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----- Data Master - Manual -----
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Data Master - Manual (for Version 1.01 04.07.1994)
© 1993, 1994 Teemu Sipilä
All rights reserved
Teemu Sipilä
Koskitie 25
FIN-12380 Leppäkoski
Email (after 1.9.1994):
1. What is Data Master?
1.1. Data Master
Data Master is a database program programmed for Amiga computers.
It's not the best database program for Amiga (the best shareware data-
base program??), but it's cheap and specially made for the average
In the program there are five different field types which are
string (text), integer, floating point, type (selection) and boolean
field types. In one record can be up to 256 different fields and the
number of records is practically limited only by the size of the free
memory. Records can be sorted based on eight key fields.
You can search from the database those records which match search
patterns given by the user (for example, all records whose first
field's first letter is A). You can also search for text strings from
the whole database. Using Data Master it's possible to print the data-
base for printer or save it as an ASCII file to the disk. Number
fields can be displayed on the screen as graphic diagrams, and using
this function you can simply compare records. There is a separate
field editor for the creating of the fields. Records can be, of
course, moved, copied, deleted or cleared as a single record or as
a block which includes many records.
In the following table there are some maximum values used by the
The number of records 99999 (memory limits also)
The number of fields 256
The number of alternative texts 256
(type fields)
The length of the field title 13
The length of the string field 255
The length of the unit string 9
The number of key fields 8
1.2. Amiga system
Data Master works fine also in the basic Amiga-system (Amiga 500
with KickStart 1.3), it's true, but when using the program with Kick-
Start 1.3, there isn't a file requester. Data Master can be used also
in the NTSC machines, even if, the screen size is smaller than in the
PAL machines.
The program is tested in a few different Amiga systems, but the
most of the testing is done by using Amiga 2000 and KickStart 2.0, so
there can be small bugs in other systems. In addition there is, at
this time, one general bug the reason of which is unknown. The program
may cause a guru, if you enter 'ram:' to the directory in the file
2. Database terms
2.1. Basics
A database includes many records or cards. For example, we can
imagine a address database which includes information about person's
name, address, age and phone number. This entity is a database or
a register. In the database there are records, and for every person
there is it's own record. A record includes fields which are having
different kind of information about the person. In this example the
fields are person's name, address, age and phone number.
2.2. Field types
Let's look the following example database:
NAME: Mark
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 78.2 kg
NAME: Joanna
AGE: 11
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 45.5 kg
NAME: Hugo Field type: String (or text)
AGE: 67 Integer
AGE GROUP: Old Type (selection)
SEX: Male Boolean
WEIGHT: 67.0 Float (floating point number)
In this example there are five fields of different type in one
record. The first field, NAME, is a string field (or text field) which
contains ASCII text.
The next field, AGE, is a integer number field which can have a
value ranging from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647. The last field,
WEIGTH, is a floating point number field and it differs from the
integer field in a fact that the floating point number can contain
also desimals. Note that when using floating point numbers and the
number is big or it has many desimals, the number isn't very accurate.
For example, if you type a number 3344.5566, the program 'rounds' it
to be 3344.556641.
The third field of the record is called AGE GROUP and it is a type
field (same as a selection field). When you define fields, you have to
give the specific number of alternative texts from which the user
selects the best one when editing the database. In the example
alternative texts are child, young, adult and old. Using this field
type makes it easier to edit the database, because you have to just
select the best text and you don't have to write the same text many
times. Also if the database is large, using type fields saves memory
and disk space.
Nearly the same field type is also a boolean field type which is
the type of the fourth field, SEX. For the boolean field you have to
determine two alternative text from which other one is 'on' and the
other is 'off'.
2.3. Main field and key fields
One of the fields, usually the first, is set to be the main field
of the record. This field can be though as the title of the record.
In our example the main field is naturally NAME.
If you want to sort records for alphabetic order, you have to first
set key field(s) which are used by the sort function. For example, if
you want to sort the example database for order on the age, you set
the AGE field to be the key field #1. If there are persons with the
same age, you can set the NAME field to be the key field #2, and then
those persons' mutual order is determined by the alphabetic order of
the names of the persons.
2.4. Field title, explonation and data
We can think a field as three different parts which are the field
title, the field explonation and the field data. In the example data-
base NAME, AGE, AGE GROUP, SEX and WEIGHT are, of course, field
titles. The field data contains the value of the number field or the
text string of the string field. If you want, you can attach an
explonation to the field. The field explonation should give more
information about the field. For the number field you can also give an
unit which is displayed after the field data on the screen.
3. The user interface
3.1. The screen
The screen is divided into two parts nearly in the whole program.
These parts are called the message window and the work window. In
addition many functions open a smaller window above the main screen.
At the top of the screen there is the message window, and the
program displays messages and questions for the user there. Questions
can be answered depending on the type of the question by ok/no-answer,
by a number or by a text string. Generally you can use also keyboard
for answering. By pressing the <ESC> key you can answer negatively or
cancel the command given earlier. Respectively with the <ENTER> key
you can give a positive answer. If the question asks for a number, you
can reduce and increase the number using the Cursor Left (-) and the
Cursor Right (+) keys.
In the main program the message window contains also information
about the database, like the current record and the current field.
There are also some gadgets which can be used for moving from one
record to another.
The bottom window is called the work window and it is used for
editing records and fields. In the main program there are all fields
of one record and in the field editor there are definition data of one
field. The Diagram function uses this window for showing the diagrams.
