3
moveq #0,d6
move.b shiftcnt(pc,d7.w),d6
lsl.w d6,d2
lsl.w d6,d3
lsl.w d6,d1
move.b mullencnt(pc,d7.w),d6
mulu d6,d0 ;offset of this oct from 1st oct
add.l a0,d0 ;add base address to offset
addq.l #6,d0 ;skip structure
lea _periods(pc),a1
add.b octstart(pc,d7.w),d5
lsl.b #1,d5
move.w 0(a1,d5.w),d5
movem.l (sp)+,d6-d7
rts ;returns period in d5
shiftcnt: dc.b 4,3,2,1,1,0,2,2,1,1,0,0
mullencnt: dc.b 15,7,3,1,1,0,3,3,1,1,0,0
octstart: dc.b 12,12,12,12,24,24,0,12,12,24,24,36
; *************************************************************************
; *************************************************************************
; *********** P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S ***********
; *************************************************************************
; *************************************************************************
xdef _InitModule,_PlayModule,_PlayModule2
xdef _InitPlayer,_RemPlayer,_StopPlayer
xdef _SetTempo
; *************************************************************************
; InitModule(a0 = module) -- extract expansion data etc.. from V3.00 module
; *************************************************************************
_InitModule: movem.l a2-a3/d2,-(sp)
move.l a0,d0
beq.s IM_exit ;0 => xit
movea.l 8(a0),a1 ;MMD0song
move.b 786(a1),d0 ;d0 = mastervol
ext.w d0
lea 770(a1),a1 ;a1 = trkvol
lea trackdataptrs(pc),a2
moveq #15,d1
IM_loop0 move.b (a1)+,d2 ;get vol...
ext.w d2
move.l (a2)+,a3 ;pointer to track data
mulu d0,d2 ;mastervol * trackvol
lsr.w #4,d2
move.w d2,trk_trackvol(a3)
dbf d1,IM_loop0
lea holdvals(pc),a2
move.l 32(a0),d0 ;expdata...
beq.s IM_clrhlddec ;none here
move.l d0,a1
move.l 4(a1),d0 ;exp_smp
beq.s IM_clrhlddec ;again.. nothing
move.l d0,a0 ;InstrExt...
move.w 8(a1),d2 ;# of entries
beq.s IM_clrhlddec
subq.w #1,d2 ;- 1 (for dbf)
move.w 10(a1),d0 ;entry size
IM_loop1 move.b 1(a0),63(a2) ;InstrExt.decay ->decay
move.b (a0),(a2)+ ;InstrExt.hold -> holdvals
adda.w d0,a0 ;ptr to next InstrExt
dbf d2,IM_loop1
bra.s IM_exit
IM_clrhlddec moveq #62,d0 ;no InstrExt => clear holdvals/decays
IM_loop2 clr.w (a2)+
dbf d0,IM_loop2
IM_exit movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/d2
; *************************************************************************
; InitPlayer() -- allocate interrupt, audio, serial port etc...
; *************************************************************************
bsr.w _GetSerial
tst.l d0
bne.s IP_error
bsr.w _AudioInit
tst.l d0
bne.s IP_error
moveq #33,d0
bsr.w _SetTempo ;set default tempo
moveq #0,d0
IP_error bsr.w _RemPlayer
moveq #-1,d0
; *************************************************************************
; RemPlayer() -- free interrupt, audio, serial port etc..
; *************************************************************************
_RemPlayer: move.b _timeropen(pc),d0
beq.s RP_notimer ;timer is not ours
bsr.s _StopPlayer
RP_notimer: bsr.w _AudioRem
bsr.w _FreeSerial
; *************************************************************************
; PlayModule(a0 = module) -- initialize & play it!!
; PlayModule2(a0 = module) -- play module (must be initialized)
; *************************************************************************
_PlayModule: move.l a0,-(sp)
bsr _InitModule
move.l (sp)+,a0
_PlayModule2: move.b _timeropen(pc),d0
beq.s PM_end ;resource allocation failure
move.l a0,d0
beq.s PM_end ;module failure
movea.l craddr(pc),a1
bclr #0,(a1) ;stop timer...
clr.l _module
clr.b lastcmdbyte
move.l a0,-(sp)
movea.l 8(a0),a0 ;song
move.b 769(a0),_counter ;init counter
btst #0,767(a0)
bne.s PM_filon
bset #1,$bfe001
bra.s PM_filset
PM_filon bclr #1,$bfe001
PM_filset move.w 764(a0),d0 ;get default tempo
moveq #0,d1
move.b 508(a0),d1 ;get first playseq entry
lea pline(pc),a0 ;clear pline etc..
move.l d1,(a0)+
moveq #2,d1
move.l d1,(a0) ;pstate = 2 (play song)
move.l (sp)+,_module
bsr.w _SetTempo ;set default tempo
bset #0,(a1) ;start timer => PLAY!!
