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Presents: SpotCLI
Description: An Arexx CLI for Spot.
Requirement: Registered copy of Spot
Version: 1.0
Date: 14/06/94
Status: Freeware.
Contribution: n/a
Acknowledge: Spot, Nico Francois; Arexx, William S. Hawes
"SpotCLI to rise and shine."
Brief ________________________________________________________________
A simple CLI for the easy execution of Arexx commands. It's best
suited to people who prefer the quick and dirty command line approach
to Intuition.
SpotCLI also contains adaptions of many of the Spot Arexx commands
to make life even easier, for example, you can select a new area when
reading messages without returning to the arealist.
Usage ________________________________________________________________
The script can be copied to where you keep all of your Spot scripts
(usually 'REXX:' or 'REXX:Spot' etc.). The script can be run from
the option 'Execute Script' from the 'Arexx' menu or else, and this
is a better option, it can be installed directly to the Arexx menu.
To do this, see the Spot documentation.
SpotCLI is a good script to install under one of the Arexx options
which has a keyboard shortcut as you find you may need to call it up
from time to time.
The only line in the script which may be altered is the one which
determines the nature of the con: window. This line is clearly marked
with comment lines. The way you set up the con: window will depend on
both the screenmode in which you run, and also your own taste.
Upon calling the script, a window will (or at least 'should') open
and this is where the commands can be entered from.
As well as the standard Spot commands which are covered in Spot's own
documentation, SpotCLI offers the following:
· AREA: entering 'area' alone will bring up and area list allowing
you to select the area to move to. This command is useful from
the message window and message list. Following the command with a
name of an area will move to the specified area. Area names which
contain a space should be entered in quotes. ie area "fred bloggs"
· CLS: clears the SpotCLI window.
· D(OWN), U(P): both the area and message lists can be traversed
using the 'up' and 'down' commands, which can be abbreviated to
just 'u' and 'd'. Entering them alone will move up and down the
list respectively a single item. Following the comamnd with a
number will move by the specified amount. ie 'u 3' moves up three.
· FREQ: same function as Spot's command 'filerequest'.
· HIDE: this will make the SpotCLI window disapppear until you move
out of the message window. SpotCLI may take a second to appear.
· LOCKGUI: replaces Spot's command of same name. This can be used
alone where it will have exactly the same function as the real
command, or it can be followed by a password which must be used to
unlock. ie 'lockgui fred'. In the locked state, SpotCLI can still
be used except the GUI cannot be relocked (safety feature). As
the GUI is locked, the SpotCLI window is cleared so that the
password cannot be seen.
· UNLOCKGUI: replaces Spot's command of same name. This will
unlock the GUI after being locked with LOCKGUI (above). If a
password was used, the same password must be used again to unlock
the GUI.
· U(P) see down.
This Version's Improvements___________________________________________
o N/A: first version
Future Enhancements __________________________________________________
o Script recording and playback.
Disclaimer ___________________________________________________________
o I am not responsible for any damage caused through the use or misuse
of this product and so it must only be used at your own risk. All
efforts have been made to ensure the stability of the program but
this does not mean it is 100% safe. Please backup any important data
that could be damaged through the use of this software until you are
sure that it is stable...Amen.
Donations/Comments ___________________________________________________
Any comments or donations can be sent to:
Physical Mail_________
o PSR Software
Paul Ruane
26 Birdwood Close,
Selsdon, Surrey.
CR2 8QG.
I may also be contacted at the following addresses as Paul Ruane:
o E-Mail________________
o Fidonet_______________
o Amiganet______________