3.2. The message window
In the main program there are two lines of text in the message
window. The lines are displayed as follows:
Recs: 120 of 230 Flds: 21 B: 26 to 42
Rec: 4 - Matching Fld: 5 - String - KF2
Two first numbers in the top line tell the number of records. The
latter of these shows the real number and the first one the number of
available records. As a rule they are equal, but if searhing for the
record is used, the first number becomes smaller showing the number of
those records which match the search criteria.
The third number tells the number of fields in one record. The
next two numbers tell the first and the last record of the possible
The first section ('Rec: X - Matching') in the bottom line tells
the current record number and information about that, if the record is
matching or unmatching record, when searching is used. If the record
is matching, there is displayed the text 'Matching', and otherwise the
text 'Unmatching' after the record number.
The rest of the bottom line give information about the current
field. The number in this section shows the current field number and
the text after it tells the field type. At last there is the key field
number ('KFx', where x is ranging from 1 to 8) which is showed only
with the key fields.
3.3. Gadgets of the message window
The commands are given in the main program as menu commands which
are explained in the following chapters. There are also 11 arrow
gadgets in the message window in the main program. These gadgets can
be used for moving from one record to another or from one field to
another. They are showed as coarse-featured figures below.
|< << < <> > >> >| H U D E
For every gadget, excluding << and >>, there is also it's own key-
board shortcut which is usable from the Numeric Key pad. In the
following text the gadgets and their shortcuts are explained (first
gadget, then the shortcut, and at last the explonation).
|< the Numeric Keypad 7 - Go to the first record
<< - Rewind
< NK 4 - Go to the previous record
<> NK 5 - Asks where to go
> NK 6 - Go to the next record
>> - Forward
>| NK 1 - Go to the last record
H NK 9 - Go to the first field
U Cursor Key Up, NK 8 - Go to the previous field
D Cursor Key Down, NK 2 - Go to the next field
E NK 3 - Go to the last field
At the left side of the window there is a lift gadget which is
used to scroll the fields when there isn't enough room for all fields
in the same time.
4. Getting started
4.1. Running the program
Data Master can be called simply with a double-click when the
mouse pointer is above the icon of Data Master. If you are using
AmigaShell or something like that, you can call the program by opening
the right drawer and running Data Master. For example, as follows:
(stack 32768 <ENTER> (if the program don't work, try this))
cd DF0:DataMasterDrawer <ENTER>
(run) DataMaster <ENTER>
Then the program opens a window on which the copyright texts are
told with the program version and the registered user. You can go on
by pressing any key.
4.2. Testing
There are some example data files in the original Data Master
packet. If you are using the Data Master first time, run the program
as it was told in the part 4.1. Then select the Load Database Menuitem
from the Project Menu. Now you get a list of files in the same drawer
with Data Master. Open the drawer 'Data', and select one of the files
with the '.tdb' identification by pressing two times with the Left
Mouse Button on the filename. After the program has succesfully loaded
the file, you can move in the database by using, for example, the
Arrow Gadgets and the Numeric Keypad.
5. Editing the field data
5.1. Basics
One of the fields showed on the screen is either activated or in
editing-state. The activated field (the same as the current field)
differs from the others in the fact that the field title is coloured
with white instead of black. Besides this the field number of the
acivated field is showed in the message window. Activation is made by
pressing the Mouse Button on the title of the field or by using the
Arrow Gadgets, the Numeric Keypad or the Cursor Keys.
One of the fields can also be in editing-state. The title of this
field is coloured with blue. When a field is in editing-state, the
user can change the field data. If you want the field to editing-
state, you have to press the <ENTER> key or press the Mouse Button
on the title of the activated field or on the field data of any field.
5.2. String field
If the string field is in editing-state, there is a string gadget
on the place of the field data. Now by changing the string in the
gadget and by pressing <ENTER> (this is vital), you can change the
field data.
When a string field is not in editing-state (but is activated) and
the length of the field data is bigger than the number of columns, you
can scroll the field data using the Cursor Left and the Cursor Right
keys. If it's so, the last letter showed on the screen is coloured
with blue.
5.3. Integer and float fields
Changing the value of a integer or a floating point field is made
in the same way as changing the data of a string field.
This can also be done in the other way. First you have to activate
a field. Now by using the Cursor Left and the Cursor Right keys you
can decrease or increase the value of the field. The value is altered
as much as the step value is showing. The step value can be one of the
following values: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100 000, 1000 000,
10 000 000 or 100 000 000 (for floating point fields also 0.1, 0.01,
0.001, etc.).
The step value is set by selecting the Set Step Size Menuitem or
with the Numeric Keys (not the Numeric Keypad). The menu command asks
for the new value on the message window. This value must be given as
an exponent (for example, if you give 3, the step value will be 10e3=
1000). Respectively, if you press any Numeric Key from 0 to 8, the
step value will be 10 powered by the corresponding number. If you
press <SHIFT> and any of the Numeric Keys, the step value of float
fields will be 10 powered by minus the corresponding number. Note that
if you want the step value to be 1, press 0 (10e0 = 1).
5.4. Type and boolean fields
Altering the data of the type or boolean field can be made in two
ways. The easiest way is to use the Cursor Left and the Cursor Right
keys to select the alternative text, when a field is activated (not in
If the field is in editing-state, there is a list of the alter-
natives on the place of the field data. Now you can scroll the list
by using the Cursor Left and the Cursor Right keys. You can select a
new alternative text by pressing <ENTER> or by pressing the Left Mouse
Button, when the pointer is pointing to the text in question.