PM_end rts
; *************************************************************************
; StopPlayer() -- stop music
; *************************************************************************
_StopPlayer: move.b _timeropen(pc),d0
beq.s SP_end ;res. alloc fail.
movea.l craddr(pc),a0
bclr #0,(a0) ;stop timer
clr.w pstate
clr.b lastcmdbyte
bsr.w SoundOff
SP_end rts
; *************************************************************************
_AudioInit: movem.l a4/a6/d2-d3,-(sp)
moveq #0,d2
movea.l 4,a6
; +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ alloc signal bit
addq.l #1,d2
moveq #-1,d0
jsr -$14a(a6) ;AllocSignal()
tst.b d0
bmi.w initerr
move.b d0,sigbitnum
; +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ prepare IORequest
lea allocport(pc),a1
move.b d0,15(a1) ;set mp_SigBit
move.l a1,-(sp)
suba.l a1,a1
jsr -$126(a6) ;FindTask(0)
move.l (sp)+,a1
move.l d0,16(a1) ;set mp_SigTask
lea reqlist(pc),a0
move.l a0,(a0) ;NEWLIST begins...
addq.l #4,(a0)
clr.l 4(a0)
move.l a0,8(a0) ;NEWLIST ends...
; +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ open audio.device
addq.l #1,d2
lea allocreq(pc),a1
lea audiodevname(pc),a0
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
jsr -$1bc(a6) ;OpenDevice()
tst.b d0
bne.w initerr
st.b audiodevopen
; +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ open ciaa.resource
addq.l #1,d2
cmp.b #50,$212(a6) ;ExecBase->VBlankFrequency
beq.s init_pal
move.l #474326,timerdiv ;Assume that CIA freq is 715 909 Hz
init_pal: moveq #0,d0
lea ciabname(pc),a1
jsr -$1f2(a6) ;OpenResource()
tst.l d0
beq.s initerr
move.l d0,_ciaresource
; +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ attach interrupt
addq.l #1,d2
moveq #2,d3
lea craddr(pc),a4
move.l #$bfdf00,(a4)+ ;Initialize Timer B addresses
move.l #$bfd600,(a4)+
move.l #$bfd700,(a4)
move.l d0,a6
lea timerinterrupt(pc),a1 ;Attempt to get timer B
clr.l -4(a1) ;clear module pointer
moveq #1,d0 ;Bit number 1: Timer B
jsr -$6(a6) ;AddICRVector
tst.l d0
beq.s gotTimerB ;succeeded!!
moveq #1,d3
lea timerinterrupt(pc),a1 ;no. Get timer A then...
moveq #0,d0 ;Bit number 0: Timer A
jsr -$6(a6)
tst.l d0
bne.s initerr
move.l #$bfd500,(a4) ;Set Timer A addresses
move.l #$bfd400,-(a4)
move.l #$bfde00,-(a4)
gotTimerB: movea.l craddr(pc),a0 ;get Control Register address
and.b #%10000000,(a0) ;clear CtrlReg bits 0 - 6
move.b d3,_timeropen ;d3: 1 = TimerA 2 = TimerB
moveq #5,d0 ;INTB_VERTB
lea timerinterrupt(pc),a1
jsr -$a8(a6) ;AddIntServer
st _timeropen
clr.w pstate
moveq #0,d0
initret: movem.l (sp)+,a4/a6/d2-d3
initerr: move.l d2,d0
bra.s initret
_AudioRem: move.l a6,-(sp)
moveq #0,d0
lea _timeropen(pc),a0
move.b (a0),d0
beq.s rem1
; +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ remove interrupt
clr.b (a0)
move.l _ciaresource(pc),a6
lea timerinterrupt(pc),a1
subq.b #1,d0
jsr -$c(a6) ;RemICRVector
movea.l 4,a6
lea timerinterrupt(pc),a1
moveq #5,d0
jsr -$ae(a6) ;RemIntServer
movea.l 4,a6
lea audiodevopen(pc),a0
tst.b (a0)
beq.s rem2
move.w #$000f,$dff096 ;stop audio DMA
; +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ close audio.device
clr.b (a0)
lea allocreq(pc),a1
jsr -$1c2(a6) ;CloseDevice()
rem2: moveq #0,d0
move.b sigbitnum(pc),d0
bmi.s rem3
; +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ free signal bit
jsr -$150(a6) ;FreeSignal()
rem3: move.l (sp)+,a6
_GetSerial: move.l a6,-(sp) ;Get serial port for MIDI
bsr.s GetSer2
tst.l d0 ;got the port??
beq.s rgser ;yes
movea.l 4,a6 ;no..try to flush serial.device:
jsr -$84(a6) ;Forbid
lea $15e(a6),a0 ;ExecBase->DeviceList
lea serdev(pc),a1 ;"serial.device"
jsr -$114(a6) ;FindName
tst.l d0
beq.s serdnotf ;no serial.device!!