6. Handling records
6.1. Basics
You can move between records by using the Numeric Key Pad and the
Arrow Gadgets. The commands for handling records can be called from
the Edit and the Block Menus. The Edit Menu includes commands usable
for handling a single record and the Block Menu commands for handling
record blocks. The commands in the Block Menu are quite simiral to
those in the Edit Menu, so only the Edit Menu is explained here
6.2. Insert
By using this command you can add a new record between old
records. The number of the records will be then increased by one and
the record number of the new record is same as the record number of
the old current record.
6.3. Delete
The Delete Menuitem should be called if you want to delete the
current record. After the command is called, the number of the records
is reduced by one and you can't get the deleted record back in any
6.4. Change
This function asks at first for the record number of the record
with which the current record will be changed. After this, the places
of these two records will be changed together.
6.5. Move
This command asks for the place where the current record should be
moved. Then the current record will be moved to the new place and it
will be deleted from the old place. Note that by using this function
you can't delete any record, just the order of the records is changed.
6.6. Copy
This function can be used for copying the field data of the
current record to another record whose number is asked by the
function. Note that the field data of the target record are deleted.
6.7. Clear
If you select the Clear Menuitem, all fields of the current
record are cleared. The field data of a string field is totally
deleted and the value of a number field is set to zero (or to the
minimum or to the maximum value). The field data of a type field or a
boolean field is set to point at the first alternative text.
6.8. Number of Records
This command asks for the new number of records. If the new number
is smaller than the old, some records are deleted. If the number of
the records has been increased, all new records are cleared in the
same way as the Clear function does.
6.9. Delete Unedited Records
This function deletes all those records which are not edited by
the user after the memory allocation or after the use of the Clear
6.10. The Block Menu
The block can be marked or unmarked by using the two first menu-
items in the Block Menu. The Mark Block function sets the first and
the last record of the block. When it is called first time, the
function sets the current record to be the first record of the block.
Respectively at next time the current record becomes the last record
of the block. If the Clear Block Menuitem is selected, the block is
When the block is correctly marked, the user can use also the
other functions located in the Block Menu. These commands are nearly
simiral to the functions located in the Edit Menu and they differ from
the Edit Menu functions in the fact that they affects for the record
block insted of a single record. When using these functions, remember
that if the block is copied, moved or changed with another block, any
record of the target block is allowed to be inside the source block.
7. Sorting and searching
7.1. Sorting
If you want to sort the records in alphabetic order, you have to
set the key fields before sorting. Based on these fields the program
then sorts the database. The key fields can be set by using the Set
Key Fields command in the Special Menu. At first it asks for the
number of the key fields which can range from zero to eight. Then the
function asks the field number of every key field.
After the key fields are defined, you can sort the records by
using the Sort Incremental Menuitem or the Sort Decremental Menuitem.
The first one sorts the database in alphabetic order and the latter in
inversed alphabetic order.
7.2. Searching for the specified record
7.2.1. Edit Search Criteria (Filter)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you want to search for the specified record from the database,
you have to at first define the search criteria (in this manual the
search patterns means the same as the search criteria). The user can
define the criteria for all fields, but it's enough if a criterion is
defined at least for one field. This can be done with the Edit Search
Criteria function callable from the Search Menu.
This function opens a screen whose work window is used for showing
the field titles and the search patterns. With the field title in the
same line there is a corresponding search pattern.
You can clear the search criteria by clicking on the Clear Gadget
or the ClearAll Gadget. If there are more fields than rows in the work
window, the fields can be scrolled with the Lift Gadget placed at the
left side of the message window. When the search patterns are ready,
you can approve the criteria by clicking the OK Gadget. If you want to
cancel the patterns, click on the Cancel Gadget.
The search criteria are different depending on the type of the
field. The criteria of the number fields are simple mathematical
formulas and the criteria of other fields are mixed text and wild
7.2.2. The search criteria of string, type and boolean fields
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In the following table is a list of the wild cards:
* = any character or any string or nothing
? = any character
~ = anything but
[abc] = any character of a, b and c
(aa|bb|cc) = any string of aa, bb and cc
(| (or) = <SHIFT> + <\> in the keyboard)
A search pattern can contain ordinary text and besides text many
kind of combinations of the wild cards. The Wild card ~ can be
attached to the two lowest wild cards. This means that ~[abc] is a
possible combination, and it matches any character that is not a, b or
c. If you are using the combination ~(aa|bb|cc), remember that the
lengths of aa, bb and cc must be same. Note also that after * there
can't be any of the following wild cards: *, ?, ~. Below is showed
example search patterns and fields which match or not match the
*house The red house Red houses
house house is beautiful
C*r Computer In Computer
?isk Disk A Disk
disk isk
[MD]ark Mark Bark
Dark MDark
(one|three) one onethree
three tone
~[ab] c a
g b
t cg
~(NIGH|righ)t abcdt right
night NIGHT
fight fit
7.2.3. The search criteria of integer and float fields
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The criteria of a number field are simple mathematical formulas.
Note that in these formulas you can't use paranthesis'. Remember also
that some of the operators need only and just only one argument
number, but the others need respectively two arguments. Available
operators are in the following list:
= x equal to x
> x greater than x
>= x greater than or equal to x
< x lower than x
<= x lower than or equal to x
x << y greater than x and lower than y
x <=< y greater than x and lower than y or equal to x or equal
to y
x >> y lower than x or greater than y
x >=> y lower than x or greater than y or equal to x or equal
to y
| or
Below is showed numbers between -9 and 9 and some example search
patterns. Those numbers which match are marked with *.
- - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + +
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
=-4 *
<=-3 * * * * * * *
>0 | =-2 | =-8 * * * * * * * * * * *
>=5 | -9<<-5 * * * * * * * *
-3<=<3 * * * * * * *
-3>>3 * * * * * * * * * * * *
-8>=>8 | 0<=<2 | =-6 * * * * * * * *
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + +
7.2.4. Searching functions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After you have defined the search patterns using the Edit Search
Criteria function, you can separate the matching records from the
others by switching the Show Matching Records Flag in the Search Menu
on. Now you can't look or handle the unmatching records and also the
printing functions ignore those records. Note that when this flag is
on, there are some menu commands that don't work at all. Now if you
want to use all records again, switch the Show Matching Records Flag
If this flag is on and you have altered the matching records after
switching, you can re-check these records by using the Check Again
You can inverse the search criteria by selecting the Inverse
Search Criteria Menuitem. After the call of this function, all
matching records become unmatching and vice versa.
When the search criteria are defined, you can delete all those
records that didn't match the patterns with the Delete Unmatching
Records command.
7.3. Searching for a text string
You can also search for a single text string from the database.
This can be done by using the Search String command in the Search
Menu. This function searches all matches of the string starting from
the current field of the current record. After searching, the program
displays that record where the first match was located. If there was
many matches, you can look for them by using the Search Next String
8. Disk operations
8.1. File formats
The user can create two different kind of data files by using this
database program. The other is used to save the whole database and the
other to save only the field definitions.
When saving the whole database, the program attach the '.tdb'
identification to the file name. This file format is not compatible
with any other database file format used by any database program.
If only the field definitions are saved, the program uses the
'.fld' identification in the file name. Only the Field Editor uses
this file format.
Besides these two main file formats there are two additional file
format types. The Save ASCII function and the Form Editor create files
with the '.adb' identification, but these files are actually ordinary
ASCII files. In the Form Editor you can also save the form data by
using the Save Form Data command. The files made by this command have
the '.form' identification in their names.
8.2. Load Database
All loading and saving functions (if KickStart is 2.0 or greater)
open a window above the main screen. At the middle of the window there
is a box where is a list of files and drawers. With a double-click you
can select a file from the list, and the selected file is then loaded
automatically. At the right side of the box there is the File Lift
Gadget which can be used to scroll files in the box. At the top of the
window there are two string gadgets; in the upper one there is the
title of the drawer and in the lower one the title of the selected
Below all these there are three command gadgets. By clicking the
Parent Gadget you can move in the root directory one directory back.
If you want to exit the requester without loading anything, press the
Cancel Gadget. To load the file showed in the File String Gadget, you
have to click on the Load Gadget.
When you are going to load a database from the disk, remember
that you can only load correct files with the '.tdb' identification.
The loading routine itself can be called by selecting the Load
Database Menuitem from the Project Menu.
8.3. Save Database
There are two functions for saving the database in the main
program. The Save Database command, obtainable from the Project Menu,
saves the database using the old filename. If the filename is not
given, this command is similar to the Save As function.
The Save As function opens a window familiar with the Load Data-
base function. The only difference is the Load Gadget which is re-
placed with the Save Gadget in the saving routines.
9. Printing
9.1. Show
If you select the Show Menuitem from the Show Menu, the program
shows the database on the screen one record after another. This
function opens a window where there are six boolean, eight number and
two command gadgets.
As it has been mentioned, there are two command gadgets which are
titled OK and Cancel. By clicking the Cancel Gadget the program
returns to the main program and with the OK Gadget the program clears
the screen and shows the database on the whole screen. The database
can be scrolled using the Cursor Keys, the Numeric Keypad and the Left
Mouse Button. You can exit the Show function by pressing the <ESC>
key. The boolean and number gadgets are explained below.
First Record NUMBER
The first record which is showed.
Last Record NUMBER
The last record which is showed.
First Field NUMBER
The first field of every record which is showed.
Last Field NUMBER
The last field of every record which is showed.
Space Record NUMBER
The number of empty lines between records.
Space Field NUMBER
The number of empty lines between fields.
Max Length NUMBER
The maximum length of one line.
Max Title Len NUMBER
The maximum length of the field title.
Show the field titles.
Show the field units.
Show the field number in the field title.
Show the record title.
Database Title BOOLEAN FLAG
Show the database title.
Database Explonation BOOLEAN FLAG
Show the field explonation texts at the end.
9.2. Print
This function opens a window equal to the window used by the Show
function. After you have set the boolean and number gadgets, you can
start to print by clicking the OK Gadget if the printer is ready for
this. The program uses AmigaDOS for printing, so if you want to change
the Printer Preferences, do it by using Workbench or AmigaDOS.
9.3. Save ASCII
With this function you can save the database as an ASCII file. At
first the function opens same kind of window as the Show function. Now
after the OK Gadget is clicked, the program opens a new window which
is a file requester window similar to the window opened by the Save
Database function. The Save ASCII function creates ASCII files with
the '.adb' identification.
9.4. Diagram
The Diagram function opens a screen which is used to show the
records as graphic diagrams. At the top of the screen there are five
number, one boolean and one command gadgets. These are explained in
the following text:
The miminum value of the scale.
The maximum value of the scale.
Step Size NUMBER
The step size of the scale (the default value = (Max-Min)/10).
Title Length NUMBER
The maximum length of the record title (= the field data of the
main field).
The field number of the field used in comparision.
By clicking on this gadget you can change the sorting status of
the records (Original Order -> Incremental Sort -> Decremental
Sort -> Original Order).
If this flag is on, the Diagram function shows also the numeric
value of the field used in comparision.
9.5. Form Editor
9.5.1. The screen
- - - - - - - - -
This editor can be used for making many kind of forms. The places
of every field's title and data in the form and the length of the
title and data are separately determined by the user. On the basis of
the form data you can show the database on the screen, save it as an
ASCII file or send it to the printer. So we could say, that this
editor is much more advanced than the printing functions located in
the main program.
The screen is divided into two parts in the Editor. The upper one
is used for showing and changing the values of the form data. There is
also a lift gadget which can be used to scroll the work window
vertically. You can also scroll it horizontally, which is possibly
with the Cursor Keys and the Numeric Keypad.
The messages send by the Editor to the user are displayed on the
screen title bar. When there are no messages, you can see the text
'ScX: x ScY: y VisW: w VisH: h' on the title bar. Letters x and y in-
dicate the left edge and the top edge of the visible part of the form.
Letters w and h mean the width and the height of the visible part in
9.5.2. Placing the field in the form
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At the upper window there are eight number and one boolean gadget
with the lift gadget. The functions of these are explained below.
The field number of the field whose location and length of the
data and the title are displayed.
(At the left side of the previos gadget)
If this flag is on, the current field is a part of the form.
The coordinates of the field data. These coordinates can also be
outside that part of the form which is visible (X-max = 255 and
Y-max = 999).
Width and Height NUMBER
The size of the field data. These values can be greater than the
size of the visible part of the form.
TitleX and TitleY NUMBER
The coordinates of the field title.
The maximum length of the field title.
9.5.3. Flags
- - - - - - -
In the Flag Menu there are some boolean flag items and three
command items which are used to change some values. These items are
explained on this part.
Show the field units.
Show the field numbers in the field titles.
Database Title BOOLEAN FLAG
Show the database title.
Database Explonation BOOLEAN FLAG
Show the database explonation at the end.
If there are more than one line in a string field, you can
determine with this flag, if it's permitted to split words to two
different lines.
Delete Empty Lines BOOLEAN FLAG
Ignore lines which are blank, when printing or showing the data-
base. This flag don't refer to those empty lines which are ordered
using the Record Space command.
Field Titles Before Recs BOOLEAN FLAG
If this flag is on, the field titles are printed only once and
before the data of all records. This option can be used to make
lists like the following list:
Country: Population: Capital:
Finland 4984000 Helsinki
Sweden 8600000 Stockholm
Norway 4242000 Oslo
Load the example database 'EuropeCountries.tdb' and call the Form
Editor function for more information.
Set First Record COMMAND
This command asks for the record number of the first record which
should be printed.
Set Last Record COMMAND
This function asks for the last record which should be printed.
Set Record Space COMMAND
Asks for the number of empty lines between records.
9.5.4. The Project Menu
- - - - - - - - - - - -
When the form is defined, the user can show the database on the
screen using the Show function placed in the Project Menu. Remember
that when the database is large, it can take quite a long time while
the program is making the print-out. Also large databases need a lot
of memory, and it can be possible, that the showing doesn't work un-
less you make it in smaller parts (by changing the First Record and
the Last Record values).
If you want to print the database for the printer, select the
Print Menuitem, and the program does this provided that the printer
and AmigaDOS are ready for printing. If you want to change the Printer
Preferences, do it with AmigaDOS.
The database can be saved as an ASCII file by calling the Save
ASCII function. This function opens a window similar to the window
which is opened by the Save Database function.
If you select the Save Form Data Menuitem, the program saves the
form data, containing information about the places and sizes of the
fields, to the disk. To the filename is attached the '.form'
identification. Correspondingly you can load a form data file from the
disk using the Load Form Data command.
The Editor can be leaved by selecting the Exit Menuitem.
10. Field Editor
10.1. Basics
When you are making a new database, you have to at first determine
field definitions. This can be done by using the Field Editor which is
explained in this chapter.
As mentioned earlier there are five different field types which
are string, integer, float, type and boolean. These are completly de-
scribed in chapter 2.2. In the Editor the user have to determine exact
field definitons which contain field type, title, explonation text,
maximum length of the text, minimum and maximum values, unit and the
alternative texts. However, none of the field types demands all these
information. The maximum number of defined fields is 256, so it should
be enough for larger databases too.
10.2. The screen and the message window
The screen in the Editor is divided into two part which are the
message window and the definition (work) window. The upper message
window is used for showing the messages sent to the user, and there
are two number gadgets. The definition window contains information
about one field at a time.
At the bottom of the message window there are two number gadgets
which are titled 'Number of Fields' and 'Field'. The first one of
these tells the number of defined fields. The latter one shows the
field number of the current field whose definitions are displayed at
the definition window.
10.3. Menu commands
There are two menus in the Editor. These are the Project Menu and
the Edit Menu. The first one contains general commands, like file
commands, and the latter one functions for handling fields.
If you want help about the Editor, select the Help Menuitem from
the Project Menu. In the same menu there is the menuitem Load which
activates the loading routine. By using the Save command and the Save
As command you can save the field definitions to the disk as a '.fld'
file. Both, the Load and the Save As, open a window which is also used
by the file functions of the main program.
You can generate and look a list of the fields by calling the Show
Fields function which opens a full-screen window where you can scroll
the list using the Cursor Keys or the Numeric Keypad. Press the <ESC>
key for exit.
If you are not happy with the field definitions, return to the
main program by selecting the Cancel Menuitem. In the main program
there hasn't happened any changes and you can continue editing the old
database. But if you want to use the field definitions, leave the
Editor by calling the OK command. Now in the main program a new data-
base will be created (however, you can copy the old one to the new
With the Delete command, which can be called from the Edit Menu,
you can delete the current field. A new field can be added to the list
by calling the Insert function. The Move function moves the current
field into a new position and the Change function changes the places
of two fields. If you select the Copy Menuitem, the definitions of the
current field are copied to another field. You can clear the
definitions of one field by using the Clear command, and by calling
the Clear All command this is done for the whole definition table.