move.l d0,a1
jsr -$1b6(a6) ;RemDevice
serdnotf: jsr -$8a(a6) ;and Permit
bsr.s GetSer2 ;now try it again...
rgser: move.l (sp)+,a6
GetSer2: movea.l 4,a6
moveq #0,d0
lea miscresname(pc),a1
jsr -$1f2(a6) ;OpenResource()
move.l d0,miscresbase
tst.l d0
beq.s gserror
move.l d0,a6
lea medname(pc),a1
moveq #0,d0 ;serial port
jsr -$6(a6) ;AllocMiscResource()
tst.l d0
bne.s gserror
st.b serportalloc
clr.w intrson
move.w $dff01c,d0
btst #0,d0
sne intrson
moveq #0,d0 ;TBE
lea serinterrupt(pc),a1
move.l 4,a6
jsr -$a2(a6) ;SetIntVector()
move.l d0,prevtbe
move.w #$8001,$dff09a ;TBE on!!
move.w #114,$dff032 ;set baud rate (SERPER)
moveq #0,d0
gserror: moveq #-1,d0
intrson: dc.b 0,0
_FreeSerial: move.l a6,-(sp)
tst.l miscresbase
beq.s retfs
tst.b serportalloc
beq.s retfs
move.w #$0001,$dff09a ;disable TBE
movea.l prevtbe(pc),a1
moveq #0,d0
movea.l 4,a6
jsr -$a2(a6) ;SetIntVector()
tst.b intrson
beq.s nofsstbe
move.w #$8001,$dff09a
nofsstbe: movea.l miscresbase(pc),a6
moveq #0,d0 ;serial port
jsr -$c(a6) ;FreeMiscResource()
clr.b serportalloc
clr.b lastcmdbyte
retfs: move.l (sp)+,a6
prevtbe: dc.l 0
SerIntHandler: move.w #$4000,$9a(a0) ;disable...
addq.b #1,$126(a6)
move.w #1,$9c(a0) ;clear intreq bit
move.b bytesinbuff(pc),d0
beq.s exsih ;buffer empty
movea.l 4(a1),a5 ;get buffer read pointer
move.w #$100,d1 ;Stop bit
move.b (a5),d1 ;get byte
move.w d1,$30(a0) ;and push it out!! (SERDAT)
addq.l #1,a5 ;add 1
cmpa.l a1,a5 ;shall we reset ptr??
bne.s norrbuffptr ;not yet..
lea sendbuffer(pc),a5
norrbuffptr: subq.b #1,d0 ;one less bytes in buffer
move.b d0,bytesinbuff ;remember it
move.l a5,4(a1) ;push new read pointer back
exsih: subq.b #1,$126(a6)
bge.s exsih0
move.w #$c000,$9a(a0)
exsih0: rts
_AddMIDIData: tst.b serportalloc
beq.s retamd
movem.l a2/a6,-(sp)
movea.l 4,a6
move.w #$4000,$dff09a ;Disable interrupts
addq.b #1,$126(a6) ;ExecBase->IDNestCnt
move.b bytesinbuff(pc),d1
bne.s noTBEreq
move.w #$8001,$dff09c ;request TBE
noTBEreq: lea buffptr(pc),a2 ;end of buffer (ptr)
movea.l (a2),a1 ;buffer pointer
adddataloop: move.b (a0)+,d1 ;get byte
bpl.s norscheck ;this isn't a status byte
cmp.b #$ef,d1 ;forget system messages
bhi.s norscheck
cmp.b lastcmdbyte(pc),d1 ;same as previos status byte??
beq.s samesb ;yes, skip
move.b d1,lastcmdbyte ;no, don't skip but remember!!
norscheck: move.b d1,(a1)+ ;push it to midi send buffer
addq.b #1,bytesinbuff
samesb: cmpa.l a2,a1 ;end of buffer??
bne.s noresbuffptr ;no, no!!