The fields can be sorted for the alphabetic order by calling the
Sort Incremental function. The same inversed can be done with the Sort
Decremental function.
10.4. The definition window
In the lower window there are nine gadgets which contain
information about one field. None of the field types demands all these
gadgets filled, and the title of a gadget is coloured with white when
the corresponding piece of information is necessary and with black
when not. Below are told the functions of all gadgets.
<Gadget Gadget Type (Field types)>
Type SELECTION (All field types)
The type of the field can be string, integer, float, type or
boolean (see chapter 2.2).
Title STRING (All field types)
The title of the field (currently the maximum length is 13
Explonation STRING (All field types)
The explonation text which can be up to 255 characters length
gives more information about the field than the title.
Text Length NUMBER (String, type and boolean)
The maximum length of the text.
Min and Max NUMBER (Integer and float)
The minimum and the maximum values of the field. If you don't want
the limitation, write 'N' to the gadget and press <ENTER>, and
there appears the text 'No Min' or 'No Max' in the gadget.
Number of Alts NUMBER (Type, for boolean default=2)
With this gadget you can determine the number of the alternative
texts. There can be up to 256 alternatives, but remember that
when the type is boolean, the number of alternatives is always
Alt.Text No. NUMBER/STRING (Type and boolean)
Using this gadget pair you can give the alternative texts. By
using the number gadget select the text number. Now edit the
corresponding alternative text in the string gadget. When you
press <ENTER> in the string gadget, the program automatically goes
to the next alternative text.
Unit STRING (Integer and float)
The unit of a field can be, for example, the unit of the
physical quantity, like m (metre) or kg (kilogramm).
10.5. How to define a database?
In this chapter is told in single phases, how you can define a new
1. Call the Data Master (see chapter 4.1).
2. Select the Field Editor Menuitem from the Project Menu.
3. Type the number of the fields in the Number of Fields Gadget and
press the <ENTER> key. Now there is the first field of the data-
base on the screen and you can start editing it as below is
4. Select the type of the field with the Type Gadget. The possible
types are, like earlier, titled 'String', 'Integer', 'Float',
'Type' and 'Boolean'.
5. Enter the field title in the Title Gadget and press <ENTER>
6. Write the field explonation in the Explonation Gadget and press
7. If the type is string, set the maximum length of the field data
by using the Text Length Gadget.
8. If the type is integer or float, ...
8.1. Write the minimum and the maximum values in gadgets Min and
Max and confirm with the <ENTER>. If you don't want the
limitation, type 'N' in the gadget. Now on this gadget
appears a text 'No Min' or 'No Max'.
8.2. Type the field unit in the Unit Gadget.
9. If the type is type or boolean, ...
9.1. Set the maximum length of one piece of text with the Text
Length Gadget.
9.2. Determine the number of the alternatives by using the Number
of Alts Gadget if the field type is type.
9.3. Select one of the alternative texts with the Alt.Text No
9.4. Write the respective text in the string gadget at the right
side of the Alt.Text No Gadget and press the <ENTER> key.
9.5. Move to the next alternative text (go back to section 9.3),
until all texts are given.
10. Select the next field with the Field Gadget, and go to section 4.
11. After you have defined all fields correctly (remember to confirm
definitions with the <ENTER> key), select the OK Menuitem from
the Project Menu, and the program returns to the main program.
12. Now the program asks for the estimated number of records, and
then the program allocates memory for these.
13. If there wasn't enough memory, the program returns to the section
14. If there was an old database before calling the Editor, the
program asks if you want to copy the old database to the new
database. If you don't want or if there wasn't any old database,
jump to the section 16.
15. Now you are asked if you want that the program copies the old
database to the new one considering the field titles. If you
answer negatively, this is done so that the data of the old field
number x is copied to the new field number x. Otherwise, the
program copies only those fields that have same titles in both,
old and new, databases.
16. Now the definitions should be ready, and you can start to edit
the records itselves...
10.6. How to change the definitions?
10.6.1. Basics
- - - - - - - -
It is usual that when the user have defined and edited a database,
it becomes necessary to change the field definitions or the order of
the fields.
If you want to change the definitions, you have to at first load
the database in question. After this, call the Field Editor and change
the field definitions as explained in this chapter earlier. When you
have finished changing, return to the main program by selecting the OK
Now the program asks for the number of records; use the same
number as used with the old database. After this you are asked if you
want to keep the data of the old database; answer positively. At last
Data Master wants to know if you want to copy the fields considering
the field titles. After this question has been answered the program
proceeds the transfer of data from the old database to the new one.
10.6.2. Changing field titles and limitations
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You can change field titles, explonations and limitatios following
the instructions on the previous part. You have to just remember that
you should't change the order of the fields and that you have to
answer the last question negatively. With some restrictions you can
also change the type of the field so that the field data is saved
(any type -> string, integer <-> float, boolean -> type).
10.6.3. Changing the order of the fields
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Also changing of the order can be made using the instructions
explained on the part 10.6.1. This time you have to remember that you
are not permitted to change the field titles and that you have to give
a positive answer for the last question. If you want, you can also re-
move old fields or define new ones by using this same method.
11. Other functions
11.1. Settings
The settings or the preferences, containing information like the
colours and the alphabets, can be changed by using the Settings
function. This function opens a window with some gadgets. These are
explained below.
With this gadget pair you can set the alphabet. There are some
default alphabet strings in the memory, but you can edit any of
them so that you can sort the database made in any language
correctly. With the selection gadget you can take any of the
default strings to the string gadget. You can edit the current
string by clicking on the gadget and by writing a new string. If
you want that two letters have the same precedence, type an
equation sign between them (like 'A=a B=b C=c ...').
Colours PROPORTIONAL (4*3=12 gadgets)
You can change the screen colours by using the proportional
gadgets. There are three colour component (R=Red, G=Green and B=
Blue) gadgets for all four colours.
If this is on, the possible unit is displayed on the main screen.
Attach the field number to the field title.
Exit the Settings function.
Exit the Settings function and use new preferences.
Exit the Settings function and save and use new preferences.
Return the original preferences.
11.2. Edit Title Page
The title page contains information about the database, like the
title, the author, the copyright text, the version, the first version
and if given the comment. This page is used by the showing and
printing functions if the Database Title Flag is on.
You can change this data by selecting the Edit Title Page Menu-
item. This function opens a window which is familiar with the window
used by the Edit Search Criteria function. When you have entered all
data, press the OK gadget. If you want to restore the old data, press
the Cancel gadget.
11.3. Edit Explonation Page
Normally the field explonations are given already in the Field
Editor, but if you want, you can edit them afterwards by using the
Edit Explonation Page function.
Also this function uses same kind of window like the Edit Search
Criteria function, so this is enough about this function.
11.4. Reset
If you want to clear all system (Data Master, not AmigaDOS)
variables, call the Reset function. For example, after the use of the
function the first record becomes the current record and the first
field of it becomes the current field. The function also redraws the
screen, so it's useful to call this function if something have messed
the screen.
11.5. Status
This command opens a window which is used to display some system
variables, like the number of records, the current record and the
block status.
11.6. Set Main Field
With this menu command you can set for the main field any one of
the fields. The main field differs from the others on the screen in
the fact that the field title is underlined. The purpose of the main
field is that, that the record can be recognized by the main field.
Appendix 1 - Gadgets and Menus in the main program
The Arrow Gadgets
- - - - - - - - -
|< the Numeric Keypad 7 - Go to the first record
<< - Rewind
< NK 4 - Go to the previous record
<> NK 5 - Asks where to go
> NK 6 - Go to the next record
>> - Forward
>| NK 1 - Go to the last record
H NK 9 - Go to the first field
U Cursor Key Up, NK 8 - Go to the previous field
D Cursor Key Down, NK 2 - Go to the next field
E NK 3 - Go to the last field
The Project Menu
- - - - - - - - -
New Database n - Open a new database
Load Database l - Load the database from the disk drive
Save Database s - Save the database with the old name
Save As a - Save the database with the new name
Field Editor f - Call the Field Editor
Settings p - Change the program preferences
Help y - Show this text
About A - Tell about the program and the author
Quit <ESC>, q - Exit the program
The Edit Menu
- - - - - - -
Insert i - Insert a new record
Delete d - Delete the current record
Change h - Change the places of two records
Move m - Move the current record to a new
Copy c - Copy the record data to another record
Clear j - Clear the record
Number of Records U - Change the Number of the Records
Delete Unedited Records E - Delete the unused/unedited records
The Block Menu
- - - - - - - -
Mark Block b - Set the block begin/end
Unmark Block B - Unset the block
Delete Block D - Delete the block records
Change Block H - Change the block with another one
Move Block M - Move the block to a new position
Copy Block C - Copy the block records to another
Clear Block J - Clear the block records
The Search Menu
- - - - - - - -
Search String S - Search for a string
Search Next String N - Go to the next string searched earlier
Edit Search Criteria e - Change the search criteria
Show Matching Records r - Show only the matching records (or
'Show all records', a switch item)
Check Again R - Check the matching records again
Inverse Search Criteria v - Inverse the search criteria
Delete Unmatching Records u - Delete the unmatching records
The Show Menu
- - - - - - -
Print P - Print the database for the printer
Show o - Show the database on the screen
Save ASCII V - Save the database as an ASCII file
Diagram g - Compare records graphically
Form Editor G - Call the Form Editor
The Special Menu
- - - - - - - - -
Set Key Fields F - Set the key fields for sorting
Sort Incremental z - Sort the records in alphabetic order
Sort Decremental Z - Sort the records in inversed alpha-
betic order
Edit Title Page t - Edit the title page
Edit Explonation Page x - Edit the field explonations
Show Field Explonation X - Show the field explonation
Set Main Field k - Set the main field
Set Step Size T - Set the step size exponent (for
example, give 2, step size = 10e2=100)
Status w - Show the program status
Reset W - Reset the program
Appendix 2 - Gadgets and Menus in the Field Editor
The Project Menu
- - - - - - -
Load l - Load the field definitions file
Save s - Save the field definitions with the
old name
Save As a - Save the field definitions with the
new name
Show Fields o - Show the fields as a list
Help y - Give help about the Editor
OK O - OK with the definitions and exit to
the main program
Cancel C - Cancel the definitions and exit
The Edit Menu
- - - - - - -
Insert i - Insert a new field
Delete d - Delete the current field
Change h - Change the places of two fields
Move m - Move the current field to a new place
Copy c - Copy the definitions of the current
field to another field
Clear j - Clear the definitions of the current