lea sendbuffer(pc),a1 ;better reset it to avoid trashing
noresbuffptr: subq.b #1,d0
bne.s adddataloop
move.l a1,(a2) ;push new buffer ptr back
overflow: subq.b #1,$126(a6)
bge.s retamd1
move.w #$c000,$dff09a ;enable interrupts again
retamd1: movem.l (sp)+,a2/a6
retamd: rts
sendbuffer: ds.b 128
buffptr: dc.l sendbuffer
readbuffptr: dc.l sendbuffer
miscresbase: dc.l 0
lastcmdbyte: dc.b 0
preschgdata: dc.b 0,0
noteondata: dc.l 0
serportalloc: dc.b 0
bytesinbuff: dc.b 0
audiodevopen: dc.b 0
sigbitnum: dc.b -1
_timeropen: dc.b 0
_ciaresource: dc.l 0
craddr: dc.l 0
dc.l 0 ;tloaddr
dc.l 0 ;thiaddr
_module: dc.l 0
timerinterrupt: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0
dc.l timerintname,0,_IntHandler
serinterrupt: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0
dc.l serintname,buffptr,SerIntHandler
allocport: dc.l 0,0 ;succ, pred
dc.b 4,0 ;NT_MSGPORT
dc.l 0 ;name
dc.b 0,0 ;flags = PA_SIGNAL
dc.l 0 ;task
reqlist: dc.l 0,0,0 ;list head, tail and tailpred
dc.b 5,0
allocreq: dc.l 0,0
dc.b 5,127 ;NT_MESSAGE, use maximum priority (127)
dc.l 0,allocport ;name, replyport
dc.w 68 ;length
dc.l 0 ;io_Device
dc.l 0 ;io_Unit
dc.w 0 ;io_Command
dc.b 0,0 ;io_Flags, io_Error
dc.w 0 ;ioa_AllocKey
dc.l sttempo ;ioa_Data
dc.l 1 ;ioa_Length
dc.w 0,0,0 ;ioa_Period, Volume, Cycles
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;ioa_WriteMsg
audiodevname: dc.b 'audio.device',0
ciabname: dc.b 'ciab.resource',0
timerintname: dc.b 'MEDTimerInterrupt',0
serintname: dc.b 'MEDSerialInterrupt',0
miscresname: dc.b 'misc.resource',0
serdev: dc.b 'serial.device',0
medname: dc.b 'MED - Player routine',0 ;yeah, our name
_synthper: dc.w 3424,3232,3048,2880,2712,2560,2416,2280,2152,2032
dc.w 1920,1812,1712,1616,1524,1440,1356,1280,1208,1140
dc.w 1076,1016,960,906
_periods: dc.w 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453
dc.w 428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226
dc.w 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113
dc.w 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113
dc.w 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113
dc.w 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113
holdvals: ds.b 63
decays: ds.b 63
section "chipzero",data_c
_chipzero: dc.l 0
; the track-data structure definition:
trk_prevnote rs.b 1 ;previous note number
trk_previnstr rs.b 1 ;previous instrument number
trk_prevvol rs.b 1 ;previous volume
trk_prevmidich rs.b 1 ;previous MIDI channel
trk_cmd rs.b 1 ;command (the 3rd number from right)
trk_cmdqual rs.b 1 ;command qualifier (infobyte, databyte..)
trk_prevmidin rs.b 1 ;previous MIDI note
trk_noteoffcnt rs.b 1 ;note-off counter (hold)
trk_inithold rs.b 1 ;default hold for this instrument
trk_initdecay rs.b 1 ;default decay for....
trk_stransp rs.b 1 ;instrument transpose
trk_pad rs.b 1
trk_previnstra rs.l 1 ;address of the previous instrument data
trk_trackvol rs.w 1 ;relative volume of track (premultiplied)
; the following data only on tracks 0 - 3
trk_prevper rs.w 1 ;previous period
trk_audioaddr rs.l 1 ;hardware audio channel base address
trk_sampleptr rs.l 1 ;pointer to sample
trk_samplelen rs.w 1 ;length (>> 1)
trk_porttrgper rs.w 1 ;portamento (cmd 3) target period
trk_vibroffs rs.b 1 ;vibrato table offset
trk_vibrspdsz rs.b 1 ;vibrato speed/size (cmd 4 qualifier)
trk_synthptr rs.l 1 ;pointer to synthetic/hybrid instrument
trk_arpgoffs rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: current arpeggio offset
trk_arpsoffs rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: arpeggio restart offset
trk_volxcnt rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: volume execute counter
trk_wfxcnt rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: waveform execute counter
trk_volcmd rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: volume command pointer
trk_wfcmd rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: waveform command pointer
trk_volwait rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: counter for WAI (volume list)
trk_wfwait rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: counter for WAI (waveform list)
trk_synthvibspd rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: vibrato speed
trk_wfchgspd rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: period change
trk_volchgspd rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: volume change
trk_prevnote2 rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: previous note
trk_initvolxspd rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: volume execute speed
trk_initwfxspd rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: waveform execute speed
trk_perchg rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: curr. period change from trk_prevper
trk_synviboffs rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: vibrato pointer
trk_synvibdep rs.w 1 ;SYNTH: vibrato depth
trk_synvol rs.b 1 ;SYNTH: current volume
trk_synthtype rs.b 1 ;>0 = synth, -1 = hybrid, 0 = no synth
trk_periodtbl rs.l 1 ;pointer to period table
trk_prevportspd rs.w 1 ;portamento (cmd 3) speed
trk_decay rs.b 1 ;decay
trk_fadespd rs.b 1 ;decay speed