Clear All J - Clear all field definitions
Sort Incremental z - Sort the fields in alphabetic order
Sort Decremental Z - Sort the fields in inversed alphabetic
Gadgets in the message window
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Number of Flds - The number of the fields
Field - The current field whose definitions
are displayed on the definition window
Gadgets in the definition window
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Type - The field type (String, Integer,
Float, Type or Boolean)
Title - The field title (max. 13 characters)
Explonation - The field explonations
Text Length - The maximum length of text with
string, type and boolean fields
Min - The minimum value of a number field
Max - The maximum value of a number field
Number of Alts - The number of alternative texts
Alt. Text No. - The alternative text number
Unit - The unit of a number field
Appendix 3 - Gadgets in the file functions
Directory - The open drawer
File - The selected file
Parent p - Return one drawer back in the root
Cancel <ESC> - Exit without any operations
Load/Save <ENTER> - Alternatively load or save
Appendix 4 - Gadgets in the Edit Search Criteria, the Edit Title
Page and the Edit Explonation Page functions
Clear j - Clear the current line
ClearAll J - Clear all lines
Cancel <ESC> - Exit canceling the changes
OK O - Exit
Appendix 5 - The Print, the Show and the Save ASCII functions
First Record - The first record in the print-out
Last Record - The last record in the print-out
First Field - The first field in the print-out
Last Field - The last field in the print-out
Space Record - The number of empty lines between
Space Field - The number of empty lines between
Max Length - The maximum length of the field title
and explonation
Max Title Len - The maximum length of the field title
Field Title - Show the field title in the print-out
Field Unit - Attach the unit to the field data
Field Number - Attach the field number to the title
Record Title - Show the record title
Database Title - Show the title page
Database Explonation - Show the field explonations
Cancel <ESC> - Exit without any operations
OK <ENTER> - Print, show or save the database
Appendix 6 - Gadgets in the Diagram function
Min - The minimum value of the scale
Max - The maximum value of the scale
Step Size - The step size of the scale
Title Length - The maximum length of the record
Field - The field used in comparision (only
number fields)
Sort z - Sort the records
AddNumbs - Display the field values as numbers
Appendix 7 - Gadgets in the Settings function
Alphabet - The language of alphabet and the
alphabet string
Colours - The colour gadgets
Cancel <ESC> - Exit without any operations
Use O - Exit and use new settings
Save&Use <ENTER> - Exit, and save and use new settings
Default d - Return the default settings
ShowUnit - Attach the unit to the field data
ShowFNum - Attach the field number to the title
Appendix 8 - Gadgets and Menus in the Form Editor
The Project Menu
- - - - - - - - -
Print P - Print the database for the printer
Show o - Show the database on the screen
Save ASCII V - Save the database as an ASCII file
Load Form Data a - Load the form data file
Save Form Data A - Save the form data to the disk
Exit q - Exit the Editor
The Flags Menu
- - - - - -
Field Unit u - Attach the unit to the field data
Field Number n - Attach the field number to the title
Database Title t - Show the database title
Database Explonation e - Show the field explonations
Split Words s - Allow the program to split words on
two lines
Delete Empty Lines d - Delete empty lines from the print-out
Field Titles Before Recs b - The field titles are showed only
once and before the records
Set First Record f - Set the first record
Set Last Record l - Set the last record
Set Record Space c - Set the number of empty lines between
- - - -
Field - The current field
X, Y - The coordinates of the field data
Width - The width of the field data
Height - The height of the field data
TitleX, TitleY - The coordinates of the field title
TitleLength - The length of the field title
Table of Contents
1. What is Data Master
1.1. Data Master
1.2. Amiga system
2. Database Terms
2.1. Basics
2.2. Field types
2.3. Main field and key fields
2.4. Field title, explonation and data
3. The user interface
3.1. The screen
3.2. The message window
3.3. Gadgets of the message window
4. Getting started
4.1. Running the program
4.2. Testing
5. Editing the field data
5.1. Basics
5.2. String field
5.3. Integer and float fields
5.4. Type and boolean fields
6. Handling records
6.1. Basics
6.2. Insert
6.3. Delete
6.4. Change
6.5. Move
6.6. Copy
6.7. Clear
6.8. Number of Records
6.9. Delete Unedited Records
6.10. The Block Menu
7. Sorting and searching
7.1. Sorting
7.2. Searching for the specified record
7.2.1. Edit Search Criteria (Filter)
7.2.2. The search criteria of string, type and boolean fields
7.2.3. The search criteria of integer and float fields
7.2.4. Searching functions
7.3. Searching for a text string
8. Disk operations
8.1. File formats
8.2. Load Database
8.3. Save Database
9. Printing
9.1. Show
9.2. Print
9.3. Save ASCII
9.4. Diagram
9.5. Form Editor
9.5.1. The screen
9.5.2. Placing the field in the form
9.5.3. Flags
9.5.4. The Project Menu
10. Field Editor
10.1. Basics
10.2. The screen and the message window
10.3. Menu commands
10.4. The definition window
10.5. How to define a database?
10.6. How to change the definitions
10.6.1. Basics
10.6.2. Changing field titles and limitations
10.6.3. Changing the order of the fields
11. Other functions
11.1. Settings
11.2. Edit Title Page
11.3. Edit Explonation Page
11.4. Reset
11.5. Status
11.6. Set Main Field
Appendix 1 - Gadgets and Menus in the main program
Appendix 2 - Gadgets and Menus in the Field Editor
Appendix 3 - Gadgets in the file functions
Appendix 4 - Gadgets in the Edit Search Criteria, the Edit Title
Page and the Edit Explonation Page functions
Appendix 5 - The Print, the Show and the Save ASCII functions
Appendix 6 - Gadgets in the Diagram function
Appendix 7 - Gadgets in the Settings function
Appendix 8 - Gadgets and Menus in the Form Editor
Table of Contents